Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Hey, you wanna know what's lame? This movie:

Wanna know what's even lamer?

The fact that I am CRAZY EXCITED TO BUY IT when it comes out on the just announced date of OCT 14th!!!

Lord help me!


ps. yes, yes...I know there are a few really great moments in the thing but overall, as I've said many times, it is pretty shit. But I so don't care! God, I'm such an Indy freak.


R.Bunk said...

New Indy is crap, but I am first commenter!

How many times he use his whip in this one?

R.Bunk said...

Are the others coming out on BR?

Anonymous said...

I'm spending my money on TDK Blu-Ray instead, thank you very much. Something worthwhile vs. the abomination that they call the new Indie? Haha.

Anonymous said...

Hey David you never told us wat do u think about The mummy 3, i watched it b4 yesterday and i found it ok... not Amazing as the Dark Knight but it was better than Indy..

Anonymous said...

The only thing I couldn't forgive, was Shai's monkey-boy bit.

PM said...

i just have to get somthing off my chest.

I saw "STAR WARS EP. 1" 3 times in theaters!!!!!!! I hate that movie so much but i was such a big starwars 4-6 fan. i gave them all that fucking money for that POS jar jar fuck feast.

ok i feel better now.

Werner Nemetz said...

It was ok until the movie wen X-Files style so for lets say the first 30-45 minutes. :)

The race in the jungle was also ok, except for the Special effects parts where you could really easy see that it is CG. I dont know why, but it was so easy to see whats real and what was CG.

Guess in Indy 5 or Indy 6 they will replace the whip with a light saber and Harrison Ford meets his younger self from a parallel universe. A captain with a ship that can make the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs.

Werner Nemetz said...

Either that or he meets his old himself from the other universe, who sells now shoes in the Rebellocker store, and there slogan is "We fight the Big Shoe Empires with our low democratic prizes.". After all Han needs some steady income after he married. :D

grasshopper said...

I only saw it once in the theater so I'll probably pick it least at home you can skip the shitty scenes. Any news on the good ones hitting Blu-ray?

Anonymous said...

"come on dave, gimme a break..."

"unchained" - van halen

Anonymous said...

My first ever Blu-ray purchase will go to Hellboy 2 I honestly loved the movie from start to finish.

Anonymous said...

Iron Man & Dark Knight only two worth Blu-Ray Buys...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Still havent told us what you think about The mummy 3 and


Anonymous said...

DuDe you should make a GOD OF WAR movie. I guarantee you it will be a bigger hit compared to the dark knight.

Joel said...

"Iron Man & Dark Knight only two worth Blu-Ray Buys..."

i agree with that.

the hulk was good too, but not AS good as iron man.

and the Dark Knight was like.. ridiculously good.

PlayStation Museum said...

I can't believe it's coming out in OCTOBER already!! That means two movies to buy in October. Smurfs volume 2 (for my kids) and Indy.

Anonymous said...

I think I know how you feel. I thought the movie was quite...baaad. But given the impact and presence Indy had in my childhood...I happily accept this new film.

I forced my father to play Lego Indy with me. He sucked but was caught up in the magic of Legos and Indy. No amount of acting, special effects, or plot twists can counter "magic."

Torgo said...

It wasn't the best one, but I actually enjoyed the movie. I'm buying the Blu Ray when it hits for sure.

Exophrine said... should wait for the "special" edition that's gonna come out a few months later....with extra special features, none of which will include a commentary by Lucas or Spielberg

*rolls eyes*

Pathetic indeed.

Anonymous said...

Iron Man still gets my vote

Anonymous said...

Irom man stil get my vote with dark night a close second. seeing KL makes me sad though so that take some of the movie magic.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed KotCS and will buy it on blu-ray, but why on earth would you buy it if you hated it so much? That doesn't make a lick of sense.

Did you ever consider the possibility that all of the nerd hate on the internets has affected your opinion on the movie, and so you enjoyed it but kept on telling yourself that it was crap because the internet masses said it was crap?

David Jaffe said...

Anon- no- it really is a shit movie. Terrible story, stupid set pieces, characters who act like they are in a vapid, fluff ACCORDING TO JIM style sitcom versus an epic adventure...but as I've said, I love Indy and his world and I can put up with a terrible story/movie if it means I get to visit my old childhood hero.

Anonymous said...

Huh, okay. I tend to avoid stuff I consider crap, but maybe I'm just crazy that way. :)

Like I love Batman, but only when done right. I avoid the crappy comics, the crappy movies, etc.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jaffe :)

I wasn't sure how else to send this to you, but I think this might be up your alley:

I love it.