So I skipped out on work, took a PTO day, and went to see a Padres game with my father-in-law. Padres lost to Baltimore 6 to 3. Not a huge sports fan but I like to watch a game from time to time and this was just a great summer day, perfect for heading out to the ballpark. So I dug it alot.
Watching this game got me thinking that it would be sweet if real life sports had some sort of way of applying the fudge factor of a game like Calling All Cars or NBA JAMS, where the game is designed to do some minor cheating in order to keep game scores closer. That would be cool cause every game would be a nail biter. But it would also be cheating.
I also thought it would be great if all umpires were hot women dressed in skimpy outfits. I mean, who is going to argue with a hot woman umpire dressed in a sexy costume? You'd feel like a total ass in the stands yelling: 'Hey Ump! Are you freaking blind! Open your god damned eyes!' Because somewhere in your primal mind- assuming you are a man or a woman lovin' woman- you'd be thinking- deep down: she may be going home with me if I play my cards right and no way in hell am I fucking up my chances!
Been doing alot of work the last few weeks, lots of design stuff that I'm real happy with but has required lots of concentration and focus...so I was just feeling a bit fried. That's probably why I'm blogging so much today; just can't get my head around the next big design task in front of me after having just completed my previous big design task. I think it's important to recharge between challenges; you just know when you need to step back and chill. So that's what I did today. And it was great! I thought I'd come home and be all ready to work again, but now I just want to take a nap. I'm tired.
I'll hit it hard tomorrow!
See ya!
You deserve a break. The great ideas that have come out of you in the past few years deserve a break. The works that you have put out in the past few years most writers or movie makers would have called them lifetime accomplishments. Let me quit kissing ass, love the blog. I am really excited to see what you are going to come up with in that studio you got. NO pressure kick some ass.
P.s.- Get a fucking mic so we can chat on CAC.
hehe.. i love the idea about the umps.. i def go see more baseball games then. :P
Just wondering, are you sticking with the small DLC concept this time around? I love CAC. Nothing better than 4 friends with some beers around the TV and THAT game.
PS - Stoked as hell that the blog is back.
yankees are the best.
"I think it's important to recharge between challenges; you just know when you need to step back and chill."
i wish i had read this at the beginning of my day today. i was in the same place and tried to make it happen all day, but i just ended up forcing it and i'm going to have to start fresh tomorrow.
ahh...game design. you are my evil and seductive mistress...
You know what, I like to bitch. And coming home after a hard day's work on Thursday, I can't help but notice the lack of demos. I mean, I can understand if there was nothing coming out (see: April and May) but we have Rainbow Six and The Darkness coming out next week. Those two should at least warrant a demo or something, right?
I'm just pissed cause I have to wait a week to get R6. Also, since I live in hawaii, there's no one online in CAC when I get home from work :_(. the inhumanity.
P.S. Utah is an awesome place. I used to hate it when I was living there but ever since moving out here to "paradise" (isle of nowhere) I realize how much I miss everything. I gotta drive 1 hour just to get to the nearest gamestop or walmart, so just a simple thing like buying a game requires planning ahead.
nice to see you blogging again, Jaffe.
On your question about behind-the-scenes stuff: no, showing "making of" footage and artwork does not ruin the experience, or make the characters seem less realistic. This is a videogame afterall--the character models are polygons. What makes those polygons come to life is the voice acting and the animations during cutscenes, and these are no less convincing when I've seen how the scenes are made.
On another note, I have a plot suggestion for God of War IV. In GoW III, Kratos should kill Zeus and become the King of Olympus. In GoW IV, you should play as Kratos's son and kill Kratos.
The only question is, who would be your mom? How about Nariko from Heavenly Sword? :D
Finally... The Jaffe, has come back... to blogging.
I just got Calling all Cars(it just came out on the Australian PS store). Great stuff, a really fun game!
Yea! Go Padres and Go Chargers!
Cool Jaffe. Love to read your blogs.
Woot! Bout time you got back! CaC was great! Whats next?! E3 Announcement or what?
yeah, Jaffe, got anything special announced for E3? Just a yes or no will suffice.
Good choice in turning down Utah! While my goal is NOT to offend anyone, i think [nearly] everyone can agree that Utah + Mormons + Heat = bad bad time.
I'd sure as shit would love to see a hot female Ump, but odds that happening are nil. Which sucks ass.
I agree with Sean, Yankees are the best. haha. I love Baseball. But thats the only sport i like.
Great idea about the Umps though. Had me laughing pretty loud.
It's always good to get a day off here and there, but when i do i always end up doing work at home... I guess i need to learn how to "switch off". God i love Hot Fuzz.
Dave!!! The PlayStation Museum misses you. However, we have our own internal problems and the future is hazy at best. :(
I was able to update the museum website this weekend. It may be one of the last updates unfortunately.
girl umpires in bikinis Dave, that would get the attendance up at stadiums lol. Literally *wink*
it always good to take a break after feeling burnt out for a while, everyone does it, I mean you'll feel fully energized and ideas will flow more often.
cool new logo on top too Dave. :)
I personally am digging the whole watch-men-run-around-frantically-in-tight-pants phenomneon. But then again that's me. Hot lady umpires are cool as long as they don't interfere with the running. :)
Good to have you back, Jaffe.
Respect + 1000. :)
@ eric:
okay, 7th inning stretch wet t-shirt contest, that'll calm down the crowd :D
More like Jaffe's GAY design... huyuck!
utah needs more people like you, Jaffe. Believe me!
Jaffe if you are looking for investors for your new endeavors send me an email. Typhonx@gmail.com
woah i didnt know you started blogging again, did you say you were quitting blogging just to get all the haters off your back ? man i heard you were gonna leave sony for a sec on G4 like it was official and shit and i almost went fuckin christopher walken deer hunter status on myself man. you scared the shit outta me son !!!
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