Last 3 weeks have been totally dedicated- on my part- to level design. It's been fun and the levels are coming along great. But now it's time to shift gears to game play, game mechanics, and balance/detail issues. This is where the game really comes alive. The goal should be- at the end of this 'gameplay fitness' regime (as Scott calls it)- that we can put the controller in the hands of people and they realize it's very, very rough and they may need some explanations about some of the game play- but
once all that is taken into account- they are having a decent-to-really fun time.
Over the last month, as I've played the game and seen things I don't like, things I want to change/adjust, or just had brainstorms or issues, I'd write them on a post it note and stick it on my desk. Well today- now that level design is done for a few weeks- it's time to take those notes and get bizzy working with the team to deal with my gameplay issues, as well as the issues the rest of the team has.
So I've taken all my issues and put them in a hat and now I'm about to start going thru them all, one by one, and making notes of things I'd like to see the team take on in hopes of getting the game to a really fun state.
Wish us luck! Thought I'd share!
ps. not my place to say anything about the GOW III game director. Do I know who it is? Yes. Do I like the person. Totally. Do I think this person is very talented and hope this person will bring the talent I've seen from him before into the role of game director? Hells yeah. But it's not my place to drop names on a game I am not involved with. Keep an eye out from Sony in regards to this issue.
****END UPDATE*******
Hey- rammbly post today- just saying hey:
ps. MAN look at me pounding the caffeine...
Oh, it's real. I've been going through it the past few days.
I'm a avid Dr. Pepper drinker and recently been feeling under the weather when my blood sugar started spiking so I cut out the DP, and pretty much all sugar from my diet and it's nearly killing me. Stiff back, head aches, grumpy. Sheesh. I feel like I'm 90 yrs old.
Should have had the coffee in one hand Coke in the other :)
I played the Brothers in Arms demo and totally wasn't into it, the controls didn't feel that good and it just didn't make me want to play it...Did ya ever play Bioshock 360 PS3 demo whatever. Don't own a 360 but the demo seemed kinda cool.
Nice Vlog.
Hey Jaffe....
Out of pure curiosit here, I want to know how big your game is gonig to be when it's fully complete. Will the story be as big as God Of Wars? Will it be about the size of Twisted Metal: Black? I know it's not going to be the size of Calling All Cars. It wouldn't take you about two solid years to make a game the size of that.
Anyway, that is all
Any thought on LBP I see some one made a God Of War level. I didn't get a chance to play them yet, but the game its self is kick ass
God of war links below
Stig Asmussen will be the new director for God Of War 3 ...why didn't you tell us that Dave?
Thanks for actually answering that question, sorry if i made you say " How the fuck does he know?" or "why am i being asked this" ...sorry again
Hey Dave, you should dress up as Palin for Halloween... that would be awesome! :)
I felt like i just watch a commercial for Starbucks coffee?! :)
Caffine withdrawl is NO joke... I kicked the caffine two years ago... and for one week my head felt like it was going to implode!
I'll watch the elections if I get off of Little Big Planet. IF
david if you want to feel better take vitimin C slow realise tablets with no aspertaine.
also them drinks will not help you much hell they are partly the reason your feeling bad
i will say in 1 week you will feel a hell of alot better
Hey David,
I'm a long time fan (posted on this blog a few times) and don't really know the correct channel to reach you at, so I guess this is my best bet.
I'm currently working at a movie studio that's being built in Massachusetts- Plymouth Rock Studios. I've been asked (along with some other guys at the place) to find IPs that have a following in mediums outside of film (aka, comics and video games).
Being a big fan of your work, it took me all of ten seconds to wonder the possibilities of a TM movie. If there's anyway I could talk to you via Gmail chat or email, let me know. I basically wanted to ask your advice on who owns the property, what you personally think would work best, etc.
I'll admit- I'm part fanboy here. But I'm also part professional. I'm putting together some info on the game to pitch- so I hope you don't think I'm some crackpot/skeezy loser.
