Saturday, October 22, 2011

Where The Magic Is Made...

...or at least a hell of an awful lot of it! I certainly don't want to make light of the significant Sony contributions to Twisted Metal (many departments, starting with Santa Monica PD and going through Marketing and Sound and Movies and on and on and on) or the invaluable contributions made by many 3rd party companies (not to mention my own work that is on display in the game), but this is where the Eat Sleep Play Utah team takes all of that stuff and turns it into a full fledged game:

Pretty unassuming, eh?!? Certainly not as cool as the Blizzard campus with the fucking Warcraft statue/fountain out front! :)

But before you judge too harshly, know this: Besides being a very cool building in which to work (it was an old hardware building built-I think-in the early 1900's) this building is also the NEXUS of kick ass game making in Salt Lake City! 

Or at least one of the Nexi (it's Nexi, right??!)...

Cause besides Eat Sleep Play, this same building houses CHAIR (the amazing Shadow Complex/Infinity Blade creators) and SMART BOMB INTERACTIVE (creators of the fantastic kid's MMO Animal Jam, a game my daughters have been addicted to for the last 4-6 months!)

So there ya go! 



Kilrahi said...

Booyah! I think it's time this town had a toilet papering!

Come on TM vets . . .

Anonymous said...

the trailer link to the right on the main page is broken --> girl with the gun