Thursday, February 05, 2009


Killzone Demo, 3 on 3 NHL HOCKEY (sweet! LOVE ARCADE SPORTS!), and Punisher as an exclusive this spring!

Fucking LOVE the PSN store!

Can't wait for this! Man, I am tired of sim sports games. I hope this plays like BLITZ!

Ok, that is all.

And yes, this could have easily been a twitter.




SonyJunkie said...

Have you played the Killzone 2 demo yet.
It is sweet. Can't wait for the full release. It was epic and amazing.

David Jaffe said...

I have not played it. Downloading after work.

grasshopper said...

I saw some videos of that hockey game...didn't think it looked too fun. Dude if you want one kinda like Blitz...There was one released for the PS...2 I think. Pretty sure it was called NHL Hitz or something like that. Really fun for a arcade style hockey game. Well aside from the catchup AI scoring from center ice when it was down.

David Jaffe said...

Never played HITZ. Heard great things. But this is great cause it's online automatically (you gotta buy it online) so there hopefully will be lots of folks to play with.

lb003g0676 said...

Really impressd with Killzone 2.

Of all things though (and I think it's the over-saturated level), that leave me unimpressed, are the graphics.

Well that's not totally true, ofcourse it is still stunning.

I just think I've seen that level too much. Even the screensaver on the demo menu looks WAY better.

Damn I can't wait.

grasshopper said...

Oh yea...wasn't thinking about online. Like hockey games but I'm kinda on the fence about buying that one. Let us know how it is if they don't throw up a demo.
I'll take ya on online if it doesn't suck :)

Anonymous said...

I'm downloading the Killzone 2 demo right now. I'm interested to hear what you think David.

Anonymous said...

If you like Blitz one did come out for the PS3. It is called Blitz: The League II. Look it up when you have some time. I never played it but I read one of the trophies for that game is so fracture ten scrotum. Sounds like a good time doesn't it? :o

Anonymous said...

I haven't played a hockey game since NHLPA93.
This just stuck out at me. Buying tomorrow. I love the Mario Striker games. I hope it's on par with those. Of course it's a digital DL, but for some reason I feel I'm getting more value out of the $10 PSN games than the $50 Wii games.

Anonymous said...

Killzone 2....god. Almost everyone rated it a 9 and above. It really really really shaped up since Killzone 1. I was at first really speculative about Killzone. Ever since I saw that E3 2005 trailer, I knew that Guerilla would live up/surpass on the graphics side of things.

I was simply surprised that people didn't think they could. Then they saw the E3 2007 demonstration and was like "OOOO NO WAY - that must be pre-rendered also even though Phil Harrison just said it wasn't and that guy up there must be pretending to play."

Then it got all smacked in their faces when they realized it was real.

One thing I was worried about was whether the gameplay would keep the gamer engaged. Apparently quite a lot of people who were invited to the multiplayer beta were engaged, previewers were engage, and all the reviewers had loads of fun. all came down to sales. I said it couldn't surpass MGS 4 sales or equal it. But BAM - 1 million pre-orders. I was like "...........seriously?!?!?!?!!!!"

I was just surprised...I didn't think it could do it - but I'm glad it did, glad for SCEE, glad for PS3, and glad for Guerilla. If Sony makes a commercial for it showing nothing but intensity (intense gameplay), the gorgeous real-time graphics all with a fantastic music score with a bold "KILLZONE 2" at the end and a "Playstation 3" symbol...then I think it would sell a lot and convince people to possibly even get a PS3 for it.

Anonymous said...

I haven't had this much fun with an FPS in years, and the demo is only 10 minutes long. The controls and feel of the game is perfect. The animation is super smooth. The Helghast are smart. Also, the holographic loading use of SIXAXIS EVAR!

Bigrhyno said...

I downloaded the demo for the hockey game. I have played NHL 09 almost daily since the day it came out, so I was excited to see how this was. It was better than expected.

If you just want some quick and simple action, this is it. If you download it, then I suggest using the skill stick instead of buttons to play. It might be harder to get used to for a "noob" but it's certainly better in the long run.

Anonymous said...

did anyone else have a problem with killzone's controls. The turning and aiming is much slower than other fps. I'm not saying the controls are but just alot different than any other one I have played. It will probably just take some getting used to. I can't wait for multiplayer they run and gun will get you killed. Alot of fps are all run and gun. So excited for people to have to use more strategy on this one. Game looks amazing can't wait for it's final realise. David you will have to let us know your impressions on it. peace Chad

Anonymous said...

Hey david, how do I follow you on twitter? I hear you talk about it all the time, so I just signed up, but I do not understand how to use it.

David Jaffe said...

Well you can follow me here from the blog (see the upper right corner at the top of the blog? That is my twitter feed).

