Friday, June 11, 2010

I swear I'm not dead...

...and neither is the blog. We've just had a hell of a crazy milestone that's been taking all our time. With all the execs in town for E3, Sony scheduled a milestone for our game the week of E3 so the upper ups could swing by the Santa Monica studios and we could demo for them how the game is coming along. That's the great news. The BAD news is we've been head deep in fecal paste trying to make this demo kick ass to the point that the execs will forget about all the sweet Sony games from E3 and leave LA talking about OUR game demo instead :)

Granted, we're a bit behind those other games that are show floor ready BUT can hope! :) Milestone is looking great but it's taken all our time and so that's what's been up with lack of updates. I WILL be at E3 for a day next week it turns out cause I'm driving up to LA to show the execs the game. Figure if I'm in town anyway, I'd be nuts if I didn't swing by the convention center. So perhaps I'll see some of you there. If not, chat with you on the blog in about a week!

So excited- E3 is days away! Gosh, what do I really want to see the most?!?!

Here's my initial list of games I'm eager to play/see/learn more about. I am sure I'm missing some but this is just what leaps to mind:

NATAL (want to try it, I'm curious. Already played with the MOVE and I dig that as well)

Ok back to the grind! Talk next week!



Mike G said...

Just remembered - we never got your thoughts on GoWIII. How bout a video blog about it with written supplement? Know you're swamped, just wanted some extended commentary beyond the tweets!

David Jaffe said...

Hey- I'll post my thoughts on GOW III in a week or so. Overall I LOVED IT! But I get and appreciate some of the consistent criticisms. But for me, thought it was just super great!


Archminion said...

Hope you blow them away with your demo.

Good Luck !

Anonymous said...

I know your demo will be awesome, good luck getting it finalized. Huge fan! Cannot wait to see more on your game! Also you should be looking forward to The Last Guardian :p

Unknown said...

any comments on HipHopGamer's claims of you working on God Of War IV, I know if they fucked up three, you're the type to go back and fix the story.


Dude! Everyone at PlayStation LifeStyle would love to meet the Legendary David Jaffe at E3, haha.

It's my first E3, so I'm uber excited. Nerd Heaven here I come!

Adam said...

Hey David, been reading your blog for a while now and I just watched the Homefront trailer that just popped up in the last day or so. Call me crazy, but wasn't this your game? Almost down to the letter? Swap China for Korea and move it to a next gen console... Just wondering if you might shed some light on it, or maybe just post your thoughts.
Anyway, glad to see you're still blogging! Can't wait to see what you've been working on!

Alex said...

Since you're looking forward to the new MK game, I was wondering what your thoughts were on the teaser trailer for the "proposed" MK reboot for the film franchise. I totally hope that this director gets the funds to make an awesome movie!

Necroticart said...

I'm really looking forward to MK. I can still remember playing MK3 the first day my local arcade got them in. Hopefully this one lives up to the originals and introduces and even sicker lvl of detail and gore. oh and one other thing what no scorpion in the teaser i'm surprised he is known for being a favorite among the developers. and i'm David looking forward to seeing what your working on your stuff is always a treat. Good Luck with the conference.

gravitii said...

I have faith that your next game is going to kick fucking ass! Hope to see it at next year's E3!

Sadeq said...

Dude, come E3 2011 you gotta be on stage during Sony's press conference demoing your game.

Also, I just wanted to let you know that I would take Calling All Cars PSP port/sequel over both Peace Walker and Ghost of Sparta combined (make it happen Sony/ESP).

Archminion said...

Surely we'll see it before next year's E3?

evolgenius said...

You sly dog. I almost fell for all your misdirection.

Roman said...

This post felt fishy for a reason LOL

GrYnder McDuff! said...

That was fucking beautiful, man.

Can't wait to see what Single Player is going to offer!

Shades Perk said...

Holy balls. You had me for a second.

The Deep Man said...

Just saw you at E3, GREAT delivery of an amazing game coming up. Doing the pre-order as soon as I can!

Anonymous said...

