EDIT: CANADA- I hear you guys and so you know, this whole thing is news to us at Eat Sleep Play (and perhaps SCEA as well).. No one ever mentioned that Canadians would get the shaft regarding art book and music. It is FIRST on my list to deal with when work opens tomorrow morning; I will keep you guys posted.
Hey! Blogging from Vegas.
Did a whole vid blog but Flixn is broke- audio is working tho. Here:
Fried from drinking and press and no sleep- but show is going great!
Heading down in a bit to the DICE awards! Watch it streamed live on Gamespot!
Anyway, first pics from people buying our game! Thank you so much!!!! :)
Thanks Carlton!
Thanks Davis!
Thanks Synthr!
Oscar, Thank You!!! And thanks for all the support over the years at the Playstation Store!! :)
Thank you Delriach (and wife of Delriach!) :)
Thank you, Rex!!!
Thanks David! For both buying our game and all the great message board support over the last few years. We SOOOO appreciate it!
RallyRes! Thanks dude- for buying our game and for creeping the shit out of me with this manip! Thanks for the support on the board as well! :)
KILRGRN, thank you for buying our new game and thanks for being so understanding about taking those scans down :) I know your heart was in the right place :)
Ray- thanks dude! And thanks for keeping Shoutbox going with all your great posts!
Torgo, thanks! And thanks for the podcast support! We still need to get the team to sign a copy for you guys!
Later ya'll!
Have fun at DICE.
Remember what happens in Vegas...gets posted on the internet for all to see :)
I stopped in to wally world in my town, but they don't have the game yet. I'll have to waut till I go to Portsmouth or Manchester where the real game stores are.
Sweet, deal atleast the video work and Congratulations on Twisted Metal for the PS3 although I have to say it wasnt really that uncalled for i saw ti comming... Cant wait for the first screens tho
Congrats on God Of War II!!!
2nd place isnt so bad, but you did say you really didnt want any HUGE games, so...
Have fun at the show, and congrats on God of War!
So when do you start full production on TM_PS3? Are you doing all the development in Salt Lake? ;)
Take care,
Haven't made my way out in the crappy weather to pick it up yet but I made a picture in Microsoft Paint of what the event might look like CLICKY. Hoping to pick it up tomorrow. As you probably can tell I'm quite bored at the moment and really wish I had the game right now :)
I've been lurking around your blog for a while now and have never left a comment. Just thought for once that I would join in on your great blog. You're incredibly down to earth so why the fuck not right?
I'm around regularly! heh
TM for PS3! w00t! :)
Hey Jaffe,
I'm the guy who started the forum thats making all the news about discovering the answer and what not. I honestly had no idea my topic would hit so many sites and any news. Surely though I didn't find the hint all by meself "Prsman" and "finman" did a lot of the decoding, all I really did was spot the flashes in the video and found the word Twisted. Anyways I'm glad to hear the news, and seeing the positive impact this easter egg has upon the fans. Though I was hoping it would have taken longer to crack. Not sure if you want it, I wouldn't see why you would but my Email is JManGT312@aol.com, my live gamer tag is JmanGT312 and my PSN Id is JManGT. It be cool if you dropped me a message :-D
Anyways enjoy vegas and once again, keep the kick ass work up :-D
glade your haveing fun, and is there going to be a image of 12-pak _like the other drivers in TMB)or is that all? i was sad that the one song i wanted was not on the soundreack. well i see if i can get that image,
Us Canadians like artbooks and soundtracks as well Jaffe. :(
What gives anyways? Why was it removed?
I recently finished Twisted Metal Black so I'm definitely going to get your new game. I was thinking of buying the PSP version, but I can't pass up all of those Special Edition DVD type of extras!
You're lucky, I'm waiting for European release and it will be here like 50 $...
any news on a european release? is it actually happening? we usually have at least a release window before a game hits america...
Hey I know I am late but here is my pic, just took it like an hour ago:
The game over here was released yesterday (the 7th) BUT, I had to work 12 hours at my job because of some programming issues with the servers, actually you can see my sleepy face. And I didnt told my girlfriend to pick the game up for me(the store is like 3 minutes from where we live) becuase I wanted to take this picture for your blog, I know, stupid of my part becuase I could have played it earlier. But fuck it. Its Brutal.
Can't wait to play this when I get home, actually I have a show tonight with my thrash band, so I guess I'll play after the show. Thanks for making the day man!
Keep it Brutal!
Damn, I look like I just woke up in that pic, lol - oh well, I have my game :-D
David Jaffe may I please get the email address of you or your partner Scott Campbell. I would like to share with either/both of you an idea/offer that will cost you only 5 minutes out of your day. and it free, and you WILL find it either useful or inspirational. I guarantee this. I wont tell anyone your email if you email me, and if talking to scott would make it easier for you, then please give me his email. my email is jori.brown26@gmail.com
please man
My wife's anniversary gift to me. How lucky am I?!
