At least the dev kit :)
Check this shit:

DAMMIT! Today I broke off my 6th fucking USB port thingy that hooks the controller up to the dev kit. I know you can't tell all that well from this pic, but that little black tab on the floor is the thing that hooks the end of the usb cable into the ps3. And they are very, very fragile for some unknown motherfucking reason. And I was simply walking by the damn dev kit and the cord caught on my leg and snap! God Damn Motherfucker just popped and shut my day down. According to our producer Angelic, she has already had to send 8 of the God Damned things in for repair! So at least I don't feel so bad about being the only one this happens to. But still...DAMN!
And since I've never been able to get a PS3 dev kit to work with a wireless controller (not sure if they are designed to)- and since it happened too late in the day for the office in Utah to make get it Fedex'd out before tomorrow- I'm fucking out of luck playing the game till Wednesday!
Ah well, I guess I can do some work on the shell/main menu design tomorrow.
Fuckin' grumble, grumble.
Did you watch Let The Right One In? I'm curious what you thought of it.
Don't think I've ever seen a PS3 Dev kit. Was always curious what you played the builds you were getting on.
Reminds me of the old xbox mics...I snapped so many of those things where the earpiece hooks to the thing that went on your head.
Bummer man, hope ya get up and running again soon.
You might want to remove some of the dust from the vent channels there ;)
All my love to you, continue in the business.
Edit: Spelling errors...
Yes, tis a dusty fuck, no? :)
I'm guessing the current build isn't burned onto a Blu-ray yet, otherwise I would bring in my ps3 to play some kick-ass new Jaffe game... ;)
I'm guessing that's why it's so hard to develop for the PS3! That does sound pretty frustrating!
I didn't see the USB clip on the floor. My attention was on the vent holes. Did a small rodent crawl into the PS3 dev kit and explode? Holy hell that thing needs to be cleaned!
I'm curious as to the apparent "Foot switch" socket. An ironic port given how you killed that tab.
well back on topic
that fucking sucks
glad the ps3s for us small folk get better usb ports lol
and thanks for showing me a small pic of a dev kit ps3 looks like
hell yea dave thats a dusty muhfucka xD
This is...really surprising. All 6 broke? That's impressive in all the wrong ways.
Connect the antenna (comes with every dev kit, the thing with a suction cup) to back of the kit. After that you can use any ps3 controller.
Hey David,
just to continue what you said from a couple posts back in the comments section.
I guess I will just have to respectfully disagree with you on the whole installation thing. I mean seriously dude... you think people are dishing out thier cd's to other people??... I just think that says something about a disconnect between you guys and what's actually happening out in the real world.
Listen you want a free copy of a game for pc? you don't need to borrow anyones disc, you can download it for fucking free. Go to any torrent site. The people who buy the games aren't the ones pirating your shit, and putting a install limit on my paid disc only punishes me for something someone else is doing.
I'm not sure its a sense of entitlement man, its just getting what you pay for. I mean I think the whole piracy thing is comparable to people videotaping movies in theaters or upload dvds on torrent sites... the people who do that don't speak on behalf of what the majority of movie goers like you or I who continually support good quality movies in theaters think. Same way the pirates of the video game world don't represent the rest of the consumer base.. I mean its shit that's its out there I get it, but you can't punish your loyal consumer base and then turn around and tell them they were too entighteld anyway...
would you buy a dvd of a movie or a box set of a series that could only be played a certain number of times on your dvd player??
The piracy thing doesn't even translate to the platforms in my opinion, as far as I know no one is pirating the ps3 games... and very few on the xbox360 if at all...
The whole PSN thing is dumb, I do agree with you there... it was just a poor decision on their part.
that's just my 2 cents man...I don't mean to stir shit up, its just that I don't think you and Pachter thought that through very well...
If the issue is piracy then there are way better ways of getting around that (ex STEAM, with online verification, etc..) if the issue is used games that hurt developers, then why take it out on the people who are actually buying the games legit? what EA did is not the answer. There has got to be a better middle ground.
Imagine a 360 dev kit. *shudders*
I used a dev kit for over a year and a half at my last job and was lucky enough to never have any issues with it. Aside from the fact only two of the 6 USB ports actually worked.
I guy I worked with had the same problem as you, though. I think he just kinda jammed it back in there and got it working. Which is why he was pissed when I borrowed one of his pads without realising and knocked the thing out again.
I always preferred the PS3 to the 360 (and definitely Wii) dev environments, but they're so damn fragile. And enormous.
Ah i love any talk about game design/development in any way, shape or form. Keep it up
Thanks Jaffe :)
you can play released games on the dev kit right? but that sucks... your sixth!?
That shit is delicate. Be more careful.
Dave you should take care of your shit better. Look at the dust bunnies you have on that thing! :(
I thought the dust bunnies would go away if I just laughed and made a lot of noise. Fucking Miyazaki, that liar! :)
Dude get a Dirt Devil Scorpion. It's a great little powerful vac that comes in handy for pulling the dust bunnies out of electronics.
