Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Well the last few posts have caused more of a stir than I had hoped. One day I will learn my lesson: that people don't read the whole post, hell people don't tend to read the post at all, but rather a truncated version of the post posted on another website with just the part of the post that is inflamitory enough to get the haters in a tizzy and get hits on the site(s) in question.

But that's ok; I mean, it's the net right? You take the good with the bad; and I've had a hell of a lot of good from it and for that- as well as for the bad- I am grateful.

But for the time being, I'm going to go dark. My stylings have upset some folks within the biz I care very much about and that I can not live with. For me, it's always been silly, stupid fun...you know, giving what I get, talking like alot of folks on geeky message boards do, trash talking,etc. But I guess some folks have taken it to heart and that's not cool for me. End of the day, even the folks who spew much venom my way, I probably would like very much in real life. As I've said before, we're all geeks and if you can't get along with a fellow geek, then what's the point.

Anyway, so CAC is coming out...soon? I dunno. It's done, so I'm just waiting now for the official word. I'm sure you'll see the press release when Sony lets it out. But I will be playing online for sure, so hope to see you guys in the game!

But you know, I gotta get off a final parting shot before I go:

TO THE LAME ASS WEBSITE THAT SHALL GO UNNAMED- Fuck you, guys. Go fuck yourselves. What other developer makes a fucking change to a game when a review (IGN's in this case) has a good, valid point and is willing to open the fucking code up at the risk of more bugs to make the game better? Amazing.But hey, you guys are great, you guys rock. I hope Kotaku fucking puts your ass out of business, wanna be fucktards. And if you were actual journalists you would have read the motherfucking quote I posted on NEOGAF where I said because of the two bugs we needed to fix (not because I was afraid of the bargin bin) we had a window of opp. to fix the magnet problem. Assholes...total fucking assholes.

Ok, that's it. I will be back soon with an announcement and the next stage of this blog (and my life!) I'll post the news- assuming it all happens as planed...you never know- sometime this summer. I'll keep ya'll posted as the blog will remain open. Nothing set in stone, but the hope is to let you guys know what is up sometime in July.

Take it easy, have a GREAT first part of the summer. I will miss you guys!


ps. oh and JUST to make it CLEAR since it doesn't seem to be: I like GAMESPOT, have respect for them, always have. Hell I pay for the damn thing every year. I don't agree with the review but I've always dug the folks over there and continue to do so. Hope they will like our next game alot more!


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Anonymous said...

Peace out man. Nice of you to have this blog in the first place so thanks. I cant wait to kick some ass on CAC.

Reviewing Stuff said...

hopefully, you come back and do blogs soon.... It's a fucking awesome read.. whats your PSN ID so that I have a chance to play against you? Mine's TurboMan if you dont want to spread it

Anonymous said...

hey man, ive enjoyed reading your blog and good luck on your next project, and any chance i could get your psn tag so i can attempt to beat you in CAC? peace.

Anonymous said...

Immature sack of shit.....

your game sucks, so fuckin deal with it.

mycococo said...

good luck with CAC! i'll be playing you online. keep making good games like you have proven yourself capable of in the past.

Laquer said...

NOOOOO!!!!! ( by the way kotaku wrote an article about you whining alot) I chose to stay out of the crap that everyone was going threw, i feel like my favorite show has been cancelled on account of douchebags. I loved reading your blog and have read every post since november and commented also. I hope you decide to start it again, and to annonymous "immature sack of shit", WAKE UP BUDDY YOU POSTED AN ANNONYMOUS MESSAGE on a message board because you dont like someone? Ive realy enjoyed reading your blog also and To everyone who asked for his PSN tag its in of the post entries at the starting of the year. Just remember CANADA still loves you :)

Anonymous said...

So much for a small stress-free game completed in 8-10 months. I don't remember god of war stirring up this much controversy before it came out. the reality is no one WANTS to play a bad game, let alone review a bad game. so it's not their problem, it's yours.

Anonymous said...

Dave - please chill, dude. For every douche out there, there are 1,000 of your loyal admirers who just read your posts, enjoy them immensely, nod in agreement, buy your stuff, love it, and move on.

I feel sorry for you guys - who really know your shit - when you end up at the mercy of a bunch of Gen-X idiots who do nothing but sit in an office and play games all day, every day. As time goes by, the more I realize I can barely trust *any* professional reviewers. The message boards are the judge nowadays, and VG mags/sites are just a place to get screen shots.

In the real world, your customers have lives, and can devote precious little time to their beloved hobby. The fact that you made this type of game is awesome. The thousands who cheer you on agree with me. (I'l speak for them.)

Besides, there are so many games out there that have proven themselves Awesome over time, that were initially met with "Expert" opinions about its lack of X, Y, and/or Z. It's the "long tail," man, that's what it's all about, especially with online distribution. Rock on, best of luck, and Roll Tide.

grasshopper said...

Doesn't seem like Sony wants to part with Calling All Cars, hopefully they will share soon. Anyway kinda sucks there wont be any updates for a while really liked reading them, hope this crap dies down soon. Well cant wait until CAC maybe I will see ya on there. Have a good one.

Anonymous said...

david...all of the douchebag comments were me...i'm sorry.
so disregard all the "anonymous said"s
i can't help myself.

Anonymous said...

Don't be disappointed, Jaffe,
The reason you got a lot of responses from people is that they still care about you.

Anonymous said...

I'm not gonna lie. I'm still hoping this calling all cars stuff is a bullshit prank and we're getting god of war 3 for the PS3.
you tha man jaffe. way to tell joystiq off. smug bastards.

Anonymous said...

Hah, the "site that shall go unnamed and should go fuck itself" is almost certainly http://www.joystiq.com .

Anonymous said...

i will say this though:
i liked reading your blog, when it was informative and interesting, with some insight into making videogames for a living. I did not like it when it read like a poorly written swearengen on deadwood : "GO FUCK YOUR MOTHER UP HER JIGGLY ASS TWAT"?

by the way, is Cory going to take over your blog now that you're leaving? are we going to establish a pattern here?

Anonymous said...

the one that said jaffes game suck:

go fuck yourselft kid,god of war is one of the best ps2 games.

Anonymous said...

good luck david, and can anyone post his psn tag for me, i wanna play him in CAC.

Laquer said...


deadgopher said...

On the note of a game's value, the fucking thing could cost $40 and contain one big map, if it was a load of fun and worth playing, who gives a shit? If it's fun, play it.

Also, there's this really good article on Destructoid somewhere about how game review scores are broken anyways.. that they seem to be on an acedemic scale (A = 10-9, B = 8-9, C = 7-8, D=6-7, F=6-0) more than a TRUE 1-10 rating system. If the game journalists would reboot their systems to reflect this properly, things would be better, I think. Now that's not to say that CAC is a D+ game. I just think that in a 1-10 rating system with a focus on academic scoring tends to put way too much pressure on gamers and developers when they approach the sub-7.0 range. If there was a true 1-10 system, hell you could approach the high 4's, low 5's and still have a game that was worth playing, especially if it's just ten bucks.

Anyways, sucks to see you're offline for a while. Your posts have always been entertaining (especially about the focus testing, heh.. I've had some experience with that, know how it feels when someone is a complete douche). Hope to see you back and ranting soon. :)

Anonymous said...

i dont knwo who you are, ive read somewhat on your game. You seem like a cool guy, but its sad that I had to find out about you because of an immature blog. Remember man, people will always talk smack, in the end you just have to accept that people will be people.

just remember to keep your cool, it can come back to haunt you someday. peace!

Anonymous said...

Well that's great, a shit site like Joystiq forced one of the best voices in the industry into going dark. Congrats you pricks, you just silenced one of the last interesting voices in the industry.

It's a shame to see you bow out like that Jaffe, if only for a few months. I've always thought your views on the way the industry needs to change were some of the last few candid remarks coming out there. Who else was willing to try to make a game that created an emotional connection with players to make them cry?

Oh well, I'll look forward to the day the blog starts back up. It's rare to see anyone of importance willing to talk to their fans on a constant basis as well as providing them an outlet to talk with.


Anonymous said...

This is awesome, because of all this, CAC will be a number one seller. Not that I didn't think it wouldn't have been either way, but this way a 10 dollar game may become a system seller.

