Monday, April 30, 2007


Jesus, that last post generated a lot more shit than I had intented.

Appreciate all the kind words that came in; hell even the 'fuck you jaffe' posts were fine. Everyone is welcome, pull up a seat :)

Latest Reviews:

IGN: 8.5/10
GAMEZONE: 84/100
1UP: 8/10
GAMESPOT: 67/100

Overall, not too bad. Still pretty happy with where we are so far. Real eager to see what the buying public thinks of our game tho. As much as we care about official reviews, it's the reviews of the buying public that matter most to us.


Not much to say tonight, just wanted to move that last post down a notch so we could talk about something else. As I've said before, I am ok with all the hate and shit that goes on here from the standpoint of: I'm not taking the time to delete it. I don't have the time or interest in being a moderator. But I do have to say, man, there are some angry, pissed off, sad motherfuckers out there, ain't there? And not just at me. Some real nice people post in the comments and man, some ass holes just come out of the woodwork to tear them apart. Makes me wish the last scene in JAY AND SILENT BOB STRIKE BACK could really happen in real life.


I will say this tho, when I think about it. I am torn about reviews of these sorts of games. Getting the gamespot review really made me think. And before any of you cowards who don't post your real fucking names tell me that I should stop crying, here's a big, juicy: 'GO FUCK YOUR MOTHER UP HER JIGGLY ASS TWAT' for you. Go ahead: Take it; that's right, it's just for you! So take it and shove it up your ass there real good! :)

Cause jeeze man, what am I supposed to be? A fucking robot? I make games for a living, we care if people like what we do. We are not perfect, our games are not perfect (even the ones that score 10/10) and it sucks when people don't love our stuff as much as we had hoped. Why is that such a sign of weakness to some of you pricks? I swear I don't know. But either way, I can live with you asshats if you can live with me.

But onto the topic on my mind...and yes, it still has to do with reviews of small games. Not my own, just the idea in general:

Do you guys think every game needs to be:

a- reviewed on if it achieved its purpose and intent and provides what it sets out to do? Assuming what it sets out to do is at least semi-noble in some way (and hell, even then)? I mean, I love DUMB AND DUMBER and I love GOODFELLAS. Only a fool would say D&D is the 'better' movie...but when I want to laugh and cut loose and watch stupid shit, D&D is towards the top of the list. So do I rate that movie lower than GOODFELLAS or do I rate it amongst other movies like D&D (i.e. Something About Mary, for example).

b- Reviewed as a game, no matter the intent, or cost to the consumer? I think a good case can be made that games are games and they could all be lumped together as fun can be found anywhere, no matter the cost to the player or cost to the dev team/publisher. Uno to me on XBLA is more fun than 80% of the retail disc based games I've purchased this year.

This is what I wonder...I can see the point of both sides and I just don't know.

Someone else posted on the blog that they could get a 5 dollar bargin bin game that USED To be 60 bucks with more content than 99% of the XBLA/PSN titles so why should a game like CAC be 10 bucks? It's a good question I guess. I mean, by that logic tho, is the XBLA/PSN biz model broken? One guy a long time ago posted that it should be like arcades or porn token sites where you buy tokens and don't buy the games but just plunk in 25-50 cent tokens to get a single play. Maybe that would go down easier for some folks. I could support that model as a player.

Anyway, gotta go. Chat with you guys later.



Sadeq said...

If I were to review a game, I would base it mainly on what I expect from it (and this is affected by the cost).

And hell, I'm expecting A LOT from CAC!

Cole said...

Well first of all, I think it's awesome that you're so vocal and will come out and say how you feel about a review, and let us know what you're thinking about these things, it's really nice to get another side of the story. Secondly I think that a lot of reviews and reviewers are too infatuated with the medium. I mean, I play games to have fun, and if a game is really fun multiplayer, and I play it with my buddies and have a great time, then its pretty much a ten. A game doesn't need to be as good as all other games, and deliver the same kind of content in a similar format, it just needs to be fun. I don't care if a part of it isn't perfect, or one level isn't that good, if I have fun with it, thats great. Thirdly, 10 bucks for any game thats worth playing, feels like a good deal. At ten bucks, it's a similar price to a movie ticket, and I'll bet I'm going to have more than two hours of fun with Calling All Cars. I guess in general, I compare the price of entry to other forms of media, and when I do that, anything below twenty feels like a steal.

Sadeq said...

I got a question:

Which is more important to you: sales (public/gamers reception)or reviews (critical reception)?

Anonymous said...

It's obviously a fine line. As a general rule though, I think games from the Wii VC, PSN, and Xbox Live Arcade should be judged on a seperate system than major titles. A $5-$10 game really can't be judged effectively on its merits against larger releases.

For example, would any sane reviewer analyze Civilization 4 and Calling all Cars on the same scale? Of course not. One is $10, and was designed for multiplayer party gaming, while the other is a huge sim/strat title.

Of course, we need to draw limits too. You can't review shit titles like Enter the Matrix can't be reviewed on something like "Well, the developers were just trying to make a game in the Matrix universe, who cares if it's not perfect?"

Anonymous said...

BTW Jaffe you're a trendy fucking bitch when it comes to movies. You keep mentioning some of the most commercial crap. Goodfellas, Goonies, There's Something About Mary, Spider Man 3, Dumb and Dumber, The Spielberg shit. Come one man. What the fuck? You have about as much taste in movies as my chick does in music. She likes Nelly Furtado, Justin Timberlake, 50 Cent, all this commercial bullshit that keeps getting shoved down our throat. Get a fucking clue Jaffe do some exploring you blind bitch. Don't accept everything that is thrown at you by the studios open your fat eyes and you'll find an entire ocean of awesomeness out there. Quit swimming in the trendy sea fucker.
Check out Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Lady Vengeance, Old Boy, Ichi The Killer, Versus, Dark Tales of Japan, Begotten, Metropolis, Faust, The Last Laugh, Triump Of The Will, Just to name a few.

Alex said...

The two things you have to keep in mind: platform and genre.

CAC is an action/party game designed for PlayStation 3 on the PSN. If I were to review it, I'd judge it on standards previously set by other action/party games. I'd also have to keep in mind the technical limitations of the given platform. It's safe to assume the PSN does not support as high a quality of technical prowess as opposed to a hard disc. Wii games shouldn't be criticized too much on their graphics when you consider that the platform it's on isn't that powerful as it is.

And I suppose there's a third factor: value (price). But like you said, value goes down, so this should be taken lightly.

Levi said...

I look at games based on what I pay for them really. There is no way you could possibly slap CAC on a Blu-Ray disc and try to get me to buy it for $59.99 (well I guess you could try, but the buying part would never happen) but for $9.99, how bad could it possibly be? The only game I have purchased on the PSN so far is fl0w and I certainly thought that was worth the money just as CAC will surely be worth it's price tag.

As far as the comments about buying a game for $5 that used to be $60, that won't be for years down the line. I run a used game store and for a game to get down to $5 in our store, it has to be $10 or below brand new at the major retailers. Which is not going to happen ANYWHERE near the release of that game, so a brand new game for five to ten bucks and you complain, that is uncalled for.

As far as the scores go, none of us will know whether we agree with 1up, IGN, or Gamespot until we actually play the game for ourselves and it could go anyway but I'll still pay that to find out for myself.

Unknown said...

This is actually the first time I'm checking out this blog. So I checked the comments to the last post, and damn...

Yeah, the last bit of 'Jay and Silent Bob strike back' would be a good thing here. So many sad little fuckers living out their own little social / psychological problems on the internet.
What are you even trying to achieve talking shit like that on the web? Does it make you feel better?

To come back to the topic: I followed the game since I first heard about it. It looked like a great deal of fun: get three buddies, sit in front of the TV and just laugh about the craziness of the game.
So the first review I see is on IGN, and essentially they say "this game rocks as a party game". 1UP joined in on that opinion.

And along comes Gamespot: "Meh."

Perhaps, David, you should've thrown in a chainsaw weapon so GS would give the game a 9.6 instantly, disregarding any 'short-comings' of the game. Sorry, Gears of War is a fun game, but it's damn short.
Motorstorm is the most fun racing game that I've played in years, and it gets a 7.8 because of a 'lack of tracks'. I don't care about the so called 'lack of tracks', the game is just kick-ass fun!

Gamespot reviews just make no sense at all. Oblivion on 360: 9.6. The PS3 gets added content, better grafics, shorter load times: 9.5.

IGN said that CAC might just be the best downloadable game out there. Not just on the PSN. And hell, I've been playing games for more than twenty years. I think I can guess how much fun a game is by seeing several videos of it.

