For those who saw the Hiphopgamer interview and were wondering what the hell kind of first console I was talking about, here it is, in all it's triangular glory! Man, just seeing this makes me feel 7 years old again! I can totally see me and my brother in our playroom/old den- with the bright red shag carpet and the massive old school television (that had the record turn table built into the top). I can see us now, obsessing over this new fangled device that my dad brought home one night. God we played this thing for hours. Little did I know at the time that video games would have such a huge impact on my life.
Thanks for the memories, Mom and Dad! And thanks for letting me always do the stuff I loved to do growing up. I love you!
Really amazing how this machine start everything, without it god of war would have never existed, well probably XD. I remember having a machine called PCkid, it was a little box with hundred of nes roms in it, with keyboard, 2 controls ala dual analog and a light gun. Then the Playstation came along and everything change.
Ah the memories hehehe.
Can´t wait to hear about your game man.
wow that is a dinosaur :-P never seen one of those b4. did u own a commodore64 jaffe? those were cool for there time.
Nah, I had a TRS80 color computer and then an APPLE IIe....never went the Commodore route altho the games- for the time- were great for it!
Man I thought I knew games.I have never even heard of that.Thanks for sharing.Also great interveiw with hiphopgamer.I loved the questions they were not the usual what's your next game what's your next game crap.Hey Jaffe the blog was talking about movie games couple months back.What's your take on wolverine origins game.Looks like a sweet movie based game.I can't wait to get it.Also have you seen the square boss comments on how old guys can't make games in modern gaming.Bunch of crap thought you might want to read it.Well that's all from me. Chad
boxed as well!
might be worth a fair bit in that condition.
Though I'm guessing you wouldn't be selling that?
Hey there Jaffe, I was just wondering if you were ever going to play Resident Evil 5, or if it was even on your radar. The reason I ask is because you seemed to really enjoy the Metal Gears Solid 4 game (and its cutscenes) and in my opinion, RE5's cutscenes were much more enjoyable. Dont get me wrong, MGS4 is an amazing game that is really well done and it does a great job of bringing the series to a close, but I enjoyed RE5 much more because it felt like playing an action movie. This is just my opinion of course, and I am a Resident Evil fan, but I just thought I'd let you know that you should give it a try, its not that long but it has tons of stuff to do, its beautifully rendered (Posibly the best looking game I have played so far, top 3 for sure) and its a really enjoyable game.
Thank you! This has been driving me nuts forever. When people ask me what my first system was, I tell them Intellivision is the first that I truly remember, but I vaguely recall some system that played pong. This was that system. I was all of 1 year old when it came out, which added to the fuzziness. After the fact I remember seeing this thing packed away in the closet and would pull it out to play with the steering wheel.
You should toss up some super old timey Jaffe pictures :)
Kinda curious how the gun game worked, was it just a speed thing...kinda like aiming doesn't matter as long as ya pull the trigger.
My god, my dad had one of those. From what it had to offer I can't say I blame him for not being hooked like I was when I laid eyes on the genesis.
Thats cool Grandpop. LOL. That thing looks wild. My first game console was the SNES. I am only 17 so I started playing video games very early but don't remember any of them. Was just a thing I did with my bro for fun. The first system I remember playing games on was the N64, then PS1.
Awesome! Quite the relic.
I loved the HHGS interview, by the way. The Hip Hop Gamer has an awesome energy about him, indeed.
Anyway, neat little system. I actually started gaming at around the N64/PS1 and Sega Genesis/Super Nintendo era. I played the hell out of that Genesis when I was younger, man. :) Revenge of Shinobi, Sonic the Hedgehog. The memories.
My first console with the NES. Nothing can compare to the memories gaming has provided me. I look back and can remember all the great times i had playing games with friends and my brother.
Holy crap, that was my first console too! I remember that my parents bought it at a garage sale around 1978 or 1979, and it was missing the cartridge for the gun game. I absolutely loved the driving game, though! We used to play it on an old black and white TV. I bet that it's still in my parent's basement somewhere. Thanks for the memory, Dave.
I don't remember that console at all.
And think about it, that console once was 'next gen' :)
Did you ever find the "secret dot" that was hidden in the Atari 2600 game Adventure?
I was recently thinking: "What is the very 1st easter egg that I ever found in a video game?" and that dot came to mind first.
This find was shortly after the game released. This literally became a neighborhood secret. I can't seem to remember how to get to it anymore or what its purpose was in the end. It may have replaced the keys or served no purpose at all(I don't own the system or have the game anymore).
Anyways your old triagle system brought that to mind. I remember hearing you say that Adventure is one of your early favorites.
Cool triangle/pyramid system!! Is that the predecessor to the Colecovision?
The TRS80(AKA - Trash Eighty) was a pretty cool computer system. I remember 2 games that you could program for that system:
One of those being a pac-man hack and the other was a text based western(based on the shootout at the OK Corral).
I remember debugging that pac-man game was a mo-fo! Me and my bros spent 2-3 days coding that beast(in some archaic language similiar to Basic/Pascal). Then when we attempted to execute the code there was all kinds of stuff that was wrong. We did eventually debug it and played the game. I think we bought our Trash Eighty at K-Mart along with a few BB/Pellet guns.
I'll leave the stories about the guns for another time.
I have a feeling AVGN will be putting up a review over that archaic device; I've seen it a few times in his other reviews...
Man, I feel as if I have lived in an electronics time loop- born in the late 80's, first games were arcade games, first console played was the NES, first console purchased was my Sega Genesis (which I actually have by my monitor,) and I've actually used the TRS-80 and Tandy 1000, as well as the Atari 2600 and some other geezer consoles (up to Sega Master System, which hasn't aged well.)
That's awesome to see, I actually never knew it existed. To think my first console was a N64.. still love that thing, wish I had it.
that is really really an old game device. ~.~
Do u actually still have that now?
Ha-ha )) My grand dad brought this from USA in 70-s or 80-s, I don't remember, was too young. I remember a pistol though and some dot on the screen which I was trying to shoot. And yeah, there was a racing game, all cars are bright yellow. But it didn't work with my Rubin TV, and then in 1987 my grand dad had brought 286, 15 mhz, EGA glory. Tetris, CAT, some sweet times!
My first console was the NES, I remember playing duck hunt :)
Well, actually it was my parents but I remember playing it, then my console of my own was the SNES, then a genesis with the 32x :X
That's cool, I have never seen this triangle console. I really want to try feel.
My first and only one is PS1 game console, my father bought it from garage sale. I still remmember when I saw it first how exciting I am. Now, think of it left me with the most impressive is that there are many lines to connect, and there is the excitement of playing games. Besides, the band of this console is Sony, at that time, which is very popular. For a child, if you got a Sony game controller, other chlidren will be very envious of you. I remmember everyday I will invite my classmates to my house to play games. We use rotation system, who lost who stop playing. My favorite game is Battle City that is Tank. That game really brought me many happy memories. Now there are a lot of fun games, but did not always feel that sense of a childhood.
However, I also love movie games. As Luis mentioned above, Resident Evil 5 is a good game. Action movie and story attract me a lot. I also like MGS4 (Matal Gear Solid: Guns of the Patriots). What is most surprising is that the original handsome hero Snake even has become a white-haired elderly. haha, I like this man.
Another game - The lord of the Rings Online is also good. I like games with magic story.
Hi Dave I'm glad you told us what your first console well for me my first console is Sega Genesis with the game I recently did a run on Ariel the Little Mermaid for Mother's Day.
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