Keep up the good work everyone! ;)

JS3 said...

I'm personally a hardcore Nintendo fan (exit, creditability, stage left), but I can see where you're stressed (or angered) by the way those review sites judge this game. I think in a way it's not fair of them to try and compare it to a traditional ps3 game, and maybe instead make it akin to the Virtual Console, where we get complimentary games to fill in the gaps of the traditional games. Honestly, CAC looks like something I'd want to play, moreso than some of the trash - er, games, that are currently out. I can relate to your anger, and I just wish the people online would stop acting like they'd respond any different to seeing their hardwork spit on.

Catch ya later Jaffe, maybe one day you and I can make a kickass Nintendo game :P

-JS3 (myspace.com/superjessemario)

Toodles said...

Well, shit. :/ Sorry you see you duck out for a while, Jaffe, but do what you have to do. Better you relax and take care of yourself than trying to ram through this tidal wave of antagonistic feces being slung your way. Game developers are people too.

You know, going a little off topic: I did game journalism for a while. Then I tried to get published, and I discovered that tearing other people's hard work apart was subsequently not as fun now that it was being done to me and the hundreds of hours I had put into my writing. So I sympathize. It's hard letting your baby be cut up like a slab of meat and passed around like pitchfork fondue. But, keep it up. I dunno about these anonymous ass-clowns, but I'm rooting for you.

Anonymous said...

fuck. i hope you atleast post once a month. cant wait for CAC. and cory has his own blog. corybarlog.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

I'd rather have the bugs fixed before it comes out man. Yes, it sucks that we don't get it this week, but that just gives me a chance to spend time on Spidey 3.

Don't stay gone for long dude. I love reading your blog.


Reviewing Stuff said...

yeah, maybe it is best for you to duck down for a while, letting all the fuck heads get bored and leave... hopefully their shit doesn't cause you to have doubts in what your passionate in doing now(small games). Just forget about them, because they have nothing else to do and want to criticize you just because they've never had a chance to interact with a Game Developer the way you're letting them. You're one of the reasons that I'm really interested in working in the games biz as a game programmer, cause I want to have the fame and opinion that you have right now at a high level. Can't wait to hear the next project from you.


JH said...

Take some time off. You should. All of this crap is worthless anyways. I don't know why these blogs have to make everything personal for everyone. Kotaku and joystiq made fun of you. It's bullshit.

People come on here and call you immature, but you're responding to sites that are supposed to be for game news journalists and they say things like you're a cry baby?

What kind of "news" is that? Most of those blogs are wanna bee's. you can tell every time they diss IGN, 1up, and gamespot. They have some serious envy issues.

Anyways, it's good for you to get away from all this crap. Have a good long rest away from this and do what you do best. This about the next great FUN game you'll be making next. Hope to see you on CAC!

Clubside Granville said...

Howdy! Hopefully I said my peace regarding Calling All Cars! on the last post and after buying it maybe we'll even run into each other for a game or two (PSN ID is the same as my name up there).

Given your break I just wanted to throw out a game idea in case you haven't finalized your passion. I'd love to see an old-school four-player beat-'em-up (TMNT, Simpsons, etc.) that wasn't screen-locked. Instead you'd have an open world and players could work together, split into teams, even go after each other, while roaming the landscape beating thungs, picking up weapons and more. Include steet names so you can tell everyone where you are. Hell, I'd even love NARC-style gameplay if Double Dragon type beating isn't your style. Oh well, just some rambling!

Have a great vacation!

Anonymous said...

I think this whole thing is kinda lame. Act like you've been here before, David.

Soukthachone Vilaysack said...

Just as long as going dark doesn't mean it in the literal sense. haha.

You take care man. Hell you need a break with the things happening online lately! Just remember to come back and update us with life and all!

Dirtyboy said...

Mr. Jaffe, I think you are an asshole.

That being said, I also think you are an outstanding game designer. If I were you I wouldn't give a flying fuck what review or blog sites say and release the game you want to the public and let them decide how good it is.

If I had a PS3 I would definitely buy the game because it looks like some quick, mindless, multi-player fun.


Carlos M. said...

Couldn't blame you for taking a break. I'll look forward to more entries in the future, especially those related to the industry and about any games you guys are working on.

Oh, and my PSN ID is Cyke, and this goes for anyone that has a PS3. I'll be dusting it off now that CAC! and Ninja Gaiden Sigma will be out soon.

Good luck, man!

FunkyJ said...

Don't give up Dave!

You bring up important points about the whole review process that have been needed to be addressed for a long time.

As someone who's worked on games that AVERAGE at 5.5 on gamer score, I agree with a lot of what you say.

And nothing is better than getting a fan to write to you telling you they don't give a shit what IGN say, they love the game.

Anonymous said...

I have never seen so many stupid people posting messages about a topic in my life. Most of the news websites you get when searching google news (kotaku, joystiq, etc) post 1 quote and then these stupid people come out of nowhere bashing stuff. joystiq only posts one review, kotaku claims you're just whining, and then the stupid people go nuts. It's ridiculous.

Thank you, Jaffe, for being one of the few developers that blogs and actually speaks your mind. The media seems to act like it should be the only one that tells fans what to think, and that any person that speaks their mind about something in this industry just gets berated for it. They are generally irresponsible because they are going for more hits for their site, which I understand, but it's not exactly solid journalism (not to mention they all copy each other and seem to cite each other instead of the original source half the time and then leave their interpretations incomplete...but I digress). It's hard to avoid but I hope it continues to be worth it for you.

I've found you to be quite intelligent and I think you admitted that your biggest problem is that you can't shut your mind off (Bonus Round). I say just keep going with it and continue to speak your mind. That's easy for me to say since I'm not the one getting bashed by idiots, but it just seems that fans are craving more of what you do from developers (except for stupid people telling you to shut up as if you speaking your mind somehow offends them and they can't just ignore you).

The fact remains, though, that the game is getting good reviews despite what some sites would lead you to believe. I think in the end most of the attention will be positive after the game comes out. I'm glad the game will be even better due to some of the positive criticism received thus far (and still positive reviews given).

I look forward to your future projects.

Anonymous said...

Sad to see you go Dave, but understand why. Fuck'em if they don't get it.

Love how these twats choose to focus on what ISN'T in the game instead of what IS.

AND IT'S FUCKING $10!!! If you're that fuckin broke, stop playing games all day and go back to school. I wish they'd take a step back and realize what we're trying to do with online distribution. Cheap games. Indie games. 1 minute download and you're in. Episodic gaming. Games for everyone. Chicks that game! Come on fellas...it's right around the corner and CAC could be an important stepping stone. You assholes should be supporting it. Stop chugging on your Wiimote for a minute and take notice. Nevermind. Stay there..And never come back.

Best of luck with CAC and enjoy your time off with the fam. I'm personally hoping you get a second wind for HL. Or put something together like Rampart. Rampart kicked ass.

Take'er easy Cap'n,

Tamale Casa said...

Hey Jaffe,

Go fuck yourself on the shitsicle that is the PoS3. They desperately need some games. Well, some good games, rather. Oops.

Dan said...

wow, I don't think you should go dark, you were posting on your own blog and speaking your mind. Its not like you were interviewed by a major publication or you called a press conference about your rant. Have we all forgotten why people blogged in the first place??? oh and can't wait for CAC, although you did get my hopes up with the whole gold thing (you could have done what Microsoft does and just release things early and patch it up later :P)

Anonymous said...

Don't go!

x said...


With my ten bucks, hopefully wending it's way to you soon, take the wife and kid for an In-n-Out. It's a celebration; worry about the calories some other day.

Also, I hope you and your team continue to experiment with art-style on your coming games. CAC has swagger, what with its Cuban heels and hip-shakin'.

All your efforts are be appreciated.

Good luck and good night, sweet prince.

Matthew DeJonghe Wright said...

The really sad thing is that Mr. Jaffe is one of the nicest dudes around, and people have twisted shit around so much that they've actually gotten people to believe he's an asshole with no redeeming qualities.

