Friday, December 12, 2008


I was actually on HOME last nite, started a club and everything (Sweet Tooth's Lair)...I think there is much potential there but they need to get LOTS more stuff to do in it....but still...this video...fucking great!



Gazzo said...

...What the.

Really, David? REALLY?

Anyway, Home does look pretty neat.

David Jaffe said...

Really what?

grasshopper said...

Yeah...that pretty much sums Home up :)

Let me in your club or I'll leave virtual burning poo on its doorstep :)

Joel said...

ahaha.. i lol'd.

i think im going to try and join your group as well.

haha... next time i go on it.

Anonymous said...


Christian said...

LOL, Hey David could you send me an invite to you club? PSN: CHRP718
When you beat MGS4, could you talk more about it? I would love to hear your thoughts on my favorite game of all-time. Also could you talk about Killzone 2 / Uncharted 2 / LittleBigPlanet
Happy Holidays to you, your family and Eat Sleep Play.


Luka said...

Strange, when i click play on your last video it says that its not available in my country, so i cant view it.

Foxx said...

lol ... freaking amazing. I knew when they added the "sit anywhere" function it was only a matter of time before someone did something... anyways from someone being in the beta for over a year and a half it is great to see it open and my what changes have come over that time period. Now like you said Jaffe... they really need to add a lot more stuff for users to do but it's a good start.

By the way Jaffe... if I've been coming to your blog long enough to know your PSN can I send you a friends request? I'm just not the "commenting" type :P (PSN: Foxx)

Keep up the great blog posts (and the games of course) ... they make my day at work :)

Anonymous said...

I was expecting a big XMB update with home but I guess I was wrong. It seemed liek it was comming to... they added the last time on and they intergrated PSN to, I really hope they add cross game inviting so I can invite people to my games through the XMB so when they leave for whatever reason tehy can easily be invited and add the ability to join friends games through the XMB, and VOICE MESSAGES WOULD BE AMAZING TOO but no news on these things. It bugs me that they've been on LIVE for so long and Sony is working so slow towards it and in the end their will be so little games that will support joinable games and game invitng in the xMB they should at least add already so they can get all the newer games with it :(.

Anonymous said...

Wow yeah brilliant.

Home, what a waste of fucking time and money.

Anonymous said...

haha i'm going to go download home now.

looks like fun.

Anonymous said...

Jaffe, if you don't get to work on your new game i swear to god that i will trade in my copy of TM:Black and buy a special collector's edition twisted metal 3 on HD-DVD and enjoy the hell out of it.


KingParappa said...

lol look me up KingParappa

David Jaffe said...

Dude we are working on our new game as fast as we can.

You have to remember, I work from home. As in, NO ONE is here but me!

So instead of taking 5-10 minute breaks to go over and shoot the shit with a colleague about last nite's episode of LOST or how he/she is digging the latest big game release, I stick up a blog post and then get back to it.

Not to worry- I don't think it's possible for Eat Sleep Play (Utah AND San Diego divisions) to be working harder than we are :)


Anonymous said...

Hey, I sent a request to join your club under my PSN, warezIbanez, I hope to get in and discuss some cool things with you and others, or something like that...

Also, I do think that the service is pretty cool, but I do hope that people demand more and more out of the service, even after there's a TON of rooms to go around and everything. Home deserves constant improvement, even when it seems fine...

Anonymous said...

Awww. "The Man" shut down the video. What was it?

btw, can you please send me a club invite. my PSN name is: MrDaBucket

Gazzo said...

@David: I meant that,do people REALLY have to do that stuff on HOME? Is nothing sacred? Shit's still pretty hilarious, though. :P

Anyway, I've got faith whatever the hell you're making is gonna be good. As long as you guys don't rush and take your time, I'm sure it'll be great. Whatever 'it' is.

Bobby Brankiewicz said...

Yeah, there needs to be a lot more to do...
Beards need to be added. Lots more customization...
All I can do now is pick up furniture and zombie proof my house by barricading the doorways...