CAC looks hilarious, and I can't wait to round up a couple of my buddies to play it at my place, or ring up some of my friends abroad to play online.

Soukthachone Vilaysack said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Soukthachone Vilaysack said...

The game is either reviewed by the expectation that it was set out by word of mouth or either by play. This is probably a factor of why they love or hate a game. Because there's a BIG bar that was set to draw in the audience but once they gotten a chance to play they were left with nothing but disappointment.

Do what Nintendo do, Don't say jack shit about the game because that way people won't know what to expect. BUT here's the thing, people know it's a game they already know about so they have an understanding of what's to be offered.

But in terms of Nintendo, god forbid you to stick to one series or franchise forever. One series of theirs should just go is Mario Party. Like really, they know what they are doing and if the the Next Mario party is not online, they'll make it online with Mario Party 8.

They don't like to give the owners everything. It's how they role, they want to let their followers to keep on buying.

anyways, enough about that. Even those reviewers are gamers, you'd pretty much have to be observant to the general public, the ones that will be playing on that one system. (Except those like me with all three. ha!) but really, the gamers that WILL be playing it constantly.

When the game is released, finally, this week I'll be buying it. I enjoy these types of games. Pretty much bought what was in the PSN. (Minus Cash Money) and All I go to say is I'm quite content with it. Sure there could be more but I really do like the new games being put up there! So when CaC comes out I'll be welcoming the game with open arms!

EDIT: haha. wow. I do need to reread before posting.

Anonymous said...

At the risk of sounding like a whinny bitch, let's not forget that Gamespot chose the Gears of War characters as Best new Characters of 2006. Pretty laughable in my opinion considering some of the other characters that were created that year.

Unknown said...

why bash people for being anonymous? how is it "cowardly", and who cares? evaluate their arguments, then second guess them.

Unknown said...

your question is interesting (though I see an underlying motive to promote small games...). I suppose I would be likely to say that designers should go for whatever they are inspired by for part (a), and if it isn't received well, that doesn't necessarily mean it was a "failure" to provide something meaningful in terms of artwork, gameplay innovation, etc. On the other hand, I think that reviews should be free to say whatever they like, and I agree with the opinion Dyack expressed [article] that over-enthused communities and media coverage do not necessarily promote good games.

Matthew DeJonghe Wright said...


man I'm never reading the comments section again. Anyhoo, keep up the good work David, and plenty of us are overjoyed to see a developer who really stands by his work but not as some arrogant douchebag. Fight the good fight :)

- Matthew (aka Liquid Eagle) :D

Anonymous said...

Did you hear about the God Of War II scandal in the UK recently?

Go to and search "God Of War II" to find the article about animal cruelty and the rest (this comment won't let me link the article).

And there's a dumb comment that came with it to when this was shown in the British paper on Sunday...

"God Of War II is not a game that would be ordinarily reviewed on The Daily Mail - it is simply too violent, and the bloodshed too intense.

"Although it's normally based on Greek myths, students of the Classics would be appalled how the game reduces the tales of the ancients to a sequence of cartoonish fights mostly conducted using giant barbed hooks on the end of chains.

"Although lauded in the gaming press for its use of plot, God Of War II is a one-dimensional tale of violent vengeance that uses recognisable ancient deities like Zeus only to bookend its endless, repetitious killing.

"No sword-blow or swing of your hero Kratos goes unrewarded with a geyser of blood. When Kratos - a half-naked, tattooed psychopath who is demoted from his position as God Of War at the beginning of the game - fights the game's huge 'boss' enemies, there is horrifying focus on hooking and injuring individual body parts.

"The fact that your character is motivated by a personal vendetta makes it all the more difficult to stomach.

"What is worse is that God Of War II is clearly an intelligently designed game - and one with broad appeal to the young. The game's cryptic, Indiana Jones-style are among the cleverest seen in video games and the game is balanced perfectly to keep the audience playing.

"But it is depressing that game companies still consider it necessary to dress up competently produced games with the sort of gore-obsessed, mindless approach of God Of War II.

"It is perfectly possible to create action games without excessive blood, without gore and horror, without misanthropic central characters.

"Here though, it seems that the lure of profiting from its audience's worst appetites has been too much for Sony."

It wasn't rated 18 here for nothing, as I know you're aware, but the writer was ignorant to write down.

Being the director of GOW1, what are your thoughts on this? ^_^

Anonymous said...

The thing that interests me in game reviews is that the reviewer seems to take the stance purely of a gamer in their own demograpic.

What I mean is that a game created for, say, children under 10 is reviewed by the criteria of a 20-30+ male.

Now, where the game's market may think that it's the ideal choice for them, the reviews will indicate otherwise because the reviewer isn't viewing it from a child's perspective.

I know that reviews are entirely subjective but I think that reviewers need to be clear on the market the game is aiming at and predominantly review it based on that angle.

Anonymous said...

One could assume that PSN titles could also scale in price once certain sales markers were meet or when interest begins to wane. Larger installed bases could also effect pricing. As it stands CAC is priced right.

PlayStation Museum said...

David, I don't know how you put up with the shit in the comments. You certainly have a thick skin. But honestly, that's part of the reason I visit here everyday. You speak your mind and don't give a shit what others think. I admire that.

Now what do you have planned for the near future? A little vacation, assist in designing some epic game, or other? Also, do you own a WII? God help me, but I found one at a local Best Buy and almost bought. I'm like, WTF, I'm a supporter of the PlayStation so why would I want that POS? Sadly for Nintendo, I didn't buy it, but I'm sure as hell tempted to get one in the near future. It's just so much cheaper than the X360 or PS3 that I don't give a shit.

Mr Syaf said...


Virtual tokens? No fucking way. I like how it is now. Keep it that way. Saves more money. Especially when it comes to good games.

Will there be a demo on CAC though? I think demos help out a lot. More than reviews really. It gives users the ability to judge games themselves (for free) rather than reading opinions by other people. That's what we want really. What each individual wants. The press might hate it. But they don't necessarily speak for the public. With the recent amount of demos on PSN, I think it has help made people decide on whether they want to spend money on that game or not.

Anonymous said...

gamespot = gamerankings = cnet = MS

Arnaldo Licea said...

I think reviews of downloadable games are being compared directly to reviews of bigger games. for example, a 7 in a downloadable game might be equivalent to an 8 or 9 in the bigger game scale. You won't get the same content from a rated 7 downloadable game than a rated 7 proper game. Expectations would be too high.

Since downloadable games are a different type of game, there should be a different type of reviews for it that don't relate to the other games. In fact, I don't think rating games with numbers or star is the way to go either because downloadable games are not about that.

Anyways, I think tokens would be an inconvinience to the gamer and hell...devs gotta get paid too.



Anonymous said...

Well it's obvious that in most cases reviews are "relative" to what else is out there. For example, when Zelda: Twilight Princess came out on Wii... they didn't review the graphics with the Standard of Gears of War in mind. They compared it to other Wii games, because they're reviewing the game itself for console owners, not the console as a whole.

On that same vein, I think they should review Calling all Cars as a PSN title, comparable to other titles of relative capability - meaning other PSN titles and XBLA games.

I can't compare Metal GEar Solid 4 to Virtua Fighter 4. Which is better? Well how much do you like fighting games?

Of course when you specialize too far... it starts to get harder. Like I can compare Calling all Cars to similar cheap, downloadable gamers, mostly via PC, but you can't compare it to similar PSN games, because there isn't really one.

So do we compare it to similar genres on another platform, or other PSN games of different genre?

I'd say we take a similar game and then try and figure what it'd be like if it was built for the PSN and then compare... I think you arrive at a fair answer.

Which is probably what MOST of the reviewers did.

Anonymous said...

Judging by all the forum posts out there about "small" games and DLC packs, it's clear to me that a lot of gamers just hate spending money, no matter how good the content is. People need to get their heads out of their asses and recognize that it takes time, talent and resources to make any content. Distribution and marketing takes, you guessed it, even more time, talent and resources.

If you want content that's actually worth playing, then you better be prepared to pay for it. If you're interested in a game, but you're thinking "I'll just wait until it's cheaper" then you are essentially telling the publisher that you do not want the game at all. There are no useful metrics for People Who Are Thinking About Buying The Game. Cast your vote for quality by paying for good content. That's the best way to make sure that more of the good stuff gets made in the future.

And for the loser who questioned Jaffe's taste in movies: I'm sure Jaffe is watching a wide variety of movies, but he mentions popular titles that readers are likely to remember. Do you think enough people have seen Park Chan Wook's movies for a reference to Lady Vengeance or Old Boy to be meaningful? Yep. Sure. Those are the first movies that come to mind when people talk about party games like CAC.

