Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Been playing Gears 2 every nite after work for the last 3 nights. Mainly the single player. LOVING it. FIrst game to me was good and stunningly produced but didn't hold my interest beyond a day or two. THIS one? So much fun and fuck the haters...when that dude...well hell...SPOILER BELOW:

When that dude offs himself cause the torture had been too much? Man, I actually got a touch emotional. I didn't cry or anything...fuck that, that's for babies!! But I was like: dude, poor guy. Cause that character had been set up really well and then the fact that he kills himself cause it got too much it's like: DAMN, if THAT guy couldn't handle it....

And so the next gun battle I was like: FUCK these Locusts for doing that to my buddy!

So hell, MAYBE there's something to this storytelling and gameplay merging...:) Who knows...

ANYWAY- point is: I've been playing so much I just work up from a dream where I was in this great gun battle with someone on my side- not sure who- against all kinds of bad guys. The final bad guy was the guy who played the 'mmmmm.....yeah' manager from Office Space and is now the new agent on Entourage. HE was chasing us with this little action figure that had been rigged to a bunch of explosives. But then I shot him IN THE FACE with a shotgun and it didn't really hurt him and I was like: WTF! It was one of those moments where what was happening in the dream was so unrealistic I guess it broke the sense of reality and it was so jarring that it woke me up....but up until that point, it was so much fun! I was chasing him around with a shot gun, shooting up into the ceiling and trying to hit him as he ran around on the second floor, up above us....

Anyway, dream woke me up- dunno how it ends. But it was I'm jonesing for more Gears...but I gotta go back to bed...



ps. YES I got out of bed to post this. Look what I do for you motherfuckers! :)


Anonymous said...

Get back to bed :P

I like the gears story but I don't like the gears game. In all honesty though im not keen on the whole lucost things or w/e they're called. Not my thing, I just like the characters and there personalities.

Oh well, I havent played it, I just watched the story on youtube. Saved myself some moneyz.

Hope ya still working hard, need to post something bout that :P or how lifes going in general!

Isak said...

Naawh, that's so sweet. Dreams of shotgun and faces blowing off is always great, unless it's your own face...

Unknown said...

I was actually reminded of God of War during my time with Gears 2. The atmosphere in some of the levels along with the crazy bosses ("IT'S A GIANT WORM!") is probably what did it, but maybe that's why I' enjoying it so much...

What would you say is your favourite bit so far, Cliffy?

David Jaffe said...

I do like the overall, over-the-top machismo vibe it's got going on. And not in a 'wink wink/nudge nudge' sense...I really think it's fun to go into that crazy, over the top, testosterone overload space of a bit and go I am digging that.

Loved the worm and how it filled with blood when you cut the arteries- how great! And yes, I saw the GOD OF WAR flavor in there as well :) But those guys took it to the next level for sure!

And I love the feel of the core mechanics- the shooting and cover just feel great and man the headshots are ULTRA satisfying.

And then the graphics are amazing.

Played multiplayer a bit and dug it, but for some reason- right now anyway- I'm all about the 1p....will give the mp some time later over the holidays.


Anonymous said...

Overall, which do you enjoy more, Uncharted or Gears?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an epic dream! I actually woke up myself from a dream just now, after only getting 4 hours of sleep, but I didn't remember it too well. It had something to do with nightelves and some obscure shit, and no not anything sexual (some people are obsessed with WoW style nightelf girls), or if you happen to be a Freudian, nothing OVERTLY sexual.

GrYnder McDuff! said...

Hahha man, posts like this are why I love coming here. If I were in your position, I'd do the same damn thing. I know I've gotten up directly after vivid dreams to type 'em down, cause they're so fresh in my memory.

If I had a popular blog to jot them down in, I know I woulda done that.

Anonymous said...

Have you played Little Big Planet at all? Just curious.

Anonymous said...

I really had no feelings for Tai... took his own life in the second act an he talked for a total of 10 seconds the entire time he was alive.

He also had probably the worst entrance in a video game I've ever seen in my life.

However besides Tai I'm loving gears I


------Felt more for Carmine then Tai.. Carmine was with you for a solid 3 acts and told you about his background a bit along with his brothers. and Maria also was more touching than Tai's story.

Banjo Kazooie comes out today... gonna go pick that up can't wait.

Anonymous said...

not digging the multiplayer? have you played Horde?

David Jaffe said...

I'm not NOT digging it...just played two modes (the CTF mode and the one where you kill the enemy leader to stop players from infinite respawn) and liked them but was not blown away like I am by the 1p...BUT I only spent about 2 hours on mp and have not tried all the modes- including the much talked about horde mode- so MP is on my list for sure.

Anonymous said...

