Tuesday, February 12, 2008



Anonymous said...

I hope all you get well, including your family. well cant wate for your next blog take care.

Anonymous said...

Get well. Funny "quote" from cliff.

Anonymous said...

Haha...Nintndo's super combo...good stuff. I'm with you as far as the Cliff quote goes...I didn't know you were allowed to say no...Hope you get well.

Anonymous said...

I recommend the traditional, hot chicken noodle soup, add a touch of tobasco/hot sauce (to sweat out your illness/flu virus better), coupled with either Vicks Vapo-rub or Tiger Balm, applied to the sides of your throat/neck before & after bed. Living hours away from Churchill, home of polar bears, we've perfected cold-killing to a science. Get well, chief!

Alessandro Fillari said...
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-rallyRAYS- said...

That's what you get for making out with Jay Moore between commercials!! :)

I am going to pick up Wipe Out too.. if you wanna race online... let me know.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jaffe, get well soon man. I just got over some stuff myself and now my roommate is getting sick... which means I'll get sick again. Anyways, hope all goes well and don't worry about getting those games out, I mean they are free so we can't complain.

Zodiak said...

Wiiflu eh? lol. I still gotta get my pic uploaded of me and the extra twisted game, I'm too lazy right now lol.

I had a little nose clogging a week ago, nothing too serious, but it's flying around the east coast too =( then again, we had like 1 day of spring.

Oh well, I only get sick once all year so it's all good =) take care and get better Dave!


Danh said...

Get well David. Sorry you got the bug. Looks like it is going all over the states.

Also: Where are you from originally? Are you from the south or is "Ya'll" just somthing you picked up?

David Jaffe said...

Alabama, baby!

Birmingham to be specific.

How bout you?


Anonymous said...

i hope you get better dude!

Anonymous said...

DICE was fun to watch. I'm glad some good games got props.

Being sick sux. Being sick with a PSP sux less.

looking forward to GDC...i'm such a geek.

Anonymous said...

Lost Odyssey shipped today.
=) I know the 360's not your thing, but I'm curious what your insights would be on it. 40 hours of playing might take a while, though. =P

As for the Nintendo joke, I can just imagine.

Shigeru: "We attack at DICE! 3, 2, 1, EXHALE!"

Given how foreign diseases can come to another country easily, it's possible, though not intentional. XP

Delriach said...

Damn, I want to get Wipeout. You're pretty dedicated as a gamer going out when you're sick :D.

We should do another Calling all Cars! get together...the online community needs some life into it and I can't play alone! I'll record the games too and upload them to my youtube page :D

wtfgrouch said...

Hey Dave!

I'm just gettin' over the flu myself... I've been meaning to stop by and tell that the #1 selling PS2 game @ the PS store was Twisted Metal! Guest have enjoyed playing the game at our kiosks as well. Get better soon, GDC is next week!



Sadeq said...

guess not all that happens in Vegas stays in Vegas

hope you and your family get well soon

Anonymous said...

hey im sick to. it sucks. but twisted metal HOETE was really good. didnt buy it becuase needed the money for God Of War:COO and crisis core FF7 next month. did gamefly it though and loved it. cant wait for your next game.if its TM for PS3 i hope its all original with new end movies and shit. and Eat,Sleep,Play should have its own company podcast. that would be cool. k i said to much now lol. see ya

Unknown said...

Jay Mohr, the carrier... scary!

Anyway, Dave, I'll be around in March and will get your new game. I'm really looking forward for that, and for God of War 2. Yes, I still haven't played that! Call me nuts!

Unknown said...

Get well. Drink lots of fluids and all that crap. Dehydration sucks.

Thanks for the free copies. Hopefuly if they are autographed you dont send me your horrible death virus as a bonus.

There are some fans i know that would want to be infected with that funk. Ugh.

Again kick ass job on TMHO. I'm playing it a bit again on the PSP to get a feel for it. Obviously it needed an upgrade. But the gameplay remains solid. Online play and all this in such a short devlopemnt period on a new system is impressive.

I'm very eager to see how TMHO preforms on a older, but stonger system.

I may not even open it. If it's shrink wrapped i'm going to work to buy a second copy. Even if i need 17 bucks haha.

I cant fucking wait. Autograph that shit no matter how sick you are. Pretty fuckin please.

TMA loves you. We will kill for you. Just name someone and he'll be in the obituaries.

quickkill said...

Hey david! my name is andrew i been a fan of your blog for a long time. I love reading your thoughts and watching your videos.

I am just wondering if there is anyway we could be psn friends ^_^ my psn id is quickkill.

I know your super busy but i just had to give it a shot ^_^ i think it would be cool to talk to you and discuse game politics and maybe get further insite what people in the industry thinks.

i have my email and aim in my profile so yeah please pritty please contact ^_^ i think it would be super cool

HellbentTMA said...

I'd also like to add. ESP should take that scraped PSP FPS game Dave was working on and do something with it on the PS2. Unless it truly is awful.