Nice showing at E3, really digging the look for Twisted Metal! The cars seem hefty and like they control awesomely.

Lorenz said...

well played jaffe, well played.

I loved you being there on that E3 stage..

Pao said...


joshp18 said...

WOOOOOOOOOOT!!! Twisted Metal at E3!! I love AND hate you David Jaffe!

Hate: Because you lied and told us you weren't making TM. Although it's totally understandable and I LOVED hog big of a surprise Sony made it this year.

Love: Because you are continuing one of the GREATEST franchises in gaming!!

David are truly a legend.

R3CK said...

I started getting my hopes up when you were now going to E3 for a day and just got done with a milestone build.

I'd love to be there playing right now!

Anonymous said...

you liiiiiiaaarrr! god i can't believe that i fell for it. I should have known you were going to surprise us. awesome showing jaffe/campbell and esp inc!!!

HiHuman said...

You have made me a very happy man David... Been waitin 10 years!. Looking forward to 2011!

x8856x said...

Mannn!!! Your a dick you lied! Tm looks badass on ps3. I hope to see more throughout the year :)

x8856x said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nipun said...

David you lying bitch! You coaxed and fooled everyone of us into believing that you were working on a new IP, and not TM. I am so angry (NOT), that I'd tie you at the back of my car and take you for a fuckin' ride (as you showed in the new TM mode: Nuke).

Jokes apart, you are THE man! Love ya loads, Sir!

P.S. 'Nuke' looks shiznit!

TyrantII said...

you dirty slut...... Love it!

Bring back the grunge and the gore! And screw real time physics! I want fast and sleek, not flipping over every misaligned jump!

PS, please tell us you have 1st party support and collaboration on the engine...

rocky said...

thank u sir

Unknown said...

Awesome E3 show. The truck on stage was over-the-top cool, better than a Cirque du Soleil show. If the Zelda franchise gives me reason to buy a Wii, I know which franchise will alone get me to get my hands on a PS3.

Watching demos, my first thought: Match of choppers vs. choppers... I wonder how motorcycles-only would do against helicopters-only. Taking out a helicopter with a flaming chainsaw will make my day!

twist3drick said...

I tried the demo at e3 and fuckin loved it. The music, the speed, the missiles, all just awesomeness. Cant wait for the full release.

Love you Jaffter!

ps. I was looking out for you at Sony booth but noting. I was carrying my head on version for a signature.

Maybe next time

Anonanon said...

Jaffe, I know you are really "fried up" right now. The internet is with you, Olivia Munn NEEDS to get fired. Twisted Metal is AMAZING.

Cheer up!

Archminion said...

Hey David!

What happens to the big old ice cream truck used on the show now?

Does it get scrapped off, sold or 'archived' ??

Just curious

Unknown said...

Just saw an interview with you and Olivia Munn. She was extremely rude. Oh yeah, excited about Twisted Metal.

joshp18 said...

What is it with everyone saying Olivia Munn was rude? She wasn't being rude and even Jaffe said he had a good time interviewing with her. That's just how she is, and quite frankly she's freaking hilarious. G4 is known for their over-the-top humor and attitude which is why people love the channel so much.

I'm a huge Jaffe and Twisted Metal fan and I didn't feel anything she was saying was at all a rude gesture towards Jaffe or the ESP team. She was just being herself which is a rare quality most interviewees have. It's nice to see someone like Olivia doing interviews. I was laughing throughout the whole thing. It was brilliant.

Anonymous said...

Hey jaffe I have a question. So in nuke mode, whats stops a enemy helicopter ramming itself into a missile that is flying towards your "metal monster"?????? Cause I bet everyone will get in a helicopter and try to ram their selves into the incoming missile attack to stop it. To be honest Im not sure if I like this helicopter seems it will cause more of a balancing problem if anything.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jaffe

omg i lost my breath didn't see the live action trailer coming, does this meen the other faction get one to? to see Doll face in live action would be awsome (if she n faction have a trailers) , i cant wate to see the drivers n the other factions. i been haveing a blast talking about on TMA.

im also waiting for Mortal Kombat 9


JIBRAIL said...

hi David
am a loooong time follower of your blog( the only blog I follow btw ), just registerd to thank you for bringing back one of my all time favourite games.
You have no idea what good memories this brings back from the old days where I used to play this with my little brother, thanx to you.
really glad for you guys, keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Can you upload the Axel small brawl ending?

