Friday, December 05, 2008


If you don't know Forrest J Ackerman, this should help...

I was more of a Starlog kid myself, just missing out on the heyday of Famous Monsters of Filmland. But I still read Forry's mag (he was its creator and editor) and was always excited to see the covers. Never made it to his prop filled house in LA, always meant to...never did. But I always recognized a kindred spirit in Mr. Ackerman and I'm sad to see him go.

These days his role is probably best being played by Harry Knowles and that seems- to me- like a damn fine fitting transfer of power. One uber fan to the next.

It's also cool that the internet has brought all us geeks together in a way that a magazine from the 60's and 70's never could. But Famous Monsters- and Forry- was one of the first big steps in letting so many of us geeks- so often isolated and alone and feeling like outsiders- know that they were not alone. And that's a damn cool legacy to leave, you know?


Gazzo said...

I can't say I'm all that familiar with Mr. Ackerman, but being a fan of science-fiction, it's sad to see him go.

Is there a particular science-fiction series you're a fan of, David? I know my favorite sci-fi series (maybe even favorite show of all time) is easily The X-Files. The show had such an awesome atmosphere, and I can really identify with Mulder. Being interested in UFO stuff kinda helped too, I suppose. =P

David Jaffe said...

My fave sci fi show is prob. Star Trek: The Next Generation.

I should find a good, meaty Sci Fi show to watch...kind of missing from my pop culture diet. Didn't fall in love with LOST...Battlestar pilot was good and the first episode of season 1 was decent...I have the box set...maybe I should watch some more of those...

Stegz said...

If you haven't tried out Supernatural, give that one a shot. I'm hopelessly addicted to that show...

Gazzo said...

I'd say try out the X Files, but it's not really a "star drama" like Battlestar or Star Trek.

But, if you're interested in conspiracies and whatnot, give The X Files a shot. The X Files is primarily "monster of the week" episodes, where the agents investigate individual paranormal cases, a lot of the cases have nothing to do with UFOs or conspiracies, but other paranormal stuff. Like bigfoot, that sorta thing.

Anonymous said...


lb003g0676 said...

Nah don't have time for that. I am not into anything like this. My geek consumption is games based purely.

Modern day geeks are anime fueled though, I think.

David Jaffe said...

PSFreak- I don't read it now. Not that I have anything against it. In fact, I don't even think it's published anymore. It's something I read when I was a kid.

lb003g0676 said...

I just read your twitter about you're daughter throwing up....

Are you squeamish? Is it different when it's your kid?

Man I know it's really really wimpy, but it makes me feel queasy. I can deal with any other bodily function, I ahd to chnage my sister many many times, but vomiting, unless it's baby vomit.

Needless to say it's awful for me when people get too pissed around, me, fine as long as I don't have to deal with it.

Anyway, sorry to chnage the subject.

Anonymous said...

oh, loooool I knew there was something wrong with the cover DAVID I APOLOGIZE!

Anonymous said...

dude they only sci fi shit I know is nbc heroes and star wars,but it sucks to see one of you favs go.

Anonymous said...

Oh yea im 28 and cant lie was hooked on that 90210 shit in back in the day.I bet Donna has some fat meat curtins.

Anonymous said...

7 more days, before we can see Kratos in action!!

lb003g0676 said...

Agreed, it's gonna be awesome.

And Uncharted 2... And there's still other thigns that are gonna be annoucned at the show, that will be... Shown.

Anonymous said...

i went to the house.


ConceptCreature said...

Yeah, Ackerman's a legend. He was such a great inspiration for people like you and me, Jaffe. You look at guys like him, and start to think, "Man! Wouldn't it be cool to make a living off of creating the things we dream about?"
It's worked out well for a lot of us, and we have to be grateful for people like Ackerman not just blazing the trail, but showing the rest of it that it's possible.