Sloth Love Chunk!
Yes I realize in light of the post under this one that now ass hole sites are just gonna start using this picture. Whatever. Have fun, cocksuckers.
But I wanted to share :) This is my right eye! OH MY GOD! I have a sty in the damn thing and it's- clearly- gotten infected. So I'm on some antibiotics and hopefully in a day or two I won't look like Sloth...or TWO FACE...or whatever. But for now, I do. Been wearing my sunglasses wherever I go cause I feel like such a freak.
Also, I'm back to blogging and thrilled to be but I'm disabling comments on the blog from here on out. Doing it for two reasons:
#1- I really have loved and been so so grateful for all the kindness and interest and good conversations I have had over the years with posters on this blog. 95% of it has been nothing but good times. But 5% is just pure negative bullshit and I'm at a phase in life where I just wanna clear all the negativity in my life away and really steer clear of that sort of vibe.
#2- While it doesn't take alot of time away from my day to day to respond and read comments, it does take some time. And these days, I'm just too busy to do more than put up a post. The time it takes to check back and respond to questions and such (and I do feel compelled to be a good host and respond where appropriate) is just too much time away from the work that- I hope- you all care about more than a response on a blog.
So I hope you'll still come visit me if you like the blog. As the game gears up to be announced there will be lots and lots more news. And I'll still be twittering as well if you REALLY need to reach me. And as always, please say hey when you see me at Comic Con and GDC and E3 and the like. It's always such a thrill to meet folks who love the work that we do.
Take it easy ya'll! Chat later in the week!
ps. to the regular posters who have been with the blog for years- thank you SO MUCH for your support and interest! It really has been a joy chatting with you!