Or you can click on that (somewhere on that) and it takes you to the twitter page where you can choose to 'follow me' and then I guess it sends the updates to you- and to the device of your choice- whenever I update.

Err, at least I think this is how it works.

I don't actually follow anyone on Twitter cause I think it's stupid.

Just kidding :) I?

Just kidding again...

...shit now I am confused- goodnite! :)


Anonymous said...

I'm getting the impression that you might like to capitalilze on the PSN as well as Blu-Ray for the new game eh?

Anonymous said...

Must agree on getting tired of sim sports. Last years pes08 I played about 250hours, this year I've played about 10hours, though I played FIFA09 for 50hours or so, it's my biggest gaming regret, I really hate that game. Sure the graphics are great and it makes you think at first once you get good that it'll be great, but that never happens. It's just rubbishly put together, a real shame for a game that sells 10m copies that they don't actually work very hard on making everything work properly. Like the refereeing, and the ball physics.

I played kz2 demo last night, but while I was impressed with the graphics, I didn't really like the "feel" or controls. It felt quite hard to aim compared to cod4 (I hate cod4, but damn they do fps aiming the best). Has anyone else noticed that? Games like farcry2 and resistance2 have quite shockingly bad aiming, kz2's is useable, but considering it's most of the gameplay it should be perfect.

Anonymous said...

The KZ2 demo's control's were clunky at best. I did however enjoy the little things in it. Like how, whenever you ran up to an enemy and just pumped an entire clip in to him, he'd react to every bullet hit and then collapse.

Fun stuff.

Anonymous said...

Killzone 2 demo was a piece of shit, just like how i expect the final version of the game to be, just like the rest of sony's games from 2007. Wait B3yond!

-Killzone 2 is a overhyped game, that sony must've payed reviewers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

In regard to the KZ2 controls, the one common opinion I read from people who played the game at CES was that the sensitivity could and should be adjusted immediately. Im not european or a gamestop patron, so I dont have first hand experience myself.

Anonymous said...

Jaffe is a dickhead.

Well I'm just kidding.

Am I?

He's an asshole by the way!!!

Wait, now I'm confused

Da Dark Knight said...

Well the reason why the controls are like they are is that they want the game to have a realistic feel to. All the weapons in the game actually feel like they have weight to them. In real life you will not be able to turn, aim, and shoot like in cod 4, not fast like that lol The thing about killzone 2 controls is that everyone has been playing cod 4 so much that they are trying to play killzone 2 the same way lol

Anonymous said...

I really liked the Killzone 2 demo, after a couple playthroughs you really get the hang of the weapons and controls.

Hope you like it, later.

Mokuu said...

Yo David, whats your thought on games being reviewed 1 month before their releases?

Marketing ploy?

Anonymous said...

I thought the killzone 2 demo was awesome. The first time through it's meh. But the more I try to game the more I love it. After playing that demo for a half hour, I could not play Resistance 2 and I had been playin R2 non-stop since release

Anonymous said...

Calling All Cars! is still the best( and maybe only) 1v1v1 arcade basketball game.

Anonymous said...

how did you guys play the killzone demo

Anonymous said...

just preorder the game at gamestop.then you will receive the code to download off psn.but most people are just making a european psn's up for free on european psn.

Anonymous said...

thanks alot for that european account tip

SonyJunkie said...

Everyone complaining about the controls. They are meant to feel clunkly, well not really but meant to feel slow, like there is weight to it. Just keep playing it over and over again until you get used to the speed of aiming and you will get used to it and love it. I didn't really like it at first, but on around the 3rd or 4th time I played it, it was absolutely amazing. There is a pretty big learning curve.

Everyone is used to the twitchy CoD controls and that is what everyone wants. Well a real 30lb gun is not that easy to move around. I am guessing that is what GG went for and they did it amazingly. Just take time to get used to them.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the KZ2 demo ! Game preordered !

David, I've just seen that you have changed the "playing" column on your blog, does that mean that you finally finished MGS4 ? You said that if the fifth act was great, it might be your 2008 GOTY... So, what did you think about the end of the game ? I personnaly think that the final boss was just brilliant (so much emotion for anyone who knows the series) and the ending was as good as what I expected

PlayStation Museum said...

I love blitz. Anyone want to know the history behind Midway's Blitz? You can't credit Midway!!

PlayStation Museum said...

WTF, I'll tell the story about Blitz anyways. EA was working on an arcade version of Madden NFL where players could knock the other team down. Due to internal conflicts, EA scrapped the game and fired the team even though it was complete. Allegedly someone from the team interviewed at Midway and told them all about the design of Madden NFL Arcade. Midway listened carefully and wrote everything down. The guy didn't get the job, but he didn't care because he was still pissed about EA. The following year Midway took the design to the arcades with NFL Blitz. Now you know the REST OF THE STORY.

