Tuesday, April 08, 2008



Rex said...

Hey Jaffe what about HOney and Nut Cheerios! Heh. Dude that was a real funny video blog but with good points. Rocky 4!
Man when you have the time please try this quck flash games I developed:

KROSSED http://www.pnxmedia.com/krossed
(use W,A,S,D keys, spacebar and arrows)

(use W,A,S,D keys, spacebar and mouse)

Both of them were inspired by Robotron... but actaully RECKLESS was a game I always wanted to do about a tank bouncing around enemies...orignal name was Bounce... but of course..changed it. Let me know what you think about htis games I did on my free time. My email is rex_cartagena@hotmail.com

pn18 said...

C'mon, spill the beans David! ;)

Anonymous said...

apple jacks are the shit!

i think you and i are on the same boat about soda, i think im addicted to mt dew cause i just cant seem to kick the habit of drinking it even though i know its garbage.

Anonymous said...

It's an understandable feeling. I'm sure the anouncement of 'Major League Eating: The Game' was a big blow to development.

Zodiak said...

hey Apple Jacks are the shit! lol. Don't be discouraged by the same game being made, I think it comes down to the gameplay and how much more unique the product is!


Nikkoa said...

Have you seen the new rambo?! I'd sell my arm to see it again

Anonymous said...

lol we eat apple jacks out of the same exact looking bowl, Im too worrying about hair loss but Im only 21 :( , and God I love Rocky (3 is by far my favorite)

Anyways I wish I knew which game you were talking about, honestly I was hoping you were gonna accidently drop a little hint :P

Anonymous said...

Could it be the announcement that there was supposedly another Carmageddon in development? I think I remember reading something about the developer of it being closed and the game being canceled but who knows =).

Dark Ede said...

The addictive qualities of soda, damn them! Still trying to get off Mt. Dew. Guess its just me with my addictive personality.

Someone said, "You are what you think about all the time." Think its true. Also they should add, "You are who inspires you." Rocky is a great choice. I also have my list of people, books and movies (also tv) that pump me up. Been down lately. Glad I came by here. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Alex here..

You shouldn't be drinking hormone and steroid injected milk along with diet cancerous coke...

Anonymous said...

Ahh David, I 100%, well maybe 95% know what you mean! I'm currently working with a team to get this real rookie game out which is going to be hella fun and stuff and everyday I look on forums and I see like "new game" with a similar title and i read it and I think oh no its gunna be identical :( and I want mine to be a first, lucky though when i see screen shots of theirs, its like comparing gameboy advanced to Ps3, so im quite lucky so far :D

Btw this is bugging me and has been forever!!! Right behind you in your studio is that tiny 4 glass window, i have to know whats on the otherside? lol i always expect someone to pop up there lol is it an outside window?

Take care, keep it real!! you dont need a haircut until it looks like mine then u need a lawn cutter!

felman said...

what's the new game that has you so worried? I bet these guys got nothing on your game.

Also, the vids are awesome. keep it up

Anonymous said...

yeah... i hate it when two games with similar ideas get released at the same time :-( still, its not like you had to worry about gladius :P

Anonymous said...

Don't be ashamed of liking Apple Jacks, it's a pretty good cereal, i have some in the kitchen right now. As for similar games coming out the same time as yours, I'd say that this has happened to you before and you rose to the top everytime, so sit back, relax, and do what you do best.

Roddra said...

If it's Darksiders: Wrath of War that you're concerned with (the only recent thing that comes to mind), I wouldn't be worried. You've shown an amazing talent so far despite the competition.

Anonymous said...

I'm on a Diet Pepsi MAX addiction at the moment. Something about overcaffeinated soda that attracts me... Could be worse, Jaffe - you could be addicted to energy drinks like Mt. Dew AMP, try to quit, and end up having headaches that go straight to your eye balls. Oh, fun times... Good luck quitting, tho. You're a better man than I.

Have a bucket of fun! Great blog!

Anonymous said...

Grace Park?....pfft Misa Campo

Det. Conan said...


Fuck, david, i stopped drinking that shit the same day you did and now you wuss out.. bloody hell...

what shall i do now? shall i return to my Dr. Pepper habit AGAIN.. man the amount of money i saved from all these soft drinks..

No.. I am not drinking that again..

David... Return to our fight against those sweet soft drinks..

Cheers mate..

Unknown said...

Hey David,
I just had a quik question. You said that you might do that live video chat (which was an awesome idea) but have you thought about meeting with people in the PS3's Home? Its looking like its coming out soon (patch 1.0 ((for the Beta)) was released). Just wanted to know what you thought of the idea.

Anonymous said...

Wipeout > Jet Moto :P
God of War >>>>>>>>>>> Gladiator
Twisted Metal > Club Drive probably

P.S. "....I mean, I understand why kids love cinnamon toast crunch, but I still don't understand why apple jacks don't taste like apples!!!"

Anonymous said...

