Hey all....put a widget on the right side of the blog that will let us chat together in real time. Not sure how much use it will get, but it seemed like a fun thing to do. Plus, if there's ever a time we wanna hook and and do Q/A about the games and stuff, I could get some of the key members of the team in- from whatever game we are working on- to answer questions and give insight into the process, if that would be of interest to any of ya'll.
As of now, it doesn't look like there is a way for me to lock names, which means ANYONE can sign in and say they are someone they are not. I hope to see if I can change that in the future but for now, I guess it's the honor system...shyeah, right! But I'll leave this up for a bit and see if anyone likes to use it!
Ok, back to work. Today begins focused design on small game project #2! Wish us luck!
My brother just sent me this....from the Sony Picture lot in Culver City, California. He's shooting the show CLOSE TO HOME there and he knows I'm a big Spidey fan! Some great reviews coming in for the flic on AINT IT COOL NEWS! Man, I am getting excited!!!

Sweet! Then, live, I can hound you incessantly to do an interview on our podcast :-)
How's CaC QA going? Do you think that we're getting it this week??
"Today begins focused design on small game project #2!"
dont forget CO-OP gameplay.. whatever type of game it is, you've got to fit co-op gameplay in there SOMEHOW!
Ahahahaha, only 2-3 people are ever on that little shit widget chat thing Jaffe pulled out of his little dickhole. This is so fucking pathetic. No one wants to chat with a chubby motherfucker like you Jaffe. Get the fuck over yourself you fat fuck. You are not a celebrity, you are not famous, you are not loved, you ARE however a fucking dumbass. I hope someone fucking mows you down and posts the video on youtube, i'll fucking jackoff to it. Once again, Fuck you all.
the thing is Mariojuana, is I get you, that's the sad odd part...I really do. And I like you...so you may see posts that say: stop posting here, why do you come here, etc...
but it's ok...you are welcome here. Keep posting...sure you're kind of mean but I get it. Cause you are either just having fun or you really hate me...either way, I've been in both places. So post away...and welcome!
The next time that fucking white kid comes to buy a sack off me wearing his bootleg God of War t-shirt (he's ALWAYS wearing it) i'll tell him you said hi.
Fuck you too.
Hey Jaffe, how come some people get a name on that little chat thingy, and some dont? Its a cool idea, we just need you to post when you are going to be on there..
Jaffe, can I ask you a question?
Do you ever get tired of people pigeon holeing you into just Twisted Metal or God of War? I mean all I ever see is "Give us more twisted metal!" or "give us more God of war."
Granted I know those series have gotten you where you are today, but doesnt it ever feel like an insult to your artistic side to be labled "That God of war guy" and not "David Jaffe, Video Game Designer"? Much like they expect you to only be good at just TM or GOW.....
I always wondered how you felt about this....I personally like the switch to smaller games to avoid the whole "EA SYNDROME" where titles go stale after sooo many sequels.
I saw gives us a shooter! Similar to a UFO shooter where you can destroy landmarks and crap. Wait, wasn't something like that being worked on?
I once asked Cory how he got into the industry and he wrote me a very nice/wierd description of how it all came about for him.
Something else that I've always wondered but that no one really talks about is the financial side of making a game. I'm not sure if it's never discussed because of either legal problems or just because they think it'll be boring but it's something I would really like to here about. I mean everything: how much employees get paid, how much all the equipement/hardware/software cost, how much the developers/publishers recieve from sales, cost of advertising...and everything in between.
*Jack Thompson is still a fucking asshole*
Dear Mr. Jaffe,
The games you've made have given me hours of entertainment. You are a role model for me, and I hope to one day have accomplished as much as you have in the game industry. I am a student Game Developer attending Full Sail Real World Education and I am graduating in a little over three months. If you have some time, I would like to ask you some questions about you and your work. Basically , I'm really interested in a day in the life of David Jaffe. Thank you for your time.
P.S. I am sorry that this is not the most formal way of communicating with you, but it is the only way I could think to get in touch with you. Thanks again.
derrickgott007 can I ask you a question?
Do you ever get tired of jacking off to Jaffe's pictures? He doesn't have an artistic side dumbass. You want artistic shit play Triple E, Rez, or any number Japanese scene releases. You're NOT going to find "artistic" shit here in the US where the bottom line is sales you fucking idiot.