Unknown said...

hey Jaffe! This is Josh Hughes--I met ya at E3 (I was the dude who asked you for a EatSleepPlay sticker and you said you'd mail me a copy of Twisted Metal since you were out)--my addy is

Josh Hughes
826 Crescent Drive
Great Falls, Montana 59404

Please have as many peeps at ESP sign it too bro! It was awesome to meet you--you guys are a huge inspiration! Please check out my team's website too at --someday I promise we'll mail a copy of our first game to you!

Josh Hughes

Navani said...

I'm so excited about Twisted Metal! I watched your GT interview and it's nice to see in interviews how hands on you are with your fans. The environment of Motorstorm 3 seems to sort of resemble TM. I wish I could go to E3 sometime.. I know you're busy with your new game, but I always wondered .. What were some ideas you've pitched for games that never really fruited?


barrett33 said...

Hey David

I met you on the third day of E3. I asked you about Public Relations with Sony and you introduced me to the SCEA PR manager(dont want to name names online). Anyway I just really wanted to thank you for that. E3 has got to be the most busy week of your year and you not only talked to me but you went and got me the exact person I would need to talk to, to make my dreams come true. I cannot tell you how much you taking 10 minutes out of your busiest day of the year to help me out means to me. I sent an Email and I hope I can get some sort of an internship or something going on with SCEA in the coming year. Even if it doesn't work out and I hear nothing back I still really appreciate your help and your a really great guy. Twisted metal looked awesome and playing it was even better, Your game and your kind act made my first E3 one of my favorite memories. thanks again David.

Barrett Bachmann-Lang

Anonymous said...

Jaffe you dawg! I went absolutely sick when I saw Sweet Tooth and yourself at the end. I still have Twisted Metal 1 and World Tour, I even imported TM3 and TM4 from the USA!

Seeing you there was ace.

Anonymous said...

I agree not to submit my personal creations and ideas.

Mel said...

Congratulations! Your game has the the body of a twenty year old. Maybe next year you will do Twisted Metal again and ask for the semi-original TM2 Calypso head ... or at least the voice!

Seriously dude...may there be many more!

Unknown said...

I found a IPOD at a airport that has your name on the back and from the photos on it apppears that it might be yours, if you lost one let me know and Ill make arrangments to get it back to you.

Anonymous said...

jeff development videos of twisted metal on u youtube channel? possible or no?

hyperhealer said...

Mr. Jaffe,

Gaming Newbie here. Just got into and digested the entire God of War Franchise from start to end and I just wanted to let you know that in this sequels obsessed entertainment inudustry, your original God of War was my favorite as far as story and direction... which made it more immersive for me than the others. That's not to say that I didn't love the sequels because I did and still do. It's just that in yours, Kratos was a regular guy. He had emotions and motivations that we all could understand. He laughed and cried at times. In the sequels, he was sort of a caricatures of himself... or just one sided. Still loved GOW II and GOW III games for other aspects of it though.

If I didn't miss it, what did you think of Heavy Rain? I know that when budget cuts are made in the video game business, the writers are the first ones to get the cut, but I think this is a mistake. A good story is oftent the most impotant aspect, but I can see the conventional wisdom when a significant chunk of the consumers are teenagers that just want to shoot, hack and slash.

Just wanted you to know that I exist and that I appreciate your work. Looking foward to more of your work soon.


El Jefe said...


Say I was, hypothetically speaking, the Marketing Manager on one of, if not the, biggest and best selling games. And say, for instance, an open-world racing combat game was my favorite of all time. And if, just conjecture of course, you were in need of great people who can help spread the word to the masses. Well, I'll leave it at that.

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