EDIT: And that's all she wrote. We're well past our 20 card limit so THANK YOU guys/gals for all the interest. I will be sending the cards out in the next several days so you'll have to wait to see if you made the cut :)
Gotta run get the kids out of the bath- chat with ya'll later! And thanks again for playing!
Hey, wanna get a little Eat Sleep Play holiday cheer in your mailbox AND have a chance to win the very first EAT SLEEP PLAY game ever made?!?! Sure ya do!
So...check it out:
Here you can see our first evaaar Eat Sleep Play holiday card. I have 20 of these that I will send out to the first 20 people that send eatsleepplay100@yahoo.com a functioning snail mail address. NOTE: DO NOT COMMENT YOUR ADDRESS HERE....send it to eatsleepplay100@yahoo.com and see if you can get your hands on the card.
That alone-the chance to own what will one day be a small piece of classic gaming memorabillia!....err we hope :)- should be enough to get your ass rushing to your keyboard to enter your address! But if that wasn't enough...check this out:

There it is, the cover for our first game! I like it! Pretty snazzy, I think!
So here's how you could win a free copy of the thing!
The FIRST 3 people WHO HAVE BEEN SENT AN EAT SLEEP PLAY HOLIDAY CARD to comment on THIS BLOG (not at the eatsleepplay100 account) but THIS BLOG in 2008, will get a copy of the game!
So the steps are:
1- get a card by being one of the first 20 to send your address to eatsleepplay100@yahoo.com
2- IF you have a card AND you are one of the first 3 commenters on THIS BLOG in 2008 (SAN DIEGO TIME, BY THE WAY) you will win a copy of the game.
That's it...pretty easy, yeah?
As always, you need to be 18 to play and Eat Sleep Play makes the final rules and decisions about who won,lost,and why...no matter if you think you won or lost :)
So...hell...a free holiday card AND a maybe a free game! What the hell is wrong with you! Send us those addresses! :)
Good luck ya'll!
Talk soon!
ps. and don't forget. Don't comment here with the address...send it to eatsleepplay100@yahoo.com.
Thats a pretty sweet holiday card/prize!
Maybe I will get lucky this time...now that your free stuff requires no skill. I'm really looking forward to the 4 new black levels, and if its free even better :)
Does the lack of the PSonline insignia on the box mean no online play? :(
Well damn
I don't thik I'll be able to comment in the blog since I will be at my family party computer-less, but at least I want to see if I can get myself a Post card.
That is a sweet cover! And I'm excited for hear about the new PS3 game your studio is working on, now that would be a sweet x-mas gift! ;)
Love it and Love the Holidays
I sure hope it has online! X-fingers crossed-X
Does it have to be 2008 west coast time? cause east coast over here and I don't want that to effect anything.
Do we have to wait till David makes a new blog entry in 2008 or do we just comment on any existing blog entry?
Also, how do we show that we actually received a holiday card?
Oh snap!
I totally missed out on this one. I still have the Calling All Cars xmas card from last year too.
gg on the company cards, they look great!
I'm digging on the TW HO box art too :)
Hope you and your have a Happy Holiday!
Did you ever get my PS3Blog.net Interview questions? I never heard back from you after you told me to resend them...Let me know something...
Again, I was too late. Don't get me wrong, but these contests suck. I mean, there's no challenge in it, nothing, the winners are the fastest people and people who where visiting the blog at the moment of adding new post. And btw: ppl coming here are from different part of the world, so due to time difference it's often quite impossible to even participate in such contest. Change the rules, it'll be much better.
It's awesome to see a new Twisted Metal game coming out, i loved black so i'm looking forward to the new levels :D Please consider making a new Twisted Metal game for the PS3, it would be amazing to have it online for some deathmatch with Sweet Tooth :D Hell it could just be TM:Black with updated graphics and i'd buy it since i never had the online adapter for PS2 =(
Go on, you know you wanna make it :D
I was just wondering what time he put up the edit that said the 20 person limit had been passed.
Awesome cover Dave! I've already reserved my copy at GameStop!
Feb. 5th=Reckoning Day
hah man how on earth i missed that ..... any compliments for the last comments for the last ones please...!
damn, i SO missed out on this one.
damn! I missed yet another one. Argh. ;_;. This makes me weep.
Hay Jeffe i cant wate for this game. hay when you Guys make Twisted Metal Black 2 can you all bring in
Grasshopper ( i cant wate to see what she looks like), HammerHead, Twister, Crimson Fury, MR. Slam, Dark Tooth along with New Characters and give Sweet Tooth a daughter and call her Veronica Kaine.
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