Friday, April 11, 2008

I know I am on hiatus...

...but I ran across this and HAD to share:

With the exception of the confederate flag (which makes me kind of ill), this is ALMOST enough to make me join the army...just so I could drive and ride in this thing! Amazing!!! Man, when I strike it rich, I'm so getting me a General Lee!!!...with an American Flag replacing the confederate flag, naturally :)

Ok, back to work- see you guys in a few weeks!



R.Bunk said...

Actually, little known fact. It's very hard to find a Charger in that year, because they used so many of them up filming the Dukes Of Hazard.

Zodiak said...

i have it on rss feed so ill know when you are blogging. Catch ya in a few


Anonymous said...

What cracks me up is the comment that the confederate flag makes you ill. I have heard this several times over the years and I find it amusing. The confederate flag is apart of the US history and is a flag that doesn't represent slavery, but represents the difference of beliefs of one group versus another group internally. This is whole idea is what the US is based on since we didn't believe in what England wanted so we parted ways. Yes slavery is wrong, but the flag is much more then just slavery and the reason I laugh is that people feel they need to say your comments so they don't offend black people, but only dumb rednecks really tie slavery to the flag and thats a whole different story.

David Jaffe said...

I grew up in the south. Trust me when I say, the flag down there for many people represents a desire for the old south to rise again, for things to go back to the way they used to be. And while to be sure, not EVERYTHING- not even CLOSE to everything- about the old south was bad, the reality is, the flag for many represents the past- a past that will forever be associated with slavery. So while I think that flag should be in a museum and in history books so we can all remember our history, the fact that it still flies today over government/tax funded buildings (not to mention on tax funded humvees like in this picture) is - in my mind- unacceptable.

grasshopper said...

Man hopping through the window is half the fun...good luck on getting your own General Dave, it better have some doors :)

Anonymous said...

Dave, I live in the south and now know what you are talking about. It just makes me sad how many stupid rednecks there are that take things and twist them into something that really makes people in the south look stupid. Then again not only the flag is something that is taken out of history to have the meaning changed and really hurt the original thought behind it, but that isn't just rednecks, thats just stupid people.

Anonymous said...

The American flag is the only flag we should be flying. Period. I don't care what the confederate flag may mean to individuals, to the rest of the country it is the flag of the biggest traitors in American history, the Confederates. :)

Anonymous said...

Funny stuff. I was born, raised, and have lived me life in the south. People that fly the "stars and bars" claim that it doesn't represent slavery and they aren't racist for flying it. Yet in each and every case the person eventually reveals their racism through some ignorant and ridiculous observation, usually prefaced with some reference to how many black friends they have.

If it looks like crap, smells like crap, etc...

Anonymous said...

sorry, should be 'lived my whole life in the south".

Anonymous said...

guys i fly the nazi flag but don't get me wrong it's not about hating jews it's about roadway efficiency!

Anonymous said...

Dave Jaffe doesn't hate my race! :D

Anonymous said...

Hey David

I know this sounds a bit of stupid to post a comment on your blog to contact you but this is the only way i saw to do that.

I have an idea for a game that might interest you. I´ve played God of war just like millions have and loved it.

If you can spent a little of your time to contact me it would be great. my email is

A guy with dreams

Anonymous said...

Hello David Jaffe, My name is Gerard Williams also known as the (HIPHOPGAMER) I have a videopodcast/tv show on youtube that is doing very well that i would love for you to check out. WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/JACKAL33 what i'm doing is not being done anywhere in the video game industry. i've put together something incredible and you are someone that i have tons of respect for and i would like to talk with you. I'm a huge huge fan of games first and foremost but playstation is my favorite console period. Right now I have a good show on youtube, i'm linked with a company called the Torrence Davis is the Editor and Chief of the site, I'm actually a Hip Hop Artist, I wrote a Sony Commercial that's already recorded, I have a theme song to my TV show which is called The HipHopGamerShow, I'm working very hard to become apart of the videogame industry with my TV Show also I would love to be Sony's Spokesperson. David i'm sorry for this long comment but i'm passionate man. My number is 1-718-506-4582, You can skype me my name on skype is HIPHOPGAMER, please just watch some of my shows on youtube I even have my grandmother on 1 of my episodes. If you go to the site you'll see that there's 3 favorits that i have , also The last game I reviewed was God Of War Chains of olympus so please give me a shot , or just a chance i will not disappoint you. All i want is a chance for you to look at my show, and listen to my music, and help me get into this industry and i know i can't really do anything for you because you have so much already but i always buy your games and i will always be a loyal fan so god bless and please at least give it shot i've worked really hard business wise on this and i know this is destined for success. Thank You and God Bless