Just got it today. I also forgot to bring the camera...it would be kinda creepy anyway taking a picture of the GameStop guy. This is the best your gonna get for photos outta me hate being in front of the camera :)
Only had a chance to try the Lost Levels so far but I'm loving it. OHHH just found the TM1 endings. This is great!!
sorry couldn't get .coma pic at the store
-Click my name if link doesn't work-
LOL, I tried to take a pic, though it wasn't at the store. But I looked kind of stoned/smashed in all of them. I'm actually just tired from working all day.
Just wanted to say I really enjoyed the game, Dave. Good job and good luck to you and all at the ESP team.
Oh also, I'm waiting for my friend to get back into town (he goes to college out of the city, I stayed here for my classes) to play the multiplayer. BTW, Carlton looks very familiar for some reason, I can't put my finger on it, though.
I upsets me greatly that the game has advertised the twisted metal symphony download, yet, again, I have no code, so I assume that this is an american thing only? Just like GoW?
Not that it takes away from the game, but I am rather disappointed. Why bother even offering it as a selling tool if not everyone can enjoy it?
Cathy and I would like to personally thank each individual staff member at Eat, Sleep, Play (even the janitor) for being a part of this project, and having it see the light of day. TM came at a time of pure innocence and fun-loving teenhood in my life, and it's great to relive that moment, especially with the original "family" members. Didn't get an artbook, though I'm artistc...I'll make one myself. ;) Love everything you guys do! Take care. -GarrettW PSN: YakuzaJoe88
Mr. J,
Just picked up my copy of Twisted Metal: Scott Campbell Extra Super Alpha EX Turbo Twisted Edition.
They only had one left in stock!!
With cool smokin' Scott Campbell Mask... and a tea bag? Duuude WTF?
David Jaffe may I please get the email address of you or your partner Scott Campbell. I would like to share with either/both of you an idea/offer that will cost you only 5 minutes out of your day. and it free, and you WILL find it either useful or inspirational. I guarantee this. I wont tell anyone your email if you email me, and if talking to scott would make it easier for you, then please give me his email. my email is jori.brown26@gmail.com
I loved Twisted Metal Black, and the Twisted Metal on PSP, I wait for Twisted Metal to PS3 :) Congratulation for Twisted Metals and God of Wars. I loved them. Ohh DMC4 on the background, I'm waiting for this. I go to look the postman :)
Hey Jaffe, I'm loving the game.
After watching the Crimson Fury ending to TM1 I thought the person doing the voice of Crimson Fury sounded A LOT like you, and it was the only ending video that didn't have an actor on screen playing the character. So was Crimson Fury voiced by you?
P.S. Here is a pic with me and the game. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v121/daviddoel/MeWithTMHO.jpg
Apparently my link didn't post right. Here is the part that was cut off at the end.
hey Dave, just picked up my extra super duper psycho twisted edition today where I work and I am in absolute love with all the lost content. I gotta post a pic of the game and me, perhaps ill review it on my blog :)
@ david doel:
the link is fine, a copy and paste is all you need. Blogger just cuts it =(
Don't worry dude they know. And btw awesome game. Now I own the PSP & PS2 versions. I still prefer the PSP version because of the online. It's like one of my friend's once said,"Fighting bots gets boring when you get used to owning noobs." You should add an online disc for Extra Twisted like you did for Black.
Hello David,
Can't wait to get TWHOETE! Hopefully I will be getting it for my b-day this month it's Feb 19th :) If I don't it will be a while since I am laid off of work and cant really afford to buy games right now. Being laid of sucks as I have a backlog of games to buy lol
Anyways I got a question about your new company Eat, Sleep, Play. I was wondering if you are going to launch a official site for it and will you be adding message board to it as well?
Thanks David!
Im not that photogenic but here is my pic with this bad ass puppy
Sorry this took so long to get in (I got it on the 6th), it just took me forever to find someone with a camera.
I hope the URL works.
Great game ^_^
Okay, so being a "self-labeled" massive TM fan, I went out and bought this as soon as I could, which happened to be Friday afternoon.
So, I'm reading all the reviews and previews, and I see that the game comes with an art booklet, and a code to the (awesome!) music of Twisted Metal.
I did not find an art book or TM Symphony code included anywhere with the game.
So, I went ahead and beat everything within about a day and a half, thinking maybe the art book was the "Sweet Tour" tidbits, and that it was more of an E-Art-Book, for lack of a better term.
But, after beating everything, each difficulty, each character, both TM: Lost, and TM: HOETE, I couldn't find the Symphony code.