David, you probably aren't gonna read this, but hopefully you do :P

Every time I've met the guy (the GoW launch party, GPhoria, and Video Games Live), he's been super nice to everybody who comes out there, and he's genuinely FUCKING COOL. All these people who talk trash on him have clearly NOT met him, and if they did (and still think he's an asshole) -- fuck 'em. They aren't worth any amount of time in the world. David's a guy who loves what he does, and he's not just spouting shit to defend his ego here -- it isn't just "his" game, it's his AND Incog's game, and as always, he's very proud of the work the teams put forth. Incog is great at making really, REALLY fun games and when Jaffe gets together with Incog it's great times had by all :D .

David isn't being whiny about Gamespots lower-than-expected review, and he wasn't whiny when God of War's initial sales weren't as much as he had hoped -- he was just being honest, and I guess that isn't something that goes over with most people, especially people hiding behind some avatar on the net or something.

I'll be proudly purchasing this game on day one, and will enjoy it thoroughly. David, I'm sorry that things have gotten so bad that you had to basically back off this whole thing... and a lot of us really appreciate the look and perspective you gave us on game design and how you work creatively as a person. You're really fun to follow on this blog so I'm gonna miss it. I think this is a really sad day that demonstrates how shitty people are over the internet, and how sensationalist and retarded gaming media can be as a whole. Fuck 'em.

- Matthew :D

Joel said...

/shakes head

whoever it is thats encouraging you to cut back on your blogging... SHAME ON THEM.

your the ONLY guy in the industry who lets us in on your mental processes day in and day out..

you are a fresh face, something the industry has never had before.

im TOTALLY bummed that you wont be blogging as much anymore...

maybe you can still post, but just get back to the roots... the original point of the blog. to share ideas and insights into the industry, and leave the whole fiasco behind?

i hope for the best, and thanks a ton for keeping your blog up for as long as you have, its been a real treat.

good luck! dont forget to include co-op in your next game!

Anonymous said...








Anonymous said...

Cool. New project. I can't wait. Hope you do blogs again. These were great reads.

Anonymous said...

David, you shouldn't have to be silenced for this. As far as im concerned the best way you know when your work is appriacated is when you hear it from the fans and not these smug people who sit in an office and play a game for 2 minutes and decide whether its Goty or shit. the same is applied for films as well. Let the fans be your reviewers, no one else. So have a good breather and please come back soon.

Anonymous said...

Jaffe your hands down the man I will be buying CAC i know its gonna be good gaming industry is turning into the Movie industry (CRAP)!! imo the journalist are writing shit just to get a story its VERY annoying I respect ya for stickin up for your Game There are alot more people out there that like your comments than dislike!! hope to play ya in CAC soon add my PSNID : Drydien
that would rock:)

wtfgrouch said...


1) to the anonymous fucks...'GO FUCK YOUR MOTHER UP HER JIGGLY ASS TWAT' ( love it, don't change)

2) I wanted you to make the next installment of TWISTED METAL more than anyone, BUT after hearing all these ppl(not all but some) bitch and talk shit about you DEMANDING that you make another TM is just ridiculous!!! the Incog. guys can handle the next TM without you...(keep doing what you want!)

3) I'm never visiting the unnamed site AGAIN!! (Joystiq.com) they are dead to me.

4) Everyone that owns a PS3 in the store is buying CAC when it releases.

5) Enjoy your time away from us, and good luck on whatever you work on next! can't wait to hear/see/read about it.

See Ya Online, Dave!

PSN - Grouch

Anonymous said...

Jaffe, maybe it's time to grow the up. Every other time i see your name in the media you're behaving like a fucking child. My 8 year old ADD cousin demands less attention.

Anonymous said...

Mike...maybe you shouldn't depend on "news" sites to form your opinion on someones, especially considering they have to tabloid up the stories to make them appear to be more than they really are. Taking his quote about anonymous posters out of context and claiming that he was whining when he was intelligently explaining why he disagrees and ever admitting that he could be wrong are both examples of BAD JOURNALISM. Simple as that.

Anonymous said...

I also want to point out that the gaming "media" jumped all over his comments about blu-ray and the PS3 but said nothing of anything else intelligent he said. They also left out the part where he says sony is smarter than him. You could argue either way on the blu-ray thing, I think, but the media just jumps all over anything they can spin as controversial. Sony had to issue a statement about it? Ridiculous.

Unknown said...

One day at the park, I saw two guys kissing. And that was the gayest thing I'd seen until I saw this blog.

Unknown said...

Dave... Love all your games!!! Hope to see more great games soon!

Anonymous said...

D, you really, really should turn off anonymous comments. I haven't seen this much bile and idiocy in a blog in ages. Ugh.

x said...

It's ok, Efren. There's room in this manwich. You don't have to keep staring from the sidelines, or the disco, or the bathhouse, or whatever it is that you call that park of your's. You only had to ask.

Unless you have cooties.

And by cooties, I mean an abject hatred of your latent homosexuality.

Anonymous said...

As a fellow industry dude and someone who hates reading just about any review about a game he worked on, I pretty much agree with everything you said.

Even the really angry stuff that you might now regret saying. And fuck forum trolls right in their stupid, distended assholes.

PlayStation Museum said...

Wow. I guess the comment section should ahve been turned off awhile ago. :(

Emanuele Sabetta said...

Dave - you are the greatest action game designer in the US, period. Don't listen to those so called "journalists"... what you have done is an act that only a game designer that truly cares about the game and the players would do.

This business is filled with people that publish games that sucks only to make some money... we do not need them . WE NEED YOU!

Anonymous said...

David, you are the fucking dude !

Those who are bitching about you and your games probably never played any, so don't even pay attention to these fuckwits.

Keep on rocking and making good games.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I read through the post in question and I cant figure out whats so bad about it.

Anonymous said...


I've been a fan of your blog since its creation...but you're going to regret saying tha stuff about Kotaku. People just don't diss the media and get away with that stuff, even if they are uncredited like Kotaku.

I think you should just stay on the dl for awhile bc I'm worried about ya man. Relax, and don't worry about pleasing anyone else besides the gamers, not a bunch of pathetic review sites.

-Brian Paterson
Boston, MA

Danny Champlin said...

So, were all the "Fuck You"'s intended for Joystiq's "Like a little girl struggling to keep her favorite doll out of the garage sale bin" quote as the Wired article stated? If so, here's my response:

What a dummy you are!!! They said nothing about the bargain bin, they were just comparing your love for the game and reluctance to let it go to that of a girl who has to put her favorite doll in the garage sale bin. It's just an attempt at being poetic...

Hunnter said...

Sucks to see you going man, hopefully you won't stay gone too long.
You shouldn't let those stupid fucks get to you like that, they are the bigger kids here.

And LOL @ all thoe anonymous kids crying at you, probably from Shitaku and Shitstiq, waaahh, call the fucking waambulance.

I hadn't heard much of your game actually (been really busy the past few months), but it really does look interesting, i'll be sure to download it!

Hope lifes going well with you and the family.
See you another day, good luck with some of your future games too (hopefully you won't stay away that long though...)


Anonymous said...

Wow... grow up.

Anonymous said...

Cool, I'll see you on PSN then.

Anonymous said...

I hate the fucking the internet community. Those fuckers that bashed your comment about the review are fucking cowards bcuz no-way they would come up to you in real life and say they hated your post about GS.

Joe Laurino said...

Johnny Sasaki said it best : "The really sad thing is that Mr. Jaffe is one of the nicest dudes around, and people have twisted shit around so much that they've actually gotten people to believe he's an asshole with no redeeming qualities."

Don't let the media or a handful of retards bring you down. You don't need to make any excuses for who you are. You design games your way. You speak your mind. That's your call, not theirs. If they think you're immature, who really gives a fuck?

Take a break, dude. Enjoy life a bit before diving back in. When you come back, your friends and fans will still be here.

Anonymous said...

David dood, you do fuck too much around. Thats not nessecery.

Unknown said...

I like you Jaffe (well, I don't really know you), but I like the tv personality of you. can't say that I've been the biggest fan of all of your games, but I've played them all, and will be giving CAC a chance, and I'll be buying it the day it comes out on the PSN. I don't think you should go dark, You are perhaps the only real video game personality we have, SInce I don't know a thing about sakaguchi or kojima other than what games they have made. Keep on keepin on, you make being a games fan, and games news fan interesting.

When_Things_Keep_Falling_Apart said...

