Rambling on California Adventure + Wolverine Apathy
Rambly v-blog today:
Oh, and here's the odd BROTHERS AND SISTERS promo/photo opp at Disneyland...I know there is a wine and food festival going on at CA ADVENTURE so it kind of fits a bit more but hell, even a food festival at Disneyland feels out of place.
how about capcoms MvC2 re-release on psn/xbla? marvel is awesome but, yeah there selling out. the movie started being shit after spiderman came out. they thought, "hey! we can make movies with any marvel character and even though they suck ppl will eat em up." really annoys me cause these stories there telling have soo much more to them than what is in the movie. even with the effects these movies suck.
A lot of it has to do with Fox owning the rights and having more of a say with the property than Marvel does. I'm sure it would be so bad. I'm really interested in seeing Liev Schreiber as Sabertooth.
I'm not too thrilled with Xmen Origins: Wolverine either. In my opinion, the Xmen movie series wasn't that great in the first place. And it wasn't until the destruction of Brett Ratner, who started to kill everyone off in X3, that the franchise, in my eyes, is dead.
And with Wolverine origins this is just another attempt, by the film studio, at yanking on the utters of the cash cow to earn more revenue, and it'll work. I'm not against anybody making money on a product, but if the focus of the product is quantity over quality, we'll then start to see other film studios follow in the footsteps with the same mentality which is destructive towards the super hero franchises. It's also destructive towards the video game franchises, also, with these shitty adaptations due mostly because video games weren't meant to be movies, they're mostly an interactive experience and not a visual one, per se. But that topic is for another day.
The first X-men movie wasn't bad, but it's been sliding downhill ever since.. And don't even bring up Brett Ratner.. That said, I was thinking about seeing this movie with my girlfriend, but on second thought it probably isn't worth the money. We'll probably go to Star Trek next week instead.
Hey I know this is off the topic of Wolverine or whatever, but I was wondering if you could do a piece on how to get into the game industry. For instance, where you could get a good education or what type of degrees to go for or something. If you could that would be awesome. Thanks
The last time I was in (Florida) Disney, myself and my brother managed to hit no-queue rides for a couple of hours. I think we had those passes that allow early entry (don't know if they still do those).
Anyway, we must have ridden Big Thunder Mountain Railroad and (later that day) Twilight Zone Tower of Terror about a dozen times each. We just ran from the exit straight back to the entrace, waited no more than ten seconds, got on the ride and did the whole thing again.
I'm going to see it with a couple of friends this weekend see how it goes.
Also have you played Braid David it's by far the most intelligent game I have ever played and done by one man! The writting is just so insanely deep you can get anything from it. I would really like to see a blog post about it if you do ever play it.
After hearing your take on the Wolverine flick it reminded me of my sentiment towards FF: Advent Children. I realize a lot people dig that kinda thing (especially in Japan), and I wanted to love it...but just couldn't make myself feel it. The action and visuals were killer but it didn't capture the atmosphere or ambiance of the video game.
I think that's where these removed directors/producers/w.e go wrong: The setting and mechanics can be there but if they don't nail the tone, it might as well be an entirely new IP.
Hmmm.. why the hell is there no Nintendo theme park?? A Mario coaster that takes you through warp pipes, a 3D Starfox simulator type ride, list goes on and on. Wouldn't have to worry about generic midways/arcades either. Seems like a sin that we'll most likely never see one. Damn.
I'll go see Wolverine sometime this month. I agree the movie aspect of it looks lame, but Wolverine is a Canadian, so his mythos is particularly interesting to us Canucks. Hugh Jackman has always taken that aspect of Wolverine's history to heart and I'd love to see it expanded upon.
Never been to California Adventure but I remember thinking it was fucking stupid when it was first announced way back when. I'm actually looking forward to Wolverine, I don't know, it just looks really entertaining. Though yeah if it happened to come down between that and Star Trek, Star Trek will take priority. But I thought the trailers and shit for it looked really good. To each his own I guess.
Why can't you imagine a Sony Entertainment theme park.. just imagine a real life God of War arena where a few lucky people are picked from the crowd to fight for thier lives against real life murderers taken from high security prisons that are dressed up as minotaurs and such. For the whole family!
David you're so lucky to live so close to DisneyLand, I have only been there twice, once as a baby, once a bit older but I ended up having horrible stomach aches throughout the trip.