Dear Mr. Jaffe,
I am an idiot. I forgot my email:
Thanks again for your time.
Give yourself over to absolute pleasure...swim the warm waters of sins of the flesh...
God I love Rocky Horror Picture Show. :D
Spidey is pretty sweet too though.
Give yourself over to absolute pleasure...swim the warm waters of sins of the flesh...
puh lese avocado no one wants to bang ur fat ugly ass dont post such disgusting things on this website. btw u look like a goddamn lesbian anyways and god hates lesbians he destroys them and mAri0jUaNa im coming after you next faggit i saw you chatting saying your a faggit and a drug peddler. god hates you too you will be cast down into the boiling pits of sewage for the sin of homosexuality and drug peddling you will burn boy.
Hi david, I first of all wanna say that i love GoW.
Well i noticed on wikipedia that you were the game designer AND director for GoW. i have always loved video games, and i think yours was freaking epic man. i want to know, is it worth it to get into your career? i mean, i love video games, and it would be a dream to make them as a job. but although videogames are something i love, i also want to know this, does it actually bring in the green? i mean, can somoene actuallly beocme somewhat ritch from making video games?
im sure that if you can, ure probably one of the damned ritchest video game designers out there. i just want to know that if i decide to study for that career, im not making a big mistake by wasting my time with something that isnt gonna make all my hard work worth something u know. the other major i want is to be a doctor, that is 180,000.00 a year, but i have no real passion for it, besides the money u know, im afraid i might shoot myself from the boredom in jobs like that, so id rather do something i love for a career, with good pay. also, i read game directors get paid from 70-90,000 a year, so does that mean u have ure regular pay of 80,000 a year and when u finally release the game, do u make like a big ass profit form it or wats up with that?
Yeah, you're right Rudolph. And I'll be banging your mom while I burn.
Uh, no.
I never quite got the troll mentality. Is it an e-peen thing? Even more I don't get how David manages to put himself out here for continued abuse. I gather quite a lot just bounces off but eventually some of it has got to wear him down.
A Q&A sounds like it could be quite interesting.
I dunno Thirst. I always thought trolling was dumb, although I've always been woefully weak-minded when it comes to firing off one-liners. Yeah, I think it's an e-peen thing. Plenty of people out there are willing to call themselves experts on a subject that they have done jack shit to contribute to. Meh.
I'm all for a Q&A session...though I think a banhammer should be standing by. You know, just in case. :)
Hey guys my chat wont work any ideas?
Agreed.. could get messy.
While I get the general idea of CaC I've managed to stay pretty much unaware of the particulars of it so getting the fine details straight from the horse's mouth would be kinda nice.
Laquer: Yeah mine doesn't quite work as it should either. Doesn't update unless I refresh the site. Quite likely my flash player is outdated though or the app isn't agreeing with Firefox for some reason.
ur fat and ugly avocado.
Thirst, I use Firefox (not the movie with Clint Eastwood ;-) ) and the chat is working fine. You prob need to just upgrade some minor stuff.
Most trolls are nothing more than little kids thinking they are adult and listen to (C)rap music. Kinda said. They also more than likely don't have a father figure and as such have no role model other than the crap they show on MTV. Sad, sad little kids.
Hey Jaffe! Loving the new webchat thing. I'll try and pop in now and then to see if you're around.
You should set up a daily or weekly time that we can all chat, that way it's easier to get ahold of you.
Also, in case you didn't read it in the chat, I need you to e-mail me at my business address when you get around to it (the e-mail's located at www.joelaurino.com). I have something to talk to you about that I think you'll be interested in.
Everywhere i go on the internet someone has to be using their Internet Muscles trying to be cool and mean.
These people need to seriously find something to do with their life...
The chat thing is cool. I'd try and work in a ban thing for some of these "people" though. A way you can keep from people posing as you or others is to post a time and date you'll be on to chat. Easy. If two people try to make the same name i think it'll be extremely easy to tell who the fake is.
have a good one.
mariojuana - everyone is entitled to have a blog. and if invited to do an interview, is entitled to give their opinion, when asked questions.
if he isnt famous, than why are you on his website wasting your time with an argument?
what has he done to make you so angry? nothing.
he's a game designer, he works on games, and he has an opinion or two on the industry. i dont think he has ONCE done anything to deserve the hatred that he sometimes recieves, no doubt from the usual sony-bashers that seem to dominate the internet forums and boards these days.
