is the shit!!!
I stumbled upon this today, forget how. But a biz buddy of mine- Raph Koster (he of my fave game design book ever written and if you love games and have not read it, shame on you! ) has just beta launched his groundbreaking new site which I can only describe as The Sims meets Personalized MMO meets Youtube.
My little space- where I can visit and hang with blog readers- is now embedded in the side window over to the right...come by and visit with me from time to time :)
BUT my site is .5% of what this site is capable of! There are games and intricate spaces and so much customization that it blows your mind.
Raph and his team have done a hell of a job and I imagine Metaplace is gonna be one of the next big things when it launches for real in the next x months...amazing job Raph! Visit the site...and be sure to come hang we me in my Metaplace!
ps. don't play in that small window...click on the FULL SCREEN part of the window to get a bigger size to play in...
ugh...why did you make me sign up for that? You really think it's going to be the next big thing? It seemed rather...boring to me. Not much to do.
Haha that is quite cool. You have a cool world, R2D2, Twisted Metal, Plasma TV, Kate Beckinsale...
What more do you want?
You should set up a time where we can all go onto it though.
I really believe MetaPlace has the potential to be the new MySpace as far as community hubs. How long it will last, though, I'm not sure.
Oh, and I wanted to let you know that I advised the masses about your concern of using old pictures of you. People need to be aware of that, and I think I did a good job of steering people in the right direction...
Take it easy.
that is fuckin cool, i can throw snowballs at muhfuckas and shit :-P
Usually like the stuff you recommend, but this is definitely an exception. No offense to your industry friend...
Just purchased that book, it got some good reviews & was pretty cheap. Looking forward to reading it. Got way too many books to read now!
After trying out that Metaplace for a bit, it looks pretty deep. Exactly what Playstation Home should have been, a creative unique home which you can customize.
Home + LittleBigPlanet = Awesome.
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Yo David,
I doubt they may take the grains of plot point you gave us as secret trailers within god of war 1 but your plan for the god of war comic is being Marv Wolfman, Andy Park and Keven Sharpe. Its too bad they arent planning to the the side scroller shooter with the "Present time" scenario but you did open pandora's box with theses two hidden video and knowing the industry, they eventually go back to them for spin offs.
It'll be awesome
PS: You need another camera set, those twisted metal 1 FMV endings were hilarious.
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