Anonymous said...

I send my request a few hours ago... Please, accept it ^^.
PSN: Serapel

Anonymous said...

hey David, the youtube video does seems to be down

Anonymous said...

I honestly see PS3 Home a failure atm, there is just no point to it other than if you are to lazy to go outside and meet real people you might actually give a crap about to remember their name.

Luka said...

David, since you work at home i guess you feel more free, so do you sometimes just say "fuck it" then go get something to eat and come back?

jmd749 said...

blast, i was too late, the video's been removed. WTF???

Rich8606 said...

Video's removed. Hey, Can I join the club? I'm in Australia though.

erico316 said...

i agreed with you david that home is impressive! i can see game developers making unlockable items within their own games that u can use in in ur home place.well namco already did it.There also the fact sony could in fact live stream games events such as the vga,e3,and gdc within the home theater!

Anonymous said...

Holy hell, I love ps3 home - way better than the wii and the 360 avatars. I've downloaded all the different arenas but have not had time to really go in an experience them. I did put a request for your club. my ps3 tag is maartyrr...hope to see you on and cant wait for your new game

for whatever reason my gmail account isnt working


Anonymous said...

Hi David,

Can you talk about the club yet?
I've sent my membership request.

Am hoping you'll accept me!


Anonymous said...

Hey Dave, just checked the blog and the PS Home video got taken down, but I will be asking for an invite into your Sweet Tooth club sometime tonight when I get on the PS3! Thanks for adding the club, looking forward to joining!

Jacob Schalckens said...

hi mr. Jaffe,

I don't mean to steal your post here by posting a giant copy of what I wrote over at my blog about the differences in the US Home and EU Home, so I'll leave a nice link to it and request from you to read it.

because I want to know what your take on the matter is.

Anonymous said...

Will you be taking advantage of HOME David? Implementing game launching? (We know your new game is going to feature a robust online component). Maybe adding a Eat Room, Sleep Room and/or Play Room?

Anonymous said...

sounds awsome

what do you think about DC Universe Online - PS3, PC

Anonymous said...

There is always 1 who complains about being in Europe. Ever consider the spaces need multiple languages? How about some brands differ in some countries, or need to conform to other laws? What about the fact Euro home has to cope with massive numbers of users vs the US version? Nothing is easy about making content for Europe. So get over it, you've had since the 80s to do so.

Anonymous said...

Add me....... tmforeverTMA

Anonymous said...

Add me....... tmforeverTMA

Anonymous said...

just saw the trailer for GOW III

the graphics didnt even look that good.....

i thought it would at least look something like the e3 trailer

im disappointed :(

Anonymous said...

Damn Youtube! I couldn't see the clip in time. They've took it down - bummer.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

HEY DAVID JAFFE, FUCKEN IDIOT...LISTEN TO ME HERE. Thanks for hyping up god of war 3...cuz it totally looked like shit, and a 40 second trailer? who the fuck is directing this game...complete garbage and if u think i'm the only one complaining ...your dead wrong...

Anonymous said...

Sorry I expected more from a franchise that pushed the PS2 so hard. I didn't expect it to look like the CG trailer, but I did expect more than God of War 2.5

I am not saying it will be a bad game. I am just saying graphically... my mind isn't as blown as it should be.

Anonymous said...

eh dave, fat fuck ..ya you, painting come to life my ass

Anonymous said...

I will wait to see HD version, but i have to say from distance it didnt look mind blowing.

Anonymous said...

Jaffe said what we would be seeing is an early build of the game and not what he has seen!

Anonymous said...

It looked like the PS2 version. I am first and foremost a PS3 supporter and I love the GOW series, but I'm not going to sit here and lie. That didn't even look like a PS3 game. The texture on Kratos close up was super low res.

Anonymous said...

It didn't give me the wow experience but it definitely wasn't bad

Anonymous said...

