Thursday, October 30, 2008

To the fucking idiot Kotaku commenters who clearly can not read:

...seems some of the commenters over on Kotaku- who just ran a story about how I said FUCK OFF to someone asking about a PS3 version of Twisted Metal- thought I was a dick in speaking to folks that way.

Let me make three things clear. Or at least try to. I will be using TEXT (aka WORDS) to make my points and it's obvious many of you Kotaku commenters seem to have a hard time grasping this new fangled communication device but I will do my here goes:

#1- if you actually read Kotaku you would see- in referring to my FUCK OFF comment- they said this:

"When one typed question asked Jaffe "Are you developing Twisted Metal for PS3 David — YES OR NO", the Twisted Metal light heartily replied:

We haven't announced anything yet... now FUCK OFF

See those words LIGHT HEARTILY...? Do they MEAN anything to you?

#2- If you click on the link from the Kotaku site (that covers the Eurogamer story about this event) you will find this text:

"Relaying a question from a member of the audience, festival director Iain Simons typed: "Are you developing Twisted Metal for PS3 David - YES OR NO."

Jaffe responded with a stock "We haven't announced anything yet," before adding, "now F*** OFF."

The audience took the comment in the good humour it was intended, and the session was drawn to an appropriate close

#3- And finally: While I am brash and obnoxious at times (mainly because I find the ultra PC environment we live in toxic to the spirits of all humans and thus feel this ultra PC environment needs to have its teeth kicked in from time to time...oh hell, all the fucking time), I have never and WILL never insult ANY ONE who goes out of their way to take interest in our work and ask me a question (unless they are being a prick to me). I mean, here is a guy who got off his ass and went to a place that I was not even really there, I was VIRTUALLY there. You think I'm really going to be a dick to him?!? And I will CERTAINLY NEVER insult ANYONE who cares enough about a game series we have worked on (in this case, Twisted Metal) to ask a question about said series. We are all grateful the series has fans who care enough to ask us over and over what the future holds for Sweet Tooth and the gang. And as I've said before, I am contractually bound by Sony to NOT announce our new game. That is Sony's job and Sony will announce when they are ready. I would LOVE to tell you guys what we are doing but I'm not going to jeopardize our company's contract and/or reputation and so I remain mum on the whole thing. I am sure you understand.

Ok, hope that clears up some stuff.

Back tomorrow with a fresh video blog.

Talk then! Hope you are all doing well!



Anonymous said...

Hey Jaffe, I know exactly how you feel- it's retarded that these editors from Kotaku seem to be oblivious about game announcement notices developers have to go through. I'm about to protest using Kotaku for any serious gaming news. Heck, I've been getting a little tired of IGN, especially any of the pricks from the UK office.

erico316 said...

Well i just want to say to David and the eat sleep play team whatever you guys are working on i will be picking it up first day like i did with calling all cars.

Exophrine said...

David, I know it doesn't mean much to say "pay no mind" about those who obviously don't get what's going on, especially when idiots are talking almost every day.

Maybe they're just trying to paint you as a bad guy because of a lack of drama, perhaps? I know it doesn't seem very likely, but I'm just suggesting, maybe...

Anonymous said...

Hey david, I just wanna tell you that the way your taking this issue is good your expressing your feelings but not making a HUGE problem about and that in my opinion is really good, plus i just wanted to wish you luck on your new game and hope the best for you and the crew.

Anonymous said...

personally i tried to comment with "I <3 david jaffe >^.^<" but for some reason the site was having none of it.

I figured it was something said in jest and thought it was hilarious.

can't wait for you guys to get the greenlight to announce what you've been upto =)

- kotaku commenter "demonknightinuyasha"

Miguel said...

goodness...there's no nead to comment on every single issue that comes up regarding something you said, most people get it. and if they don't...well then they can FUCK OFF

Anonymous said...

Fucking kotaku assholes. Seriously, they don't fucking know anything. Me, personally I'm just glad to know that you're maintaining your professionalism as far as your NDA is concerned so as not to tarnish your rep. and of course Eat Sleep Play's with Sony.

Though honestly, I'm very excited with your new project and having recently bought Calling All Cars and loving the hell out of it, I'm sure you won't disappoint with your next endeavor. But please, fucking tell Sony to announce it NOW. I'm getting tired of this edge of your seat shit. It's like watching Lost but there is an actual reward for the patience.

-Mr. X

Bigrhyno said...

Are you developing Twisted Metal for PS3 David - YES OR NO.

Unknown said...

Hey man!!

Just to reinforce what you already know.

We fans, love you dude!! Go back to your development and say F*** Off how many times you think are appropriate.

And I have a question/request for your videos. If you feel like it, can you try to explain why lots of developers find it very hard to program for the PS3. I've read a little about the Cell architecture and I understood it's not as easy to manage internal processor memory, and I know using the 6 SPEs is more complex that using the 3 generic cores in the Microsoft platform, but it's also way more effective if you do it right. The way I see it, it's still not a reason for them to complain and not manage to reach release dates or overall quality.


Anonymous said...

Hello David,

If you really wanted to get a good laff, at the end of this post you should have added- "NOW FUCK OFF!!!"


maartyrr said...

hey Jaffe, did you pick up Motorstorm 2? So any chance of you saying that is what an HD Hammerhead would look like? j/k. Looking foward to your next rant.

Anonymous said...

Hey David,

We thought the comment was funny, unlike some other places on the intarwebs. That's why we've started the David Jaffe Fuck OFF Fridays over at Loot Ninja. Anyone and everyone can give their F U to the gaming industry :)

Matt Banks
Loot Ninja

Alastor Mused said...

I have noticed people don't read. This includes forums. They find 5 words and judge the paragraph/page/article on that. Society is becoming too lazy and up it's own ass. People don't want to waste their "precious" time reading the article because they have better things to do (like give a half assed bullshit opinion). Which brings up the question why the fuck are they reading in the first place if they aren't gonna read the whole damn thing.

However this is why people are so serious, especially with the media. They don't want to be misrepresented on forums or article commenters cus a couple of lazy fucks start blasting an opinion based off of 2 words.

It's just pathetic how stupid some people are. (On Notice: McCain Campaign).

Also -1 for Kotaku for centering the comment on the page and highlighting it. This just encourages the reading of 5 words and making an opinion. If the "We haven't announced anything yet... now FUCK OFF." was within the paragraph without a yellow highlight I doubt it would get any heat.

"mainly because I find the ultra PC environment we live in toxic to the spirits of all humans and thus feel this ultra PC environment needs to have its teeth kicked in from time to time...oh hell, all the fucking time"- I support this.

R.Bunk said...

Dude you really need a PR agent. ;)


Twisted Metal fans are a very sensitive type. You don't want to upset their delicate nature.

Torgo said...

I'm getting pretty sick of gaming blogs....

Unknown said...

Keep it up Jaffe

Anonymous said...

Unleash the Jaffe!

Anonymous said...

Unleash the Jaffe!


Unknown said...

I thought the comment was pretty funny. People have been annoying you with that question and that guy was trying to be tricky and getting a straight answer. You can't say anything so just tell him to fuck off! lol. its all in humor.

Anonymous said...

Jaffee, you are my favorite person in the gaming industry.

Anonymous said...

wow jaffe speaking of Twisted Metal i haven seen one asian girl in there.

and do you all read your message boards like Midway does?.

o i wanted to ask you have your try the demo of Mirror's Edge?

Anonymous said...

warezIbanez: Nice to see you can't read on this site either. He said "Kotaku commenters" not editors.

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