Mr.Crisco - im not jaffe, but i can tell you a thing or two about the industry.. YES, its possible to make a LOT of money. like i'd say that some LEADs can make up to 200,000 a year. the lower end, for say your average level designer, i believe is closer 30,000 a year.
however, the real problem, i've found with the industry, is that its REALLY hard to get and keep a steady job. EA will hire lots of people, and keep them on for about 2 months doing QA testing. that includes people who have gone through various gaming "schools"
its not to say that its impossible to get a job, but you definetly need to have the skills if you want a job. you cant just do your homework, and get "relatively" good grades, and end up with a job.
and also, dont get a job expecting to get to work on only amazing games, or that you'll actually get to design your own, because thats EXTREMELY unlikely.
i think a lot of people think making videogames is a more glamorous job than it really is.
definetly do your research before you go plop 25 grand down to go to school for making games.
jaffe - i cant help but pronounce your last name without the "ee" sound at the end. is that a common problem with people, or am i the only one who though it was pronounced "jaff" ? :p
joel you're a moron go back to picking jagges pubes outta ur teeth u little bitch mariojuana said he owned a ps3 and a psps moron hes not a sony basher ur a fucking moron
I guess some people must relish in self abuse. If I go to a web site and I don't like what I see or I'm not a fan (not having fun) I tend to not go there. The only logic behind such actions is fear of an opposition’s success, or envy and jealousy. I do believe in constructive criticism but I don’t see anything constructive when people start personal attacks. I see it all the time as a MOD on the Forums. When people run out of intelligent debates to an argument they begin attacking the people. It’s a sure fire sign of a defeatist attitude.
Oh and platypus I realy enjoyed the video on the reconstruction you did after the flood, I don't think I posted a comment on your blog, but Props to you. Before I cast judgment on another individual I try to find out who they are and what they are about.
Sorry for the tangent on your Blog Jaffe, but I had too.
no fear your new name is mo queer i do like david jaffe. its u i dont like. i like the fact that he speaks his mind and he doesnt give a fuck what anyone thinks, hes the only rebel in the industry and hes the only dude who allows the fans to do same on his blog wether u or he likes it or not. he embodies free speech what makes the internet and our country great. oh ur a mod at gaygamer well la dee fucking da im so fucking impressed.
Hey, thanks No Fear. :) That's really nice of you, I appreciate it.
And Jaffe, I don't care how long it takes, I will heart CAC irregardless.
I have just read what Bobby wrote and couldn't help saying that:
I am a fan from a country named Sultnate Of Oman (check it out in the map, it is south of Iran and North of Yamen). We have a few guys here who know who you are. The rumor is that you started noting down GOW ideas at the age of 10!!!
This week i just figured out that i actually own half of your games (including Micky Mania).
Last week i started playing GOW2 and every time i am impressed during gameplay, i say: this Jaffe guy is a real fucking genius. Evey time!! Until the moment i discovered that you didn't actually direct the game (shocking music).. but i still feel that you actually did something to GOW2 to make it as good and even better than GOW1.
Right now i am sounding like Stan from Eminem's song.
I leave you in peace.. and see you later.
I wrote something yesterday (something funny) but i didn't publish it.. and don't even remember what i wrote.
Well... maybe because of my visit to Cuba (Salalah), i started acting.. strange. I feel like dancing in my office and sleeping inside my car.
no fear I feel your pain on moding. I find them usually find them usually to be children with inattentive parents. I guess when they turn 50 and are still flipping burgers at McDonald’s it will occur to them that they wasted their life and that no one would hire people like them with piss poor attitudes.
David, going with the smaller games have you ever considered reworking some of the old classics like games for the Amiga or the Commodore 64?
Nice thinking on adding the chat. Seems to be used correctly so far. Good luck on your new game!
P.S. You should set up some time that you will be on the chat on the blog.
Just ressuresected from an acid binge. My brain feels like it weighs 197 lbs. rudolph, anonymous, Jaffe, and all those that aren't worth the mention I smell abortion on you.
hey dave, this chat thing is wicked cool! thanks for putting it up.
liked your interviews with geoff, very honest and open.
keep it real bro, and don't forget, for every idiot out there who hates you, you got 5 people who support you and love your work, not because its god of war or twisted metal, but because of who you are and the way you present yourself.
cheers mate
Another project already? Damn, that was quick. Care to tell us what genre it falls under?
