Sunday, November 23, 2008



Two things:

a- LOVE MGS4...have yet to finish it but I LOVE it. I just think as an overall game- for ME- Gears was able to achieve its goals better and thus, the overall game experience- for me- was better. But MGS4's ambitions were clearly very, very lofty, ambitious, and forward thinking and I think they succeeded at achieving those ambitions 90% of the time. GEARS SEEMED - what do I know?- to shoot for a simpler set of goals and they- to ME- nailed every single one of those goals. Both games are essential playing (and will probably remain so beyond 2008) and it's very possible that given how much unique stuff MGS4 tries to do, it could eventually be seen as the 'better' game. And I think it will certainly be seen as the game that influences more games- from a pure mechanics standpoint- going forward. Altho the Gears reload 'mini game' is genius and for some reason- for me- works SO MUCH BETTER in Gears 2 than in Gears 1 (altho I don't think it's changed so I dunno why I am saying that...but in GOW2 it just seems to fit in better). But come on, they are both classics.

b- We have not gone multiplatform. We are 100% exclusive to Sony and we are proud of and grateful for that affiliation. It means a lot to us to be exclusive to Sony, given our history with the company and love the idea of providing ultra fun games exclusively for the PS3 audience. I remember being a kid with my ATARI 2600 and my best friend had the INTELLIVISION and it rocked to have exclusives that helped define my console. It was also fun to go over to his house to play stuff that I could not play at home (Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, B-17 Bomber!) In this day and age, exclusives gets more and more rare and so it's pretty cool to be aiding in carrying on with that tradition. Doesn't mean we will ALWAYS be single platform, but right now we see no reason not to be and are- again- very, very happy with the situation and would love to think Sony will always want us to be exclusive to them.



For those wondering where I was this weekend- when I had just posted saying I was going to be making a Skype enabled appearance at the Video Game Expo in Philadelphia- well here is your answer:

I was sitting at home, on my ass, playing some MK vs. DCU and waiting to go virtually on stage.

But then as the minutes ticked by, I started to realize, "Hey, this thing ain't happening..."

So I went for a walk with the ex-wife to get some coffee and hang out.

Odd thing is,I JUST found out- as in minutes ago, as in TONITE, SUNDAY NITE-that the appearance was officially cancelled an hour (or perhaps just minutes) before it was supposed to occur.

So on my end folks: I had- and still have- no idea what happened.

I had been in very regular contact with the VGXPO people over the last month. Very nice folks, clearly they are interested in putting on a good show and if they continue to want my support in the future, I see no reason to withhold it.

BUT you'd think sometime between last Thursday afternoon (when I first started trying to reach them to get some 411 and confirmation) and, say, 5 minutes before our talk was scheduled to go on, SOMEONE from the show could have called or emailed me to let me know what the fuck was going on.

Alas, it's Sunday nite at 10 in San Diego and I've not heard a word from these guys.

What the fuck.

But I'm sure they cancelled it for a good reason. I know as of Monday, there were some firewall issues we were trying to deal with in order to get the Skype going. So I got no beef with them canceling it. Hell, it's not like I was gonna get paid for it (I don't take money for this kind of stuff). My issue is more with: hey, could you guys have fucking given me a heads up? Before you cancelled it? DURING your canceling it? How about over a day AFTER we were scheduled to go on. But alas, nada. Still have not heard word one.

And damn, it's a good thing I didn't, you know, have PLANS or anything that I had set aside in order to be there for the dang show. You know, the one I wasn't getting PAID to do? The one I did for FREE cause I'm a nice guy and thought it would be fun to support a 'game show for gamers instead of just industry peeps' kind of deal? Yeah, that one. THAT show. Sheesh.

Anyway, hope no one showed up to see me and was pissed. And hell, I hope everyone involved in putting on my part of the show is ok. Hope no one got sick or anything.

But anyway, there's the info.

If there's any interest, we'll do a live video blog again- at this site- in the next few weeks and we can all get together online and chat games. Deal?

Ok, gotta run. Office is a damned mess and I wanna clean it before the week gets going. It's real hard for me to get focused on work when the office looks like nuke hit.


ps. I saw GOD OF WAR III when I was in Santa Monica last week. I can and will not give away details. But I think it's ok for me to say two things:

b- I thought GEARS OF WARS 2 looked about as good as a next-gen game could look....and that game is currently- and will probably remain- my game of the year. And hell, I think I actually get to vote on that kind of stuff in some circles :) And unless I get blown away by POP or something else I missed, GEARS 2 is the SHIT....this year. Dudes and dudettes, fucking WAIT till you see the amazing graphics...just fucking wait. And yes, Xbots, accuse me all you want of being a Sony fanboy. Just remember two things:

#1- I just said GEARS 2 is the BEST fucking playing and looking game of the year....better than any PS3 game. And there are some damn good PS3 games, I feel.