What the fuck Jaffe? Really I'm a fan, but 11+ months for this. The fucking game isnt even done yet. Bad enough the PSN really sucks,really no stand out game as of yet. This was going to be it. As far as I'm concerned this shit is on your shoulders. I thought it was a pick up and play game. You dont like the reviews so back to the drawing board. FUCK... how I would love to do this in every day life. I would kill for a job like yours, it seems like you cant take the pressure. I'm not trying to come down on you, I was just realy looking forward to this game. Flaws and all.(Its only 10 bucks) I dont know if you stopped drinking, and if you did maybe you should start again. Roll up a fat one and stop being so EMO. Some time things people say hurt. I say FUCK'em ALL

Anonymous said...


All of the heat with Calling All Cars will be gone as soon as the game is out. It kind of sucks for us since you won't be in touch to hear our impressions and respond to them. I understand that it's difficult hearing people shit on you and your game, but that's something that all developers have to deal with. Imagine what the people that made God Hand felt when they read their score at IGN (it was in the 3's). You tend to be more high profile, so you draw more flack than others but you shouldn't let the snide comments and smartass remarks get you down. If you don't like blogging and don't like going to the boards, then you should give it all a break. However, if you are just pissed at the minority of haters out there and that's the reason for stopping, you should continue doing what you do. Simply, if you like blogging and posting on boards, keep doing it. Don't let some assholes stop you from doing what you enjoy. Good luck on your future endeavors and I hope all goes well with CaC and your new project. Hopefully we'll hear from you soon.

Anonymous said...

Hy!My name is Adi and i'm from Romania.I never heard of David Jaffe until God of War.Tha man could be a total idiot or a total genious.I don't care about that.All i know is that he made me a fan of God of War.My "wife" is one too.And i think that all of you should dtop giveing him advices.He has his reasons why he does what he does.David, you're a good one.We (me and my girlfriend) are waiting for God of war 3.Salut

frrrr said...

deal with it and stop being such a fucking pussy about it

Unknown said...

Hey Dave, I'm not here to say stop crying or to super praise your work, but I have to say: I love your games, sadly, I didn't have an opportunity to check out Callin', but from my expectations it must be great. Don't pay attention to all the nagging people and keep making great games. Reviews are what you said: different people with different mind sets playing the same game, and if everybody totally loves it, there must be something wrong... right? :)

Good luck!

Your fan from Sao Paulo, Brazil,
Eduardo (edubuccaneer over at GameSpot)

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


I have to admit, that's one of the funniest quotes I've read in a while!
Sucks your going dark though... Oh well keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

take care, Jaffe.

Thanks for sharing your experiances and insight into the industry, there's not many top tier devs that do that. It was cool while it lasted.

Twisted Metal 2 fucking rocked!!

Twisted Metal Black fucking Rocked!!

sorry never, played the 1st one,

GOD OF WAR, i'd say the same but that shit is on a whole other level.



- Adam

Anonymous said...

Hey Jaffe, why don't you have Sony release a single player short demo version of CAC until the bugs get fixed. At least this way everyone will be ready to go at it in multiplayer mode and whoop your azz! I plan to dominate CAC.


Anonymous said...

i never liked joystiq. but i do like pspfanboy.com and ps3fanboy.com. i think joystiq owns them.

facepaint said...


Anonymous said...

david, i like how you are keeping it real. you have every right to speak out against whoever the fuck you want. TheJuiceIsLoose (me) will be tearing up cac when it hits along with the rest of the playstation 3 community. Thank you for taking the time out to fix the bugs and ultimatly make the game a better experiance.

Anonymous said...

You can't take it that someone is telling the truth. You're also the biggest pussy in the world of game design. Did you get sand in yourself?

Ron Workman said...

David, we made changes to our main logo banner to show our love for you and all the great things you do. Viva Jaffetoid

PlayStation Museum said...

David, I was just speaking to a colleague of yours at Incognito (but before this whole fiasco happened). I'd still like to ask you questions about the subject we chatted about. You know where to find me when you get some free time. Many thanks for the entertaining blog. I bet CAC will sell a lot of copies as a result.


Anonymous said...

man, sorry to see you go, but thanks for saying something alot of us developers would love to be able to say to the freakin games media leeches and even moreso to the publishers that sadly validate their fairly worthless opinions. F*** those guys for sure.

Anonymous said...

Dude come on you have to keep the blog going, I love reading about everything that goes on into making a game, its the fucking best blog out there, reading your blog has inspired me to follow my dream of being in the game industry.

You kick Ass Dave! can't wait for CAC and to play you on it.

Anonymous said...

All the best to you and your family dude.

I'm gonna miss reading your thoughts.

keep it real bro,


Anonymous said...

Kudos to you Jaffe. Enjoy your break from the internet. Gotta love the amount of mess talkers in these comments that continue to leave themselves nameless. "I know you are but what am I?"


-Miguel (AngelsDontBurn)

....Also cocks.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dave. You are a childish baby. Your game is going to FLOP, even with the changes!!! Eat it, you punk.

Neil said...

:( well this blows. I just told one of my friends about your blog after he played through GOW1.

Well I'm still looking forward to CAC.

In the meantime, listen to a live symphony and take in some art at Balboa in SD.

Anonymous said...

Once again failing to live up to your own spin, eh Jaffe? You may be able to go dark to avoid more of the hot water you're boiling, but you certainly can't change the fact that you're a gelatinous blob of a man skating by on very little talent and a hair-trigger temper. Watching your demise will certainly be a lot of fun.

Anonymous said...

Calling All Cars! for $10 is a fair value for what you get. Nothing less or more. It's worth it, and it's an original game that hasn't been recycled. Plus anyone who has a PS3 like me - its only 10 bucks!

Coincidently - Microsoft is selling 4 Gears Of War maps on May 3rd for $10...wtf

psn: stryphor

Lets make it happen Jaffe. Me and You - Uno on Uno.

jennifer said...

Jaffe, you come off as a simpering, meandering, UNPROFESSIONAL and immature gamer who has far too much of his personal opinion of himself wrapped up in what OTHERS think of his games.

If the gaming industry weren't run like a little boys' clubhouse, you'd be fired for your inability to reign in your emotions and act like a professional.

Anonymous said...

Hey David,
Videogame designers having blogs is so new now that websites are going to notice and post stories about it. if you want to hold back on what you say than it takes the whole point out of the blog. WHat you are doing now is, i think, really cool and i think if you continue to do it other developers will do the same, but if you back away and leave now it only has a negative impact on what you started the blog for in the first place.

Tim Hathaway (Moogletim)

Hunnter said...

In the end David, you can always turn around and say "You do better, i don't see you making any games".

You've had pretty damn awesome games through your career, and only those narrow minded people or haters will insult and put someone down for trying to improve. (or of course, a news site wanting to stir some motion just to get hits...)

Anonymous said...

To everyone on their high horse:

Get off it. You are just as flawed as the rest of us and anyone saying anything that is even mildy critical or insulting in nature should take one long hard look in the mirror. You are no better.

Anonymous said...

" only those narrow minded people or haters will insult and put someone down for trying to improve."

I don't think the gripe is with his willingness to make the game better...in fact I appreciate that decision and goal. My gripe is that he is an arrogant piece of garbage who blasts everyone around him who doesn't suck him off. He spends the past year praising himself and this game and then when people point out his flaws he tears them apart. Completely unprofessional.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else here like to rub their fingers between their nutsack and their thigh and then smell it? Or am I alone in enjoying that smell?

Anonymous said...

"Get off it. You are just as flawed as the rest of us and anyone saying anything that is even mildy critical or insulting in nature should take one long hard look in the mirror. You are no better."

I just got back from my mirror...I really am much, much better than he.

Anonymous said...

DUDE What the hell don't say a fucking date then not keep it! Shit we have been waiting for this damn game for months and then you promise 5-3 and now it's delayed. WTF!

Anonymous said...

Your true to your word when you said you would stop blogging the moment it got in the way of your work or sales. I may not like your type of games (CAC looks fun though), but I certainly respect you for that.

BTW reading your blog has been very entertaining. I wish more devs would speak their mind like you!

Anonymous said...

OH MY FUCKING GOD! Seriously, I hate you Jaffe more and more every day. This douche can't take bad reviews. I guess that happens when you release an over-rated-button-mash-fest... God of War. Then when it receives stellar reviews, think you can do no wrong. Well wrong, fucktard! Your game "Calling all Cars" sucks more cock than you.