Anyways, I know what you mean about the lines, my parents went off to 'adult land' and left me and my brothers at some roller coaster ride. It wasn't that great of a ride, it looked like it was just a spot filler. Anyways, the ride lineup lasted an hour and we counted how long the actual ride was: 30 seconds.
Whats your favorite ride? Mine was space mountain - 4 hour lineup if I remember right.
Wolverine is a very average film. Even if you're not a fan of the character or marvel comics in general you won't be happy with it. If you're a fan of marvel comics when you will hate it, especially if you're a Deadpool fan. Deadpool fans get raped in every hole they got with this film. Nothing could rescue this piece of ... material. The only good thing is the first 3. Min. with Deadpool and Liev Schreiber as Sabertooth.
Funny thing about The Incredible Hulk: There are 70 Min. that had been cut out. Marvel and no one else decided to not include these 70 Min. As i heard these 70 Min. give the characters more background, more personality, more time to be developed. The movie starts with Banner trying to kill himself and showing Captain America for a sec. So it's their fault that the movie was just a big loud clash of the titans and nothing more.
On the topic of California Adventure, my girlfriend (who works for Disney) told me that it was Eisner's idea to create another theme park based on the California during the era that Walt Disney was alive.
Unfortunately, Eisner was known as a total cheapass so that is why you see the Cali Adv of today.
Now that Lasseter is the head, he is trying to pump more money into it to get it to a higher quality park that people will want to go into.
Wolverine was looking pretty cool to me until I found out what they did with Deadpool. WTF. Right when I thought that they were getting the comic movies right, they dun gone fucked up again.
Dude you are so right about California Adventure. I hated that theme park when I went there. I love Disneyland...and yes I agree that it should be Disney themed - not based on a "region" in the states. It's just silly.
I thought walverine was pretty good. Yeah, it's kinda like "just another wolverine" type movie where you pretty much expects everything. But I didn't care, the movie was enjoyable if you don't take it too seriously.
My experience tells me that people should at least gives it a $1 rental because...well fuck, it's $1.
I am seriously not a fan of wolverine, but I watched it anyways (I get free movies), and it was entertaining because I had no expectation for it. I just wanted to watch some free movies.
Wolverine was bleh... I know I'm picky when it comes to marvel movies because I hate when they change shit up in the storyline, but overall Wolverine just wasn't a good movie. Also didn't like what they did with Deadpool.
I am looking forward to seeing Star Trek next week though.
Before posting my comment I read through some others and an Anon brought another thing to my attention: The CG in Wolverine was shitty. In most sections his adamantium claws look completely CG. In a bad way. :(
Jaffe, California is a big place. I lived there for 14 years and saw very little of it. But, all of it was wonderful. Except when someone was shot to death in front of my house. That sucked.
But anyway, to take a trip to see all of California would cost thousands and thousands of dollars. Most people probably want to go to SoCal, and most people probably want to go to Disney Land, so why not give them a chance to see the rest of the state in one go?
It's pretty much FOX's fault that the movies suck. As you might know, Fox tends to fuck movies up to the fullest degree. Many directors and writers hate work with FOX.
If you look back at Kingdom of Heaven, it got some pretty bad reviews at the time it was released, saying pretty much that it's boring and there is no character development etc. And the average score was aroud 5 out of 10...which isn't bad but not great either. BUT THEN, the extended cut came out and the review scores went up to 9.5 out 10 and everybody was saying it's one of Scotts best movies ever and the whole movie althou' 45 mins longer than the theatrical cut is MUCH more intelligent, emotinoal, rewarding and exiting than the butchered FOX version which bombed at the box office.
NOW, if fox is able to fuck a legend like Ridley Scott up in the ass and RAPE his movie. What change some small-time director / writer have ? - NOTHING.
Admittly i think your somewhat right, with how marvel are starting to just assume fans a like will go and see films just because they throw in a character that is wel known and everyone will just turn up in a rabid fever to see it.
Though the film itself is just...typical id say, throughout the entire film, as soon as you get into logans character in the slightest it takes a complete U-turn, as if the writer got bored halfway through writing the story and thought " you know i think a helicopter scene would go so much better" and repeat that throughout the film and just replace helicopters with explosions. overall a half decent film.
gah, heres hoping the rest of the summer "blockbusters" live up to the summer hype.
Hey Jaffe, I just played the new Indiana jones and the staff of kings game at a2m's open house in montreal. I gotta admit that it was pretty awesome, too bad it's only coming for the wii (i don't own one).The gameplay was fun like how they incorporated the nunchuck for swinging with the whip, capturing treasures, and firing up torches etc...The game had a raiders of the last ark feel to it!!!
