Tuesday, September 30, 2008


To all the cynical asshats on the net who have been posting that the reason I am so positive about the movie is because I have a financial stake in the flick, let me make it clear: I don't get SHIT for this movie, money wise. I think Sony negotiated me an associate producer credit and I am grateful for that. But there is no money with that credit, and there is no back end. I was a Sony employee when I creatively lead a team of 100+ people to bring God of War to life and don't own .1% of the property in any way. Which means, no money EVER came to me- or will come to me- off the film, be it a massive hit or a massive flop. And no money has come to me from the game since I left Sony. You guys who think I've for some financial stake in this property are simply wrong.

I love the GOD OF WAR universe and have much faith in the folks Mosaic have assembled to turn the game into a movie...and I am a lover of all good movies, especially big popcorn action flicks, which the GOD OF WAR film is shaping up to be....but no, I ain't making diddly off the movie...but thanks for acting like you're an expert...must suck to not be knowledgeable about ANYTHING...
END UPDATE++++++++++++++++

...well not officially, but here ya go:

And here's my response:


Anonymous said...

God of War movie excites me in general. I don't have much of an opinion one way or the other of Brett as a director. The reason I didn't like X-Men 3 sure wasn't the directing, more because like you said, 1 and 2 were "better" movies. Didn't see Rush Hour 3 but 1 and 2 were entertaining. People just need to expect a medium quality film and therefore they'll either be only midly disappointed, satisfied, or surprised.

xjulianx89 said...

What is your favorite superhero movie anwyays?

Anonymous said...

I hope this can work. I'm the ultimate God of War Fan.

Anonymous said...

I just finished watching
"A Beautiful Mind"

Just Beautiful ;)
Russel Crowe is my superhero!

Gabriel Kay said...

Chris Tucker could be Kratos. What, no?

I hope the Blades of Athena look cool. Like 'final rank' cool. Woosh!

GrYnder McDuff! said...

Funny, I was just going to ask you about this.

Sadeq said...

I'm just glad you are excited about it. This assures me that it's in good hands.

GrYnder McDuff! said...

Now that I've actually watched the vlog, I have a little more to say.

After seeing X-Men 3, I was sort of iffy on Brett Ratner. Didn't really like it, although you are right in saying it had more action sequences than the previous installments.

But after hearing your thoughts on Ratner, as well as hearing you shed some light on the rest of the people involved, I have more hope for this film (If it ever gets green lighted.)

Alastor Mused said...

LOL Cliffy B that was hilarious, I'm pretty sure it's a dash. Script > Director imo. It seems Directors can make or break the movie but if the script sucks there's nothing the Director can do about it. As long as the GOW script is great I think Ratner will do a solid job, especially if it's gonna be a good popcorn style film. As long as it's not Uwe Boll the movie should do fine.

Anonymous said...

The second I saw the story on Kotaku I came here for your input Jaffe. Glad to see you had posted a video.

I have high hopes for this film assuming it gets made. Given the strength of the product they're working with I'd be disappointed if it turns out to be any less than the best video game to film adaptation thus far. Can't say that'd be very hard to do but there have been a couple decent ones.

This is the first time I've commented here but I love the blog. Keep it up!

grasshopper said...

Your quite posty today Cliffy. Kinda funny hearing you talk about the Hades part, I thought I was the only one pissed by that :) Its gotta be crazy having a character you helped create being turned into a movie.

Unknown said...

Please don't have the movie live action. the voices of the chracters are very important to me. And, OMG PLEASE don't let Brett Ratner direct it. The only epic he did was X-men 3. XMEN 3!! That movie was no good. He's like rush hour, comedy mind you. David, I trust you. If YOU are happy with everything, then I'll trust you. BUT, just don't go Star Wars on us; meaning: having a great original, and then shit out everything else.

Anonymous said...

I don't see God of War working well as a live action movie no matter who you had to direct it, therefore do it as a CG movie.

As soon as I see Kratos and don't hear TC Carson's voice, it's gonna break the entire illusion.

Unknown said...

wait..could you ask like Peter Jackson or Guillermo del Toro? 'Cas they're both hard core gamers. Like David, you should just be like, "hey... wanna make an AWESOME MOVIE!?!?" and send them the game and then they'll shit their pants from pure astonishment and be like HELL YA! Partner movie, and then John Williams comes and does the music with his touch and Oscars all round. Simple. Could you ask? Well...CAN you ask?

†Bluedeath said...

A God of War movie? I never heard anything about this, but as far as Brett goes, I think he could do a good job with it. He's not a horrible director or anything.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about Brett Ratner as director for a God of War film.

