Here is the link:
It was captured at 1080i, then compressed to 720. So if you can watch it at 720, please do.
But either way, I feel the footage captures the TRUE if you like what you see, try out our game cause it plays like it looks in the video...If you don't dig the video, it's prob. not your cup of tea, sad for me to say! But I hope you think it looks fun!
Let me know!
Gotta go, busy as shit today!
ps. Ok, so FIRST it was the CHILDREN OF MAN touch I get this one from fellow designer Adam Orth who STILL recalls my innocent statement that ONE DAY (one day, you fuck!!! Not NOW) that the chick who plays Herminie (spelling?!?) in Harry Potter would be hot....well here's what the little fucker sends me not 5 minutes ago:

...what an asshole...:)
Hey, she IS getting I wasn't wrong :)
Haha! I remember reading that! The picture that went with that post was priceless!
I'll wait for the trailer to appear on Gametrailers, as I want to see it in HD. Being a complete and utter cheapskate (and lacking any real source of income), I'm not an Insider or a Gamespot Gold member. Hell, I don't even have LIVE. Besides, I've had bad experiences with Gamespot video quality. Trying to watch the Sony Press Conference in low quality...not recomended.
Wait. I don't get it. Is that supposed to be that same pic of you?
That new trailer is cool, looks like a lot of fun.
LOL! Yeah, Emma Watson is hot there's no doubt about it.
Well this is my first time here so I don't know if this is the place for this. Anyway the trailer looks great but I was a little curious about the controls, is up up down down or is it more tank battleish or like Resident Evil 1-3 (sorry only comparison's I could think of) where you just turn left and right and accelerate to get around.
Hey Grasshopper:
It's like Pac Man I guess...steer and gas is on left analog stick. So UP=face car up and keep going up as long as you press stick in that direction; DOWN=face down then keep going down as long as you keep pressing down; LEFT=turn left and keep moving left; RIGHT= turn right and keep moving right...
Then there is an infinate BOOST button that gives you more Asteroids like sliding (so you don't want to keep it pressed ALL the time till you get good at th controls...and even then you gotta be careful)...
Then there is a JUMP button and a NITRO BUTTON (that gives a huge burst of speed for a short time and refills once you've used it).
Hope that helps!
Glad you dug the trailer! Check out the 1up hands on preview tomorrow and see- along with me, cause I don't know either!- if they like the game!
Thanks! Looking forward to it.
HAHA, well im 16 so I can call her hot all I want without being called a perv... She is getting there though as soona s i finsih posting this im gonna watch that CAC trailer funny how quick these pictures get around ey?
Ahaha, glad to see you've caught the Calling All Cars board game pic.. I posted it at NeoGAF in the thread about the name change earlier. Speaking of CAC, what's the engine you're using for this game?
Looks pretty fucking good, can't wait
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天空黑沉酒店應酬 沉的堆滿了烏云。大雨傾盆而下,夾著一陣陣的電閃雷轟,勢道嚇人粉味。黃豆大的雨點打在地下,直濺到窗外兩酒店經紀找馬修少年男女酒店經濟 的身上。 們都身披油布雨衣,對廳上的事很感好奇酒店經濟再湊眼到窗洞上去看時,只听得那婆婆打工兼差道:“准頭還可將就,就是沒勁儿,今日酒店經紀就練到這里。”說著慢慢禮服店站起身來。
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