Brandon Cackowski-Schnell said...

Love the posts, Jaffe, especially the candid comments.

I apologize in advance if I say things here that have been said in the comments already. I have no desire to wade through the 200+ comments of bullshit on your previous post.

As for value, that's a hard thing to peg. Oblivion, on the 360/PS3 has over 100 hours of content if you decided to explore every dungeon, pick every flower, find every beastie, etc and it's 60 bucks. On the other hand, a game like Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay cost 50 bucks for about 10 hours of content, but that experience was so much fun, and never overstayed its welcome. On a dollar per hour basis, you'd say that Oblivion was a better value, but from a entertainment experience, they're both equal.

Personally, I'd rather that game sites give honest comments about how long it takes to play a game and the amount of content in it and leave the value verdict to the consumer. I, for example, don't buy any of the arcade games on Live (I don't have a PS3) because they're not worth it to me, yet I'll gladly spend 10 bucks on some stupid, frakkin' Transformer that does nothing but sit on my desk at work. Clearly, what I'd consider a good value is completely different from what others would and this is also going to be the case from some random reviewer at GS, IGN, 1Up, etc.

Finally, I think that when viewing reviews, you have to take the total review trend into account. IGN, in my opinion, seems to be more generous with their reviews while GS seems to be more stingy. Obviously there are going to be instances on both sites where this isn't the case, but this is the impression I get as a whole. Bottom line though, is that the consumer reviews are the ones that matter the most. Hopefully they'll "review" the game positively with their wallets and you and your team can continue to make the games you want to make. If the trend of industry turns to smaller, more frequent games that allow designers, developers and QA folks to lead normal lives, that's nothing but a good thing.

Anonymous said...

First off Jaffe awesome job with Twisted Metal 2, Black, and GoW those are some of the better games from my vidoegame history. Now onto my main point will there EVER be anything from you on 360? I mean I don't own a PS3 (too expensive, nothing good on it) and I enjoy your work so I was curious. Anyway don't let it get to you because you can't please everyone and there's ALWAYS a critic.

Take care,

Anonymous said...

I think that people still need to get used to reviewing a game that costs $5-$10, but not consider it a budget title. But the best review for a game like CaC is how many copies of the demo are downloaded compared to how many copies are bought. Also, how many people are playing the game online. I know for a fact that I'll be playing this game a lot, because I've gotten old enough that I play more of the games that are considered a "diversion" instead of putting a lot of time into a Metal Gear or Oblivion.

Dave, you always reference games like NBA Jam and NFL Blitz, well those are the games that my friends and I played the most when they came out for home systems, that's why I'm excited for this title.

Keep it up and don't let those couple of reviews and the assholes here deter you.

Glenn Percival "Torgo"

Anonymous said...

Hey Jaffe if you get a chance send me an e-mail at

Looking forward to hearing from you bro.

Anonymous said...

I think it's hard to argue with the GameSpot review when it clearly gives it's reasons behind the review. To put it simply, the game isn't worth $10. From the sounds of it, the game might be worth $5, but not $10. No matter how you cut it, four maps is just four maps. I don't think its asking too much for some content to go along with the purchase. It's the same problem as the recent Guitar Hero 2 downloadables; sure the songs are great, but the price is TOO MUCH. And honestly, the core programming is the hardest part, so you should've had enough creativity and resources to make atleast 2 more maps (and even thats thin). Not to mention the complete lack of options. Even if you've refined the gameplay to perfection, people will still want to try something different. And really, would giving people the option of 4 extra people at once so hard to code? Even if it's a stalemate the entire time, people would be fine cause atleast they have options. And of course, simple extra car designs are certainly not hard, so there's no reason you couldn't add two more in there (although ten is fine). Basically if add extra free downloadable content to give the game a ten dollar value, your game will be what it should have been at ten dollars. It doesn't have to have $60 worth of content, just $10.

Danh said...

I do not have a PS3 yet but I would like to make this one of my first purchases. I totally understand the direction you were gunning for and I am assuming it will be the first of many!! Sometimes people just think everything has to be epic. I hope this experience with CAC will create more "mini-games" and I rather fork over 10 bucks a game per month than 60. That can add the hell up!

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I could go for the real life arcade model of payment for these games, unless the other option of purchasing the game was there too. Then again, then people would complain about the feeling that they're paying a quarter to play a demo.

Nathan Herzog said...

You're completely right, there are a ton of fucking ignorant assholes out there that LOOOOOOOVE to bitch and moan about everything, I belive to them they think it gives them meaning and purpose. I for one will be downloading CAC on thursday and playing online with my fiance' and friends.

Anonymous said...

I don't think there is to much to be expected of a game that cost $10 the only thing that is to be expected is that its fun not how much cars or track are in the game but how much fun your getting for a $10 game. I don't think that the people who are going to buy this game are hoping to have 50 different cars that all run differently and 50 unlockable trecks and 30 unlockable weapons all in a $10 game, but what the will be expecting is that the game will be fun to play with other people (either at home or over the net) without any problems or gliches. Thats what I'm expect out of these downloadable games.

Anonymous said...

God help me, but I found one at a local Best Buy and almost bought. I'm like, WTF, I'm a supporter of the PlayStation so why would I want that POS? Sadly for Nintendo, I didn't buy it, but I'm sure as hell tempted to get one in the near future. It's just so much cheaper than the X360 or PS3 that I don't give a shit.
This has to rank as one the most ignorant comments i've ever read in my entire life. I don't know how old you are, but I can assume you're saying you have only owned the 3 Sony consoles. Deprived yourself as a child because you somehow could see into the future and see "Sony's Greatness" and decided not to play the NES,SNES,Turbo Grafx 16,Neo-Geo,Genesis,Dreamcast,and The Arcades. So all you did was watch as your friends played all these cool games and you just sat there envious. Dude grow the fuck up. Quit depriving yourself of all these great games that are out there. Quit being a Sony fanboy because at the end of the day this console loyalty bullshit ends up hurting only the consumer (that's you) and ends up fattening the already swollen pockets of these companies.

Anonymous said...

It's a great question, but I think reviews, which are already pretty subjective and unpredictable, would be worthless if games were only judged by the rules and goals of the design team.

Obviously, whether or not a developer achieved what they set out to do is fair game for a review, but then, so is whether or not what they set out to do was a good idea.

I certainly don't think a 10.00 casual game should be judged by the same standards as a AAA title with much more staff and money behind it. That said, the question for a reviewer will still be whether the game is worth the price of admission.

Ultimately, games should deliver on their promises and judged accordingly. There will be some people who never played with hot wheels as a kid, had sad broken childhoods, and will have no interest in CAC. They would give this game a 3. Other people have been hungering for truly original multiplayer content for their slick black boxes, and this will fill that gap - they'll give it 9's... if you don't like the category though, you shouldn't be the dude reviewing the game.

Still, the standard is whether the game works, and that, in my opinion, includes whether the designer's intentions were on. So for that, I guess I'd fall more into the "b" camp.

Also, Mari0juana... Old Boy rocks, but I'm sure everytime Dave mentions Spiderman, Sony sends him a check :)

Anonymous said...

In my personal opinion games should be rated on basic quality issues such as: Is the game stable? Do the graphics glitch? Is the sound easy to hear and not distorted.

After that, its all down to. If you're the person who like this sort of game, would you find it fun. Done.

However, these things are best expressed with words, not numbers. The whole idea of number is just wrong for reviews. Does 7.2 mean fun, or it just has kickass graphics?

Chip said...

Reviews can be such subjective things. Not only how much you like or dislike a game but mood too. Heck, it could have been the wrong time of the month for teh reviewer.
I still play many games on my C64 and Amiga and alot are more fun than alot of what is released now days either by DL or on disk even if the graphics are not cutting edge. I guess what I am trying to say is as long as the game is fun it doesnt matter what any reviewer says.

Anonymous said...

Any old Joe can write a review of a game. The way I see it, how the person writes the review and judges the game doesn't matter, it is his judgement, and his alone. Point being you cannot trust one person alone and you must look at the average.

Look at the Olympics, there ain't one judge in figure skating, there are many. Not everyone's going to like the game. Not everyone liked God of War either, but the majority did, and that's what mattered.

Admittedly, Gamespot does have a bit more credibility, but only because the site also doubles as a good outpost for the latest gaming news. Nothing more, nothing less.