HEY FUCKEN IDIOT...LISTEN TO ME HERE. Jaffe clarified earlier that the VGA footage is not what was shown to him by Sony. Not to mention, you're judging a game by a 40 second trailer? The only people complainging are the naive ignorant little shits, such as yourself.

Anonymous said...

GOW 3 was fine. Just hope the story complements the gameplay.

Anonymous said...

ya i didn't like it either..explain yourself

Anonymous said...

The only thing to me is the trailer didn't hook me...

Anonymous said...

Hi, David. As many people have already posted, I've just seen the God of War 3 footage from the Spike VGAs and was disappointed. The way you hyped it up was similar to how Peter Molineux hyped Fable 1 and that caused the game to, regrettably, be poorly viewed by most. Now, I'm not saying that the game didn't look good, but the game looks as good as we'd expect from a team working exclusively for the PS3, and it was VERY clear that the footage was in-game. So I'm hoping that perhaps you might be able to clarify for those interested if what you were previously witness to was that much better than what was aired on Spike or if we're all just a little too jaded. I mean, considering what you had said, I was expecting something reminiscent of Heavy Rain. Perhaps the fault lies in the much more stylized approach to the visuals, but as far as not being able to tell the difference between in-game and cinematic, well, one need only compare the VGA footage to the E3 cinematic.

Anyway, there seem to be a few people who are, perhaps a little more 'vocal' about their disappointment, so perhaps you have something to post about next, as I'm sure we'd all like to hear your thoughts on the matter.


Anonymous said...

Is it just me or Kratos looks GRAY!?!
I thought the ashes on him was white?
Everything else looks great!!!

Anonymous said...

Fuck graphics man, the gameplay looked amazing.

Unknown said...

Too short but it did look pretty smooth.

Anonymous said...

Looked fine to me. Besides, this is an early build. Didn't Jaffe already say that the VGA trailer is NOTHING compared to the mind blowing shit that he saw?

Anonymous said...

it's juz a teaser, so don't expect too much
btw the teaser looks great.

Anonymous said...

David Jaffe clearly stated that he didn't refer to the VGA trailer but one shown 'behind doors' just for him..

Anonymous said...

Umm I have spike tv and I saw it on HD and it looked pretty damn good. Not mind blowing but definetly not a ps2 game like someone said. PLus I doubt it's anywhere close to being fully developed, most likey in alpha statge. I know the end result will look awesome.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to point out before claims of great gameplay are made, that there wasn't any gameplay in the Spike video, just in-game footage.

Anonymous said...

You guys are really sad. O_o Whether or not it's an early build (and it obviously isn't what Jaffe saw) doesn't stop the fact that the quality of the graphics in the trailer they HYPED and RELEASED TO THE PUBLIC were shocking.

Anonymous said...

way too short to make a strong judgement. gonna wait till there is a better trailer.

Anonymous said...

C'mon, give him a fucking brake. He said that we will see the early build, right? Right. So no need to bash David. You were expecting just too much. It looked good, but it was damn short. And youtube vids are shit, wait for some "proper" release on GT or somewhere else, then judge. I'm still a big God of War fan and still hyped for GoW III. And I'm surely won't be disappointed.
PS As to the whole VGA show... it was the worst joke I've ever seen.

Anonymous said...

you accually thought you saw the real fottage lol, thats just the prom stuff and all that is usally half what you going to espect just wate tell we get closer and stop complany be gald there a part 3.

sony can easly going and stop making it....well maybe not that would be a wast of money.

just focas on home right now.

Anonymous said...

video says it's been removed.
Hopefully next year we see better footage of God of War 3. Uncharted 2 looked I think even better than the last game.

Unknown said...

So, yeah, the video has been removed. I really wish I could have seen what it was.

Anonymous said...

Holy flood about GoW III, you people need to relax the game is not even coming out for another year and most likely a year and a half...

scarslasher said...