Hey Dave first time posting here I have been checking out your blog for some time now pretty cool stuff man hope the new game you're doing kicks major ass 'cause you already did two of my favourite games twisted metal and god of war keep up the good work
...and hey man strees is good when you're crative!

Anonymous said...

Gonna agree that Apple Jacks is insanely delicious! The Diet soda is alright, I drink it during the day and drink non sodas at night these days. Wonder if your comment had to do with Carmegeddon being cancelled (though you said may or may not come out and this sounds like full blown cancelled).

Anonymous said...

the video is unavailable...

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say that i have played games since i was 3 years old and the 2 games i have fel most in love with are Twisted Metal on PSone and God of war on ps2(god of war 2 and chains of olympus is also great but there is a reason i diden't take a break before i was done with the first one). Just do ur magic and it will be great.

Anonymous said...

Hi David, greetings from this corner of the world!!! Awesome blog, awesome posts. Watching Rocky as inspiration... mmm, are you designing a boxing game?

Anonymous said...

I'm willing to bet its the XBLA Vigilante 8 redux.

I can relate though Dave, 100%. Last year, about this time, my partner in crime and I had just finished a sixty page script for a zombie movie (typical college kid movie, right?) we were going to shoot. Within two weeks we found out two friends of ours had decided to make their own zombie picture at the same time. While it seems absurdly immature (I really don't enjoy making zombie movies to tell you the truth) and really doesn't compare to the work you've done, I just figured I'd relate.

Oh, and Rocky is seriously the best. The first two and sixth one? Amazing. Cinematic magic. 4? Fun. 3? Transitional. 5? Um... 5 tastic.

Keep up the good work Dave, good to see someone with a positive attitude that isn't giving us a snowjob to smile. God speed.

Anonymous said...

Hello David Jaffe, My name is Gerard Williams also known as the (HIPHOPGAMER) I have a videopodcast/tv show on youtube that is doing very well that i would love for you to check out. WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/JACKAL33 what i'm doing is not being done anywhere in the video game industry. i've put together something incredible and you are someone that i have tons of respect for and i would like to talk with you. I'm a huge huge fan of games first and foremost but playstation is my favorite console period. Right now I have a good show on youtube, i'm linked with a company called the www.thebitbag.com Torrence Davis is the Editor and Chief of the site, I'm actually a Hip Hop Artist, I wrote a Sony Commercial that's already recorded, I have a theme song to my TV show which is called The HipHopGamerShow, I'm working very hard to become apart of the videogame industry with my TV Show also I would love to be Sony's Spokesperson. David i'm sorry for this long comment but i'm passionate man. My number is 1-506-4582, You can skype me my name on skype is HIPHOPGAMER, please just watch some of my shows on youtube I even have my grandmother on 1 of my episodes. If you go to the site you'll see that there's 3 favorits that i have , also The last game I reviewed was God Of War Chains of olympus so please give me a shot , or just a chance i will not disappoint you. All i want is a chance for you to look at my show, and listen to my music, and help me get into this industry and i know i can't really do anything for you because you have so much already but i always buy your games and i will always be a loyal fan so god bless and please at least give it shot i've worked really hard business wise on this and i know this is destined for success. Thank You and God Bless

Anonymous said...

Hello David Jaffe, My name is Gerard Williams also known as the (HIPHOPGAMER) I have a videopodcast/tv show on youtube that is doing very well that i would love for you to check out. WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/JACKAL33 what i'm doing is not being done anywhere in the video game industry. i've put together something incredible and you are someone that i have tons of respect for and i would like to talk with you. I'm a huge huge fan of games first and foremost but playstation is my favorite console period. Right now I have a good show on youtube, i'm linked with a company called the www.thebitbag.com Torrence Davis is the Editor and Chief of the site, I'm actually a Hip Hop Artist, I wrote a Sony Commercial that's already recorded, I have a theme song to my TV show which is called The HipHopGamerShow, I'm working very hard to become apart of the videogame industry with my TV Show also I would love to be Sony's Spokesperson. David i'm sorry for this long comment but i'm passionate man. My number is 1-718-506-4582, You can skype me my name on skype is HIPHOPGAMER, please just watch some of my shows on youtube I even have my grandmother on 1 of my episodes. If you go to the site you'll see that there's 3 favorits that i have , also The last game I reviewed was God Of War Chains of olympus so please give me a shot , or just a chance i will not disappoint you. All i want is a chance for you to look at my show, and listen to my music, and help me get into this industry and i know i can't really do anything for you because you have so much already but i always buy your games and i will always be a loyal fan so god bless and please at least give it shot i've worked really hard business wise on this and i know this is destined for success. Thank You and God Bless

Anonymous said...

E:MAIL is blackblood172@yahoo.com you can reach me here as well man god bless

stalepie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
GrYnder McDuff! said...

So curious as to what other game you are talking about. I'll figure it out later, I guess.