Sunday, September 30, 2007


Hey all...sorry the updates have been few and far the last 2 weeks. Just lots and lots going on. Hate blogs that don't update without reason so that's why I'm posting now:

I'm going on blogger hiatus for the new 2-6 weeks. I'll be back; always am. Still dig the blogging but just got lots to take care of the next month or so. So I'll ya'll back up around Halloween or a bit after. Take care, hope everyone is doing really well!

I'll miss ya...but I'll see ya soon!



felman said...

Jaffe, my life is not complete without your commentary. Don't leave me alone with Major Nelson, he's scary

Anonymous said...

Great I just started reading your blog yesterday and now you're not going to update it for a month. Just my luck. :D

Joel said...

well it sucks that one of my favorite sites isn't going to be updated for even longer!

(it already felt like a long time)

lol, but your working long and hard on a project that i'm REALLY excited for...

so, for that reason, and that reason only... i am actually almost a little GLAD that you are going to focus so much of your time and attention to work.

make sure the game is PERFECT!!

all the tuning and testing is SOOO worth it.

Anonymous said...

TM: Lost will burn !!!
Dont forgett to make it Dark like TM: Black ;)

MOSTMAN said...

David: Congrats on the new Game Company. Shoot me an e-mail if you want to do any merchandising (toys, apparel, etc.)on your games. I think you were happy with what we did with the God of War 2 action figures. Hope to hear from you. Marc Mostman, MOST MANAGEMENT.

gary Z said...

hi Jaffe really love your blogs man..was waiting quiet a while for ur next one ...nice tat it finally came up but wit a bad news of u taking a break from the site..wat ever gud to hear u r making more kick ass games at ur own studio..keep up the gud work of making us guys stick with gaming wit ur games such as GOW...TC c you soooooon!

Anonymous said...

Catch ya later dude.


Wings of Martyr said...

I'm sorry for re-posting this, I know you're very busy. You told me you would answer my questions when you could, but it's been a while.

I understand your "pitch" rules, I don't really know what I'm getting myself invloved in, but I figured this would be a start.

You said you're open for questions, so I've got some in mind.

I've really been thinking about going into the videogame feild. I've been checking out colleges for a while. I struggled a lot in school, but I made it though. I'd like to find a way around college, if possible. Please tell me about getting a job as a tester or asst. producer, that would really help me.

Also, How did you get where you are now, and what did you want to do before that? Please, tell me your story, from having nothing to having a serious reputation in the video game industry.


Anonymous said...


Unless you reply to me I will inform my LOCAL CONSULAR that the CIA runs an anti-christ training program and all their "THE RECRUIT"s go insane and watch "THE DEVILS ADVOCATE" and decide to betray CHRIST is ok because they broke on HADES.

The evidence will be very easy to find and the CIA won't be able to cover it up quickly enough, they will crucify you all upside down!



Unknown said...

lol @ felman's comment.

Come back soon Jaffe. Hopefully with a copy of God of War III in hand :D


PlayStation Museum said...

The most recent EGM magazine (number 221) said this about David Jaffe "He's still a dick.". What did you do to piss EGM off??

Anonymous said...


Unless you contact me on I will inform all the partners at your new venture "Incognito Studio" of Friedrich Nietzsche's work on the GREEK CLASSICS.

I will inform all the mega churchs in your state on your work on the GREEK CLASSICS and I will do a seminar for the ratings board on Friedrich Nietzsche's work on the GREEK CLASSICS and how Kratos is the perfect example of an UBERMENSCH.

By the end of this all your will have so many people calling you an ANTICHRIST that you will wish you had never pulled strings at Gmail to ban me!

All I want is a chat but you are so blinded by your selfish ambitions that you can't take me seriously.

P.S. Google Friedrich Nietzsche if you think this is only a nuisance.

Anonymous said...

OMG If I really am writing this blog to David Jaffe...... AWESOME my name is Nikolas Stepanoski and I love your fucking games they are awesome..... Especially GOW. :) Ya wanna know what I want to do when I'm older........ Be a game designer. :) can't wait. :) anyway can I have your MSN Or whatever you have I would really appreciate it. :) thanks

Nikolas Stepanoski

Anonymous said...

Hey back off Leave him fucking alone otherwise I'll knock ya to the end of the world.

Nikolas Stepanoski

AixAce said...

Nice to see that the GOW creator enjoyed Heavenly Sword and don't hesitate to say so.

I wonder if you've tried Everyday Shooter yet. This is the kind of stuff we like to see on the PSN. And if I've understood well, that's what you're aiming for with Eat Sleep & Play.

I mean we don't ask for another shooter, but some simple yet deep experience.

I hope that you'll bring some to us =) GL

The Director said...

Jaffe mate, how life? just checked out the official Eat Sleep Play Logo. Very nice mate. but when are u gonna start/open the official Eat Sleep Play site?

Anonymous said...

Come back to us Jaffster...

Anonymous said...

Gonna go and make your games eh? Not to bother you then. Make those games the godly games that I love.

...and get back on here.

derrickgott007 said...


Forest Anime said...


Anonymous said...

Enjoy your time off, hopefully it's spent learning more about presidential candidate Ron Paul. The hope for this country!

Let's change this country for the better!

Anonymous said...

Nice logo! I read the article but to be honest the first thing I though was more along the lines of an adult beverage.

I guess that is the simple beauty of it. The viewer can gather whatever connotations from it and the underlying message is consistent...It's fun.


Anonymous said...

xvSFbt Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!

Joel said...

its been SO lonnng!! can't wait till this hiatus is over!

Anonymous said...

CitCUk Thanks to author.

Anonymous said...

Hello all!

Anonymous said...

Nice Article.

Unknown said...

EY jeff why dont you Star Working on GOD 3 for the PS3 or are you? EGM Magazine have rumors of a GOD3 Release next December?. and oh yea you need to hired a Web designer the Main Page Sucks.

Anonymous said...

cool blog, oddly enough i had a cool conversation earlier tonight with an old friend regarding the coolest games of our youth, low and behold twisted metal came up, with all these re-releases of classic ps games for the ps3, the inveitable question crossed my mind....;) i only hope to be able to see sweet tooths sadistic grin in HD, regardless, thanks for all of the awesome games and cool memories

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks to author.

nabokovfan87 said...

hello Mr. Jaffe,

im a listener on the ps3nation podcast, i just wanted to say again thank you so much for doing the show, it turned out great. we all wish you the best.


Anonymous said...

Nice Article.

Anonymous said...


I am totally obsessed with Calling all Cars! That is the only game i play on PS3 and thats the god honest truth. My friends and I are wondering if you are ever going to expand it? We believe with an expansion that game would rule the PS3. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make some other levels for us to PWN everyone at. Im counting on you!!

Anonymous said...

Hello all!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to author.

Anonymous said...

Hello all!

Anonymous said...

8iWIeO Magnific!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog.

Mriceguy said...

I can't wait to see what Eat Sleep Play comes up with for their original ip! :)

Anonymous said...



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