Good choice, the fact that Wolverine is crappy is a direct result of the fact that producers know they can get away with it and still make money. Don't give em your money and maybe next time around we will get a good product.
I got pulled out to Wolverine last night. I got everything I wanted from the movie: Respect for Wolverine's Canadian heritage. Aside from that, it was an entertaining movie. It was no Iron Man or Spiderman, but it was no Dare Devil or Ghost Rider and that's good enough for me.
Loved the whole Bonus Round. Please do more of those whenever you can! By far my favorite "cast" of any Bonus Round. On a side note I love you Jaffe but try staying out of my dreams. Last night I had a dream and you were doing a type of speech on video games. You even brought your own refreshments for the crowd. Like cookies and fruit punch. I helped you bring the leftover plastic cups back to your car. Weird but true.
Love the blog! Been reading for a while but this is my first time commenting...
The guy directing Wolverine is Gavin Hood, a South African who won an Oscar for a movie called Tsotsi...
Tsotsi was actually quite good which is rare for a South African film...but having said that, he really messed up Wolverine...
I think he spent so much time trying to add layers to the character to the character, that the essence of who Wolverine is was diluted...plus they totally messed up Deadpool.
yeah. origins IS terrible. it's not even worth the rent. i have to be brutally honest. the cast could have been better too. damn, what a screw up that turned out to be. anyway, did you ever get a chance to play Persona 4... and if so, what did you think of it?
"Jaffe, Wolverine opened at $87 million. You should apologize, it was actually a decent flick. It wasn't horrible"
OH, GOOOOOOOOD FOR YOUUUUU!- Just because movie makes money doesn't mean it's a GOOD FILM. I mean, "Mamma mia" made like 20 Billion dollars and we all know what a pile of horseshitcum that movie is.
Wolverine Origins is beyond lame! - there are like 3 seperate times when the camera is above a kneeling Logan and he looks up and screams at the heavens after someone has dies - 3 fuckin " KHAAAAAN" - moments in one movie... Why on earth would a OSCAR WINNING drama director make such a lame fuckin' choises ?
Hmm..haven't seen him do any press for this movie..WONDER WHY? maybe his ass is still sore from all the raping FOX has done to him.
The X-Men franchise (and its subsequent sequels- like "Wolverine) is released through Fox, and while Marvel has some voice in the developement Fox has ultimate control. Same thing with the Fantantic Four franchise and Spider-Man over at Sony.
Really the only movies that Marvel has direct control over are the Avengers movies(i.e. "Incredible Hulk, "Iron Man", "Iron Man 2", "Thor",etc.) which I think have been excellent so far.
David while I understand why you might want the biggest name producer to make these Marvel movies, I think it would be way too expensive to hire most of them. If you think about it, Sam Raimi is not a huge name outside of the Spider-Man movies. Yes he has "Evil Dead"series but those are cult films. And who would have thought John Favreau would make a good director?
I know this is late... but oh my God what did they do to Deadpool?!! why??
i mean, I just don't understand... there was no need to do that...
wolverine has to be one of my all time fav characters... I mean why did they do that?
I am so dumbfounded... I am all for people taking directive liberties and coming up with new shit, but there was just no need to rape the story like that...
ANNNNND... a fucking wolf cries at the moon... not a wolverine... what a dumb sick stupid piece of shit way to have to validate that he's called wolverine...
I'm not fucking retarded, I don't need drivel shoved down my throat in a movie.. I mean COME ON!!
would love to hear your thoughts on this one dave if you've seen it yet... if you haven't, then as one wolverine fan to another I would recommend you not go and keep the insanity at bay.
I now supplement my crack addiction with watching/reading your blog entries. Sometimes it's like watching an older, more opinionated version of myself as I sit there and go "Hmmm...fuck, yea, agreed". No post the last couple days, looks like I'm back to the rock (all in fun, I know this is a family place).
Yeah man the movie was'nt that good.I mean it was ok but it could have been alot better.The game too just ok in my opinion.Oh well Infamous is out this month that game looks to be good.Loved the bonus round Jaffe great show.If you guys get bored check out ps3-themes.com they have some great themes.Plus you can download straight to your ps3.1 month untill E3 news can't wait!!!!!!! Chad
David... I was wondering if you heard the news that 3D Realms, the Duke Nukem guys, just shut there doors. Wondering if you had any thoughts on the subject.