David.. your video was removed due to a terms of use violation.


Anonymous said...

god of war 3 look like shit

Anonymous said...

Here's something you might appreciate even MOAR! Er, more?

Once you watch it, you can't un-watch it!

On a side note, I now want to go to Japan and get an omelet pooped out of some Japanese lady wearing a schoolgirl's uniform like I seen on at least two videos that scarred me for life.

Anonymous said...

I didn't get a chance to see the video , but I think Home is kinda cool actually.Sure , there are horny guys and fucktards all over the place ... but even that is silly fun at times.

Hopefully they can pour more content and games in there and developers really create some cool spaces , games , unlockables , and give us cool things to buy.

As far as the God of War III VGA backlash , GTFO scrubs.

Anonymous said...

You guys should think about creating a homespace and have calling all cars and twisted metal arcade cabinets for multiplayer play(if that can even be done).If they are really good , you could sell them so we could have them for our apartments.

How about some cool Eat Sleep Play T-Shirts (the logo is cool imo) and other gear related to your games as well?

Anonymous said...

I applied to join your club.

Unknown said...

Hey david jaffe and the rest how u all doing, anyways i think home is ok but the annoying thing is that people dancing everywhere LOL

Unknown said...

Love God of War finished all series about 3-4 times my fav series are 1 and chains of Olympus, if you guys dont know who Olympus is she is the mother of Alexandra and Zeus is the father of Alexander :) btw my name is Ankido I'm the owner and founder of

scarslasher said...

For the God of War III critics:

Please download it from PlayStation Network before you judge.

GameTrailers is notorious for compressing the hell out of their videos!

Anonymous said...

fuck you jaffe, you hype GoW3 too much and see what happend, all the xbots are bashing the game because the VGA trailer sucks...fuck you...

Anonymous said...

Nice to see that your a 'GamesTM' reader Mr. Jaffe, it's a mature, intellectual and informative piece of reading every month.

Anyway, straight to the point. I have to say, i really liked the GoW3 teaser trailer, it teased and that was the point, its got everyone talking about it ergo it succeeds. Personally i thought it looked amazing, if they can model Kratos like that in a game of GoW's scale then we're in for something majorly epic indeed.

On a side note since this is the 'Home' thread of comments i would just like to say that i am majorly dissapointed with 'Home'.

Something that had the potential to be a dominating aspect in the game market has instead become the most lauded, overblown marketing software application to enter the gamin fray.

I fully agree with Mr. Jaffe that the content is severly lacking for open beta testing but then again they have spent the last 2-3 years on this so why is it not choc-full of everything we would expect. Personally, they should have only released this when there was much more content to divulge in, what we have just now is the bare bones of what we had expected and the fact that its still in beta testing is slightly worrying due to the fact that its been in development and testing for so long.

Another gripe was the cost of materials, an inanimate object in a software application such as a rubber duck costing 59p? are you kidding me? i can buy a real one for less than that. It's a joke and if they expect people to buy alot of their in-game goodies then i think their so far up their own ass that the lump in their throat is their nose.

One of the worst aspects though i have to mention is the 'Bowling arcade'. I thought to myself, whats the worst thing about going to a bowling alley? the answer = Other people filling the lanes, and what does 'Home' do? it replicates this in full. Of all the most moronic ideas i have seen in any software ever devised this has taken the biscuit. Why oh why would i want to go into a gaming area online only for it to be occupied by other players meaning i have to wait till their done, it's the total antithesis to gaming, the whole point is your supposed to be able to play it at any time at your leisure not sign in and go to the alley and see that everything is full of other people. That's the same as actually going to a busy alley in real life and not being able to play, though going to one in reality is immensley more enjoyable than having to put up with 12 year old kids thinking they can spout any shite because their masked behind an avatar which by ratio makes them twice the size of their actual height.

I had big hopes for this 'experience' but is this the most brain-dead approach to an online application? i think so.

Just give us an MMO and be done with it.