So, I looked it up on the ol' internet, to see if I SOMEHOW missed something.
I'm a Canadian.
I bought a Canadian copy of the game, in where else, but Canada.
So, I read into it, and it appears us Canadians aren't getting the full deal.
And I mean, it's not like we even get any compensation for this loss.
But, don't get me wrong, $20 for the game and what it DOES come with, is still an awesome deal.
But, is there any way for me to send away for the Art Book, and/or Twisted Metal Symphony code?
Or even a way to purchase it?
Anyone with info, please email me @
Ray M.
I want that box of chocolates David Jaffe mentioned on the IGN a little while ago.
I have read about the canadian thing as well on gamefaqs. That is unfortunate. The symphony code is on the art book that is inside the game case where you would find the normal instruction manual.
Damn i would have gotten this game if my ps2 wasn't broken :(, but o well maybe i can find the psp version b/c i just got my psp around Christmas.
Ya I'm also in the Canadian boat. No art book or code for the soundtrack, and the game is the same amount of money.
REALLY sucks that we are getting screwed like this. Especially for the people like us who are huge TM fans.
Here ya go David. Gotta support the team.
I would be so grateful if something is set up where we Canadian fans can send a copy of our proof-of-purchase and recieve the artbook and the soundtrack code in the mail.
Heres me and the The Very Great game: Twisted metal head on: Extra Twisted
i have unlocked Everything!
the "hidden secret" was hidden good,
i have a ps3 and i cant wait!
just incase the url i just left doesnt work just click my name (this one)
So when you get back from Vegas do we get to hear about the new IP you're working on?
Yeah I'm very sorry about that Dave. I took them down as soon as I was asked to, I didn't think about the people who HADN'T bought the game yet. Thank you for being so understanding. I was just trying to help ^_^
Thanks for the fantastic game that I can't put down for the life of me, and everything it includes!
I braved -40 degree wind chills to pick TW:HO today, but I'm having a blast with it. I can't wait to see it on the PS3!!!!
still cant get the game...was on my way to manchester for an appointment and my daughter called. Her pet rat was sick, so I had to turn around and come right home. I also wanted Burnout Paradise, the rest of my clan has it and has been playing it all night. I may just say screw it and order it online and wait 4 days for shipping.
David may I please have the email address of you or your partner Scott Campbell. I would like to share with either/both of you some concepts that are worth you hearing about. please email me, because I cant find your email anywhere. Please man, you will use at least one idea. my email is jori.brown26@gmail.com
Thanks for noticing us canadians, david. If we don't end up getting any artbooks or symphony code, maybe give us a great Canada level when Sony decides to let yall make a PS3 JET MOTO.
Okay, that is commitment to fans.
Within 24 hours a response from Mr. Jaffe.
It's good to see that we are being acknowledged!
I actually went through the same thing with God Of War II.
I do like what jjj brought up, with the proof of purchase send-away, though. That would totally work for me, but I don't know how it would work for Sony, hahah.
That's odd that the Big-League boys at Sony didn't acknowledge the lesser TM:HOETE version to Mr. Jaffe, and to everyone else.
You'd think they'd at least ship it with different box art.
I mean, dvd's in Canada and the U.S. are labeled differently. The Canadian ones often have both French and English on the covers.
Anyway, thank you for the response Mr. Jaffe, and even if the issue cannot be resolved, thanks for letting us Canadian boys and girls know you care about us too. :)
I wish the songs from Black 2 (especially that menu song for Lost) were on the soundtrack. I LOVE both the menu songs.
Np David
o Btw i enter my code and downloaded it but when i tryed estracting it i got an error and only one song came thru.
I to wish the both menu songs where on the soundtrack and that Eree Bell Melody.
well stay cool Jaffe and maybe one day you can give us some nice images of 12-pak and Gold Tooth. even a character info page on the site,
Yeah, I love both the menu songs too, especially Lost's Menu. I want tham so bad.
Hey Dave! This is Hellbent from Twisted Metal Alliance.
Fantastic blog. It's fanfuckintastic to see you interacting with all your fans like you have with us at TMA. It really is something else to be able to talk with the main person responsable for the top list of my favorite games.
I'll try and stick around more when time allows. All the upcoming news is very exciting.
I noticed online awhile back i got featured in the fan video! That was a fucking trip! I feel like some kind of wierd quasi internet celebrity haha. Fucking awesome seriously. Working at Gamestop this is a killer nerd thing to brag about haha.
Anyhow. I hear those featured in the fans video get a free copy! I sure would love an autographed copy of TMHOETE. To go next to my autographed TMBO, and that copy of GOW i won off ya during your newyears constest those years back.
Thanks bud. Really this is cooler than the time i got to talk to Gabe Newell on the phone.