Awesome dispatch! I am indeed getting apt to over this info, is truly neighborly my buddy. Likewise fantastic blog here among many of the costly info you acquire. Reserve up the beneficial process you are doing here.
This is the game I directed/lead designed that is currently running on Playstation Network! The critics pretty much hated it but it has its fans and I am one of them! I'm super proud of this thing and I think it's a blast! Hope to see ya online while it's still alive :).
We've officially shut down The Bartlet Jones Supernatural Detective Agency. I am almost certain it shall rise again one day in some form or another but at least as far as ver 1.0 is concerned, 'She's dead, Jim'. And I'll miss her. What a great team, a great company, and a great experience. Thanks for everything, Bartlet Jones! And thanks to Sony for the opportunity to launch our little adventure; y'alls faith in us remains so appreciated! Y'all rock!
No idea why it's a 'guilty' pleasure. But it is! :) Love this show!
And EAGERLY waiting for next 4 episodes!
...and STUNNED by how good, funny, and emotional this is! Was not a fan of the original so this really caught me by surprise!
Took me FOREVER to get around to playing this! WOW! LOVE IT! Limbo was cool but 'meh' for me. This tho? Next level shit, right here!
Watch this with my 12 year old. Season 2 not as strong as season 1 but it's still lots of fun! ...And I don't WANNA fit in!!! :)
My kid finally got a PC so her and I play this networked on weekends! She's in her room and I'm in mine, shouting to each other as we play! So much fun! :)
THE FEW, THE PROUD, THE...peeps who follow this blog :)
how about capcoms MvC2 re-release on psn/xbla? marvel is awesome but, yeah there selling out. the movie started being shit after spiderman came out. they thought, "hey! we can make movies with any marvel character and even though they suck ppl will eat em up." really annoys me cause these stories there telling have soo much more to them than what is in the movie. even with the effects these movies suck.
Happy Friday! Man this week can suck my balls.
edit: there movies
A lot of it has to do with Fox owning the rights and having more of a say with the property than Marvel does. I'm sure it would be so bad. I'm really interested in seeing Liev Schreiber as Sabertooth.
I've read stories that they're also ready to blame any poor Wolverine ticket sales on the Swine Flu.
I'm not too thrilled with Xmen Origins: Wolverine either. In my opinion, the Xmen movie series wasn't that great in the first place. And it wasn't until the destruction of Brett Ratner, who started to kill everyone off in X3, that the franchise, in my eyes, is dead.
And with Wolverine origins this is just another attempt, by the film studio, at yanking on the utters of the cash cow to earn more revenue, and it'll work. I'm not against anybody making money on a product, but if the focus of the product is quantity over quality, we'll then start to see other film studios follow in the footsteps with the same mentality which is destructive towards the super hero franchises. It's also destructive towards the video game franchises, also, with these shitty adaptations due mostly because video games weren't meant to be movies, they're mostly an interactive experience and not a visual one, per se. But that topic is for another day.
The first X-men movie wasn't bad, but it's been sliding downhill ever since.. And don't even bring up Brett Ratner.. That said, I was thinking about seeing this movie with my girlfriend, but on second thought it probably isn't worth the money. We'll probably go to Star Trek next week instead.
Fox has destroyed xmen on the big screen, I wish marvel would get back all the properties to make movies for their characters and stories.
Hey I know this is off the topic of Wolverine or whatever, but I was wondering if you could do a piece on how to get into the game industry. For instance, where you could get a good education or what type of degrees to go for or something. If you could that would be awesome. Thanks
The last time I was in (Florida) Disney, myself and my brother managed to hit no-queue rides for a couple of hours. I think we had those passes that allow early entry (don't know if they still do those).
Anyway, we must have ridden Big Thunder Mountain Railroad and (later that day) Twilight Zone Tower of Terror about a dozen times each. We just ran from the exit straight back to the entrace, waited no more than ten seconds, got on the ride and did the whole thing again.
That was a seriously good day.
I'm going to see it with a couple of friends this weekend see how it goes.
Also have you played Braid David it's by far the most intelligent game I have ever played and done by one man! The writting is just so insanely deep you can get anything from it. I would really like to see a blog post about it if you do ever play it.