#2- FUCK YOU! I ain't no fan boy but this mother fucking game looks like nothing you've ever played...and you can hold me to that when this thing hits and when they start showing gameplay footage. It looks like a painting come to life- it's THAT good looking.



Anonymous said...

Mr. Jaffe,

Graphics are a given (hopefully) these days to be outstanding. What about the gameplay?!

[PARiAH!] said...

It sucks about the whole vid chat thing. I wanted to check it out. But you didn't say if anybody could see it, anyway. God of War III!?!?! OMG!!! You're gettin' me super excited man! I can't wait for it now! Keep it rockin', David!


p.s. When will you be able to show something about your current game? The world and I really want to take a peek. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, I can't wait to play God of War III. When are they going to show us the gameplay trailer?

Anonymous said...

how was the sony meeting. good or bad?

and your a dick for not stealing some footage of GoW3 lol.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me!

Gears2 looks worse then the 1st and certainly does not look better then MGS4,Uncharted and Resistance2.

Anonymous said...

Gears 1 & 2 look like Unreal Tournament III which looks like crap. Gears 2 is so overrated.

Anonymous said...

You are spewing pure fake fanboy crap
for what? a job at M$ perhaps.

About as good as next gen can get is just laughable.

you are losing credibility fast saying that and fans.

xbots wont even post pics using the in game camera they are embarrassed at how bad it looks, just go to neogaf and look how big MGS4 pic thread is compared to gears that only has like 15 pics..LMAO

Anonymous said...

why david? why? now i'm so fucking amped for the game now, i don't even know if i'll be able to sleep now. i'm a freaking HUGE GOW fan(one of the main reasons i own a PS3), you're definitely one of the founding fathers of awesome gaming.

@(Mr. Jaffe,

Graphics are a given (hopefully) these days to be outstanding. What about the gameplay?!)

^^ pay this guy no mind jaffe, assholes like these always find something to hate.fuck'em

@(Are you kidding me!

Gears2 looks worse then the 1st and certainly does not look better then MGS4,Uncharted and Resistance2.)

^^ i think jaffe is only saying it to appease xbox fanboys, but i don't see why he should give a fuck anyways, even uncharted rapes gears 2 visually, better textures, lighting etc etc.

*goes now to play GOW3 E3 teaser trailer in a loop*
BTW, another good read jaffe

Anonymous said...

Wow... David... I'm already drooling.... :)...

Anonymous said...

Guys i think its a joke, after all he did call them xbots.

Anonymous said...

What are you morons spewing now saying Gears 2 doesn't look good? I'm a graphics whore and it looks amazing.

Resistance 2 looks worse than the first sad to say even all the game reviewers noticed that. Gears 2 does NOT look like Unreal Tournament 3... you would have to be pretty ignorant to believe that major improvements have been made to the engine.

"You are spewing pure fake fanboy crap
for what? a job at M$ perhaps.

About as good as next gen can get is just laughable.

you are losing credibility fast saying that and fans."

If anything hes gaining fans you should know Sony slaves aren't the only ones that enjoy Jaffe's games go ahead and call me an "xbot" it's a fucking 3rd grader insult really doesn't phase me. I'm glad he likes Gears 2 it deserves the praise it's getting.

Gears 2 > Resistance 2

Story wise
Online wise
Graphics wise for further clarification.

Can't wait for a new Twisted Metal David going on 6 months with my PS3 and still don't see a game worth buying. It'll probably be the first title I purchase.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with you David,Solid Snake>Marcus Fenix.While Marcus Fenix rushes towards Mr.Snake with his Chainsaw fully revved,the sneaky Mark II will creep up behind the Space marine and take him out.

Now as for GOW III,would it be a fair assumption to say it looks like the E3 teaser?

Anonymous said...

"Gears 2 > Resistance 2"

And MGS4 > Gears 2.

It appears Mr.Xbot,you have been 1upped.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey the graphics aren't gonna be cell shaded are they? I hope not

Anonymous said...

"Hey the graphics aren't gonna be cell shaded are they?"

Now why the eff would they cell shade God of War?

Anonymous said...

Gears 2 is definitely the greatest looking game ever made.

Only as blind, dumbass, poor last place sony droid would claim otherwise.

Play before you talk, poor droids :(

all hail Jaffe.

Anonymous said...

gears2 is a joke compared to resistance2.

looks better
better story
far better online

have fun waiting 10 minutes just to play gears online lol cause its matchmaking is crap.