Joel said...

to answer your question...

i think its a mix of both.

you should definetly take into consideration other games that have attempted the same thing.

if this is the funnest party game ever made, that should definetly be a main point made by the reviewer.

if its the funnest game of the year, regardless of the genre, that also needs to be taken into consideration.

so heres what i have to say... these xbox live and psn games are cheaper, but thats no excuse to be less fun.

less content, thats fine... after all your paying less.

but if the games just arent as fun, then it can be as cheap as it likes, and i'll still never feel like playing it.

so.. im sure you know that, and i hear CAC is really fun, so thats definetly good news.

Celpacius said...

hey jaffe, i swear to god if this game doesnt come out the third of may in favor of that piece of shit duck game, im gonna destroy something and someone's gonna get it up the ass with a sword.

ive been waiting for so long for this!!!! god damn it jesus christ holy fuck!

R.Bunk said...

Jaffe you are such the eloquent gentleman!

LOL at...




Don't hate the playa hate the game ;)

Neil said...

It's sad that so many people act so righteous behind the internet. And by that I mean the commentators - not you Jaffe.

What you're doing is new and different in the console world. And if Calling all Cars is a success, critically and finally, then you should be celebrated and not berated.

Keep doing what you're doing. I'm spending all night Thursday playing CAC. You going to be on watching??

Anonymous said...

The way it works now is good.
Also, you pay $10 for CAC as opposed to $5 for that bargain bin game probably because CAC is new and that old formally $60 probably didn't sell to well at a higher price due to being poor content.

I also believe that a game should be rated with a mix between both the A&B ideas.....

JH said...

I agree with you 100% on all fronts.

That gamespot review is a little bull. They're not seeing the forest for the trees. It's ten bucks! Do they expect 20 levels and over fifty hours of game play?! Insanity.

As for this blog, I remember when i first started commenting here. There was something like five to ten regulars and then all of a sudden everything went to hell. Probably some game site posted the link to your blog and all the trolls got let in. But if there isn't someone to delete them, forget them. It's the best thing you can do.

Hear that guys? Don't pay any mind to the mindless. If they really don't care then why are they crying here? Sad is what it is... truly sad...

Anonymous said...

i can't believe anyone complains about a $10 game. these new downloadable games are like many board games. costs you $10-$15. you play them with your friends and get multiple uses out of it. it's a good value because of all the replay value and fun you can have.

CaC reminds me of the board game SORRY. you can be so close to winning the game in SORRY and then someone pulls a SORRY card on your ass and you're frustrated, but it's fun to no end! the game costs $15 but the fun and replay value are endless/priceless.

i think games like CaC will offer similar experiences and for $10, should be a great value to the consumer. seriously, no more complaining about $10 games. either buy it or don't. you SHOULD be complaining about $60 for a game that was poorly ported or a $60 shit movie game...

Alex said...

Is the model broken? No. Obviously not seeing as how our wallets are taking a vicious raping in the Wii shop for virtual console games. Nostalgia shouldn't get in the way of knowing when you're getting fucked over.

I agree with many that it's about weather or not the game is fun, but at the same time, I PERSONALLY(key word there) am not too big on multiplayer. Now, that ties into your point where you said it's about what the developer had envisioned, so grade them based on that. But as I said, what if the editor assigned to your game isn't big on multiplayer? How is he going to properly analyze it?

I think it just all comes down to the fact that video games as a form of art and entertainment just have to many facets, and angles, and components to be able to grade them all and still use the developer's goal as reference. How often are developers as vocal as you about what their "goal" with a game is? Should all developers send game sites a few paragraphs on what the goal of the game project was along with their review builds? I'm not trying to be an ass to you, but it seems like it sucks that some devs do it, and some devs don't. Some don't really have a specific, set, and defined vision of what they are trying to accomplish other than "we want to do something new with the sci-fi alien FPS game genre...".

So no offense to you, but maybe there is just a lot of tension and miscommunication and understanding between the development "community" and the game review "community". The gamers themselves...I mean us...selves....seem to be all ears, and completely enthralled to see people like you be so close and open with us.

I am commenting on the "personal" blog of one of my heroes. He will read this. That blows my fucking mind. Perhaps you are someone that will lead other developers down this same path, and maybe developers, game "journalism", and gamers will all become closer and work together, instead of being assholes that act like bricks in the wall because they get free games to review......dammit.

Anonymous said...

Um....where is it?

Anonymous said...

Games should be reviewed as games. All games should be entertaining, or else what is the point. That entertainment also has to be worth the price tag, however. Just because people have loads of fun playing this game for one day, does not mean that fun will last or be worth the price.

Similar pick up and play games like NBA Jam have simple, but definate depth that keeps you playing (different combinations or players, many options on offense and defense). Gamespot's issues seem relevant, in that your game may be lacking that depth and lastivity. Guess we'll see when it comes out. Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

6.7 from gamespot? Well, sometimes their reviews for sony games are not fair. Maybe the single player is a bit short, but it`s definitely fun in every single way. I remember another cool game that got low score by gamespot, but did well (8 & higher) on IGN/1UP. It`s LocoRoco for PSP. GS gave it only 7.7, but come on, everyone knows that this game is awesome.

derrickgott007 said...


I don't agree with you on the whole "Token" idea..That suck in my opinion, I want to own the game, not "rent" it each time I want to play, cause say me and my friends play a shit load of CAC, and each game is $0.25, after a few games that shit adds up!

I am all for owning it, and if people are going to bitch about $5-$10 then they should just return their PS3's and shut the fuck up, because look at how much people paid for Q-bert and CAC offers 400% more than that game to all the haters, suck it.

P.S the chat box is dead. I can not see it...did you take it off? I really liked that thing.

Anonymous said...

On a side note I am reading that CAC will not be released this Thursday, May 3. Jaffe has removed the release date blog also so it looks like we will have to be wating yet again for CAC to be realeased. Can you comment about this David?

Scot said...

Gamespot reviews have been spotty at best for two or three years now. They're gave one of the lowest scores of major review sites to Zelda: Twilight Princess. You shouldn't worry about it.

As for how DL games should be reviewed, I see comments saying that they're not the same as AAA titles and I shake my head. Why can't a small downloadable game be AAA? I would say that Bejeweled 2, Peggle, and Book Worm are AAA titles. They're just not the same experience as most disc based products. And that being said they should be judged on their merits, not in compairson to the merits of God of War.

Anonymous said...

Dude, chill, relax, have a kitkat but do not insult the internet community unless you want to risk a vandetta, you peeps should know by now.

This is the internet and opinions are pletora and subjective. Just like reviews, subjectives. People will like your game and people won't, just take constructive criticism on and laugh at what's pathetic, but keep it clean.

Secondly,TBQH, i think it's kinda weak to release a multiplayer game with 4 maps only, whatever the price, dude.

Balls said...

I'm going to run home and try the game before I comment on the game itself.

However as far as ratings go, I've always trusted Gamespot, while there seems to be a consensus that IGN's reviews are written to please the industry players.

I have noticed that Gamespot is biased towards AAA titles.

Case in point, I picked up God of War, because Gamespot was basically all over GOW's nuts.

Look one bad review doesn't mean that your game is a failure and remember there is no such thing as bad publicity.

Anonymous said...



Rory said...

Hey David,
I don't know if anybody else has mentioned this, but Gamespot tends to give poor reviews to any game they think will generate a controversial response (Zelda on the Wii, for example). By doing so they will erupt a flame war and generate hits and potential revenue for their site. They know what reviews people will want to read, and therefore they will pick apart any game (or not even completely play it) in order to get people talking. Imagine some kids at school saying, "Dude, did you /see/ the review that Gamespot gave that game, IT SUCKS ASS!!!" They realize the influence they've had for over a decade. If you want to see an example of how poor their reviews are, check out any PC adventure game to see just how out of touch they are with the genre. They can't even get somebody who genuinely likes the adventure genre to review the games, so therefore each review is very low and typically criticizes standards with adventure games rather than the actual game. It's pathetic. Their review system is so fucked up that anything below an 8 is considered an absolute failure. Why bother having a ten point scale?

Anonymous said...

Im glad your on sonys side, and your game looks so so good! Cant wait to buy it man! Keep fighting the good fight! Screw Gamespot, there so bias to Micro$oft anyway


Rory said...

Oh come on, anonymous -- "Micro$oft?" What are you, 12 years old? Visit the forums on Gamespot and you'll find people saying they have a bias towards just about any company -- hell, look at the comments to this post and the last one.

Anonymous said...

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku is acting like the gay Xbox fag that he is by trying to make Mr.Jaffe look bad(

Mr.Jaffe,Crecente is still pissed about the Sony incident,where Kotaku unveiled Playstation Home before Phil Harrison did and Sony was going to cut Kotaku off with news and events etc.,if I were you I wouldnt care about what this gay immigrant has to say about you and your opinions.