After hearing your take on the Wolverine flick it reminded me of my sentiment towards FF: Advent Children. I realize a lot people dig that kinda thing (especially in Japan), and I wanted to love it...but just couldn't make myself feel it. The action and visuals were killer but it didn't capture the atmosphere or ambiance of the video game.
I think that's where these removed directors/producers/w.e go wrong: The setting and mechanics can be there but if they don't nail the tone, it might as well be an entirely new IP.
Hmmm.. why the hell is there no Nintendo theme park?? A Mario coaster that takes you through warp pipes, a 3D Starfox simulator type ride, list goes on and on. Wouldn't have to worry about generic midways/arcades either. Seems like a sin that we'll most likely never see one. Damn.
I liked your old hat...
Nintendoland! BRILLIANT!
I'll go see Wolverine sometime this month. I agree the movie aspect of it looks lame, but Wolverine is a Canadian, so his mythos is particularly interesting to us Canucks. Hugh Jackman has always taken that aspect of Wolverine's history to heart and I'd love to see it expanded upon.
It can't be any worse than Ghost Rider.
yay for new hats LOL!
my coworker saw it and said it sucked, not that bad though. I got a free movie ticket so yeah Wolverine with my pops will make a weekend. =]
Kinda sad but the moment I saw the video I though "Hey David finally got a new hat" :)
Never been to California Adventure but I remember thinking it was fucking stupid when it was first announced way back when. I'm actually looking forward to Wolverine, I don't know, it just looks really entertaining. Though yeah if it happened to come down between that and Star Trek, Star Trek will take priority. But I thought the trailers and shit for it looked really good. To each his own I guess.
Why can't you imagine a Sony Entertainment theme park.. just imagine a real life God of War arena where a few lucky people are picked from the crowd to fight for thier lives against real life murderers taken from high security prisons that are dressed up as minotaurs and such. For the whole family!
David you're so lucky to live so close to DisneyLand, I have only been there twice, once as a baby, once a bit older but I ended up having horrible stomach aches throughout the trip.
Anyways, I know what you mean about the lines, my parents went off to 'adult land' and left me and my brothers at some roller coaster ride. It wasn't that great of a ride, it looked like it was just a spot filler. Anyways, the ride lineup lasted an hour and we counted how long the actual ride was: 30 seconds.
Whats your favorite ride? Mine was space mountain - 4 hour lineup if I remember right.
Anyways have a good weekend everyone!
Wolverine is a very average film. Even if you're not a fan of the character or marvel comics in general you won't be happy with it. If you're a fan of marvel comics when you will hate it, especially if you're a Deadpool fan. Deadpool fans get raped in every hole they got with this film. Nothing could rescue this piece of ... material. The only good thing is the first 3. Min. with Deadpool and Liev Schreiber as Sabertooth.
Funny thing about The Incredible Hulk: There are 70 Min. that had been cut out. Marvel and no one else decided to not include these 70 Min. As i heard these 70 Min. give the characters more background, more personality, more time to be developed. The movie starts with Banner trying to kill himself and showing Captain America for a sec. So it's their fault that the movie was just a big loud clash of the titans and nothing more.
A shame since Hulk is one of my favorites.
btw. Fuck Jeph Loeb for ruining the series.
On the topic of California Adventure, my girlfriend (who works for Disney) told me that it was Eisner's idea to create another theme park based on the California during the era that Walt Disney was alive.
Unfortunately, Eisner was known as a total cheapass so that is why you see the Cali Adv of today.
Now that Lasseter is the head, he is trying to pump more money into it to get it to a higher quality park that people will want to go into.
Wolverine was looking pretty cool to me until I found out what they did with Deadpool. WTF. Right when I thought that they were getting the comic movies right, they dun gone fucked up again.
Battle for Terra getting good reviews? Not according to RT.
Dude you are so right about California Adventure. I hated that theme park when I went there. I love Disneyland...and yes I agree that it should be Disney themed - not based on a "region" in the states. It's just silly.
I thought walverine was pretty good. Yeah, it's kinda like "just another wolverine" type movie where you pretty much expects everything. But I didn't care, the movie was enjoyable if you don't take it too seriously.
My experience tells me that people should at least gives it a $1 rental because...well fuck, it's $1.
I am seriously not a fan of wolverine, but I watched it anyways (I get free movies), and it was entertaining because I had no expectation for it. I just wanted to watch some free movies.
Wolverine wasn't very good. Piss poor CG didn't help.
the movies is horrible... even though i still think hugh jackman rocks, but even in this movie he feels kinda meh... FOX sucks man.
