Saturday, January 05, 2008

Video Blog #4 is up...

I know I usually put these in the corner- and will continue to do so- but in the interest of seeing the whole reaction, here's a full screen view....I forgot to tell my wife to sit off fault. it is!



Anonymous said...

Ha, that was comedy-gold, Dave, thanks very much.

Also, your wife is a very striking woman; that is all.

grasshopper said...

Your a bad man Dave :)
Uggh just hearing that music makes me cringe, I think the reaction video even made me a little uneasy.

Anonymous said...

i have not seen the video, but i found this other person recording their reaction... freakin' funny.

After seeing this guys reaction... i can't bring myself to watch it.


Dan Allison said...

Brave woman, your wife.

What kind of info did you give her before subjecting her to the horrors that is

Anonymous said...

Guess it's time to record BME Pain Olympics reaction now... or maybe not, lol.

derrickgott007 said...

Hahhahaha I can't believe you convinced your wife to watch that. And you were eating during it!!! hahaha you sick

Totally digging the Video Blogs though man, keep em coming.

Anonymous said...

Seriously there's stuff out there that's much more creepy than this! On another note, just think about how much gross stuff the "internet generation" have seen compared to e.g. your dad's generation. I'm pretty sure my dad or mom for that matter have seen anything like this or even something like bottleguy.

Augusto said...

It's not about being creepy, it's about being disgusting. The other one (2 girls, one finger) is just the same... equally disgusting... And i think that was the normal reaction to that video, i loved that last cof at 1:59, that's the true reaction, that last cof.
Great blog!! Great games!! Great video blogs!!

Arnaldo Licea said...

I think Dave likes that video. You know what, that song would be a hilarious ringtone. LOL


Anonymous said...

Why did they have to have a close up indeed

Zodiak said...

LOL and eating while watching the movie!!!

and I'm glad you are back to the vblogging again =)


gary Z said...

they even made a song out of this shit ....n btw the song rocks mite be the next contender for a grammy ....

Anonymous said...

Your a lucky man to have such a sweet wife. My wife would toss my PC in the garbage and sign me up for counseling.

Out of all my female friends there are not many that I could share this video with and none I would ever want to.

Because of the popularity of this video I have had to step up my security and parental control to keep my 15 year old daughter from seeing least in my house.

I hate being a buzzkill but when your the parent of teens your perspective of what is cool and fun shifts a bit.

juat my .02

Anonymous said...

god...i just watched 2girl1cup...

thanks a lot dave.

CMM1215 said...

Hey Dave, I'm a huge fan of your blog, which I've been reading your blog for some time now. If there's anytime to come out of lurking, now is the time.

I just watched 2girls1cup because of that....and oh my God. Seriously. Wow. I almost puked.

It was certainly an, err, "eye-opening" experience.

Thanks, Dave! :D.....


David Jaffe said...

U mean a 'brown eye' opening experience?!?

Man, I love that's so nasty!

Thanks for finally posting!


PM said...

I just watched 2girls1cup for the first time after seeing this post, and all i can think is....
............................. Looks like cookie dough......................

felman said...

I am never going to watch that. Remember, you can't unsee anything.

derrickgott007 said...

Nice working of the Brown Eye reference in there

The phrase brown eye always makes me laugh, that's why I love Kevin Smith Movies.. Thats one of the only directors to use Brown eye in film.

Anonymous said...

the guys on the latest 1-Up Yours podcast found out you have a link to them on your blog...they love it, and want to have you on the show :)

Mundinator said...

Twisted...but you know I had more fun with the reaction videos as well. :)

DF334 said...

I am scarred for life having seen that! Some people are actually out of their fucking mind, seriously! What the hell......!

Anonymous said...

I still haven't watched the video. Though, i'm sorta contemplating if i should allow my curiosity to get the better of me.

Anonymous said...

For those who haven't seen it, heres a scale you can judge yourself on. If you thought the violence and gore in The Darkness videogame was over the top or you are afraid of a woman's rectal area, this video is not for you. If you enjoy guys getting kicked in the crotch, are comfortable with full frontal male nudity and look at what you leave in the toilet, then check out the video. And may I say your wife is very smashing indeed Mr. Jaffe. It must have been your charisma that won her over:)

gary Z said...

think jaffe can`t help help getting out of this !... he has fallen deep into this shit so he rather he started to appreciate it!..lmao... n do make a game on that .... ya sure will get a M rating but will b the greatest action game ever made...n s it should b a multiplayer one !

Alex said...

Video's not loading? Just getting white boxes in FF and IE. Right click on it and it gives me flash player menu, so it knows it's a flash object. Youtube or anything?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you showed your wife, wow. I agree, the reactions were more entertaining than that sick video. By the way, you have a very beautiful wife.

Swazz Perkins said...

David, in another dimension you are probably my best friend.

Joel said...

wow, after seeing your wife, i can now conclude with 100 percent certainty that you are the luckiest man on the face of the planet.


Anonymous said...

Why? How? When? Where?...and how the f.... can a woman take a dump like that.....but i have to admit, it didnt affect very much the first time, but after seing it a second and a third time, i felt a bit weird, and i couldnt get that music out of my head.....