Anonymous said...

"Your true to your word when you said you would stop blogging the moment it got in the way of your work or sales."

Too bad for him he didn't promise the same thing about eating.

Anonymous said...

Jaffe, dont let those losers bring you down. CAC is gonna be a kick ass game, from what I've head from the 1up guys it looks like its gonna kick ass. Oh and I 100 percent agree with you:

FUCK JOYSTIQ. They are nothing but a cocksucking piece of shit excuse for a game blog

Anonymous said...

Have a cool beer dude, kick back relax and come back soon. Be sure to be playing yoru own game on PSN and hand our asses to us :)

Do not let the haters get to you , remember we live in a time where everyone can say their thing an dit is HOT to put people down ( and especially if you are affiliated with SONY) guess, no dares to choose real controversy and express their own opinions. Those people that choose to walk the way the wind blows ( and where othjers tell them to walk) will be very unhappy in their lives. YOU clearly do not... I fell you will be fine. Have a great summer man . C u round

Anonymous said...

"Jaffe, dont let those losers bring you down. CAC is gonna be a kick ass game,"

Yeah buddy. With a 6.5 and declining rating this is really going to kick ass...more like it's going to kick some mediocrity all over the PS3

Anonymous said...

Hey DJ, check out what gamers are saying after reading your blog!


Unknown said...

lol...figures that I just find your blog and you're leaving. Anyways, I've always loved your games and respected you as a game designer. Going into the field myself, I understand how these things can be frustrating. And don't mind the jerks who are calling you immature and crap. They can't even post on real accounts, they have to post as "anonymous". Good luck with CAC and all future games. Hope to see ya posting back here soon!

-Chris Bossardet

Anonymous said...

stay up dave.....cant wait to get CAC's. Keep telling these clowns wea to go dude....ur a legend for speaking up.

Anonymous said...

Bah, don't back down. You have one of the few blogs that isn't total posturing. It is refreshing to read something that comes from a human instead of a robot PR drone.

Anonymous said...


Megido.Cerberus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Megido.Cerberus said...

I really expect more from a "industry professional." You can be angry, that's fine... but spewing curse words only makes you look low. Just because you've created something that was popular doesn't make you exempt from being courteous and professional. You basically adopted the Sony mentality, talk first- think later.

You not only tarnish yourself, but what you say affects more than just you. It also affects the people associated with you. If you were my co-worked, I would be ashamed. Because you're spitting in their face more than Joystiq's.

J. A. said...

you are acting like a fucking baby. if you honestly didn't care what these people said, you wouldn't of written this jackass post. be a man. people are giving you shit so you're going to hide? grow the fuck up dude.

Anonymous said...

CAC rules

Anonymous said...

Jesus Friggin Christ.
I forget to check this place up for a couple days, and suddenly it's full of assholes.

Do ANY of the people saying "immature sack of shit" or calling you a pussy have any idea what it's like to spend 11 months, was it? making something, with a clear, passionate view of what it is, and having it come out JUST as you imagined, only to have some stingy cunt drop a goddamn steamer on it? (okay, so I'm eggadurating (DAMN IT; I HATE THAT WORD) a little, but you get the point). What makes it worse is that you KNOW that a lot of other people like it, boosting the ego and so on and so forth. You may not admit it, but obviously, you'll be proud to make all these games that people like.

Seriously, I'm writing a story that I'm putting my heart and soul into. I show it around, and I have these people think it to be good. One of the things I really fear isn't it getting rejected, but friggin panned. When something that contains your heart and soul is panned, the feeling is incredibly insulted; like taking a hard punch to a heart of ice.
Heh...I wonder if I'll use that similie again...

Anyway, I see your point, Jaffe. Whether or not the game is good...well, that's for July and my £5.00 (but, knowing Sony's feelings for Europe (and Britain's feelings for Britain), it'll probably be a lot higher) to decide. Maybe I'll like it, maybe I won't, and opinions are opinions. But the people calling you out for giving a response to these reviews are far more immature than they think you are. They'd probably take this hit a lot harder than you did.
But me, I love watching/reading your interviews, because, regardless to what people seem to think, you have a lot of interesting things to say, and you have a clear vision of what you want. You've done the things that you believed were right, and you've done them with a fair amount of success, and I think that's something to be admired (hence your mention in the Heroes section of my Myspace...awwwww!).

Ahh well. Seeing no update to the blog will get kinda dull, as, although I may not always agree with your opinions, I definately enjoy the "eloquence" with which you write them.
I'd write my own blog if I could get the readers, personally.

Anonymous said...

Four Words Buddy: GROW THE FUCK UP

You're a disgrace as a developer to act like a fucking three year old.


J. A. said...

Jack_Vykios, the thing is not everyone is going to love everything you (the royal 'you') do. If someone doesn't like what you do, say "oh well" and move on. Don't throw a temper tantrum, especially not on the internet of all places. Say "you don't like my game? fine. I still think its great" and move on. Don't throw a tantrum, just fucking ignore it and focus on the dozens of people/websites/whatever that are saying your item is great.

Anonymous said...

Stop complaining about your own faults and blaming news sites who only report what they say.

Sure, you've developed good games, but you are only as good as your last, which right now looks to be a wasted effort.

Stick with the GoW

Jamie P. said...

Thanks for posting while you did. My roommate and I have been playing TM: Black in preparation for CAC. I have found that your candidness and availability to us, the gamers, have drawn me in more to your games. Thanks and best wishes.

Ben said...

Seeing as you like swearing so much:

You fucking ego-manic Jaffe, I'm gonna put YOUR ass out of business in the next couple of years so watch out.

Mickey FUCKING Mouse

Anonymous said...

um, david you might want to reread that joystiq entry about the game being delayed.. they did say that it was because you were fixing bugs, im pretty sure the "little girl" comment was a joke, cool down man..

Anonymous said...

fuck uoi

Anonymous said...

Good luck Dave! I'll more than likely be buying a PS3 just to play CAC. Thanks :)

Kettle said...

Gee dave, for a post that complains that "people don't read the whole post", you sure do and demonstrate that point well.


You're a hell of a developer, and I hope you'll never stop doing that, but maybe this resolution of silence is for the best, because you're opening your mouth and removing all doubt.

Anonymous said...

People who don't create should not critique. Critics for the most part taint an experience before an individual can come to their own conclusion about the product or service they wish to purchase. Jaffe is not a whiner he is an artist who wants his worked to be critiqued from an objective and non biased point of view and for the record real critics CAN’T AND WILL NOT RATE A PIECE OF WORK WITH AN I LIKE OR I DON’T LIKE because with true critiques you ask questions and you take the time to evaluate the product to get a true understanding of what you are dealing with and even when you come to an conclusion you must weigh your experiences with the rest of the world. In other words if I don’t like liver it does not mean that I should go around yelling to every person I meet “liver taste like shit don’t eat it.”

Is Jaffe insecure? As an artist and creator I hope he is for it is that insecurity which help make God of War I and II the classics they are today. It is that need to please the masses that drives all creative projects. If you don’t think Lucas, Cameron, and Spielberg aren’t insecure then you have no clue about the creative process. All artist are insecure it this and the insane desire to create that drives us.

Commutation is a tough thing and honest open communication is rare. Jaffe is one of the few creative people who have had the balls to face the people he creates for. He is frank, and brutally honest something that is very uncommon in not just his business but in business period. So he told some of you to fuck off get over it he has every right to defend what he does and even more of right to show passion about it. Jaffe I read somewhere that you were walking away from blogging and talking to the masses and to this I say FUCKING STAND YOUR GROUND NO MATTER WHAT YOUR PEERS SAY. Keep talking, keep educating and defending what you do. Jaffe always remember that most people (critics included) don’t know how to do your job. You are dealing with ignorance 80% of the time. They have never walked a day in your shoes and never will (critics included). If you walk away they win and the people who want to listen and understand lose. It is people like you who will keep changing the industry. So I expect to see more blogging and more than a few “kiss my asses” coming from you in the near feature. Stay Strong and Creative from a fellow artist. (Forgive the bad grammar)

Wil Hall

Anonymous said...