Hey David, I am an 18 year old who is seeking some guidance, I absolutely love your work (no matter what some of these negative naive bloggers might say) and was wondering if you could answer some questions for me, my e-mail is mach__blur@hotmail.com, thank you very much for your time and keep doing what you love to do. We need more people like you in the world with such creative and vivid imaginations.
-Liam C.
I think it would be cool if you next game used fire trucks, water cannons, cats, and fat bitches.
mAri0jUaNa you are a classic example of why parents SHOULD smack their kids.
If you don't like this blog then get the fuck off and stop hating on Jaffe and the people that are interested in what he has to say.
Why don't you pack your bong with some plastic and really burn up some brain cells with any luck you will be in a coma drooling all over yourself.
You are a supreme douchebag who has nothing of substance to offer and can only bring others down because your own life is so pathetic that's the only pleasure you can derive from it.
Keep up the good work Jaffe. I don't jack off to your photos, but I am still a big fan.
Funny chat. Anyway Dave I heard talk about another TM in the works possibly with your buddies at Insomniac. I know this isn't the right time for a TM with crap like Full Auto out there but your fans are looking forward to a new one. Whoever did the characters on TM Black did a good job. If you have no plans on doing one (just like your no involvement with GOWII) then just let Insomniac handle it.
Oh yeah, good job with Calling All Cars! Even though the date keeps getting pushed back.
I only stick plastic under my tongue and drool on 19 year old girls tight cunts.
It's no pain at all Chip. I rather enjoy helping the gaming community. Some kids just need a good example to follow. I try to be more of a mentor, but that delete and lock button come in real handy when needed. :)
Free speach is one thing...being a respectful responsable adult is another. I admire and respect Mr. Jaffe because he understands both.
suck my bick dick mariojuana thats the last tume i defend u u fucking looser i hope u fucking rot in hell with the rest of these fucking embasills u fucking junkie satan will has a field day with druggies like u and no fear quit bragging about ur modding duties at gaygamer noone gives a shit about ur deleting or locking posts about about fisting and kiddie porn over at ur gayboards faggit the fact that u delete and lock just goes to show that u DO NOT value free speech AT ALL fag. go back to contradicting urself faggit.
da criminal,
I thought I would ask you a non-gaming related question. I am tremendous fan of Spiderman and wondered if you had any thoughts on the black suit in the movie? This, of course, is under the assumption you are as uber a Spiderman geek as I. Reading the comic as a kid (now 30, married w/kids), I really loved the black costume. While the movie costume looks nothing like it, Raimi and Co. have done a fantastic with the franchise thus far. Any fears it will go the way of the bat? Keep kickin ass and takin names!
Do you have some kind-of mental disorder? If you actually think that any of us give a shit about your misguided hatred, I'm here to tell you that you're wrong. Why don't you aim that dipshit activity toward something more productive, like Neo-Nazi's or Richard Simmons??
Fucking chill already!!
Everytime I close my eyes I see the universe within me. If that is your idea of a mental disorder then yeah i am fucking insane. I love you, I even love that chubby motherfucker Jaffe right now haha.
to rudolph
its faggot not faggit.
to everyone else
you people are ruining this site. so fuck off. its like gay ass 1up.com on here. so once again fuck off.
mAri0jUaNa, why didn't you answer the email I sent you?
Very worried this Spider-man is going to be more of the same. The only thing I am looking forward to is the transformation to the black suit. Without having an evil side. I feel this movie would be a big bummer for me. Cause without it. You would than be going down the trail of the Bat.
BTW Batman Begins was really good :)
What are you talking about I NEVER got any email from you. Got the wrong addy or something dude, I suspect it was something nefarious :P
Will you be playing Spidey on a game system? Or are license games off limit?
David, get that dork on the bonus round some Dev kits.
alright, i hope i can post this time.
hope that you are enjoying the spring.
I have been trying to get a message to you for a while (david) but i can't seem to find a way.
If you're down, i have spent about 20 hours coming up with mechanics for GOW 3 on the PS3.... should it ever happen ;)
I have some cool buttom mapping down too, as well as a few other goodies.
you're probably busy, i suggest you come up to Victoria BC, its lovely this time of year ;)
my email is
thanks again.
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