Summer is racing to a close :(.
Ah well. Fall rocks too :).
Anyway, one of my favorite things about summer is the San Diego Comic Con. I go every year, I go for all 4 days, I stay till they close on day 4, and I am depressed for about a day once the show ends.
I love to be surrounded by toys licensed from cool geek IP, cool new movie posters, game/comic/tv show news, geek celebs,etc.
I love hanging with new and old friends at the con in the day and in the Gaslamp District at night.
I love working the con when we have something to promote. I love taking meetings at the con when we are in production or getting a new production off the ground.
And I love meeting fans of the work we do. Be at at panels promoting our stuff or just walking the floor, meeting fans who like our games is really one of the best parts.
And I'm already excited for next year's con.
And I just realized that I forgot to post pics of this year's con. So, with all that said, here are some things from San Diego Comic Con 2012 that I thought were neat, interesting, odd, cool, and/or photo worthy.
Me meeting one of my fave writers and one of my fave celebs. Super nice guy.
Me, Norman, the Judge, and some other dead guy.
Groo's Papa.
Snazzy Art! Would love to hang on my walls at home!
Sideshow Collectibles is just amazing! See the tiny Surfer?!? So cool! :)
Boba Fett! Boba Fett?!? Where?!?!
One of my favorite slashers ever!
Zelda with Blood?!? YES PLEASE!!!! :)
If religion had been sold this way to me as a kid, I'd have happily signed up!
Thanks Warren Robinett!
So does Lucas sue Marvel or does Marvel sue Lucas?!?
Yo Joe!
Yo Joe!
Yo J...ah fuck it. Here's some dolls on a bridge.
More dolls.
Storm Shadow fights a doll on a roof.


Where's my President Bartlet Mego?!?!
Pretty cotton smoke!
Doctor Who Swag Is Cool!
We Can Rebuild Him...
Bought This To Scare The Kids With! :)
Creepy Cosplay!
Monster High
Follow That Cheap Ass Big Bird Costume
EarthWord Jim Vs. Viewtiful Joe (?) Vs Zombie Brides!
My Comic Con Crush!
Forrey Would Be Proud!
Coolest Costume At The Con!
Doctor Strange Pose! Great costumes tho!
Don't Look At It Marion! Keep Your Eyes SHUT!
And just some random stuff:
Closing Time...last few minutes of the con on Sunday:
Already excited to see you again next year!!!