Anonymous said...

Hey Dave!

Just stopping by to say hi. I tried to catch up on as many posts as I could, but I just wanted to let you know that the Rocky vid made my day!

IV is my favorite because it's the only one my friend had and we watched it many times (as kids) because it gives you that rush to get you to the top of the mountain.

Anyways, I just wanted you to know that I believe in you guys, and that it shows how nice of a guy you are that after all these hits - you still feel the pressure.

Fight on my friend...Fight on.

Spencer Wasden

P.S. Thank for the Eckhart Tolle reference. It's been great!

Anonymous said...

If the men and women of our arm forces want to paint a fucking car. I am all for it. Stick and stones may break my bones but paint on a car will never hurt me.

It makes you sick?
It makes others sick the way you exploit violence to children.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dave, just wanted to say I'm a huge fan of yours. TM2 got me into gaming, and it's still one of my all time favorite games. I love the work you did on TM2, TM:B, and God Of War. Three amazing games. I haven't played the original TM that much, but I ordered it from Amazon the other day. It's a really good game as far as I remember.

I hope that TM for Playstation 3 absolutely rocks. I know that as long as you and the original team work on it, it'll be amazing. You guys were the reason I got a PS2. Now you'll probably be the reason I get a PS3.

As awesome as TM is, you're right, the franchise needs some changing. It'll always be fun the way it is, but with a few modifications TM for PS3 will be epic. Look, it's stupid to make a suggestion on your blog, but what the hell, the worst you can say is no. I'm not some guy asking for a job or anything, just a suggestion from a fan.

I think that we need some more levels in single player. More than 8. I'm talking 16 or something insane like that. At least 12. TM 2 and Black are so amazing, and you feel like you've been on a great journey as you progress (especially TM2), but I think we need some more
levels. I know it's tough coming up with levels, but you guys are so good at doing it. Also I think that picking levels should be eliminated. Why not just beat both of them (I.E. I don't think you should have to pick between Suburbs and Freeway. You should have to play them both.)? Obviously Online Play is key. I liked the 8 players stage on TMBO. Too bad the server is down there. Oh make sure you've got 4 players for Death Matches when it's not online (I'm sure that goes without saying.)!

This is something I've always wanted to see too. When there's a co-op tournament, I think at the end that the two friends who just won either have to fight each other to the death where only one can claim his prize, or both the characters can try and ask Calypso for their respective wishes. You can really pull some mad stories depending on the characters that teamed up together. Because every time my friends and I beat it, I wonder what would happen if Axel and Minion (TM2) won? What would they wish for? What would happen? Would they try to screw each other over? I know their goals would be the same, but having a partner might change their demeanors and what not. Plus you have endless stories that'll make replay value even bigger than it already is.

I just got Head On for PS2 and I think there's some potential with Sweet Tooth on foot. Definitely keep working on that part.

I don't know, that's just a few things I had in mind.

I thank you and Scott Campbell and the rest of your team for all the wonderful times you've given me and my friends playing your games. Keep it up, your games are hardcore, ballsy, gory and have amazing characters. Thank you so much!


Anonymous said...

And yet the irony in all of this is that the people calling southerners "rednecks" and "bigots" for waving the confederate flag are being bigots themselves are they not? I guess it's just okay because most southerners are white and male, right?

Regardless, I'm a southerner myself, and yes, grew up in the south with a southern family. The fact of the matter is, the south is one of the most patriotic parts of our country today, and flying the "rebel flag" is a display of little more than that: rebelliousness. Just like when AC/DC did it, just like when Lynyrd Skynyrd did it. Not everything has to be about racism and political correctness people, time to recognize that.