Anonymous said...

I hope that is a true story. Egg never looks as good as when it's on EA's face.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jaffe,

I was just reading your blog post on God of War 3. Then I saw that it said that.. "Even if this game is a success, I stand to get NOTHING".. Are you serious?? Aren't you the creator of the game??! So how come your totally out of the picture?? What happen with your involvement in it? I mean, if someone creates something it's there's right?? Or is it different in the video game biz?? So like imagine the game sells 3+million copies.. Your left with 0...? I can't come to fathom it. lol

Anonymous said...

If you work for a company and create something for them, as their employee, your creation doesn't belong to you. Even if your company may pay you some extra if it's a success...

Even Georges Lucas had to negociate the ownership of the rights when he created Star Wars, because somebody had to give him the money first to make his movie

Anonymous said...

The demo was fucking awesome..too short for my liking ( i would describe the demo like this - it's like your girlfriend fucking you for 5 hrs straight then suddenly leaves, without you cumming at all ).

Kind of disgusting i know, but, i was expecting the demo to have a reasonable "duration". I will definitely be buying it :)

TrevDogg said...

K2 demo is soo epic its sick. cant wait to hear ur review after the game is released :-P

Anonymous said...

post again david damn it!tell us what you thought on killzone 2 demo

Anonymous said...

David, what is your PSN ID? Can I shooy at you in KZ2? Clan SweetTooth?

DarkHarvest said...

PLEASE give us some TWISTED METAL info!!! I am dying

Anonymous said...

Ditto DarkHarvest

I also am curious as to your thoughts on the KZ2 review close to 2 months before release. I'm not cynical enough to think it's gonna suck, but also not naive enough to not feel its just a promo.

Btw, I'm not sure if you've mentioned it on a previous post, but was wondering if you've played WipeoutHD from the PSN store. Absolutely kicks ass and fills in the TM void for now.

Anonymous said...

don't we all love the PSN store, hey jaffe, have you looked into the game flOwer?

Anonymous said...

obama has been fuckin up a lot since he has become president. he is an ass hole for going after this "stimulus" bill so much. wish i could fuck the IRS and never pay taxes. country sucks

Anonymous said...

It could be alot worse George Bush could still be in office

Anonymous said...

hey anyone here heard the game worms is coming to psn. i loved the game for psp and can't wait. if anyone has any info on it i would appreciate it

TheUsedVersion said...

Just wanted to say nice interview on 1UP. Does it ever get tiring to always be associated with God of War? I'm sure you are itching to talk about your new game.

If anyone wants to read the interview, its located here:

Gazzo said...

Great interview, Jaffe, and thanks for the link TheUsedVersion.

And, I guess now might be a good time to bring this up, whether you end up reading it or not. You talked about how the game affected people, and I gotta say, God of War did that for me. Prior to the series, I was pretty much a platforming and fighting game type of person, and that was pretty much it. Then that game came and just blew me away. Funny story, though. My brother actually found the game disc in his apartment, and he had no idea whose it was, so he just brought it on over to me since I had a PS2. I had nothing to lose, so I just popped it in and....Woah. You're right too, about God of War being a great overall adventure. Yeah, God of War doesn't necessarily have the most deep combat (although it's pretty darn fun) and nah, the puzzles aren't the best (although, again, I like how they're usually integrated into the setting) but the overall experience was great. It really FELT like an adventure to me, which is something that's pretty hard to pull off.

Long story short, great job on God of War, and I'm really looking forward to whatever you're doing now.

Anonymous said...

Here is part 2 of the Series Retrospective

Interview with Cory B.

Anonymous said...

hey someone on gametrailers made a forum saying why u never mention killzone 2, and that you mention god of war 3, gears 2, mgs and never killzone 2 check it out

Anonymous said...

its not flOwer , its flower, its not flOw alright

Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed how much content PSN is getting??? HOLY SHYT

Anonymous said...

No. People have somehow become brainwashed to completely avoid the PSN's offerings.

Are we still hearing the PS3 has no content? Yes. At least I keep hearing it. It's really getting rediculous.

What are those things that Jaffe has on either side of his tea cup a few posts down?

Of course, as far as video content is concerned, I would have to agree. There isnt anything. Im not being a dick, Im just Canadian.. and therefore am not allowed to shop at Sony's online video store.

Thanks Sony.

Anonymous said...

I found that one Zombie sign.

Anonymous said...

Blah, site got cut off, but here is
the full link:

Anonymous said...

liked the 1up interview the second part in the final boss battle is actually my favorite part in gow so it was cool to hear the beind the scene about it and make a post about tekken already.

Anonymous said...

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