I just had a YLOD on my PS3 and fixed it...
http://tinyurl.com/crrzv2I vacuumed it out like every 2 - 3 months and I had much less dust bunnies within the internals then most of the open PS3 photos I have seen.
Make sure you buy the one with the cord, the cordless ones' batteries get crappy after a while.
I would definitely clean that out soon though. That Cell Broadband Engine needs to breath man! ;)
I would be pissed if I couldn't play Twisted Metal PS3 too!
Just caught the 2nd Bonus Round. Had to post my one point rebuttle:
Why would you want a console if OnLive is available?
Because ISPs are even more unreliable than the Xbox360. If your power goes out, your cable goes down.. etc. Your gaming is OVER. What if you lose your job and can't budget for the service? Your to-date investment in the service counts for nothing.
That doesn't appeal to me.
I don't know if I should be posting here but I just want to say that I'm glad I found this blog. I've been a big fan for quite a while now and I've enjoyed reading this blog.
Sorry to sound like a suck up btw...
Hi, David. I don't think it's fair to blame the PS3 dev kit for having fragile USB ports. Blame the USB spec itself. I can't even tell you how many broken USB ports I've had to suffer through in my life. Countless! The damned things just break easy, period. PC's, laptops, whatever. The pins just get bent, the plastic breaks, etc. etc. on and on.
Now, as far as not being able to use a wireless controller with the dev kit... that IS worth bitching about.
Anyway, good luck with your projects.
You know My Playstation 3 collects dust, but not like yours.... Wow!! Thats crazy, Mr. Jaffe. My Ps 3 looks really new compared to yours... as I love all my consoles I'd have to say it almosts hurts me to see the condition of you Playstation 3... lol! could you take some more pictures of you Ps 3. I've never seen a Ps3 for dev. Just by looking at yours you can tell that thing is loaded!
oh i m sorry for that...but can somebody ..explain what is this thing :its a computer...which contain 3d editors and programms to build games or it s just a console to test games or level on it after they where cooked on pc....or it s machine which cook /convert stuff to make them work on ps3...i hope that david make a small video show what is exactly and whats its role is...
David Jaffe Sorry For The PS3 Devkit fucking up on you man. but listen your great at what you do so you know what use that anger at the moment and come up with a game idea and blow away the competition. Listen David this is HIPHOPGAMER I need you to come on the hiphopgamershow man oh my god it will be a honor to have you man for real i've been following you for a long time with your career and your the fucking truth man. So listen contact me as soon as you can please hiphopgamer@hiphopgamershow.com let's make this happen and trust me man It won't be a waste of your time. thanks. also you can contact me on SKYPE my contact name is HIPHOPGAMER ok man peace and most of all GOD BLESS see you at E3
haha oh wow HIPHOP-LAMER has arrived.
Who or WHAT is HipHopGamer ? is he related to CountryGamer, or HeavyMetalGamer ?
I want a cool name also...How about: 80's-Rock-Ballads-Gamer !?
So yeah, Skype me up too, Dave. I want to ask you some Q's!
To give you some taste: How do you feel is the best way to rock out in the rain, after having your heart broken into millions of pieces ?
"Real Talk" apparently doesn’t involve grammar.
What a shameless plug.
Hey David,
did you think about using a USB hub when you had only a couple of ports left?
Seriously dude calm the fuck down, arent those things expensive?
Out of all the programming and intelligent shit you know I think you should study SMOKE 2.0
SMOKE 2.0 keeps the stress down and is awesome at the strip bar
que poronga.
make a game for xbox360, you have no problems at all ;)
Jaffe in your newest game I think it would fantastic if you somehow worked that into a trophy title. "Silver trophy, broken USB thingy"
If i were you i would make a God of War for XBOX360 :)
No, those devkits are not meant to work with controllers wirelessly. Would introduce too many issues when developing a game that could more often than not be related to wireless interference, running out of battery, etc. Not a good idea.
Also, why do you constantly feel the need to make a point and defend your preferences?
It's nobody's fuckin business whether you like PS3 more than Wii. That, and you work for Sony. If you liked the 360 more I'd suggest a job change.
I like your taste though. Xbox exclusives are shit.
Dude, I think your bigger problem is (a) your mouth or (b) the fact you've got dust dragons (not dust bunnies) clogging up that whole thing.
Wasn't there a firmware upgrade for old Sixaxis controllers that needed to be applied in order to have them work wirelessly on new Devkit firmware ?
Oh dude.....clean your kit....is a very dirty kit...
"I thought the dust bunnies would go away if I just laughed and made a lot of noise. Fucking Miyazaki, that liar! :)"
Being a big Miyazaki fan, that quote made my day. I tip my hat to you, good sir.
Jaffe could ruin 30 dev kits. Sony is his B*TCH!!!
God of War III.