Anonymous said...

Twisted Metal Ps3 confirmed developed by Eat Sleep Play- why else would you run across a military car picture?

Anonymous said...

1.What made u become a Game Designer ?

2.Are you planning to continue with this proffession?

3.What is your message to all guys who desire becoming a game desinger?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hey dave, i check your blog once in a while just to see whats going on in your world, so i know youre a busy person. i wanted to know if you saw that commercial with Michael Bay for verizon? that commercial was pretty Awesome. bad boys 1 and 2 and transformers those were damn cool movies. and i cant wait for Iron Man, that looks incredible. But i think that one of the greatest movies of all time would be if a God of War movie was to be made, that would be an awesome movie that would go down in history man. I know you probably have thought about it but youre just pretty busy these days so you have to put it on hold for now. But im just saying i think if you saw a picture of me, you would agree that i look like Kratos and id play him so perfectly. I just want an audition for this part dude, i really think you wont be disappointed. I know you cant give out your email, so im thinking if i just post links to pics of me looking like Kratos over here.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

that's been photoshopped, it looks like it took a who five minutes.

Anonymous said...

I thought the flag was the best part to be honest, i got a camo hat on right now with the rebel flag on it.

Anonymous said...

You realize that the north owned slaves as well, right?

Or that the "Confederate" flag displayed in your pic is actually a newer design that happened after the civil war? The original design, which DID stand for slavery, isn't displayed anywhere.

Makes both sides who argue it look a bit dumb once you realize it all. Further proving people get in a tissy over dumb shit.

Anonymous said...

If the men and women of our arm forces want to paint a fucking car. I am all for it. Stick and stones may break my bones but paint on a car will never hurt me.

It makes you sick?
It makes others sick the way you exploit violence to children.

If you're such a fan of the military, what would lead you to believe that professional soldiers would drive a bright orange vehicle through a war zone? Or are you just looking for a reason to grandstand?

An asshole conservative, anti-gaming fuckwit who has nothing better to do than post to a video game designer's blog. Big surprise.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

An asshole conservative, anti-gaming fuckwit who has nothing better to do than post to a video game designer's blog. Big surprise.

You know, that could be a gamer just looking for people respond to his or her post.

What cracks me up is the comment that the confederate flag makes you ill. I have heard this several times over the years and I find it amusing. The confederate flag is apart of the US history and is a flag that doesn't represent slavery, but represents the difference of beliefs of one group versus another group internally. This is whole idea is what the US is based on since we didn't believe in what England wanted so we parted ways. Yes slavery is wrong, but the flag is much more then just slavery and the reason I laugh is that people feel they need to say your comments so they don't offend black people, but only dumb rednecks really tie slavery to the flag and thats a whole different story.

Slavery isn't the only bad thing the flag represents.

Anonymous said...

The Confederate Flag makes you ill? What makes me ill is that a guy who was responsible for one of the greatest game franchises of all time is a liberal douche bag.

Now that I've seen what you're really all about, I won't be buying another Twisted Metal game again.

Anonymous said...

For an education on what really happened during the War of Northern Aggession read "The South Was Right!", ISBN #: 9781565540248.

Or remain ignorant and vote for Obama Bin Laden to feel righteous about your white guilt.

Anonymous said...

The Confederate Flag makes you ill? What makes me ill is that a guy who was responsible for one of the greatest game franchises of all time is a liberal douche bag.

Now that I've seen what you're really all about, I won't be buying another Twisted Metal game again.

Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out, Cochese. I'm sure your spoiled, conservative lily-white redneck ass will be missed,

You're going to stop buying sci-fi video games about mutants and psychopaths blowing each other up because the game designer is sickened by a racist symbol of the slave-owning south, then you my friend need to get out more. First, pull your head out of your ass and then slowly step out into the sunlight...

Anonymous said...

For an education on what really happened during the War of Northern Aggession read "The South Was Right!", ISBN #: 9781565540248.

