Hey ya'll- in Utah this week working on the game. Great meetings, great progress. Spent the last month or so mainly focused on visuals and level design. Now we're turning lots more attention back to pure gameplay, so I'm happy :)
As you can see, it's cold and snowy! LOVE IT! Would not want to live in weather like this (which is why I live in SoCal) but a damn nice place to visit!
Anyway- sorry so little blog love this week but it's tough when our days are packed with meeting after meeting. I'll hit ya'll up this weekend and let you know my final take on MGS4 (I am currently on- what I assume- is the final boss: a battle with Ocelot way up high is pretty much the end, yes?!?)....
Ok, gotta get to bed- early morning tomorrow.
No worries David. The more busy you are the sooner we get to play your games. That makes sense right?
Enjoy the snow. It was almost 70 here in PA today.
Yup...thats pretty much the end. Get a drink and take a bathroom break...some waaay too long cutscenes coming.
I think there is some stuff after the credits also if I remember right
At least you don't look super pissed in this snowy photo :)
looking sexy jaffski
Graphics and level design sounds like the most fun part.
Hey David,
just to let you know although you are saying it is a nice place to visit, it kind a look like moscow suburb...
very gray and builings...
I much prefer south California !
safe trip back home
Hey jaffe wats up this is Agent-X from the HipHopGamerShow i just wanna let you know that the God of War 3 details and scans that was suppose to be released by Game Informer on friday ended up being released early by some stupid idiots, its all over the site man anyways hope u read this, take care 1 luv god bless.
Yep last boss and uber long cut scenes afterward..all worth it of course!
Yeah, the cutscenes following Ocelot are well worth it. Snowy weather doesn't bother me too much, I love when it snows here in New York, the main problem is that it doesn't go away quick enough when it needs to >_>.
I don't know, snow before christmas is great! puts me in the right mood. afterwards it's just annoying.
oh, btw, today's the release of fl0wer! can't wait to see how "emotional" it is!
The fight is indeed the finale to MGS4, and it's quite fitting. I loved the final cut scenes also, I'm looking forward to what you think of the game & the gameplay/cut scene ratio.
Hope there's only a few tweaks in the gameplay mechanics until we get some footage. ;]
In london, we were snowed in. Everything stopped running, i even had a few days off from Uni.
In terms of gameplay, yeah, that's the end. In terms of cutscenes, you've got the whole game ahead of you xD!
I bet Utah is beautiful in the winter time.
Are you looking forward to Street Fighter IV next week? or Killzone2?
hat end fight annoyed me soo much. If you lost you had to go ALL the way back to the MGS 1 montage. And the fighting mechanics were not the greatest. It was no Street Fighter. But that doesn't mean it ruined it. I still love MGS4 and thinks is one (if not) the best PS3 games.
You crazy Californians ... snow is not fun when you live with it all winter long! 8)
Looks kind of how the UK has for the past few weeks, we didn't like it much either.
As for Metal Gear, it's a fanboy wet dream, and I'm the first to admit it. But as far as i'm concerned there isn't a damn thing wrong with that. Kojima gave the people what they want.
Just finished Flower. Everyone needs to get on and buy that game. It's cheap and it's one sitting, but it's some of the best pacing I have ever experienced, and new things are introduced slowly and come to an amalgamation of techniques in the finale that you have to use. And interactive credits.
I won;t go into the emotional depth. Lets say the audiovisual experience is enough to make me smile VERY frequently.
And as for gameplay, I am still trying to think about what made me like to more than fl0w, because they are much the same. But fl0w did not work for me at all. Narrative, perhaps more conventionally 'gamey'. I can't tell yet. I'll need to dip in again,
I want to know what you are working on so bad. Hopefully it will get announced soon.
The snow is pretty awesome. Here in Baltimore it only snowed once and it was not all that good. Love the weather now though, mid 50's. It is nice out.
You are pretty much at the end. The ending is pretty awesome. It's such a great game.
Have fun working on the game. I want to be able to make a game so bad. Need to find a good college for it. Got any recommendations for one?? Would really appreciate it.
Good luck over there, but it's been raining a bunch here (I'm so cal as well).
Till the weekend.
I live in Salt Lake City. Utah rules. David Jaffe, if you're still in the state on Feb. 27th, try to get tickets to the MC Hammer / Vanilla Ice concert in Orem. You won't find that happening in California.
Hey Jaffe! This sounds dumb but I live next to SLC. Wonder if I could get an autograph? If so! SWEET!
Welcome to UTAH David! Enjoy the snow caps while you can! It ain't the world's greatest snow for nothing!
Need a Job 3D Modeler,
Kymnbel Bywater
i'm not sure it's the appropriate way to get in touch with you but... i'm working for a french magazine and we'd like to do an interview of you! So if you're ok, mail me to slanyeh@yahoo.fr
Kymnbel Bywater,
we are hiring. Can you shoot me a resume?
I believe the GoWIII footage you raved about is out, David.
I'm so angry with excitement I want to punch someone!!!!
Just saw the new trailer. I suppose it's the one that "looks like painting". Well, I'm speechless. I only want to say thank you for starting this epic saga. Can't wait until it hits PSN.
OMG dave..................... please tell me you saw the new god of war trailer on g4.......Ive never even played god of war, I was never interested, until I saw this new trailer!!!! It so exciting. It gets me pumped...the music..the graphics....shit man......ITS AMAZING>> You should post the video on ur blog...I think I might buy god of war 3
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