8player co-op with its own campaign> 5 player waves.

at least the xbot knows MGS4 and uncharted kills it.

Anonymous said...

You're post honestly almost made me cum...almost. I love you.

Joel said...

wow, now im very excited about GOW3.

hey jaffe, how about a post about your opinion on the LittleBigPlanet level moderation fiasco.

should Sony be pulling usermade levels because the level is called "LittleBigGodofWar" or "BacktotheLittleBigFuture" or whatever..

should fan-fare be allowed? or should Sony remove the stuff to cover its ass?

why doesn't Youtube have to do that?

just curious on your opinions, thanks, Jaffe.

Anonymous said...

MGS4 was a joke to me... rented it, played it for 3-4 hours

3 hours of which were cut scenes and then returned it the next day. Had no desire to continue playing... I've only done with with a handful of games I usually tough it out just finish it up.

MGS4,Condemned 2,Alone in the Dark

So try again.

Anonymous said...

gears is a joke. I had zero desire to keep going, looking worse then the 1st doesnt help also.

please give your tag so I can lol at your terrible looking gears pics.

Anonymous said...

Mate, come on!!. You can't just tease like that and leave.

You are just like a certain girl i know, you tease all night but when it comes to "nitty gritty", you don't "give out"... ;)'s just an analogy

Anonymous said...

PS3 with gears ut3 mods look better then gears2.

Anonymous said...

What is up with people and their incendiary absolutes?

No gears of war 2 is not the best looking game ever made. It's a great game, you can think it's game of the year if you want, but it's not objectively better than any of the other top games of the year, it's just personal opinion, so stop arguing as if it's a fact and anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot.

Jaffe would not be agreeing with you. And gears of war 2 graphics are objectively clearly not the best, UE3 isn't the best graphics engine, crysis is a lot better looking, even farcry2 is better looking imo. Resistance2 is a lot worse in the graphics department, both games aren't great to look at imo, unrealistic lighting and everything is shiny and things like skin are very superficial (flat) and unrealistic looking. Having looked at screenshots and browsed videos, it's truly amazing people think geow2 has the best graphics, it's not even close. Next time you're playing have a look at a characters fingers - a block with a texture wrapped around it giving the illusion of 3d. MGS4 has really high quality polygons, geow2 pastes 3d textures all over 2d things, the whole armor of some aliens is completely flat.

Anonymous said...

The Anon family must be HUGE... (and inbreeded)

Anonymous said...

You... the father of GOW... "just saw God of war III" ? Aren't you pissed off you have nothing to do with it?

I would never let anyone take over what I have created.

Anonymous said...

If you're asking for my tag it's Murderdolls the exact same as this board.

What do you mean by "laugh at your gears pics"? It doesn't even make sense.

Anonymous said...

Also what the fuck are you on to say that Gears of War 1 looks better than it's sequel when Epic have made so many improvements on the Unreal Engine since the original shipped?

Anonymous said...

@ murderdolls

why are you a 360 fanboy/girl on a mainly sony fanbase site fighting with the people leaving comments. they are going to out number you no matter what. all of you are fightin over stupid shit anyway.

all you have to do is look at killzone 2 and see better graphics then gears 2 anyway. that was flaimbate just so ya know

Chelidze said...

you F*&king Judas first you live Sony then you say Gears of war is best what is next going multi platform if so am not going to buy any of your game

you say gears of war is better Then MGS 4 HAHAHAHAH your an idiot the whole gow game is based on one sing first cover second cover third thats
not bad for 3 minutes then it gets boring

Anonymous said...

You people are pathetic! He JUST STATED HIS OWN OPINION about GOTY.
Sure i also think GOTY is MGS4 and that it looks best when it comes to graphics but Gears 2 has different art style.....more "cooler" art style and yes it is good game so dont be so pathetic. This was his opinion, dont have to agree with him but he doesnt have to agree with you either.

Anonymous said...

Fuck you, Jaffe!!

MGS4 is far more superior than Gears 2. If you knew anything about gaming, you'd admit it. And don't be such a chicken to XBOTS. They can go to hell if they don't respect your opinion.

Anonymous said...

Skype bypass any firewall. As far as I'm concerned, somebody didn't want you there...

I also agree with first post. Making pretty graphics is relatively easy today. So gameplay is the key. Hope the next GoW is as good as I know you can do it. And please, don't tone it down by making it multiplatform. (You sound like that's what you're planning to do)

Anonymous said...

Fuckin-A, I'm going to take off work if I have to if I can webcam/chat with you and the rest of the blog readers.