Just so you know, Joystiq seems to be filtering any comment that disagrees with their approach from their "apology".

I posted a comment which never made it and I saw one vanish from the page on a reload that called them 'classless' for filtering out comments that don't agree with them!

WTG Joystiq, you miserable gits. You have certainly lost me as a reader.

Anonymous said...

Joystiq is a great site and you are a great developer. Both of you need to sit back, relax and get back to what you each do best!

And who cares? Even if you are completely right about Joystiq's intentions and meaning and their explanation is bullshit (but I think it's true), why would you stop blogging about the games you love to the fans that love them?

Suck it up and make more kick ass games!

Anonymous said...

I know he's got some credibility as a developer, having done several good games.

But he's got little as a human being. His blogs always seem so forced. "Look at me, I'm cool, I'll swear a lot! I'm not some nerdy white guy, I'm cool, mom says so!"

Embrace your dorkiness. Cliffy B eventually did it and he's likeable now. He was previously a step away from being a Jamie Kennedy character...

Dave, you're a video game designer. You lived on a couch in your moms basement until you were 30. You didn't see a boob until that bank account hit a million. We understand. We'd like you for it, even love you for it, if you just accepted it.

Stop trying to be something you aren't. Stop trying to force us into thinking you're cool. If you stepped back and admitted you're a loser we would, in fact, think you were cool for it. But trying so hard... we just think you're a dumbass.

Anonymous said...


So what? He spent 11 months on it and it came out just as he planned.
Someone spent months on Superman 64 and it likely came out as planned.

Uwe Boll, another "look how cool I am" dork spent months on Alone in the Dark and thinks it came out perfectly.

Time, effort and vision alone do not make a good product.
In a consumer market, someone should not be rewarded for spending a lot of time and a lame vision. If something sucks, well, doesn't matter how enormous the effort. You failed.

Still might sell.

Anonymous said...

dude hes a loser I do not care how its justified he is still a loser

Anonymous said...

Its okay Jaffe, you have to remember that you are one the most favourite developers in todays game society. Just note that most people will like to play your games then hate it. Thats all it counts.

Anonymous said...

I just came here off the Penny Arcade links and all three blogs were good reads. Why people would rag on you for saying such obvious, harmless things is beyond me. Hell, I review games and agree with what you said. First you take into account what kind of game it's supposed to be, and then work it from there. Is it a multiplayer game with great multiplayer? Well then that's a good score right there!

As for pricing: I'd have paid $10 for Geometry Wars, and $5 is a steal. $30 for Puzzle Quest? Fine by me, but the Live Arcade version will probably be $15, and allow bug fixes to boot. If I get at least 20 great hours from a game then I'm happy with spending $40 or so on it. The $60 of the current gen has made me raise my standards a bit, but whether it's the arcade-ness of Earth Defense Force or a more epic game like Dead Rising, all I really want is a fun time that's worth the money.

And that bit where you heard a complaint, realized it was valid, and did something about it? Nice! I wish more publishers had that mindset.

embrace.the.drift said...

yeah i really dont care either way about you, but i just read over your blog, and this is what im seeing:

i made _a_ good game!

look m making a new game!

oh you think it sucks? thats cool cause its just a little thing. the fact that its even playable is impressive! you should think so too.

oh you reviewed it? but youre a review site! why would you do that?!

how DARE you say it sucks! how DARE you! also, i know it shouldve been out a month ago, its a crappy little game that i didnt spend any time on. i swear. i dont think aobut this game, it means nothing, thats how short it is! just something i pissed out one day. but i totally just got a great idea - one that you happened to touch on in the review! im going to just hold off releasing it a bit longer.

fuckig sony. can you believe it, they arent letting me release it. im jsut like you guys! i want it out now! geez, how could those jerks do that? ive got a blog, ive got a screen name..im JUST like you! cant you relate to how BAD i feel now?



also, youre a fucking tool. so are the people trying to act like theyre your friends. everybody, this is david jaffe. he is a game designer. move on.

seriously, what the fuck do you think youre doing? maybe youre jsut so full of yourself its impossible to view what youre writing in the context of the interwebz, but jesus fucking christ you look like the biggest asshole on here. 'immature sack of shit' is about that best way i can think to describe you. get over yourself, stop writing a fucking blog and do something useful. i hope you drink yourself into debt.

Anonymous said...

a lot*

Anonymous said...

I don't get what all hating on jaffe's about. The guy made a game, he's upset that people liked it less than he felt. Let him vent, if that's not what the internet is for then there'd be alot more violence and crime going on.

I find this whole thing ridiculous. If you don't like jaffe, his games, or what he has to say, don't f-in come to his blog and leave him alone, simple as that.

Anonymous said...

Hey David, as a fellow game designer I feel your pain. Most of these sites are biased, and not worth the time to read them but they do seem to have some influence on the uninformed. In the end though they have nothing but their forgetable reviews, while you have classics under your belt.

To every one who is knocking this guy, you should not even be posting your rants against him until you have achieved even one fourth of what he has. Alot of the games he has done are genius and have evolved gameplay on many different levels.


Anonymous said...

Damn, man. Theres no way I'm gonna buy CAC or GOW2 now. I loved GOW, but I canot support someone who just lashes out like a baby! The unamed website had legit points and asked a legit question, they supported CAC since it was announced and you wanna throw your toys out of the pram?

Guess it's gonna take SSF2T:HD Remix to take my PSN paid download cherry.....

Anonymous said...

Well that kinda sucks to see that you'll be going under the radar for a few months, I just recently started reading and I've immensely enjoyed reading your thoughts because I can certainly relate to most of what you say. Hope to see you back posting soon. Oh, as for the assholes, fuck 'em. You've done good work in the past, you'll continue to do good work, that's basically how it's gonna be. Rock on Dave, because it's fun as hell for the rest of us when you do.

Anonymous said...

Dude, you're an amazing developer, don't leave.


Grow the hell up. And read Joystiq's explaination here: http://www.joystiq.com/2007/05/02/jaffe-swears-off-blogging-was-it-something-we-said/

Supposedly a simple misunderstanding.

And I can't believe how many tards are rallying against Joystiq in this comment section simply because they commented on your already-childish response to Gamespot's review.

But, still, don't give up, 1. because you're awesome, and 2. because if you do, you'll forever be known as the only 14-year-old game developer on the internets.

Anonymous said...

And as an addition to my above post, in the past Joystiq has had NOTHING but good things to say about you, so stop the whining.

Anonymous said...

All the angst in your comment, it's delicious.

Archmagnus said...

David, I've always loved your games and even your commentary. But this sucks. Hey people aren't always gonna dig your work! I thought Calling All Cars was ok. To be honest, as far as a sinlge player game...it's not worth my Ten Bucks. In Muliplayer it shines, but it's not like the game is a fucking masterpiece. A 6 or 7 is sufficient and you should really come to terms with that. 6 or 7 is better than average. I'll be honest, the hostility towards Joystiq really sucks man. I'm not down with that. I'll see you at E3 or Games fo All if you go. Peace.

Anonymous said...

gg, bbl.


Anonymous said...

Dude; fuck the haters. Keep posting; Only weak ass fools are influenced by what those blog bitches write. The owners/editors are Str8 bitches. They should thank god for the internet because they'd be pulverized if discussions would go down face to face.

Sorry; it's not just you that's fed up with these fake ass gaming site/ blog site bitches.

Keep doing your thing.


I'm buying the game and you can count on me recommending it to everyone else I know that has a ps3.

Peace and Much Respect,


Anonymous said...

It's nice that someone is keeping you on a leash. Don't spill on the keyboard :)

Anonymous said...

I'm a big fan of your work, David, but you seriously need to chill the fuck out, because you're embarrassing yourself.

Anonymous said...

Will miss reading you, David.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for Calling All Cars to be released. Looking forward to it more than any PS3 game coming out between now and Lair.

Good to see that you took the reviews to heart and care enough for us PS3 owners out there to go back, open up the code again, and fix whatever bugs there may be left.

Oh, and it would be a nice surprise if we got to hear what Game #2 is at E3 (*hint* Hint*), I know I'll be constantly refreshing my internet browser for the entire event, just to see some Killzone.

Unknown said...

Joysucks.com is their real name.

Anonymous said...