"crazy excited about INDIANA JONES AND THE STAFF OF KINGS! It looks to capture the classic Indy flavor "
that's what they said about crystal skull and they were way off. just let Indy die already. Just make a new adventure movie with a new character.
You should try the wolverine game. It's great mindless and bloody fun. Seriously... it's just a lot of fun.
Hey Jaffe--Fuck the Wolverine movie, go get a copy of the game! It's fucking awesome!
Wolverine was bleh... I know I'm picky when it comes to marvel movies because I hate when they change shit up in the storyline, but overall Wolverine just wasn't a good movie. Also didn't like what they did with Deadpool.
I am looking forward to seeing Star Trek next week though.
Before posting my comment I read through some others and an Anon brought another thing to my attention: The CG in Wolverine was shitty. In most sections his adamantium claws look completely CG. In a bad way. :(
This guy can't be Wolverine, sorry . . .
This guy can't be Wolverine, sorry . . .
Just for for the recored its not marvel that is doing that they made the hulk and iron man. I was fox that fucked up wolverine.
If you really want a good Wolverine experience play the new Game by Raven. It's actually pretty good and so much better than the movie.
Jaffe, California is a big place. I lived there for 14 years and saw very little of it. But, all of it was wonderful. Except when someone was shot to death in front of my house. That sucked.
But anyway, to take a trip to see all of California would cost thousands and thousands of dollars. Most people probably want to go to SoCal, and most people probably want to go to Disney Land, so why not give them a chance to see the rest of the state in one go?
It's pretty much FOX's fault that the movies suck. As you might know, Fox tends to fuck movies up to the fullest degree. Many directors and writers hate work with FOX.
If you look back at Kingdom of Heaven, it got some pretty bad reviews at the time it was released, saying pretty much that it's boring and there is no character development etc. And the average score was aroud 5 out of 10...which isn't bad but not great either. BUT THEN, the extended cut came out and the review scores went up to 9.5 out 10 and everybody was saying it's one of Scotts best movies ever and the whole movie althou' 45 mins longer than the theatrical cut is MUCH more intelligent, emotinoal, rewarding and exiting than the butchered FOX version which bombed at the box office.
NOW, if fox is able to fuck a legend like Ridley Scott up in the ass and RAPE his movie. What change some small-time director / writer have ? - NOTHING.
Fox loves to butcher films so
Admittly i think your somewhat right, with how marvel are starting to just assume fans a like will go and see films just because they throw in a character that is wel known and everyone will just turn up in a rabid fever to see it.
Though the film itself is just...typical id say, throughout the entire film, as soon as you get into logans character in the slightest it takes a complete U-turn, as if the writer got bored halfway through writing the story and thought " you know i think a helicopter scene would go so much better" and repeat that throughout the film and just replace helicopters with explosions. overall a half decent film.
gah, heres hoping the rest of the summer "blockbusters" live up to the summer hype.
For you Dave
Fuckin 87 million!
Hey Jaffe,
I just played the new Indiana jones and the staff of kings game at a2m's open house in montreal. I gotta admit that it was pretty awesome, too bad it's only coming for the wii (i don't own one).The gameplay was fun like how they incorporated the nunchuck for swinging with the whip, capturing treasures, and firing up torches etc...The game had a raiders of the last ark feel to it!!!
Good choice, the fact that Wolverine is crappy is a direct result of the fact that producers know they can get away with it and still make money. Don't give em your money and maybe next time around we will get a good product.
I got pulled out to Wolverine last night. I got everything I wanted from the movie: Respect for Wolverine's Canadian heritage. Aside from that, it was an entertaining movie. It was no Iron Man or Spiderman, but it was no Dare Devil or Ghost Rider and that's good enough for me.
Loved the whole Bonus Round. Please do more of those whenever you can! By far my favorite "cast" of any Bonus Round. On a side note I love you Jaffe but try staying out of my dreams. Last night I had a dream and you were doing a type of speech on video games. You even brought your own refreshments for the crowd. Like cookies and fruit punch. I helped you bring the leftover plastic cups back to your car. Weird but true.
Thanks for everything
Hey David,
Love the blog! Been reading for a while but this is my first time commenting...
The guy directing Wolverine is Gavin Hood, a South African who won an Oscar for a movie called Tsotsi...
Tsotsi was actually quite good which is rare for a South African film...but having said that, he really messed up Wolverine...