I loved his Red Dragon and liked The Family Man, however his X-Men: The Last Stand I consider one of the worst movies ever.

I am also not a fan of any of his other films.

This said, I am not sure as the whole blame for X-Men: The Last Stand being garbage can be put on Brett Ratner.

I would certainly not have picked Brett Ratner for a God of War film.

I would have picked either Edward Norton or Ridley Scott to direct a God of War film.

I just do not think Ratner is the right guy to direct a God of War film.

Perhaps, I might feel differently if I knew Brett Ratner had supervision from Edward Norton and others in the creation of a God of War film.

erico316 said...

david are you involve in the god of war movie like kojima is with the metal gear solid movie?

Anonymous said...

Okay, were you guys even listening to his video? It's not like he has supreme authority over the movie and gets to hand pick whoever is working on the film. The producers contacted him saying they were seriously considering Ratner and David put his two cents in.

And while we all love David and his games, I think we can come to terms with the fact that he really doesn't have a voice in Hollywood and can start banging on Guillermo del Toro's door or whatever. Also, if you want the GoW movie to get made within the next five years, it most likely isn't going to be with one of these AAA directors you guys keep mentioning. Most of it comes down to timing anyway. Even if David sends Peter Jackson a copy of GoW and he falls in love with it, he's not going to drop all of his other projects to work on it. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised to find out Jackson played the game when it first came out.

Sorry for the wall of text, but this isn't a perfect world. Of course it would be cool to have one of these incredible directors work on this film, but it isn't very likely in the first place. Who knows. Maybe the GoW movie will prove Ratner's skill at directing. Only time will tell. For now, stop bitching about the decision; just be happy that with each new drop of info the movie appears to be getting closer to being greenlit.

Anonymous said...

I know Jaffe you don't want to shit on the studio that made you and you want to be upbeat about this, but you're very wrong about this choice.

Nothing Bret Ratner has ever done indicates he would be a good fit for this. Maybe, he has an aptitude for buddy comedies (Money Talks, Rush Hour), but anything out of that realm (Red Dragon, X3) has been shit or AT BEST much worse that it should have been.

God of War is not Batman or Superman; it's not an iconic franchise you can reboot every five years if it goes to shit -- you have one chance at this and then it's over.

Don't Doom (heh) God of War.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only person who thought X-men 3 was the best one? lol

Oh well, good post Cliffy B.

KingParappa said...

well since you say everything is good I guess its good u would allow someone to hurt ur baby so I Believe in Jaffe. Casting better be on point *prays that Djimon Hounsou is in this movie*

Anonymous said...

Christopher: If you didnot like xmen3 it is the fault of the director, Brett should make a better movie. Cause the foundation is already there, but he fucked up.

Rush Hour 3 is Rush Hour 1 with a different paintjob. The same lame ass story,but now it is in Paris OHHHHH shiny!! And lets not even talk about the action, Brett cannot direct martial arts!!!!!! Even the Jackie Chan vs Hiroyuki Sanada fight sucked monkey ass.

I have seen almost every Brett movie (god help me!) not always by choice, sometimes notting is on DUTCH TV (yes I am from the Netherlands) and seeing Salma Hayek in bikini is fun, just that the movie sucked ass.
RED DRAGON: good try,wasnot even better then HANNIBAL
XMEN3: nuff said
Rush Hour 3: need to vomit

And now he gets to do GOD OF WAR, well I won't be catching that one in the cinema!!

Well I am disappointed in Jaffe, I never thought you'd back up the RATT. I know you hate UWE BOLL, maybe hate PAUL WS ANDERSON (resident evil is so bad!) and well the RATT is just a mediocre director that is so lucky to get the big movies. And I am still waiting for the RATT to make a good movie, not even great or fantastic.
But Jaffe you talk about RIDLEY and DEL TORO, but there are other directors that are better then the RATT. Lious Terrier director of the hulk, Simon Hunter of the Mutant chronicles, Mathieu Kassovtiz of LA HAINE and BABYLON A.D. (fox studios fucked mathieu in his ass) and there are plenty more.
Heck even I could make a better movie then the RATT,given I had the same crew as he has. (why you ask, cause I am a director myself and working on my career here in Holland) So I know what it takes to make a movie and how to make a movie and even know how to direct actors!! (RATT doesnot! he does "super" models/actrices/athletes.

Thank you David Jaffe for my FIRST EVER RANT on a blog of someone. And I hope it will be my last as well!! And I will pray for you that GOW will be a mediocre movie,maybe even a good movie, cause i love that game. Just not the director who is making it.