It's nice to see someone call them by their real name.

They lost all credibility the day they boarded the Microsoft blogger bus to get their rears oiled.

Anonymous said...

HAHA Joystink edited the post. Now they say it said it the whole time.

Anonymous said...

Dear David Jaffe-
You are a pussy of monumental proportions.

Lord Wellington of Shrewsbury

J said...

Why go out like a whiny bitch?

The first part of your post was respectable ... then you made yourself look like a tool.

If you can't take criticism stay off the fucking internet!

Anonymous said...


Love your games, dont love the 11th grade type insults thrown towards the clowns that post stupid messags in the comments section. Better to ignore them, all they want is attention.

Anonymous said...

Boo-fucking-hoo. Get a grip, sally.

Unknown said...

cant wait for CAC Mr. Jaffe!
1st dl title ill be buying.
Dont listen to what others have to say...plus most people "know" gamespot is kinda biased against the ps3...or well most of hte mainstream media is...o well Your games, along with the other will change that

Dont know if you will read this post...over a hundred posts here..but if u do..good luck with ur next project...cant wait for CAC...and hope u keep on bloggin....Joystiq issued an "appology" and asked for u to write again too...lol..o well.

Anonymous said...

Jeez, you need to grow up. I fully agree with Joystiq. You need to grow up, if you were a real game designer you would be able to take the criticism.

Your game sucks, get over it.

Unknown said...

It was a good and understandable read and I agree there are alot of idiots out on the internet that can ruin a good show. I avoid them at all costs, the most I trust is IGN, Gamespot, NEOGaf and PS3Forums. If you want to game anytime man, hit me up my GT is NeoZero.

Matthew DeJonghe Wright said...

Man, I wish gaming had an NPR equivalent -- a place that would give the news and not try to make it "sassy" or something like that -- a place that gives you news and not hearsay bullshit. I could go there and leave bullshit places like Joystiq in the dust they belong in. They're bloggers. Their sole job is to sit on a computer, look at rumors on other sites, check their e-mail, jack pictures/scans, and try to make it their own. In any kind of remotely respectable journalistic arena these guys would be the biggest joke around. Gamespot and the larger media outlets have become no better as they use the same sources and everybody's clearly become hit-starved (either that or they're actually content with spewing bullshit and letting it set regardless of whether or not people look, which isn't likely). Actually, hit-starved is probably the wrong word -- that implies they aren't getting enough hits as it is. The similarity they also have is that their job is to sit there and critique somebody else's work. I'm fiercely defensive of the music I create and apologize to nobody when I defend it. I know I'm a good musician and I'm not about to be told otherwise -- likewise, you're a great game developer and you shouldn't be told otherwise. I'm not saying all your games have to get 10s solely because you're a good designer, but you standing up for your work isn't some false sense of pride -- you earned it fair & square with hard work and creativity.

Just like Kotaku's debacle with Sony about HOME's unveiling, these blogging sites are showing their inability to be professional in the least (which is why they're on a blogging site and not writing for a newspaper, which is considered a lowly position as it is), and their inability to respect simple conditions without care to the consequences. Both times, in this case with joystiq and Kotaku, their rabid fanbase (which troubles me the most out of all of this -- that they have so many loyal supporters somehow) spams and spews the most bullshit I've seen in my life, and they're happy to do it. People hiding behind the bullet-proof wall of the net, content to talk and act big with this warped perception of reality.

Honestly it's the same thing Hideo Kojima wrote about in MGS2 -- the digital age is creating people who have their own twisted sense of the truth and with the internet and all sorts of information on it they can spout their own "truth," making the real truth (or even the objective view) that much more obscure. Geeky, I know, but it's ringing true today. :P

David, I'm glad you gave 'em hell before you went on hiatus -- they deserve no more than that. You're a great designer, a really nice guy, and you had a really fun blog to read (though I do miss the modblog days! haha). I don't see arrogance in your blogs or responses at all -- I see you being happy with the work you and everybody at Incog put forth, and you have every right to defend that, and you did in a much more civilized manner than people are giving you credit for. You're not being a sissy at all for taking a break -- it's very respectable of you and you finished saying plenty of what needed to be said. Nobody else has done that.

Clearly all these people calling you immature or childish only read the highlights from (blogging/news site of choice). You handled it well through and through and people who know this blog at all know that it isn't meant to be a professional interface between a developer and customers, it's your personal blog about game design, what you got going on, and you've talked to us much more like a friend than any kind of customer.

To those flipping out because it's "unprofessional," please stop reading a god damn blogging site for your news then, and look at some press releases. Those websites lack any kind of professionalism (Honors & AP English classes and a few nifty words don't make somebody a journalist), and honestly, don't come to this blog. It's not meant to be professional and that's not a bad thing. David spends his day job being professional (well... more professional :P) and comes here to tell us about his work and job in an informal, friendly way. Nothing wrong with that at all, and when some uncredited, 2-bit blog site talks shit on him, he's going to give them the same treatment. Taking the "higher road" a lot of people are saying he should have taken would only reinforce in these bloggers' minds that they can get away with tossing bullshit out on the net without any repercussions.

Anyhoo, see ya later Dave!

Cheers, mate!
- Matthew

Anonymous said...

This is gonna sound like I am kissing ass, so prepare yourselves.

IMO a designer who does not give a shit about what others think of him is a designer I want to meet face to face. Forget all the blogs and bullshit spewed on the net. I bet half the dickhole writers on these halfassed blogs aren't even 17 yet.
And I find it a breath of fresh air to read the shit your writing and play the shit your making.

My 2 cents for the evening...

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Jaffe. It's nice to see someone has the balls to call these cocksmokers out!

tyler saal said...

You should learn proper English while you go "dark."

Anonymous said...

Avacado Platypus said...
I did game journalism for a while. LMFAO11111 its not "journalism" you stupid fat ugly bitch its just your dumbass worthless opinion i love how all these morons who post their irrelevant rants call it "journalism" well at least your fat ugly whore ass didnt say "corporate review sites" stupid bitch

UnderHero5 said...

I had never read your blog, up until this whole "review" thing, but after reading these few posts, I've got to say I would continue reading if you continued posting.

I agree with what you were saying (I think the way games are reviewed is a joke).

Seriously, in all honesty, I find your comments to your "haters" to be hilarious. What you've said is no worse than any of the stuff I've read on the rest of the internet.

If I owned a PS3 I'd buy CaC, it looks like a lot of fun, and that's all that should count.

Come back and start blogging again soon. Also, good luck with your next project, whatever that may be.

Hunnter said...

Totally agree with you Fuzz, i would be surprised if half the fuckers on here have even hit puberty.

Oh well, thats the kind of kids that hang around on Joyshit and Kotaku anyway, so i guess thats the reason.
God, the idiocy of some comments on here (and on those sites at times) makes me want to kill myself, simply because I'm embarrassed to be associated with something so fucking stupid.

Anonymous said...

lol wow, this is the sort of immature shit you'd find on neogaf. no wonder you like that shithole.

Anonymous said...

who the fuck do you think you are?
as said many times before.
your game sucks, deal with it.

Dan said...

Now that your current project is OVER, please email me when you get a spare minute:


Anonymous said...

I read the blog and felt heartbroken. It's ashame that I have to miss out on a truly great developer because someone else ruined it for the rest of us.

I know you are taking a little vacation, but I truly hope you don't let someone else ruin it for the rest of us.

I am one of the gamers that stop by and read, I don't post, I just read, and enjoy what you do very much. You are truly a great developer and wonderful person. Your blog was appreciated more than you know.

I am just another fan, an ordinary guy with an ordinary job. I have an ordinary family with ordinary lives, but love the games from no ordinary guy.

EIRICK - PSN I hope to see you on CAC

Anonymous said...

Frankly, you come across as a whiner so good to see you off blogging. Otherwise we'll get emo cries about unfair reviewers every day.

CoC seems to be a nice game but not great or awesome..so what? Deal with it. Count your blessings for now (GoW 1/2).

Calling reviewing websites 'lame ass' is kind of childish. Well, not 'kind off' but 'totally'. If they had any malicious intent to destroy your game....you just copied their behavior by calling them 'lame ass'.

Anonymous said...

