...err, everybody out of the blog, I mean...and a 1-3 week break is more like it :)
I think hiatus' for blogs suck. They are the quickest way to watch your readership plummet. And right now, with daily hits being at an all time high, I hate to duck out for a few weeks. But turns out, I gotsta.
Major time right now in the life of our design and while the blog takes little of my time- especially when I do video posts- I just don't want any distractions while I pound out a few key documents for the team. Also in the next 1-3 weeks I got:
a- my birthday
b- my mother-in-law's birthday (and a big surprise party....and she don't read this blog and no one she knows does either so we're safe! Don't tell her, dammit!)
c- Taking our kid for a surprise visit to Disneyland. I remember when Scott did this for his kids about 8 years ago and I always thought, 'Man, that sounds so cool! Making them think they are going to school and at the last second, you hit the freeway and head to Disneyland! When I have kids, I'm doing that!'....well now we have two kids and one is old enough for Disneyland so we's going! Hell, truth is, the trip is probably more for me than her but hell, she'll dig it too :)
d- Going up to Sony to pitch Allan and Shu on the current state of the game
e- GTA 4 hits and I'm gonna need a few days to digest what I am sure is going to be a bar raising- fuck it- bar SHATTERING experience.
f- I imagine I will head out to Utah for 1-3 days to work on the game and pitch the documents once I am done writing...
So with all that PLUS these key design days I got ahead of me, I really need my focus and energy.
I will be back in the next 7-21 days, no doubt. This is not a long haitus, just a few weeks. I'll miss the blog, I'll miss you guys. Hope to see you all very soon!
Thanks for all the support and thanks for reading- talk soon!
Sorry to see you bug out for a bit, but I totally understand. Sorry I missed the video chat/blog test thing, dauughter's birthday and all.
Good luck with everything!!!
Have fun and we'll hear from you when you get back.
Happy birthday!
Everyone needs a time of now and then. Go and enjoy life! That is what it's all about.
Happy early birthday David! That was a great test run for the live chat last night, thanks for sharing. I am really excited about whats to come with that. I am also super excited about this new game you are developing. Like you said, it sucks that you can't tell people about it, even the movie industry is more info divulging then this. What can you do, we will bide our time and be ready for when you do make your announcement, as long as you make here right here on the blog!
Your on a break... the moment I find work your away. In any case I hope you enjoy your break, and Disney sounds like excellent fun.
On a side note,
I applied to Eat, sleep, play and was rejected.. but I did get a nice letter with your company logo.. it went right up on my wall of shame.
In the end, I am sure you never even heard of me.
In any case, I found work here in NY at a studio where they found I have more than enough education to run around and get them coffee.
I always look forward to your blog updates.
Good luck, be safe, and take me to Disney Land!!!! I can be a little kid at heat too y'know!
David, I have to truly say I'm jealous of you. You've got the dream job, the dream family, you try to stay connected with your reader (thx for yesterday that was really cool). AND NOW! Your going to Disney Land, which i just love that place. I don't even notice the overpriced products and the "Made in China" printed on everything sold in Main Street USA. And I'm also really glad that your excited for GTA IV. I never really knew what games you liked but I'm just glad we have one in common. Anyway. guess I'll have to wait three looong weeks till you post.
i haven't updated mine in god knows how long. Hey real life catches up to ya.
Be Safe Dave
Have a great birthday and have safe travels. Will miss reading your stuff.
When you get to Utah and if your in the mood for some great Japanese food head on over to Koko Kitchen. It's one of those 'dive ma-n-pa' places that will by far be the best you've ever had. Just ask the guys in Smartbomb Interactive about it (I believe you guys are in the same building) they go there about twice a week.
Happy Birthday man!
Have fun/Happy Birthday/Good luck with Sony/Can't wait for ya to return!
Happy early b-day Mr. Jaffe.
see you soon!
Dave take me to disney land! haha have fun and happy bday
Oh it's funny too.... my RC toys collection from ToyRaptor also includes such robots.
Lucky Basturd !!
enjoy your trip
Hope u have a great time there
you know what?
you should have taken your mother in law along to disney.
The Birthday would be a better blast
When you get to Utah and if your in the mood for some great Japanese food head on over to Koko Kitchen. It's one of those 'dive ma-n-pa' places that will by far be the best you've ever had. Just ask the guys in Smartbomb Interactive about it (I believe you guys are in the same building) they go there about twice a week.
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