Gothdom said...

I usually don't watch movies based on video games, but there are some rare exception. Silent Hill was one, and while it was far from perfect, it was enjoyable.

As long as they don't "Super Mario Bros." it.

As for the GOW film itself, if it is PG-13 or PG or just G, it won't be as good as it could turn out to be. It's one of those movies which needs some gore, some maiming scenes that makes you go "Woah, Kratos is one pissed off guy"... you know, the sort of anger in the original GOW game. The comic relief could be that captain guy from the boat. Anyhow it could be good, but as Jaffe stated, the proof is in the pudding, so we'll see.

Anonymous said...

i think ratner will do a solid job. the movies he has directed have been solid and hey sometimes its hard to convert a turd into gold (scripts arent always perfect and directors have the hard job of polishing them up and bringing them to life).

on another subject, do you plan on messing around with little big planet any? i know you have real game development going on, but was wondering if you were gonna mess around with it and throw out some exclusive cliffy b levels lol.

im really excited for lbp and have some crazy ideas that i'll hopefully be able to convert into my levels. game design is something i've always wanted to try out, so im uber excited.

love the blog btw, been a long time reader and fan... first time poster... peace.

DragoonBG said...

I hope David Jaffe read this :).

Here as frekin bulgarian clone of Kratos, and i mean it, he really look like him,no he is Kratos Oo...


He is an actor, 40 years old, and other stuff...
The clip is for the Bulgarian Big Brother.

X-Men 3 was excellent movie, with pretty good visual style.
We shall see.

Anonymous said...

Twisted Metal would make a better movie.

Anonymous said...

Just let em talk David,
no need to put fire on fire.
their not worth it ;)

Anonymous said...

david, do you know if they'll be using real actors for the movie? Or something more in line with the recent Beowulf movie??? I think the latter would almost be better suited for the movie.

Anonymous said...

hey jaffe. how close to the original story does the script come? anything big missing? i realy hope they find a good way to keep in the fight with the minotaur from God of War 1. the boss fight i meant.

and it better be rated R. i doubt it will be but im really hoping. they will probably push for PG13 to get more teens. but hopefully get at least an unrated blu-ray

Anonymous said...


they should've chose zack snyder

Anonymous said...

I could actually see Vin Diesel as Kratos, even though I don't really like him. The voice is similar and he looks like Kratos, just needs to lose a bit of bulk. Hell if Gyllenhaal can play a persian prince I think Diesel could work.

Anonymous said...

The way I look at it, if you want someone to shit on the story just for Hollywood's sake rather than make a movie that is true to the story of God of War, choose Brett and be happy. But if you want something meaningful that might actually survive more than being a crappy popcorn movie, hold out for someone that can actually direct something with any sort of brains behind it that stays true to the source material.

I rank Brett right up there with Michael Bay and Jason Friedberg/Aaron Seltzer and Uwe Boll.

It's too bad that God of War will be reduced to nothing more than a Scorpion King in terms of movies, when it should be a Gladiator in scope.

Rob Shock said...

I've had a few problems with X-Men three, but in all you are right. It wasn't a boring movie by any stretch. And I'm sure Ratner will do fine with your creation.

Speaking of which... It would sadden me to think that Sony would not at least send you a nice bonus once this movie is out and gets decent ticket sales. You are the creator and though it seems likely that Sony owns all rights to the creative property, which is sadly what normally happens when it comes to video games (all publishers included), they would have you to thank for the money they would be making on this.

Anonymous said...

hello David i have a problem, with G.O.W i love the game God of War. i have beaten the first two and could not get enough but now that the third one is for PS3 i will not be able continue my wins. i can not afford the PS3 and i did not know if there was some way to get God of War 3 for PS2, i did not know if there is anything you could, if so please comment me @ Hayden246@Hotmail.com
Thank you ever so much.

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MoneyOvaBiaz said...

Hi Dave how u doin?
Well i just got somethin on my mind.
Did u ever thought about how the movie would be when Vinnie "The Axe" Jones whould play the role as O.G.O.W Kratos. For me personally hes really the made man as Kratos. I hope u saw the movies Lock Stock N Two Smoking Barrels or Snatch...? If not, goddamn bro then u really miss much...but i dont think that u Dave Jaffe didnt saw these brilliant movies. So then just think how vinnie plays just think on his gestures n minikin. This Guy is born to do Kratos. Well thats my point of view...If somebody can feel me...the say it. Peace

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