I know....God, I know. What a fucking idiot I would be...and what a sheep I am to care. But MAN, I think these are cool...and MAN I know the chances of me having sex if I own a pair of these drops to like .2%....and the .2% is only because during Comic Con there ARE really drunk geek girls....but they are so drunk they will prob. puke all over you during the act...so hell, that's out.......but man, they are cool!
Jaffe D.
Even though I personally wouldn't wear them I wouldn't look down on someone that did.
And I think you would probably get the 'cute' vote from quite a few girls.
Especially if you say you wanted to match your shoes with your daughters. Then they would be all like "awwww what a loving father... Lets fuck."
Yes that is how I imagine the conversation going. . .
as a youthful style conscious gamer I am here to help you through your fashion crisis.
And here is the verdict.
the superman kicks are absolutely hideous... but the batman ones are actually pretty nice.
Yes Dave, those would make you look like a dork, but if you want to look like a dork, it's your life, do whatever you want.
Get 'em Cliffy.
And the Superman ones rock.
hey, the Batman pair is really cool. and not so serious, I must add.
the Superman one is cool only with the matching underwear, though :(
They're really really not cool. But hey cred for standing up for it.
I like the boxes myself but the shoes are very umm.. junior high.. in the 80s. :p
Cliffy B:
Yes. But you if you're going to go that route you need a batman fanny pack to match:
I would totally wear the batman ones..where did you find them?
batmans would be dorky.
supermans arent bad and could be pulled off with the right clothes and swagger ;)
Yikes dude...those actually come in adult sizes!? =)
I might let ya slide on the batshoes though Cliffy...
I do think that they're cool shoes but...you can't wear those. Like, it'd be kinda funny around your friends or maybe at work but in public? Like with people and moderately to very good looking girls (even the ugly ones for that matter). I'd be embarrassed.
Jaffe... Brett Ratner? Really? I don't despise the guy like 99% of the interwebs but, geez.
you know Cliffy I'm a total fan of Batman but I don't like those sneakers. The Superman ones are a little better, but I wouldn't have my son caught dead in those. He would get those flashing light sneakers...those things were cool.
Alright Cliffy, where are these from? I want them.
Off Topic:
Twisted Metal Black Sweet Tooth action figure - $1.0 million on ebay
"PlayStation Museum said..."
It's a MOLD for the action figure. Not the action figure. But for a do-it-yourselfer, it could be kinda cool.
Not one million dollars cool, but still.
Cliffy B the batman shoes look pretty sweet. I think cus they are darker color and less noticeable they seem more visually acceptable. The superman ones look horrible, way too attention grabbing. Wear them in private or around friends or around people you don't want to get laid by lol.
I think it can only amplify the pimpitude of Cliffy B.
Those shoes do look quiet spiffy IMO.
The superman shoes look REALLY dorky.
The Batman shoes are just great... still a little dorky, but WTF! they are so awesome.
Dave, the superman ones look dorky but the batman pair is pretty kickass. Get the batman ones and post a pic of you wearing them :D
Yes. Yes you are.
Don't ever change.
¨°º¤ø„¸ I like to¸„ø¤º°¨ copy and paste
¸„ø¤º°¨ FART!!!!``°º¤ø„¸ if u like
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For those who want to know, the official site for these shoes can be found at: www.limitedsoles.com
They are limited edition, less than 2000 of each pair are produced.
nope, I'd wear both of those
yup! don't do it dude - just think of your kid looking back at the photos when you're old :)
Coming from a girl, actually i think they are cool. I would hang with someone wearing them (not drunk!)
god bless you
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