Be safe! Have fun! And- if I may be so bold as to offer advice- do try to take some time out to appreciate and be thankful for what you've got. You hear about shit like these attacks in India today and it makes one grateful for all that is good in life. Granted, it should not take a terrorist attack to make you feel that way, but sometimes you do forget.
And I tell you, my life has been a heck of an interesting ride this last year, but I wouldn't change a thing and I am so grateful for all that I do have. I hope you guys/gals feel the same. Thanks for reading, enjoy your holiday, and I'll chat with you guys later on.
As for my plans: Watch Macy's holiday parade with the kids, Tgiving lunch with the family, then dessert at a friend's house, some games (MGS4, GEARS OF WAR2, MK VS. DCU), and maybe I will catch a movie (Australia maybe but I didn't like the director's other flicks...maybe 4 XMASes even tho I hear it's totally average and forgettable)...but hey, it's the holidays so I gotta see SOMETHING!
Oh, and I leave you with this internet classic. I am sure you've seen it 1000 times but- for me anyway- it NEVER gets old!
Happy Turkey day to you and your kids Dave =] Been posting here so long, I think this is my 2nd Thanksgiving here lol. Any word on another giveaway this December? I still got the CaC x-mas card =]
Hey Jaffe, have you seen Grindhouse while it was still in theatres? T'was a blast and the fake trailers from it made it even better. (Which is where that video came from...)
Have a nice thanksgiving.
did he just fuck a turkey?
i love that movie, i wish the full version was out. maybe on blue ray?
any way, have a happy thanksgiving.
i personally love mashed potatoes
Mmmmmm potatoes
See Yah!
I love your Blog and i love your games!!
Happy Thanksgiving david!
robin from switzerland
Hey J-man, have a happy holiday.
Anyways, i was wondering, lets say i have an idea and rough story for a videogame, what would be the next step?
My Turkey Day: Working at a game store and playing some Left 4 Dead (Jaffe please try it out) and possibly Twisted Metal: Head On (been meaning to go back and play it again) before going to sleep and getting ready for Black Friday.
That's a hilarious (fake) trailer from Eli Roth! I can't believe that's on Youtube, with the nudity, violence, and sexual overtones! I can't believe I haven't seen all of Grindhouse! The bad part is the two main movies are only available seperately on DVD, and I don't think the fake trailers are included on either DVD.
But, there's a Youtube clip of all of the fake trailers at once! And I'm sure they'll eventually have some kind of Grindhouse collection, hopefully the whole thing uncut!
This Thanksgiving will be much like past Thanksgivings: we'll go see my mom's family in East Bernstadt, KY, a little over an hour from where I live. We'll have my Granny's traditional meal of turkey, mashed potatoes, rolls, ham, corn, peas, stuffing, cranberry sauce, Jell-O, and other foods I can't remember right now. Then, we'll go into the small living room in front of their old TV, and probably watch one of the football games. My brother, my uncle, and I might play some of my uncle's PS1 games. I have one of his games: Capcom vs. SNK PRO.
It should be a fun, relaxing time! Have a great Thanksgiving, everyone!
im ready going to eat some turkey and shoot some zombies in left 4 dead with my cuzins. :)
have a happy thanks giving
Get your ass back to MGS4, complete it and then dare say that GeoW2 is better than that. The ending of MGS4 will touch you....hard!
And not in that sexay way....
Jaffe, the movie to see is JCVD. I saw it last week and love it! There's an amazing seen where Jean-Claude breaks the fourth wall to speak to the audience about his past professional & personal life. It's Van Damme like you've NEVER seen him before. Trailer http://www.apple.com/trailers/independent/jcvd/
Thanksgiving ?, what's that ?. Is that Jesus speaking from Jaffe's fingers ?.
mate, he does the best tricks...lol
I don't know where else to ask, but when will the Eat,Sleep,Play website forum be up?
That trailer really a film?
Hey Jaffe!
I think you're gonna fall in love with act 4 of MGS 4.. It was the most epic one for me.
first of all, anon, no, it's not a real film...look up GRINDHOUSE, and you'll have your answer ;)
Okay, now that that's outta the way, lemme just say that I *LOVE* Grindhouse! That was one ofthe better trailers, aside from DON'T and, the best one personally, MACHETE. I really want Robert Rodriguez to make that into a full-length film, like he said he would.
I hope you had a good one, David! Did you see the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade get Rickroll'd? Hahaha, that was so weird.
it's quite ironic how epic eli's faux trailer is compared to the crap he is directing.
ever seen the trailer for house of the dead: overkill? it probably goes under your trailer-promises-more-than-the-game-has-category, but still, I like the grindhouse-theme to it! :)
"where the dead walk and the bullets... talk!"
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