Anonymous said...

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku is acting like the gay Xbox fag that he is by trying to make Mr.Jaffe look bad(

Mr.Jaffe,Crecente is still pissed about the Sony incident,where Kotaku unveiled Playstation Home before Phil Harrison did and Sony was going to cut Kotaku off with news and events etc.,if I were you I wouldnt care about what this gay immigrant has to say about you and your opinions.

Anonymous said...

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku is acting like the gay Xbox fag that he is by trying to make Mr.Jaffe look bad(

Mr.Jaffe,Crecente is still pissed about the Sony incident,where Kotaku unveiled Playstation Home before Phil Harrison did and Sony was going to cut Kotaku off with news and events etc.,if I were you I wouldnt care about what this gay immigrant has to say about you and your opinions.

Anonymous said...

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku is acting like the gay Xbox fag that he is by trying to make Mr.Jaffe look bad(

Mr.Jaffe,Crecente is still pissed about the Sony incident,where Kotaku unveiled Playstation Home before Phil Harrison did and Sony was going to cut Kotaku off with news and events etc.,if I were you I wouldnt care about what this gay immigrant has to say about you and your opinions.

Anonymous said...

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku is acting like the gay Xbox fag that he is by trying to make Mr.Jaffe look bad(

Mr.Jaffe,Crecente is still pissed about the Sony incident,where Kotaku unveiled Playstation Home before Phil Harrison did and Sony was going to cut Kotaku off with news and events etc.,if I were you I wouldnt care about what this gay immigrant has to say about you and your opinions.

Anonymous said...

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku is acting like the gay Xbox fag that he is by trying to make Mr.Jaffe look bad(

Mr.Jaffe,Crecente is still pissed about the Sony incident,where Kotaku unveiled Playstation Home before Phil Harrison did and Sony was going to cut Kotaku off with news and events etc.,if I were you I wouldnt care about what this gay immigrant has to say about you and your opinions.

Anonymous said...

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku is acting like the gay Xbox fag that he is by trying to make Mr.Jaffe look bad(

Mr.Jaffe,Crecente is still pissed about the Sony incident,where Kotaku unveiled Playstation Home before Phil Harrison did and Sony was going to cut Kotaku off with news and events etc.,if I were you I wouldnt care about what this gay immigrant has to say about you and your opinions.

Anonymous said...

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku is acting like the gay Xbox fag that he is by trying to make Mr.Jaffe look bad(

Mr.Jaffe,Crecente is still pissed about the Sony incident,where Kotaku unveiled Playstation Home before Phil Harrison did and Sony was going to cut Kotaku off with news and events etc.,if I were you I wouldnt care about what this gay immigrant has to say about you and your opinions.

Anonymous said...

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku is acting like the gay Xbox fag that he is by trying to make Mr.Jaffe look bad(

Mr.Jaffe,Crecente is still pissed about the Sony incident,where Kotaku unveiled Playstation Home before Phil Harrison did and Sony was going to cut Kotaku off with news and events etc.,if I were you I wouldnt care about what this gay immigrant has to say about you and your opinions.

Anonymous said...

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku is acting like the gay Xbox fag that he is by trying to make Mr.Jaffe look bad(

Mr.Jaffe,Crecente is still pissed about the Sony incident,where Kotaku unveiled Playstation Home before Phil Harrison did and Sony was going to cut Kotaku off with news and events etc.,if I were you I wouldnt care about what this gay immigrant has to say about you and your opinions.

Anonymous said...

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku is acting like the gay Xbox fag that he is by trying to make Mr.Jaffe look bad(

Mr.Jaffe,Crecente is still pissed about the Sony incident,where Kotaku unveiled Playstation Home before Phil Harrison did and Sony was going to cut Kotaku off with news and events etc.,if I were you I wouldnt care about what this gay immigrant has to say about you and your opinions.

Anonymous said...

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku is acting like the gay Xbox fag that he is by trying to make Mr.Jaffe look bad(

Mr.Jaffe,Crecente is still pissed about the Sony incident,where Kotaku unveiled Playstation Home before Phil Harrison did and Sony was going to cut Kotaku off with news and events etc.,if I were you I wouldnt care about what this gay immigrant has to say about you and your opinions.

Anonymous said...

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku is acting like the gay Xbox fag that he is by trying to make Mr.Jaffe look bad(

Mr.Jaffe,Crecente is still pissed about the Sony incident,where Kotaku unveiled Playstation Home before Phil Harrison did and Sony was going to cut Kotaku off with news and events etc.,if I were you I wouldnt care about what this gay immigrant has to say about you and your opinions.

Anonymous said...

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku is acting like the gay Xbox fag that he is by trying to make Mr.Jaffe look bad(

Mr.Jaffe,Crecente is still pissed about the Sony incident,where Kotaku unveiled Playstation Home before Phil Harrison did and Sony was going to cut Kotaku off with news and events etc.,if I were you I wouldnt care about what this gay immigrant has to say about you and your opinions.

Anonymous said...

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku is acting like the gay Xbox fag that he is by trying to make Mr.Jaffe look bad(

Mr.Jaffe,Crecente is still pissed about the Sony incident,where Kotaku unveiled Playstation Home before Phil Harrison did and Sony was going to cut Kotaku off with news and events etc.,if I were you I wouldnt care about what this gay immigrant has to say about you and your opinions.

Anonymous said...

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku is acting like the gay Xbox fag that he is by trying to make Mr.Jaffe look bad(

Mr.Jaffe,Crecente is still pissed about the Sony incident,where Kotaku unveiled Playstation Home before Phil Harrison did and Sony was going to cut Kotaku off with news and events etc.,if I were you I wouldnt care about what this gay immigrant has to say about you and your opinions.

Anonymous said...

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku is acting like the gay Xbox fag that he is by trying to make Mr.Jaffe look bad(

Mr.Jaffe,Crecente is still pissed about the Sony incident,where Kotaku unveiled Playstation Home before Phil Harrison did and Sony was going to cut Kotaku off with news and events etc.,if I were you I wouldnt care about what this gay immigrant has to say about you and your opinions.

Anonymous said...

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku is acting like the gay Xbox fag that he is by trying to make Mr.Jaffe look bad(

Mr.Jaffe,Crecente is still pissed about the Sony incident,where Kotaku unveiled Playstation Home before Phil Harrison did and Sony was going to cut Kotaku off with news and events etc.,if I were you I wouldnt care about what this gay immigrant has to say about you and your opinions.

Anonymous said...

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku is acting like the gay Xbox fag that he is by trying to make Mr.Jaffe look bad(

Mr.Jaffe,Crecente is still pissed about the Sony incident,where Kotaku unveiled Playstation Home before Phil Harrison did and Sony was going to cut Kotaku off with news and events etc.,if I were you I wouldnt care about what this gay immigrant has to say about you and your opinions.

Anonymous said...

gamespot = cnet = kotaku = sponsored by MS

Anonymous said...

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku is acting like the gay Xbox fag that he is by trying to make Mr.Jaffe look bad(

Mr.Jaffe,Crecente is still pissed about the Sony incident,where Kotaku unveiled Playstation Home before Phil Harrison did and Sony was going to cut Kotaku off with news and events etc.,if I were you I wouldnt care about what this gay immigrant has to say about you and your opinions.

Anonymous said...

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku is acting like the gay Xbox fag that he is by trying to make Mr.Jaffe look bad(

Mr.Jaffe,Crecente is still pissed about the Sony incident,where Kotaku unveiled Playstation Home before Phil Harrison did and Sony was going to cut Kotaku off with news and events etc.,if I were you I wouldnt care about what this gay immigrant has to say about you and your opinions.

Anonymous said...

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku is acting like the gay Xbox fag that he is by trying to make Mr.Jaffe look bad(

Mr.Jaffe,Crecente is still pissed about the Sony incident,where Kotaku unveiled Playstation Home before Phil Harrison did and Sony was going to cut Kotaku off with news and events etc.,if I were you I wouldnt care about what this gay immigrant has to say about you and your opinions.

Anonymous said...

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku is acting like the gay Xbox fag that he is by trying to make Mr.Jaffe look bad(

Mr.Jaffe,Crecente is still pissed about the Sony incident,where Kotaku unveiled Playstation Home before Phil Harrison did and Sony was going to cut Kotaku off with news and events etc.,if I were you I wouldnt care about what this gay immigrant has to say about you and your opinions.