I think he spent so much time trying to add layers to the character to the character, that the essence of who Wolverine is was diluted...plus they totally messed up Deadpool.
A darn shame...
But check out Tsotsi...
Cheers from Sunny South Africa :-)
Helo David,
Totally unrelated to your post but I thought these TM lego models might interest you:
I know that most of these are actually from TM games that you didn't work on but you've got to admit they're pretty accurate and very cool.
I don't care what David Jaffe the airhead thinks. Michael Bay is the greatest director alive and Paul Verhoeven is a HAS-BEEN!!
Sorry I shouldn't have written that. I don't think Jaffe is an airhead.
Jaffe, Wolverine opened at $87 million. You should apologize, it was actually a decent flick. It wasn't horrible
Matt- you are an idiot- I fucking LOVE Michael Bay; even cried during Armageddon so suck it bitch! :)
And I know Paul V is old school BUT there has not been a movie maker who blends entertainment and violence and action as well as him since.
yeah. origins IS terrible. it's not even worth the rent. i have to be brutally honest. the cast could have been better too. damn, what a screw up that turned out to be. anyway, did you ever get a chance to play Persona 4... and if so, what did you think of it?
"Jaffe, Wolverine opened at $87 million. You should apologize, it was actually a decent flick. It wasn't horrible"
OH, GOOOOOOOOD FOR YOUUUUU!- Just because movie makes money doesn't mean it's a GOOD FILM. I mean, "Mamma mia" made like 20 Billion dollars and we all know what a pile of horseshitcum that movie is.
Wolverine Origins is beyond lame! - there are like 3 seperate times when the camera is above a kneeling Logan and he looks up and screams at the heavens after someone has dies - 3 fuckin " KHAAAAAN" - moments in one movie... Why on earth would a OSCAR WINNING drama director make such a lame fuckin' choises ?
Hmm..haven't seen him do any press for this movie..WONDER WHY? maybe his ass is still sore from all the raping FOX has done to him.
The X-Men franchise (and its subsequent sequels- like "Wolverine) is released through Fox, and while Marvel has some voice in the developement Fox has ultimate control. Same thing with the Fantantic Four franchise and Spider-Man over at Sony.
Really the only movies that Marvel has direct control over are the Avengers movies(i.e. "Incredible Hulk, "Iron Man", "Iron Man 2", "Thor",etc.) which I think have been excellent so far.
David while I understand why you might want the biggest name producer to make these Marvel movies, I think it would be way too expensive to hire most of them. If you think about it, Sam Raimi is not a huge name outside of the Spider-Man movies. Yes he has "Evil Dead"series but those are cult films. And who would have thought John Favreau would make a good director?
I know this is late... but oh my God what did they do to Deadpool?!!
i mean, I just don't understand... there was no need to do that...
wolverine has to be one of my all time fav characters... I mean why did they do that?
I am so dumbfounded... I am all for people taking directive liberties and coming up with new shit, but there was just no need to rape the story like that...
ANNNNND... a fucking wolf cries at the moon... not a wolverine... what a dumb sick stupid piece of shit way to have to validate that he's called wolverine...
I'm not fucking retarded, I don't need drivel shoved down my throat in a movie.. I mean COME ON!!
would love to hear your thoughts on this one dave if you've seen it yet...
if you haven't, then as one wolverine fan to another I would recommend you not go and keep the insanity at bay.
I now supplement my crack addiction with watching/reading your blog entries. Sometimes it's like watching an older, more opinionated version of myself as I sit there and go "Hmmm...fuck, yea, agreed". No post the last couple days, looks like I'm back to the rock (all in fun, I know this is a family place).
Hey, David
I see that you're talking about the book "the little house". You probably know this, but in case you don't, enjoy ;-)
Yeah man the movie was'nt that good.I mean it was ok but it could have been alot better.The game too just ok in my opinion.Oh well Infamous is out this month that game looks to be good.Loved the bonus round Jaffe great show.If you guys get bored check out ps3-themes.com they have some great themes.Plus you can download straight to your ps3.1 month untill E3 news can't wait!!!!!!! Chad
David... I was wondering if you heard the news that 3D Realms, the Duke Nukem guys, just shut there doors. Wondering if you had any thoughts on the subject.
Duke nukem Forever ain't coming out. Not really shocking now is it ? :D
Time for a new post Jaffe, c'mon snap out of it!
Where is David Jaffe, I need my fix before finals. Please come back.
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