Seriously thank you very fucking much for all the good times over the years, and i cant wait to get back in the drivers seat, kick in the turbo, and start ripping the shit out of everything physicaly possible in TMHO ETE.
2:11 AM
"Ya I'm also in the Canadian boat. No art book or code for the soundtrack, and the game is the same amount of money.
REALLY sucks that we are getting screwed like this. Especially for the people like us who are huge TM fans."
any update on the Canadian art book news?
/crosses fingers
PAL.....is this comming to the UK
Thanks for responding to your fans here in the "North", it is greatly appreciated.
Keep up the great work!
hey canada, you aren't the only ones getting the shaft. i WORKED on the game and was left out of the credits!
David may I please have the email address of you or your partner Scott Campbell. I would like to share with either/both of you some concepts that are worth you hearing about. please email me, because I cant find your email anywhere. Please man, you will use at least one idea. my email is jori.brown26@gmail.com
you seem to answer Canada, but no the UK!?!?!
Sorry on the UK thing- musta missed the question.
As for now, no one has asked us to make a version of the game for the UK. That's a question you need to ask Sony.
let us know when u do...
"hey canada, you aren't the only ones getting the shaft. i WORKED on the game and was left out of the credits!"
Blame Canada ;)
ok, cheers dude
i'll get onto it now.
Dave, I suggest a replay system for TM PS3 so we can review our favorite kills.
I agree with Owen. Even if we can't save replays, a camera hack used in PC games could be utilized for temporary viewing. Adding to the wishlist, customizable armor. I apologize...I know da criminal and his team are quite busy atm. Wishful thinking, heheh
Hahaha...I am the Sony Computer Entertainment Merchandising Account Representative for Carlton's store (GameStop 1792 in Runnemede NJ).
Dave, you have no clue how gay Carlton is for you and everything Twisted Metal...Nobody I know deserves being part of the extra content in the game than him. He's a hardcore fan. I can't believe I see him and his store manager front page of your blog!
"I agree with Owen. Even if we can't save replays, a camera hack used in PC games could be utilized for temporary viewing. Adding to the wishlist, customizable armor. I apologize...I know da criminal and his team are quite busy atm. Wishful thinking, heheh"
On next gen a replay system should be really easy. Or at least just a temporary replay. But I was just thinking about it today when I struck a car with a missile while they were in the air and sent them spinning into another one. They both careened off the edge and died. It was in the ship level on Lost.
A twisted metal with tons of badass online options with games like capture the flag except its a civilian sticking to the front of your car bcuz of spikes. etc......
tons of fps games out there with story mode then deep online play. Well mayb not tons but some that are pretty popular.
Thanks for looking into this David, we all very much appreciate it. Hopefully a better solution than mailing our games back to California for repackaging (which was the answer Sony technical assistance gave me and comes from our pocket for shipping there)can be found.
Loyal TM fans:
New TM site I'm working on:
The domain name may change, but I'm working on a new website with cheats and codes and what not-- any info/pictures for contribution to the site will be valued: http://www.thegoodtimeboys.com/
Mind if I send you some TM fan art? Got some pieces I'm currently working on, as long as I'm free. I produce two weekly newspapers once a week, so my schedule fluxuates, depending on how active the news is that given week. Right now, I'm building my own fan art TM:HO ETE artbook available for fellow Canadians to freely download once finished, simply because we did not receive one. (that is, unless ESP disapproves) Hit me up on the PSN for more info. YakuzaJoe88
Hey David- great game. The documentary alone was worth the $20- I also found my questions answered in the Twisted Tour mode, so thanks to you and your team behind the title!
I'm an indie filmmaker from Canada, and I was wondering if you could do me the honor of reading a short 10 page treatment for a Twisted Metal movie. I would just like to have your thoughts on it,
if you're interested, please write to me over at jet101_x@hotmail.com , and feel free to check out my website, www.heavynova.net .
P.S Twisted Metal Head-On Extra Twisted Edition rules! Good to have some TM action in the late 2000's!
Thanks for what I think is potentially the greatest deal in videogame history (Eat your heart out, Orange Box).
I'm having a blast with the game but I've been busy with some other things but the soundtrack download and the art book and the all the other extras are just awesome. Thank you and the team for a great game deal and I'm looking forward to Twisted Metal PS3.
Hey David,
So I live in Canada and was one of the folks that got shafted on the TM:HO Art Book and Soundtrack code. I looked on the TM:HO website and it said to send your address to "whatever" @ sony email.. you know... SO I have sent my info twice and have heard nothing back, any idea what's going on here?
And I vote yes for Jetmoto PS3
When is Twisted Metal: Head On - Extra Twisted Edition coming out in Europe? :(
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