Ain't video chat great? I'm doing all the interview questions from home in San Diego while the camera crew films the guys responding out in Utah! Sweet!

Here is Scott ready to go, out in Utah.

Kellan Hatch, creative and art director on many of the Incog/SingleTrac/Eat Sleep Play games...

Michael Jackson, art director on Twisted Metal and shell master supreme!
I'll be doing my bit in LA next week, along with the co-writer of the Twisted storyline, and one of the key concept artists for the series (who is now a concept designer for Halo 3 at Bungie!)....plus it seems like we're gonna get some great fan videos coming in, so that- along with tons of old concept art, toys, video, and other behind the scenes stuff we've uncovered- should make for a good package! I'm jazzed!
Ok, back to work! If I don't talk to ya'll before, have a great weekend!