Kevin james is trying to suck dick to get to the top, probably works for Uwe Boll...be careful jaffe.
Is that Kevin James from King Of Queens?
DAMN you and your chicken scratch! The only word I can read is Suburb... Which could refer to a great number of things, but being the hopeful person that I am, I will assume it is simply referring to another Suburbs level for an upcoming Twisted Metal game :) Hmm... NYC + Chase Status. I think... Damnit! "Accidentally" write more clearly next time. I WANNA KNOW! :D
Oh! If you don't mind answering a question! Why exactly did TMB:2 get canned? From the levels on Extra Twisted Edition, it seemed pretty fun. I loved the idea of traveling over highways to reach other levels. I hope something like it is implemented into the next TM game.
Well anyway, Cliffy, keep up the good work. Hope the game gets unveiled soon! Do you think you'll get the thumbs up to unveil at E3? :)
P.S. I just thought it was worth mentioning (for whatever reason) that you end your Vlogs very abruptly. Every single time. A very quick "Talk to you guys later bai--"
...Eh, I thought it was funny. :|
"Kevin james is trying to suck dick to get to the top, probably works for Uwe Boll...be careful jaffe."
Nah, I just really love the TM series. Own 1-4, Head On (PSP and PS2), and Black. I'm one of the younger guys at the studio and was asked to find some noteworthy properties that could be made for a certain budget, would be recognized by average folks, etc. It's kind of a fanboy's dream come true.
And nope- not from King of Queens.
My email is on my blogger ID page, or whatever you'd call it.
After watching some Palin videos I gotta say. That accent makes her all the more attractive. Maybe that's from living up north.
Anyways kickass letter on Kotaku and keep up the good work.
i couldn't read anything!
Don't listen to Kevin, David! One of his favorite movies is Superman Returns. lol
And one of yours is Hook.
David, what is your personal opinion on the god of war 3 teaser? Did it look awsome? do you hope the game will look as good?
Awesome tips you gave to Tristan Crecente on his LBP level. Everyone loves jumping.
Didn't know where else to post it (I mean... I guess I coulda posted at Kotaku but you don't like commenting there.)
Love the dressing up as Palin idea!
Hey, check out this homemade music video for Orbital's "Waving, Not Drowning":
None of those Half-Life games are even as good as Mickey Mania, jaffe. And if you don't believe me I'll come to your fucking apartment and scream it in your face
i have never seen a video game being made, or talked about from the ground up... already being a HUGE TM fan this is something new and brilliant to me, keep on truckin dave, much love to my favorite video game developer
Turbonegro - sailor man!
Mortal Kombat Mishaps #2
Hey Cliffy B were you asked for input in the LittleBigPlanet GoW content?
Sorry for being late
I know what's cliffys new game is!!!!!
Its so obvious he doesn't confirm TM because that not the game they are working on. If you look at Vblog where he show us a sneak preview. That looks like sky scrapers to me. Anyways the game I believe they are working on is "war of monsters 2". The first one was a blast to play. a sequel for this game is also due.
Don't trust him, Cliffy! He owns TM 3 and TM4! TRAITOR!!!!!!!
Kevin james did you not like Hook? Because that was an awesome movie. You commented it in a negative way. If you like Superman Returns and not Hook...I'll be sad.
to all of u above all that matters is that Stig Asmussen is the Director for GOW III
I have a question for you. Have you ever considered making a remake of Twisted Metal 2? The reason I ask is I saw a new trailer for Viligant 8 Arcade and it started to make me think, what would it be like if Eat Sleep and Play remade TM2. Gosh damn! It's giving me the goosebumps just thinking about it, it would be so badass! If not, maybe if Viligant 8 sells a good amount then would you consider remaking TM2?
Why bother remaking TM2 when Head On exists?
The one that is a true sequel to Twisted Metal 2 with some added stuff from TM2 and Black?
I fucking loved the first two brothers in arms games, can't wait to play the latest one.
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