Anonymous said...

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku is acting like the gay Xbox fag that he is by trying to make Mr.Jaffe look bad(

Mr.Jaffe,Crecente is still pissed about the Sony incident,where Kotaku unveiled Playstation Home before Phil Harrison did and Sony was going to cut Kotaku off with news and events etc.,if I were you I wouldnt care about what this gay immigrant has to say about you and your opinions.

Anonymous said...

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku is acting like the gay Xbox fag that he is by trying to make Mr.Jaffe look bad(

Mr.Jaffe,Crecente is still pissed about the Sony incident,where Kotaku unveiled Playstation Home before Phil Harrison did and Sony was going to cut Kotaku off with news and events etc.,if I were you I wouldnt care about what this gay immigrant has to say about you and your opinions.

Anonymous said...

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku is acting like the gay Xbox fag that he is by trying to make Mr.Jaffe look bad(

Mr.Jaffe,Crecente is still pissed about the Sony incident,where Kotaku unveiled Playstation Home before Phil Harrison did and Sony was going to cut Kotaku off with news and events etc.,if I were you I wouldnt care about what this gay immigrant has to say about you and your opinions.

Anonymous said...

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku is acting like the gay Xbox fag that he is by trying to make Mr.Jaffe look bad(

Mr.Jaffe,Crecente is still pissed about the Sony incident,where Kotaku unveiled Playstation Home before Phil Harrison did and Sony was going to cut Kotaku off with news and events etc.,if I were you I wouldnt care about what this gay immigrant has to say about you and your opinions.

Anonymous said...

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku is acting like the gay Xbox fag that he is by trying to make Mr.Jaffe look bad(

Mr.Jaffe,Crecente is still pissed about the Sony incident,where Kotaku unveiled Playstation Home before Phil Harrison did and Sony was going to cut Kotaku off with news and events etc.,if I were you I wouldnt care about what this gay immigrant has to say about you and your opinions.

Anonymous said...

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku is acting like the gay Xbox fag that he is by trying to make Mr.Jaffe look bad(

Mr.Jaffe,Crecente is still pissed about the Sony incident,where Kotaku unveiled Playstation Home before Phil Harrison did and Sony was going to cut Kotaku off with news and events etc.,if I were you I wouldnt care about what this gay immigrant has to say about you and your opinions.

Anonymous said...

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku is acting like the gay Xbox fag that he is by trying to make Mr.Jaffe look bad(

Mr.Jaffe,Crecente is still pissed about the Sony incident,where Kotaku unveiled Playstation Home before Phil Harrison did and Sony was going to cut Kotaku off with news and events etc.,if I were you I wouldnt care about what this gay immigrant has to say about you and your opinions.

Anonymous said...

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku is acting like the gay Xbox fag that he is by trying to make Mr.Jaffe look bad(

Mr.Jaffe,Crecente is still pissed about the Sony incident,where Kotaku unveiled Playstation Home before Phil Harrison did and Sony was going to cut Kotaku off with news and events etc.,if I were you I wouldnt care about what this gay immigrant has to say about you and your opinions.

Anonymous said...

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku is acting like the gay Xbox fag that he is by trying to make Mr.Jaffe look bad(

Mr.Jaffe,Crecente is still pissed about the Sony incident,where Kotaku unveiled Playstation Home before Phil Harrison did and Sony was going to cut Kotaku off with news and events etc.,if I were you I wouldnt care about what this gay immigrant has to say about you and your opinions.

Anonymous said...

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku is acting like the gay Xbox fag that he is by trying to make Mr.Jaffe look bad(

Mr.Jaffe,Crecente is still pissed about the Sony incident,where Kotaku unveiled Playstation Home before Phil Harrison did and Sony was going to cut Kotaku off with news and events etc.,if I were you I wouldnt care about what this gay immigrant has to say about you and your opinions.

Anonymous said...

Brian Crecente over at Kotaku is acting like the gay Xbox fag that he is by trying to make Mr.Jaffe look bad(

Mr.Jaffe,Crecente is still pissed about the Sony incident,where Kotaku unveiled Playstation Home before Phil Harrison did and Sony was going to cut Kotaku off with news and events etc.,if I were you I wouldnt care about what this gay immigrant has to say about you and your opinions.

Unknown said...


You made God of War; it is a fantastic game, IMO much better than GOW2. I praise you for that.

But right now, you are acting like a whiny little bitch. I don't cry when I get a poor grade on an essay even though I put hours into it. Fact of the matter is, you're supposed to be some big guy, yet you whine more than an eight year old.

Suck it up, it is one bad review for a game that was in development for a year that features only 1 mode and 4 maps (which is weak, there is no denying, even for a 10 dollar game).

And you are being immature for calling his opinion wrong. Just suck it up, and get over it, and make GOW3, please, because GOW3 needs to not be like GOW2.

Also, one last thing, if you think your game is so good, you shouldn't let GameSpot influence what you say. I personally ignore scores for XBLA because they are not indicative of how I feel about the game. And I'm not going to give some bitter stranger my full name.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Come on Jaffee, you can't always make 10s. Maybe it's your getting complacent with GoW but most of us other devs work our ass off and only get 8.5. You've gotten lucky once with GoW you need to get off your ass and work next time you get a new IP.

If you can't make a 10 dollar game with that much content, then don't. but from the sound of it this game doesn't have that much content for a 10 dollar game and you're always going to get dinged on stuff like that.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think, and this goes for anything anyone does artistically, you do your best- and then you let go. Don't dwell on the stupid shit people are saying. Some anonymous blog-trolling internet fuckbags with nothing better to do while they aren't masturbating themselves out of a real social life.

Also mari0juana's commercial-whore girlfriend was slobbin' all over my knob after we watched Titanic. It gets her all vulnerable and down she goes, just like the ship.

Anonymous said...

"You've gotten lucky once with GoW you need to get off your ass and work next time you get a new IP."


Anonymous said...



Clubside Granville said...

Howdy! I will be picking up Calling All Cars! upon release because it looks like fun. That's all it takes for me. The concept of value might come into play if I had limited entertainment funds, but as I don't "value" is a non-factor.

As for your question, I think "Option A" is broken. It actually asks for us to meet two sentiments: awareness and agreement with the creator's intent, and judgment within "genre". These can often be two wholly different criteria.

Most review sites seem to judge games reltive to their genre and market rather than against "gaming as a whole". This is fine, or I'd get worked up about every sports game ever released since I see no reason for sports games. However, those who enjoy the genre will want to see how one tennis title stacks up to another.

In your movie analogies you have picked a number of great titles that fall squarely into specific genres (for most people). But what about movies that aren't successful yet bring enjoyment, perhaps for reasons beyond the creator's intent? I'll use a TV show for an analogy: Melrose Place. Here's a popular show that to me was hilarious in its cheesiness. But plenty of people out there actually enjoyed it as a primetime soap. Is it any less successful because they got me to watch it while I was lit and laughing to the point of crying over its awfulness? If I were to rate it I'd likely fill a review with nothing but negatives but sum it up andscore it based on my ultimate enjoyment, not the creator's intent.

On my site I had three review scores for games: Personal, Quality and Fun. It was possible for a game I despised to still be technically well constructed but just not fun or to my taste. Single scores require us to dig deeper into the text and try to see those other scores. It was also possible for a game to get a medium personal and quality score yet a near perfect fun score? Why should that be possible? Because of multiplayer was usually the answer, and that's where I'll leave you.

I look forward to what you have created in its intent. I can wish there were more maps or whatever complaints may have been raised, but at the end of the day do I have fun? I'm not going to calculate fun per dollar spent or any of that horseshit, fun is fun. If I get on PSN (my ID is clubside, this identity is related to crap-ass Second Life) and play the game and am laughing and having a good time (and hopefully chatting if others have a headset) then I will want to play it more, and that makes a game a success no matter what score I or anyone else would choose to "boil" the game down to.

Unknown said...

Love you Jaffe, always nice to see that there are still a few people in the gaming world that speak their minds.

Anonymous said...


SONY FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow "anonymous" way to pad the comment numbers.

Seriously, dude. Move on with your life. I know its your creation and all, but do you think the creators of Big Rigs and Superman 64 wre howling over their god-awful reviews? They didn't even crack 2s or 3s if I recall.

Look, any gamer worth their salt will check out ALL reviews of a game (and that should go for any kind of art: movies, music, books) and then make their own decision. They'll go to Gamerankings or something. Or do you think so little of your constituents that one bad review on a popular gaming site is going to doom you to taking a loss on a $10 downloadable game? Please, you'll do fine with this game. You do your reputation a disservice whining about it.

