I was gonna do a big post tonite but ended up spending most of the nite doing an interview with the great website neogaf.com. Not sure when that interview will hit but keep an eye (ear?) out for it...
...so I was going thru my old emails (dating back to 1999!) and was looking to see if I had anything cool in there I could post. And man, I got LOTS of stuff from way back when.
Here's some of it...I hope you find this half as neat as I do. These are old Twisted Metal:Black character designs. Cecil Kim did these; Cecil is still with Sony and was/is a key contributor to the concept art and look of the whole God of War series. Thanks for all the great work over the years Cecil and thanks for these! I had forgotten all about them! Check them out ya'll:

I dig these; they have a creepy sadness to them. Ahh, I miss the world of Twisted Metal! No plans to go back right now, just thinking how much I dig that world.
Ok, gonna try to do some XMAS shopping online till I fall asleep at my keyboard. We'll see how far I get. And is it odd it's December and I'm already starting to get excited for Comic-Con in July?!?! I'm a freak, I know.
Ok, good night ya'll!
Those concepts look cool. I dig the whole creepy/fucked up sort of look as well.
You're excited so ComicCon NOW?? First thing's first: I have to find a way into GDC next year, THEN I'll worry about ComicCon if its at all possible.
Hey Dave-
Thanks for reminding me of the old days, I still remember how I felt wierd about the project when you decribe it to me. the game with eerie orchestral chorus music! with these characters, brilliant!
I thrive on these types of concept images. Thanks for posting them. You know what, SCEA still owes me a free Twisted Metal Black. I sent in a coupon for a free TMB with my PS2 network adaptor years ago and never recieved anything.
BTW, I'm MADD. Check out my blog later to see what I mean. And what's with the spam on previous posts?
Wow. That's some great concept art. I really dig the bloody bride. The marionette guy looks a bit like Kratos...a very gaunt, very morbid Kratos...terrific stuff. Thanks for sharing!
Sorry for being off topic here, but, I just saw the new trailer for 300 and couldn't help but think that director would do justice to a God of War movie. What do you think?
By the way, I've been a big fan since I first read your talk with Ain't it Cool News about games and movies. I'm a fellow game developer. Just started my own studio and we are starting our first title at the new year. It's no God of War, but it's a cool game and it's our game so we're excited as hell. Hopefully, someday we'll have our own 'God of War'. God of War is certainly an inspiration. OK. Enough fanboy talk from me. Can't wait for God of War 2 and whatever else you have coming in the future.
Hey Dave I love your work God of war is my number one favorite action game, Devil May cry is my seond and Ninja Gaiden is my third. I like the bloody bride kudos to the artist, I would like to see another twisted metal game.
The concept art has that horror feel to it, that would be cool If you and the Sana Monica team made a horror game like resident evil or something entirely different but that's just wishful thinking can't upset a developers creative freedom. Looking foward to GDC and ComicCon.
Jaffe, PLEASE make a new Twisted Metal for the PS3. As much as I love God of War, Twisted Metal will always have a special spot in my heart and will always be the king of car combat. You have to return to that series and punch out another.
Wow greate stuff. Those concept arts are greate ideas for scary games.Id love to see that bride in action..:)
Does no plans to return to TM mean that nothing is set and definite right now, or that you just dont't want to?
If not involved yourself, do you know if TM will EVER return?
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