But every now and then, I just want to chill in front of the tv, watch movies and shows that I want, order in some food, and just veg my fat ass out in front of whatever Direct-Tv and/or Blockbuster Video can throw my way.
Tonight is such a night. And I am so excited. Small pleasures, right?
I think alot of it comes from the fact that I was in Utah the last few days (pics of the new space to come, soon as I can get my damn pics sent from my amazing new iphone-love it! love it! love it!)...but yeah, I was in Utah Wed-Friday and it was my first time at the new space, my first real week of work for Eat Sleep Play. And while the work was not crazy hours, it was just overwhelming. It's a new job, a new company (one that I am co-founder/owner of), and new challenges. And I had such a fucking blast. I love the vibe of the Eat Sleep Play offices, not just the space itself, but the energy of the team. We've got an amazing group of folks working at the company and there's such a nice, fun vibe in the air. And I love the fact that we ALL own a piece of the place...sure, me and Scott are the co-prezes of the endeavor, but we all own a slice...it really is OUR company and I love the way that the office feels because of that. As a guy who worked for Sony for 14 years- and loved 99% of it- I can tell you it gets tough working hard when- end of the day- none of it is yours. So I'm real happy Eat Sleep Play is able to offer us all a bit of ownership in the studio. So sweet stuff. But very,very overwhelming...as in, I think my brain was working overtime to process the emotions, the work, and the new challenges of being a biz owner and starting a new game company and even though I didn't realize it at the time, the last 3 days took a shit ton out of me.
Which brings me back to tonite.
Gonna chill, eat pizza, drink diet Coke, and watch whatever the fuck I want on my big, flat screen tv. One of the things I am gonna watch is this baby:

I get that ABC wants to let this thing die, even tho the reviews have been really, really great. That's just life these days on network tv. Play to the lowest common denom, or die. Fair enough. Biz is biz. But I hope that some cable channel picks this thing up (assuming it's as good as people say it is).
So I'll watch that, maybe pop in Monster House on Blu Ray (not seen it yet), geek out a bit in front of the tv. Oooh, I should try to watch some classic Star Trek too.
Ok, anyway, gonna get to it...just had a moment before the kids go to bed and I phone the pizza place and wanted to say hey.
I'll chat with you guys next week and show you the photos of the new space. I'm so excited to share.
See ya!
ps. we started working out the maps for Twisted Metal: Lost this week, tuning and adjusting to make them as fun as can be. Man, it's fun to be working on Twisted Metal again. I'm loving it and hope you guys dig the new levels! Ok, gonna run. See ya!