Anonymous said...



Mr Flannery said...

Jaffe; You're such a rockstar.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I'm a xbox person, but there are certain games that hold a special place in my heart that are on the Playstation systems. (Twisted metal series, is probably on the top of that list, with Vigilante 8 a close second) I guess I understand that you wouldn't want to make another Twisted metal if it had to be some giant super game that took up all your time, I'm not angry nessesarily, but I'm hurt, frustrated, and quite a bit bummed out. I wish someone that could do a next gen TM-esque game that was good for the xbox 360. (Novadrome and Full Auto sucked, and Burnout isn't exactly the kind car combat I'm thinking about) I have one question for you: if you don't dislike/hate the Xbox 360, then why have you NEVER made a game for it? its not the difficulty to develope for, XB360 is easier to develope for, it can't truely be that the PS3's power is so much better, since like your saying, your aiming for less serious big titles, and more for the lower tech/casual games, what is it then man? what!?!? \:(

Toodles said...

Shee-yit, looks like somebody opened up an economy-sized can of worms. But then, that's what you're known for, right? :)

I'm not impressed with these corporate review sites, I'm just not. Some places can prioritize advertising and revenue ahead of writing and still have good writing, but not many. I wouldn't be too worried about the Gamespot review. Like I said, it's unfair to judge a game on anything other than it's own merit. I'm not pissed at Bejeweled because it's not Final Fantasty 12, I like it because it's a simple addictive puzzle game that I use to kill time. Not every game is an epic, so why review them with that intention? I don't get it.

Roam, Rest, Repeat: Travel with Elena & Colin said...

Subscriptions for the XBLA/PSN (with PSP)/Wii Channel are ABSOLUTELY the way to go...$10/month all you can eat...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The 10 Dollar Price Vs. value argument is stupid... I can get Zelda Ocarina of Time for 10 bucks on my Wii...that game is immense compared to the pitiful ammount of content of Calling all Cars.

Personally Dave should take a fucking prozac and relax....if you cant take someone giving your works an honest review based on their opinion then you shouldn't ever release another game for the rest of your life...

Stop believing your hype Dude...

Carlos M. said...

striker, I don't know about that "every gamer worth their salt checks every review score of a game" comment. I mean, I wish I had the time to do that AND all the other stuff I like and should be doing, but in all honesty sometimes I don't even check a single review.

I remember the days where you just bought a game based on how the cover and screenshots looked on the box. I know it's a little risky, but I do miss those days. You could find some hidden gems that way. Now the concept of reviews is so imbedded in our industry, some of us would never touch a game unless its review scores were good enough.

Although, I still think the media has just so much influence on buyer's decisions. Okami for the PS2 got praise left and right from reviewers, but people just didn't buy it. The same went for games like Beyond Good & Evil and Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time from Ubisoft (at least in America).

Oh, by the way, play Okami. :) Beautiful game from every aspect you can imagine.

Anonymous said...

Nice fan base you have Dave..... Looks like your core demographic is made up of childish immature assholes like yourself.

I'm not buying your game simply because it doesn't look like a fun game. The content is too limited for the price by comparison to most XBLA games and the art style sucks.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jaffe, I feel for you man. X360 fanboys are the worst, because they are mostly kids and teenagers. They are here for one purpose only, to diss PS3 and its games. That's why you are getting so many immature comments and reponses. Those dumbass teenagers think they know everything. It's best to ignore them, don't let those comments get to you, because that's why they want. A response to their stupidity is only gonna help them to rile up more x360 fanboys to insult you.

No matter what, you know the game is going to be enjoyed by lots of gamers on PS3. There's no need to reach out to the x360 crowd. They are just sour grapes. Hope you will bring more awesome games to PS3!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, same goes for XBLA Pinball FX.

It's worth an 8 for pinball lovers, which are pretty much the target audience anyway, but the lack of tables is simply hard to swallow for potential customers, hence the 6 at GS.

I used to spend a lot in the arcades, much more than the price of a game on psn, but at least i had more than 3 tables to choose from, rest available later at additional CaC, isn't it ?

let's be serious about pricing. games on retail might be 50 bucks but

1/you can sell it and get half the money back.

2/buy a second hand game with the money.

so let's say retail games are twice to three times more expensive than digtal content (in the states aka not in europe because it's assrape here).

i would still expect a game whatever its price, to have at least 6 maps to play with as a starter, before you start pumping us cash via downloadable content.

Does the shop/marketplace system allow competitive pricing, sales reductions, promotions, take into account new production and retail costs and such ? don't think so. Therefore i don't see how this can be a good deal fo the customer when you end up paying 20$ for half a game which you cannot sell back or exchange.

Anonymous said...

I have all three major system and I will not buy Calling all Cars.

I like my PS3 just fine, but Calling all Cars is in no way comparable (in my OPINION) to the majority of the awesome games on XBLA as far as price = Value.

I mean come on. the gears of war map pack costs less that your entire game does and the GoW map pack clearly cost twice as much, if not more than, your entire game to make and test.

Unknown said...

While I agree with alot of your points David, I think how you handle your general writing proves childish at best. We respect you for your often 'explicit' opinion, but the "fuck your mother line" is something the immature 13 year-olds at my school say.

And even if I don't own a PS3, and don't plan to own one, I still look forward to your future endavors.

Anonymous said...

Most of the stuff from XBLA is overpriced and gets low scores as a result on GS. And i'm glad they do, as a customer.

Anonymous said...

To the guy with who loves the pinball game, does it have multiplayer online or even offline? We are talking about a multiplayer game here, and you are comparing it to pinball?? Multiplayer is where the replay value of this game is at. The guy who reviewed the game on gamespot is a loner hardcore player, that's why this game got such a low mark. He has no friends to play with inside or outside the office, that's why he didn't have fun playing the game. But seriously, gamespot is notorious for their hate toward PS3. Microsoft probably bribe them one way or another. Shame on gamespot!

ラファエル said...

Man, chill out. Games like any other kind of art are subject to opinions and personal bias. No matter how professional the reviewer is, it's humanly impossible for someone to complete shun this subjective side.

That said, I think this is a 80% game overall, and a great game considering it's price.
Keep up the good work, and remember you can't please Greeks and Trojans, but do keep trying, because the result probably will please most of us.

Anonymous said...

huh the whole point of pinball is to get the best score, at the arcade or over XBL.
there is no point playing it offline or without friends around.

Anonymous said...

W/e. GS is one reviewer. Don't sweat it. I think those who play it will be able to judge themselves. I believe that response from average gamers is more important than any reviewer. So just wait till the game is out and see what the response is. Then i guess we'll see if the game really is 6.7 or 8+.

Anonymous said...

of course other reviews are gonna be 80 or above. Who would like to be assassinated on your blog ?

Erik S. said...

Jaffe bro, just think about this for a second...

Gamespot gave Perfect Dark Zero a 9.0
Gamespot gave MetalGearSolid3 an 8.7
Gamespot gave ResistanceFOM an 8.6

Since when does Gamespot know anything about games? Those biased fucks have their heads up their ass and there hands in Microsoft's pants.

I think you did an excellent job bro, don't get any gray hairs over what some retarded review site has to say.

Anonymous said...

I dunno, i'm PS3 negative: Does PS3 store games offer a free trial like on Live arcade? If so, it's hard to argue over the price.

Try before you buy for the glory of all!

Anonymous said...

HOLY SHIT, first i thought you were pretty cool, but SHUT THE FUCK UP, honestly, that game isn't the greatest and stop fucking bitching about the review, A FUCKING OPINION someone has, dipshit, my god you think your some bigshot ehh, well you were, UNTIL you lost my respect, GO FUCK YOURSELF DAVID JAFFE

Anonymous said...

Truthfully, I was completely unimpressed by this game at first. I wasn't quite sure what to make of it. Was it a pure multiplayer game? Was it a pseudo-Twisted Metal spin-off? Or was it another game that released itself stripped and would add on content for more money down the line?

While some of the above said remains to be see, I can say that I was most definitely mistaken in my initial analysis. This is a game that is what it is and tries to be nothing more than that. It is a fun, trash talking, fuck you game and it is one of the best out there (so to speak).

There are a few things one must realize about gamespot. One is that while the guys there are totally awesome (that’s right, I said it) to hang with, they've all been fed the Microzoloft pill. In reviewing a game like CAC, they sought to find specific qualities they already had in mind before the review. PSN games, as well as XBLA games should be reviewed exactly as what they are. Online, DL games that do not set out to be epic. More times then not, they exists to be fun. Not to be perfect, but fun.