Gazzo said...

I really like how someone used my name. Too bad they botched the grammar to high-hell and made themselves look like an idiot.

I saw the GOW III trailer last night...Looks great. It didn't really give much to go on, but judging from that, the game looks good. As a fan of the series, I'm looking forward to it.

Habboi said...

I woke up this morning and saw the GoW 3 trailer. When I saw that the visuals weren't what people hyped it up to be I couldn't help but laugh.

Now I've had time to digest it and read comments. People keep saying it's alpha / beta or they did this on purpose because of Killzone 2.

Either way I've played God of War games because of their awesome stories and fun gameplay. The level design in the past two games has always impressed me so I have no doubt God of War 3 will deliver.

I mean I wonder why people compare a FPS to an action adventure...

Anonymous said...

David go fuck yourself in the ass, starting this bullshit "HOLY HOLY HOLY FUCKING HELL" comment that "GOD OF WAR 3 IS BETTER THAN GEARS 2" Well look at the trailer you sonofabitch hype lunatic, you better explain your bullshitness or you can kiss your ass good bye...

Anonymous said...

Damn i really wanted to see that clip:/

Anonymous said...

The images are nothing,the gameplay is all!!!

Anonymous said...



just kidding I can't believe all these fucktards are showing up on here bashing your blog.

People you cannot judge a game by 20 secs of a trailer. Most of you fuckers will still by the game anyways so shut the fuck up.


CaptainKovalski said...

I really want to try HOME but I don't currently own a PS3 (it broke on me), but HOME does look very very promising.

TyrantII said...


Looks like all the fanbois and even some Gaming Pundits are using your comments on the behind the scenes GOWIII stuff to say that you promised something that just isn't and that GOW failed to live up to the "hype" you created, or whatever that was.

Man, do you ever thing we can put the cat back in the hat and go back to a day when gaming enthusiasts comment about gaming, rather then pumping something up in this pundit "color" commentary that reeks of Drudge report or TMZ?

It's infectious and it's bleeding in everything from politics, to sports center, and even gaming.

Since when has it been cool to base all forms of reporting on TMZ blowhard drama?

Anonymous said...

Ha ha. Dave, don't listen to any of these people. You do not have to explain yourself about what we saw and what you saw. I personally am a die hard God of War fan and thought that the trailer looked amazing. Anyway you probably can't even explain yourself the way most of the people commenting on here want you to (due to legal issues with Sony). Anyway, keep up the good work with all of your games and your blog.

P.S. Can't wait to see your next game.

Anonymous said...

David Loved GOW3 but the graphics werent as wat u said, i mean it looks GREAT! yes but not AMAZING, SPEECHLESS KIND OF THING! Maybe you could tell us if this is like a prototype version of God of War 3, or will they make the graphics better?

Anonymous said...

Yup, more proof that the anon idiots who frequent this blog lack reading comprehension and context.

You guys really want to find excuses to bash on Dave. Go back to NeoGAF if you want to do that shit.

Anonymous said...

Wow Thanks jaffe.

Anonymous said...


Jaffe is not making GOWIII!!!!
Jaffe is not making GOWIII!!!!
Jaffe is not making GOWIII!!!!

If you REALLY have a gripe with a 35-40 second trailer, take it up with you people are thick.

Anonymous said...

What a Bunch of Fucktards, coming in here and saying that GOW3 looks like ass and for David to explain himself. Fucking zealots, "you need to learn to read". The stupidity, seriously fucking kill yourselves. This is not what David saw and on top of that he can not speak about it anymore than what he's already said (wrote). Again just kill yourselves.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the video was taken down.

Anonymous said...

Hi David, I applied to your club and I hope you accept it because it would be awesome to be in the same club as the man who made Twisted Metal 2!

Ulquiorra-sama said...

i actually love home, but you're right, there's nothing interesting to do there. hope sony'll release more stuff soon.

Anonymous said...

you. suck.

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