Come on just when we was having fun you decide to stop blogging over something someone said about you. Dave you talked shit about the people (sony) you made games for but did they cut you off. It's just words man! Man up! You take all the abuse from strangers on your blog but all of a sudden a nameless (Joystiq) site calls you out and you wig out. It's called freedom of speech David and I think you used it a lot. Is it true you don't even own a PS3? No wonder why CAC got bugs, you should have been doing your homework instead going to fucking Disneyland.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh do you want your Stop Whining Like A Baby Elmo doll

Anonymous said...

Thank you!! No more of your crap.

Anonymous said...

Well why don't you cry about it David?

Hunnter said...

Know what i've just noticed?
Alot of the idiots on here haven't even read your blog, but skipped to the "bit thats on news sites" just to see if it is true.

Anonymous said...


PS3 said...

LOL u tell those fucking tards man

Anonymous said...

i told you and your bloggers mr jaffe that if you cross me and the lord you will pay dearly. just ask that scraggly jew cliffy b. who just recently came down with an std from a hooker he recently purchased in las vegas. an update on the lord's lawsuit the wheels are in motion you will be sued as will blogger.com and you sinning bloggers as will that blasphemous scrawny no good dog mouthed diseased cliffy b. and another thing what were you a married man with children doing at the playboy mansion? you should be ashamed of yourself sir you claim to be a family man and that you love your daughter and such yet you are getting drunk and doing all kinds of drugs and having unprotected sex with these glorified hookers (playmates) you really need to re evaluate your life sir. i for one am very happy that the lord has answered my prayers against you. i hope you rot in hell with hugh hefner and all these hussies.

Anonymous said...

Your a fucking whiny bitch, get the fuck over yourself and your buggy piece of shit game.

Anonymous said...

Really? A couple (quite literally) of guys say some not so nice things and your crawl into a hole? Wow, welcome to the god damn industry. I'm sure John Romero has conversation he'd like to have with you.

Matthew DeJonghe Wright said...

Umm... he's not crawling into a hole because he can't take the heat, jackass. If you read his goddamn post, you'll see that he says, "My stylings have upset some folks within the biz I care very much about and that I can not live with."

Clearly this has affected somebody other than him, possibly Sony or an industry friend, who knows -- bottom line is he's getting heat from fucktards like you en masse and it's causing problems for somebody else whom he doesn't want affected. So he's taking a vacation from the blog that's at the center of the problems. Don't talk shit to somebody as an anonymous guest like you're some kind of bad ass over the internet when you know fuck all about the game industry that David has worked in for well over a fucking decade. Look at the comments on this and the other 2 posts earlier and things went far beyond "not so nice" too (including your asinine post), you dumb piece of shit.

This blog was a great look at a really cool guy who designs really cool games and was great for us readers who don't have to run our goddamn mouth just because some piece of shit blog site told you to. Few (if any) give such a look into their personal going-ons too, which we like as fans. If you don't like it, then fuck off. There are plenty of more fitting holes in the internet for your troll ass to crawl into.

- Matthew

Anonymous said...

Joystick is right.

How dare you try to improve your game based on feedback.


I demand that you release the original, inferior product! The last thing I want is developers making their products better. That is simply intolerable.

Gooch said...

Fuck em Jaffe, if you are proud of your game, then dont let shit like cocksuckers like Joystiq get to ya

Move on, call em cocksuckers and move on to the next blog, dont walk out because a few virgins in their basements dont agree with you.

Fuck man, I never thought you'd be the type to just walk out

Anonymous said...

Hey Dave. I just found out about your blog and I was surprised to find out that you're also responsible for the twisted metal series. Twisted Metal 2 was the best for me and it made me to go out and purchase the Playstation back in 1998. Twisted Metal Black did the same for me and my PS2 and God Of War 1 really made me in awe for a long time when I got it. Keep up the good work and I'll be buying your more of your games in the future. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Twisted Metal goes down as one of the Top 5 most overrated video game series' of all time. And for those of you buying a PS3 for this piece of r-r-r-r-r-rubbish, I suggest you go out and buy a Wii and download the old Super Mario Kart games. This is just another rip of that genre, as are most of Jaffe's games.

Anonymous said...

For the record, I cant wait for CAC to come out. It looks so sick I can hardly wait. But, I think people need to seriously step away from the computer... Go outside and live for yourself. When did everyone become a critic? Damn I miss the days when we picked up a game and played it for fun. And guess who figured out weather I liked it or not... ME!!! Keep making fun amazing games Dave... and the sane ones with a life will continue to enjoy them. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

You rock man, don't take this so seriously.

Most "gaming journalism" blogs suck ass, anyway.

Good luck on your new games!

Anonymous said...

You should not respect Gamespot. In the past Gamespot reviewers have given games scores without ever even reviewing them.

Furthermore several Gamespot reviewers barely play video games to begin with.

IGN is the best site online that reviews video games.

Jaffe you are still an awesome game developer. Do not let anyone get to you. I trust that you are the gamelord.

Do not let the unbelievers get to you. They do not know that they are ignorant. Forgive them for their blasphemy.

You are the gamelord make your skin hard and do not let them get to you.

Anonymous said...

FUCK MAN! This has gotten seriously out of hand. I go on a mini acid binge and come back to find this shit. Fuck those pussies Jaffe. I don't know who it "affected" but shit you can't allow these fucking spammers and some shit sites I never even heard of until you fuckers mentioned it. If you guys in the industry read all these fucking sites then you need to stop. Who fucking cares what some morons write on their stupid site? Apparently some people in the game biz are taking these dumbasses way too fucking seriously. I don't even read that shit anymore. I'm tired of other peoples opinions and reviews and all this other bullshit. The video game website thing has gotten out of control. I mostly spend my time online hunting down Mr. Bungle dvd's/bootlegs or other bands i'm into. Reading shit on singularities, the omega point, shit like that. Anyways, don't go dark for too long motherfucker.

Archonyto said...

Where the hell is CAC? I've been staying up late for the past few days expecting it to show up at the PS store.

As for the degenerate meathead gamers who had their ovaries crushed when they found out that the mind behind God of War moved
"forward" to make a stylized downloadable game and now bash him with cowardly anonymous comments:



I really wanted to spend the weekend on CAC.

Anonymous said...


the PSN only updates every thursday.usually in afternoon. so u don't need to keepin checking.

Anonymous said...

This blog USED TO BE COOL before all the lame ass websites posted links to it. My boy Jaffe had a nice small loyal following and some assholes had to fuck it up and Jaffe let his mouth run and probably got him in trouble. Most of the losers and trouble makers came from Zima's PS3news.com

Anonymous said...

It seems you'll be making other PSN games so I'd like you to consider PLASMA displays when designing them. AFAIR God of War was a very Plasma friendly game.
My wife loves playing Lemmings (I do too but I don't have to beat everybody's high-score) and when I booted linux (gradient background) the other day I could see the Lemmings' score and flag on the screen. I hope CAC isn't like that

Anonymous said...

I got respect for DJ as a game developer (for Twisted Metal ONLY!). As far as this review bullshit and I don't won't to hurt a friend shit that works for a bigger shit it all comes down to one thing... SHIT! You started it DJ now end it. If this really got out of hand just remove this whole damn blog. The internet can be very useful and can also turn on you and ruin your life. Welcome to Lifestyles of the Geek & Famous

SoulScreme said...

Dave... fuck em. Seriously, people are just fucking morons. They want to spout ridiculous bullshit and not have you throw it back at them. God forbid you want to make the product better. Well, I get your decision, but I'll miss reading the only man who says "fuck" as much as I do.

Joel said...


i miss the jaffe.

Anonymous said...

I give this blog a 6.7 out of 10.

"A frantic good time that's cut short by a serious lack of content."

AdamPL said...

i just bought CAC. so i am the first to tell you. and fuck what everyone says just do what you want, you can't make everyone happy but you damn sure can control your own happiness. keep up the good work.

AdamPL said...

i already have friends over playing CAC. PSN AdamPLawrence hit me up.

Anonymous said...

Welp, just started playing. Even with only 2 players playing. I've got one word to describe this game.
AWESOME Really, way to go, i thought I'd hate it after waiting very impatiently for 2 months, but I love it. Thanks

Neil said...

Man only an hour and a half of work left before I can go home and play CAC!

PSN: Neil

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