Let's not forget that MOST reviewers believe they are god's gift to earth anyway...

Anonymous said...

Haha Crecente a "gay immigrant" ;D
Pretty hateful how being "outspoken" will apparently polarize opinions of you to the point where you get all the other "outspoken" ones on your side, and it turns out like 80% of them are rabid assholes with brain damage. Food for thought!

Also wtf is an xbox fag :P I thought this was about playing games and having fun, not cock comparisons

Carlos M. said...

Sunjammer, you can play demos of the games before purchasing. I did it with Lemmings, which is a simple and fun puzzle game.

I don't know if EVERY game available for purchase offers that, but it's only because I haven't bothered to check. I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case.

Christopher Vigliotti said...

dude...release this for the Wii and I'll buy it

Anonymous said...

Nice post, you a very inspiring person. Ratings on gamespot are probley the worst i have ever seen on the net. You speaking out on this is great, best part is how your defending yourself. Telling people to go ass fuck their mothers is funny and great.

Gamespot is clearly eather trying to start a flamewar by giving the game a bad rating so people get their site a hit or two. Or they are just retarted. (im leaning toward option B) They gave flow a 7.1, as much as i love flow, its nothing more than a flash game you play off your tv. The bad reasons they point out on CAC is how it lacks content. Last time i checked the game had 4 maps(half of motorstorm) three weapons, online and off line multiplayer, lets you bring a buddy online, voice and text chat. Sounds like a bargin to me. What more do they want from a 10 buck game?

Although their rating is stupid and so are the folks who come on here and start ripping on people, we all have to remeber its their opinion. It should not effect us buying the game or not. I know im going to be buying CAC the moment i spot it on PSN and will definatly call some friends over to play with me. It looks like a super fun game and somthing everyone can enjoy.

Thanks for the great games and for speaking out aganist the dipshits.

Anonymous said...

Jiggly ass puff, fuck the mother ain't it keen! Two dollars off my SHITCOCK!

Anonymous said...

2 reasons I won't buy this piece of shit game.

1. David Jaffe is an asshole.

2. David Jaffe is a bigger asshole than I first thought.

David, fuck you, go fuck self important fucktard. Fuck you.

Anonymous said...

Jaffe, you're an ass munching, shit eating, piss drinking, dick licking, cum guzzling, bitch mimicking insecure fat ugly homo.

Unknown said...

Defending your work is one thing, whining about critics giving you scores in the 6 range is something else.

You love yourself because you made Twisted Metal and God of War, thing is, not everything you touch turns to gold so grow up.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Carlos M pop a microdot or some shrooms and Okami will be even more beautiful than you can imagine. Even without the enhancements Okami was one of the best gaming experiences i've ever had along with Shadow of the Colossus. God I love those fucking games so much. Just talking about them makes me want to replay them. Well here I go.

Anonymous said...

NOt enough people seem to read your posts before they give there two cents. They just say what they think your talking about.

Anonymous said...

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

Anonymous said...

Dude. I'm sixteen years of age and even I cringed at how immature the 'jiggly ass twat' comment was.

What an ass.

Anonymous said...

People who don't create should not critique. Critics for the most part taint an experience before an individual can come to their own conclusion about the product or service they wish to purchase. Jaffe is not a whiner he is an artist who wants his worked to be critiqued from an objective and non biased point of view and for the record real critics CAN’T AND WILL NOT RATE A PIECE OF WORK WITH AN I LIKE OR I DON’T LIKE because with true critiques you ask questions and you take the time to evaluate the product to get a true understanding of what you are dealing with and even when you come to an conclusion you must weigh your experiences with the rest of the world. In other words if I don’t like liver it does not mean that I should go around yelling to every person I meet “liver taste like shit don’t eat it.”

Is Jaffe insecure? As an artist and creator I hope he is for it is that insecurity which help make God of War I and II the classics they are today. It is that need to please the masses that drives all creative projects. If you don’t think Lucas, Cameron, and Spielberg aren’t insecure then you have no clue about the creative process. All artist are insecure it this and the insane desire to create that drives us.

Commutation is a tough thing and honest open communication is rare. Jaffe is one of the few creative people who have had the balls to face the people he creates for. He is frank, and brutally honest something that is very uncommon in not just his business but in business period. So he told some of you to fuck off get over it he has every right to defend what he does and even more of right to show passion about it. Jaffe I read somewhere that you were walking away from blogging and talking to the masses and to this I say FUCKING STAND YOUR GROUND NO MATTER WHAT YOUR PEERS SAY. Keep talking, keep educating and defending what you do. Jaffe always remember that most people (critics included) don’t know how to do your job. You are dealing with ignorance 80% of the time. They have never walked a day in your shoes and never will (critics included). If you walk away they win and the people who want to listen and understand lose. It is people like you who will keep changing the industry. So I expect to see more blogging and more than a few “kiss my asses” coming from you in the near feature. Stay Strong and Creative from a fellow artist. (Forgive the bad grammar)

Wil Hall

Paul Rooney said...

I believe the whole review thing is hugely flawed.

If someone reviews it impartially you get a fairly diplomatic review, which is ultimately boring.

If someone reviews it positively and really enjoys it then you get a huge bias implicitly sometimes from their own tastes and preferences.

If they review it poorly then again its their own taste thats comes through.

If its a game with a niche market shall we say then if the reviewer sits on the proverbial fence then it conveys nothing to the games target audience and makes for a hugely banal review, if they review it positively and they love it well thats not quite right either because the vast majority of readers or listeners won't like the game as much.

And if they don't like like the game at all then the game will get a very poor rating which the target audience will disagree with.

Therefore I see some reviews as massively problematic. I think a way round this would be the podcast. If its done like its done on the 1up show then I think thats the way forward.

If they are both soaked for it then it will be conveyed very well (Like the 'left 4 dead game) but if one likes it and one doesn't they have a wee argument, which is amazing because ive yet to find a gamer that likes all the same games as me. If neither of them like it then then a general sense of apathy or frustration is evident... which is good because we've all felt that feeling when youve heard about or seen a game, picked it up and played it and its horrible.

Well anyway rant over. I think reviews are problematic and whats needed is conversation, debating and even remonstrating intellectually and insightfully about games.

Thanks for reading :)

Anonymous said...

My name's Darrell if that will make it easier to swallow what I said last time out, which as it was anonymous, was that I think that instead of bitching about a single inconsequential score, you ought to be taking your love of the limelight in a different direction.

If you feel so comfortable in the spotlight, then as a developer you ought to get out there and really hit people in the face with your games. Don't rely on your name alone to sell them, which judging by this game's pre-release hype was what was bound to happen in this case whether or not you meant for it to. Be proactive in making gamers aware of what you're on about with CAC, and show them why it's the best PSN game for their buck. That would be a better use of your time, in my not so humble opinion.

As for the sycophants amongst your fans, all I can say is if you think that the way Mr. Jaffe lashes out is cool, then you ought to reevaluate your ability to discern between an admirable ability to make one's opinions known, and acting like a child with an anger management issue. Hint; Dave has engaged in the latter, on more than one occasion.

Dave is more than welcome to express his distaste with things, just as much so as any of us, but I'd like to think that a man in his position would think it a good idea all around to conduct himself with a little more tact. Dave, you can make your point without resorting to childish invectives. Try it. you'd be amazed by how much more seriously people will take you.

Paul Rooney said...

And also I feel it is massively un-professional to express your dislike of a professional website on your public page.

Although people think they are MS biased it has to be said they are professional and honest in their opinions.

When artists, creators etc post how dissatisfied they are with reviews its kind of embarrassing for them. You have to take the rough with the smooth and realise that if what you have created is good enough then it will sell through word of mouth and popularity not on the strength of one review.

It is the publics job to disagree with a review, not yours.

You can't expect everyone to love everything you do. If they gave it a poor score then they have reason to do so.

Ultimately it seems that you make games for the fame, prestige and to become the darling of the critics when, in my opinion, you should be making games for the public. As soon as you make something for mass consumption then you are effectively selling on the property to the public and it becomes their property... because you are making it for them.

Anonymous said...

fuck it

Anonymous said...

oK david, world isnt a perfect place... but remember ... when you get a bad review, think about microsoft's money lol.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Jaffe. I really love this game. One of my favorite ps3 games and its only $10. Only thing it needs is a buddy list and stat tracking. Then it would be offically the best next gen games out there. Good work, havnte laughed and cursed this much in a game in a long time

Unknown said...

There is a new review up for Calling All Cars! at my gaming blog check it out:

I would love to read your opinion about it David :)

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