Or remain ignorant and vote for Obama Bin Laden to feel righteous about your white guilt.

Tobias Bruckner called. He wants his self-respect back,

Anonymous said...

Fact: The North owned more slaves than the South.

Fact: The South had more free blacks than the North did at the time of the war.

Fact: The North attacked the South because of the rising economy in the South due to agriculture, while the North's industrial economy was failing. If the South had left the Union than the North would have been bancrupted.

Fact: Whites who believe the nonsense story that the North fought the South so that the mighty negro could be free are idiots.

Fact: Winners of wars write the history books, you're mainsteam history is wrong against the factial historic record of what happened during the War of Northern Aggression.

Fact: The South is occupied terroritory.

Fact: I'm not a redneck, I live in the North. I prefer truth to the negroid lie of the "Evil South" to further their own secret agendas.

Fact: When America has a black President it will follow the route of every other country ever led by will go down the toilet. South Africa anyone?

Fact: Many "free" blacks fought to keep their way of life in the South because they knew what was really going on. Just check the records of the "Sons of Confederate Veterans" to verify that.

Fact: Blacks have a purpose and direction under white rule. Name one African country that isn't a cesspool?

No matter what you say the truth is the truth and facts are facts. Might want to read the "Bell Curve" as well since it was you "liberals" who asked for the test in the first place and the results proved the Conservatives right as always.

PS - If you're idea of a conservative is George Bush Jr. than you are an idiot.

Anonymous said...

You lost when you used the word "negroid". You lost the right to have a conversation with decent, educated people. Or people at all, for that matter, since racists such as yourself are less "people" and more "animal".

This is the blog of a video game designer, not a KKK message board. Take your hatred and racism to a website more fitting for scum-sucking pusbags such as yourself.

Anonymous said...

Negroid is a scientific term Mr. Educated. So is Mongoloid and Caucasoid. I'm sure you knew that though. Facts are still facts regardless of whether your little feelings were hurt.

Mr. Jaffe has the right to feel as he does, just as I have a right to respond to it how I see fit. It's called freedom, something no liberal seems to understand. A liberals idea of freedom is agreeing with them and that's it. Any other opinion is considered a sin in the Liberal Pantheon of all that is degenerate in society.

I won't be posting again on here because obviously no one here has an education above seventh grade.

And yes, I wouldn't buy a game again that I know "Jaffepants" is involved in if there's a chance that a single dime of mine would go to one of his liberal causes. I know that's a hard concept for any white-guilt laden mind to understand.

Have a nice life Commies.

Anonymous said...

read your history, the war was started as a industrial society vs an agricultural society. Slavery was added to draw in more of the western states that originally had no alliance to either side. Lincoln did it to get more troops beacause the north was losing. Times have changed, slavery was a way of life. my wife and I are white and she found out that two of her relatives were sold to a local family,a boy age 6 to be trained as a butler and a girl age 4 to be trained as a maid. get over it! it represents heritage, not hatred. people associate the flag to slavery because of it's use by the kkk, they need to get their own and let the stars and bars stand proud. ever been to Gettysburg, everyone should. why do black americans want to erase the war that won their freedom? That's like every American not celebrating 4th of july...and why do they have to be called black americans? I can see that for myself. I donot refer to myself as russian-american. I am an american, and their peple have been here longer than mine!!!anonymos because I haven't got a google account

Anonymous said...

Also, read the proclamation and you will see Lincoln only freed the slaves in the states that seceded from the USA. The northern slaves were not freed until later.

Anonymous said...

and donot just criticize my spelling.Just try to understand what I'm trying to say

Anonymous said...

seems like a lot of hatred for a colored piece of cloth. I thought we were supposed to be a tolerant society, a society which is considerate of other people's beliefs and feelings. Dosen't sound like many of you are tolerant of any bodies rights. sounds like communism. "you will like what I like or you are dead." With the anniversary of gettysberg being july 1,2, and third, try to remember 51,000 americans died and another 24,000 were injured fighting for what they believed in. Fly the stars and stripes along side the stars and bars to honor those fallin brothers...

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