Since it's a FPS, and i've seen Unreal Tournament on the PS2 have mouse support. It would be cool if the game was complete enough to make a neat inexpensive shooter multiplayer game. Slims are ample and inexpensive and come with a network adapter built in.

FPS games suck on the PSP because the analog nub is a bit too small. The lack of 4 triggers is also cripples it. I would like to see more PSP games get updated PS2 counterparts. At least ones that deserve it like Twisted Metal: Head On.

Oh yeah... My name is cliff. I'm not the cliff in question. If it's showing up like that. This whole registration thing has been a pain in the ass.

Jori said...

David whats up man. can I please have the email address of you or your partner Scott Campbell. I would like to share with you some concepts that i have. they really arent lame, and think you would appreciate a fan that could contribute intelligently. please man, shoot me an email, i dont know yours. my email is jori.brown26@gmail.com

maartyrr said...

Awesome job at the awards, hope you feel better soon. Thanks again for putting up my pic - this game rocks!

Anonymous said...

I knew you were crazy, but I didn't know you were a Birmingham boy! I was Birmingham born and raised, myself. I bet half the gamer's that make fun southerner's have no idea that two of the greatest game franchises (GoW and TM) were the brainchild of a southerner. Rock on, Jaffe, rock on!

Anonymous said...

Hey David,

So I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who have amazing ideas for games, but probably don't have any idea who to tell or where to see some of there ideas flesh out into actually games.

I'm asking for myself obviously, but do companies actually accept ideas from users, or is that just something that doesn't happen?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

hey david, did you know that the trailer to the new Indy flick will be up on the internet by Thurs. afternoon. Its supposed to first appear on Good Morning America between 8 and 9 a.m.

cant freaking wait. BTW i will be buying TMHOETE friday when i get my paycheck.

S3NT1NEL said...

Good idea on taking a sabbatical from all the presses now that the latest TM is released.

Your name has been flying around lately with the Nintendo joke and there doesn't seem like there's much more for you guys at Eat Sleep Play to gain from your interviews other than negative press from the "latest Jaffe quote".

Anyways, get well quick and keep the excellent games coming!

Anonymous said...

use biotin,zinc and b6 along with b3 and vitamin c and e,these will help your hair not to fall out.

Anonymous said...

Hey David,

I'm a big fan of yours. I know your crazy sick and everything. Before you go on your media blackout please make it to your scheduled apperance on 1up Yours.

I hope you magically get well in the next few days.

Nemphtis said...

Holy shit, it's FOXDIE!

Unknown said...

Get well. Please go on 1upyours it'll be amazing. Thanks!


Yo, David get better.
Enjoy wipEout too, that game is out of control.

gary Z said...
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gary Z said...

heyy dave watz up ... rely wanted to show u a pic of me with TM HO ..but alas thr aint any copies here in India at the moment ... but i swear i will get one ASA it hits the stores here ... jus got this old pic with TM 2 on just to tell u tat i love u n ur fabulous games ..thank u sooo much mann ... n happy valentine`s day ..:D


gary Z said...
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Scott Hyman said...

Ouch! The flu sucks. Get some rest so we hang at GDC!

Torgo said...

Hope you're feeling better David, the flu sucks balls.

Here's some well-wished from the Gaf crowd:

Anonymous said...

I think I just came.

Anonymous said...

sorry to mention this again dude but i've contacted sony playstation in the uk and they have no clue when the game is comming out in britian, they told me to talk to the publisher (which is you, eat sleep play) and find out.

I know that you are a very busy guy and don't have alot of time on your hands, but it would be nice for the whole of europe to experience amasterpiece of a game (TM:head on) on the ps2, and not having to buy a american ps2 (which are alot of money)along with it.

think about the profit margin (however you spell it :P), you could sell this for like, £20 which would equal $40, because most ps2 games in UK are £30 which = $60, and in the US the actual game is $20.

thank you for reading this post, Tom.

David Jaffe said...

Tom, hey!

Regarding the UK version- far as we know (and we are not the publisher, we are the developer), no one has asked us to make a version for anywhere other than US/Canada.

My official line is you should contact SCEE/SCEA about it and see what they say.

My non bullshit line tho is, I would be surprised if HEAD ON PS2 comes to Europe as Twisted has never been a hit anywhere other than America. But if the port does well over here, then it could happen. But so far, we have not been asked to port it and I don't know anyone else who is doing it (assuming they would ask us, but you never know)...

I know you were hoping for a different answer but at least it's an answer :)

Sorry man...


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the reply dude, i know what you mean about the poor sales of TM in the PAL regions (BLACK had the cut scenes, the charred vechiles, and the 747 plane taken out of the PAL version, wow!)

I'll contact the main site straight away tomorrow, theres a whole group of aussies i talk to and they are just as crazy for TM as me!!

Cheers for the reply dude :)

Unknown said...


Sending you lots of "get well soons" from rainy England! Heading over to GDC next week, can't wait to see you in action!

Mooreberg said...

"I came home from Vegas with something."

You should copyright this as a bumper sticker. Get better.

Anonymous said...

Can you let me know what you think of Devil May Cry 4 on your next blog?
I'm really curious