Period, the end!!!
Yo, David. Thought I'd let you know that CVG.com is calling you out on this post.
Apparently they're taking you a bit too seriously.
Some people in the comments section over there are also upset by the fact that you use the "F" word a lot.
Fucking retards.
Just for you Jaffe.
ur awesome! but I would like to see more of the PS3 dev kit. pics and info PLZ!
Hay, you're suppose to plug a usb jumper in & then plug the controller in the jumper.....that way you don't
wreck the port, cappich?
noticed your twitter on your blog re: MOH: Underground
It's my favorite fps ever aswell...haha nice work
Molotov cocktail ftw!
The Devkit wireless pads work fine as long as you plug the ariel in. Though they don't auto-switch off, so you'll probably find you drain'em dead every couple days. That's why I just put up with the bloody cables still.
Hey David, I was working at SCEA San Diego up til the layoffs in december, so know the pains with the devkits. You need to plug in the black disc shaped thing with a wire to the port on the back of the kit to use the pads wirelessly, as it's the bluetooth antenna, took me a while to figure that out too! Also I bought a cheap USB extender cable, left that plugged into the cheap ports on the front, then just plugged and unplugged stuff into the extender, as it was better built, good luck! :)
WELL THEN JAFFE, maybe you should tell sony to send you another one. :)
Yo fruit!
Hey I just want to know if you think all that you have done was done before you did what you did? I'm a nigga fan of HHG and me my self and me be all hip in about the way you crack up it bitch and be done fo show. Gaming be outch and bedamn your ho fo leaving my bro in the gansta fo sure. I love to stab a biggie in yo! If yo know what I mean ga-dave. Hit HPG up bigie fo so we can hit it.
Thanks: Biggy Sluppie.
This be hippin hop hipper from dat HHG crew ya hear? I bet you be bitchen that you aint been on HHG's cast nigga, it be the SHIZNIT.
I'm looking for a way to contact David Jaffe, not in a business way or journalistic way, but just as...a way(couldn't think of a way). The reason why I would like to contact him is because i would like to talk to him and ask him some questions and...cant think of anything else. Also i would like to state now that I am no way affiliated with any press or website, i work at walmart for fuck sake, i guess im just a fan wanting to talk to the man responsible for two of the greatest video game franchises ever made, and for making my experience as a gamer more fun through the years, if you do read this david then please email me at Blood4Inque@yahoo.com, or ignore me and keep making good games.
Hey jaffe sorry about your dev kit man.Killzone 2 is freakin sweet.That game is evil it steals hours of my life daily.I can't stop playing it.What's your favorite class and weapon to play with.Mine is the engineer the bots and shotgun are brutal.Got in the top 1 percent last week.It was hard as hell.Well thanks for the blog man.Hope you post again soon. your fan Chad
Yeah, man I was the PS3 test lead on a huge holiday game this past season and I happen to get a Devkit to test on and I snapped 3 of those things right off before I started walking on eggshells around the damn thing.
I never actually used one but a couple of our devs actually made Bluetooth dongles so that they could use the controller wirelessly. I'm not sure if a regular bluetooth dongle would work but it is possible to make one if you know what your doing, i don't so thats all I can tell you. It is possible we have the technology.
P.S. Not sure if it would work, this is just a theory but if you can get a hold of a PS3 version of the Guitar for GH3 that one came packaged with a bluetooth dongle it might work.
That's terrible. It sets you back a couple days. If you were going to announce it December 31, 2009 the two days means you'd unveil it January 2, 2010. GAGH 1 YEAR FROM NOW.
Darnit man, hope that wasn't what you had in mind
H to the H to P is in da hiz-houzzzz!!
You Davez, hook me up with da inteviewziiz-for-shilziiz. I love em' Dawg of War games youse is putting out! Gra-tos is my nigga for sho'
what the hell happened to this comment section??
anyway, david you really gotta stop visiting GAF. they bust your balls and get you all worked up.
lol, his favourite FPS is medal of honor: underground
Dude, I dig your opinions and your talents. Keep it up.
Can't wait for GOWIII.
fuck you no ps3 big fat chit no aver tronpezado tontopoyas fuck yourmother big ead ps3 is GREAT THE BEST PLAY IN THE WORLD sucks
suck you no sony fat
Huhh!!!! Jaffe said the fuck the PS3. Is the world coming to an end?? LOL. Kidding
I want to use them one day. I will use one of the someday. I am that confident I will be a dev. I wish but hopefully I can.
And that sucks it broke, they can't make a more sturdy dev kit?? :)
It's Sony, the hardware kings!!!!
Just out of curiosity, how the hell did a broken clip for a USB port put the kibosh on your development for the entire week? I see no less than 6 USB slots in that picture.
Also, what the fuck does a USB slot need some kind of clip for anyway? Your Universal Serial Bus doesn't seem very universal at all if it requires a clip.
Not easy to devellop on the PS3 I guess.
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