I'm just kinda curious when you're gonna go back and beat MGS4. I know you've said positive things about it in the past but it seems to have slipped under your radar, especially after reading your last post (which was full of great stuff, but I noticed the lack of mention of MGS).

I mean of course you're gonna play the games you're gonna play and you're really fucking busy and all that, but I wanna know what you think of it once you finish it! Dunno if anyone suggested it after the last post but Xmas game, perhaps? Hell, next summer even. I kinda just want confirmation it's sitting in the corner of your noggin somewhere :)

Anonymous said...


Can you do me a favor and answer two questions for me? When TMHO (PSP) came out, what were your initial thoughts? Did you think that Scott did a lousy job and that your way a of a colorful world TM game was better?

And also..... why did you take out ramming as a very prominant attack in games after TM2? Yes, I'm sure you've been asked htis numerous times before, but I don't think we've ever gotten a solid answer on this. If you were to make another TM game do you think it'd make a return?

Sorry for asking these questions, Cliffy.

Can you please get back to me? Thanks!

P.S. Sorry for asking an offtopic question.

David Jaffe said...


1- I thought Scott and the boyz did a fine job given they were working under a total tight deadline and were on new hardware no one had ever seen before. Got good reviews, sold well, people dig it. That said, TM seems to work best when Scott and I work with the team as a unit. I tend to push hard for the deeper play mechanics and he tends to push towards the pick up and play/quick fix/arcade vibe. While we both think both elements are key to the series, if only one of us is doing it, that person's personal passions tend to win out (as they should). Together I think we make a great Twisted team that then folds in nicely with the very very talented TM team who actually make the damn game (and to be fair, Scott actually models as well as designs and produces :) )....

2- If we were to ever make another TM game, ramming would be back and in full force. IF we were to make another TM game I would want it to have online and with online ramming objects at a high speed runs a high risk of latency issues but IF we were to make a new one, it would be something we would try to make a go of. As for why it left after 2, truth be told, we had it in there but NONE of us on the team used ramming like the TMA players did/do and so it never occurred to us to mimic the ramming physics from Tm2.

Stay twisted, bitch! :)

Anonymous said...

Ah man, imagine if that dude from Office Space was the actual end boss in Gears 2.

"mmmm....yeah" *shoots rockets*

Unknown said...

Just had a thought... you must be loving Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, right? The car mayhem - especially online - is bloody fantastic, and the car handling is incredible considering how much of the time is spent smashing into each other.

PM said...

I'm suprised at all the praise that gears 2 is getting. i dont think its a bad game, its very well made lots of production, lots of action. but to me it feels like the same game as gears 1 all over again. same characters, same weapons. you even go into the same dame underground caves all over again. and most of all the same gameplay. YES i get it, you take cover and pop up and shoot bad guys. do i need to do it over and over for 8 hours to prove that i understand. it gets even more ridiculas late in the game when you get to the bad dudes main city and there are levers all over that make barricades to take cover behind pop up, and go down. its like, why did these guys design their city to make sure there was always some thing to take cover behind? I know this rant may make it seem that i hate the game, but i dont, i beat the game and mostly enjoyed it. just thought it was overrated.

Anonymous said...

Is there supposed to be a video or a picture here? I can't get it to load on Firefox! As much as I hate spoilers, I'll probably never play Gears 2 since I don't have a 360, so spoilers are the only way I will know what happens in the game!

Anonymous said...

ur a bitch and a mother fucker, and obama is gay :D

Anonymous said...

hay Cliffy i alwas wounder do you think Triger traps might work in twisted metal? like level a building with your oppenet in it and have them die instenly?

in black it look like you where aming for that.

o have you played Mirrors Edge? its loads of fun :P,

n what are you thoughs on Left 4 Dead and Tomb Raider 8?

Anonymous said...

Too Play Gears of War 2 is a pleasure, sadly I haven't got it yet =( damn you ps3 exclusives and EA

Miguel said...

I think when 'storytelling and gameplay merge' the result is called "narrative". call of duty 4 did this really well.

Anonymous said...

Few games drag me in far enough for me to actually care about the characters themselves. Its usually the games that don't give you the cheesey hollywood ending that usually pull me in the most. The first game to really do that was Prey - I can remember trying to save the main character's gril the entire game, and when you finally do she gets taken away again - only to be strapped to some weird animal/machine boss fight. Once you beat that part, you see that your gf is suffering and she asks you to put her out of her misery. I couldn't for the longest of time pull the trigger

ecto said...

Gears 2 is the shit but the part where the guy offs him self was lame because he was in the game for a very limited time. These new characters are alright but when they just do that shit, I think why even include him.

Anonymous said...

dude, fuck whatever game you're making right now, make the fucking bill lumbergh shooter!