Camus said...

ohhhhhh my god, Kratos, i wanna see you again

Anonymous said...

Yeah, yeah... now tell us how much did they pay you for turning up the hype for GoW III? Just teasing. I'm sure you wouldn't say these things if you were not 100% sure how the game looks. You're sincere, thank you for this; now we all know GoW III will crush every game created so far. And I feel certain it will be fucking brilliant, just like all previous God of War games. Just show us some gameplay footage already, goddamn' it! ;)

Unknown said...

I was just reading the comments here, and wow a lot of them are real insightful. Permit me to boil them down:

"My console's better'n yours, and yer mama so fat she got thrown in the ocean 'cause they mistook her for a beached whale!!! hahaha!"

Can't folks take the puerile BS and shit slinging to a forum? This is a blog, for chrissake. The man's got a right to an opinion.

Anyway, good news about GoW III's graphics. Hope you to head it, Jaffe, 'cause as the first poster said, the gameplay's more important.

Bethel Lady Tigers said...

i have a ps3 and 360 and love both. jaffe is correct, gears 2 is the best looking game on any console - no question. uncharted looks very nice and has more of a cartoon vibe. resistance is a good looking title as well - no complaints. Heavenly Sword is another great looking ps3 game as well but the honest truth is gears 2 is unmatched.

Anonymous said...

well, now I just can't wait for GOW 3. Good Job David, thaks a lot ;-)

Anonymous said...

Fuck you david jaffe!

I bet your ass you are saying that to justify your greedy ass decision to become multiplatform with your new studio eat sleep and play.

I am very disappointed that you get to be one of those sold outs by Microsoft. How much did they pay you?

Lookhappy said...

i can't wait for more kratos filled fun to make my days more bloody and therefor fun! haha!

It always amazes me how personally people get about their consoles!
I have a ps3 and love it, my best mate has an xbox and he loves it, this way we won't ever miss out on an awesome console exclusive, and we both win!

Microsoft rushed the 360 in production, but it's got some amazing games and has done some great things.

It's all progress!

I say we go back to the atari jaguar! WOOOO!

Anonymous said...

MGS4 is too ambitious, the MGS4 team wasnt up to the task to represent Kojima-San vision.
The tech is old, even kojima san talked about that.
Gears2 its a shooter ,and it did everything possible to be a good shooter.
So yeah, im with Dave on this one.
But MGS4 is gonna inspire and affect many more people that Gears2

Anonymous said...

I'm really glad you posted about God of War III, knowing that they have some gameplay footage available for showing when they please is nice.

For awhile there I thought the game was kinda at a stand still in development, so there's a relief.

So Dave, we talking 300 good or what? lol

It just comes to mind cause some scenes from that movie stand out to me to look like paintings. Especially the last scene where the camera zooms out on all the spartans arrow ridden bodies.

Anonymous said...

*Sigh* Another "graphics > gameplay" comment... I would have rather heard "HOLY HOLY HOLY ... the gameplay is like nothing you've ever seen"

Anonymous said...

Gears 2 the best?


Just how many games do you actually get to play while you busy running your own game dev house?

Have you even tried R2 and it's awesome online offerings?

Unknown said...

Ok.. If your happy with God of War III then I'm am totaly fucking stoked for it. WHEN THE FUCK can I pre-order it!?!?

Anonymous said...

ps3 and xbox owner , no fan boy here , fuck gears 2 online they ruined any chance of gears 2 being played you know that ur not a stupid guy from what I know about u , anf fuck graphixs man
u cant fucking play the game , the reason all my games or on ps3 becuase of fear of the rings of death - its all marketing push by all the bastards who make money they wont give major games a bad review on sites because the losers who like halo will stop goin there
thats it , its all bullshit and i wasted my money fuck gears best game I ve played this year was deadspace to my suprise
not fucking gears 2 and I think gears one was the best game I have ever played in my life
fuck those guys epic bullshit please the mainstream who r they people who like to fucking wait ten min for a game

Gazzo said...

Interestin' very interestin'

Looking forward to God of War III, if you're happy with it so far, I have no reason not to be. I need to get a hold on a PS3 first, but even if I can't get the game for a long while, there's always some guy who puts a walkthrough up on Youtube, haha.

To be truthful, I still haven't finished God of War II. Due to lack of funding, I rented the game, but the disc was scratched to all hell (Hades?) and I couldn't finish it. It's probably going to be part of my "Holiday Demands" this year or something. I have beaten both the original God of War and Chains of Olympus, though. Good stuff.

Also, regarding MGS4...I haven't played the game, (again, PS3 first) but I know the story. Now, in most games, I don't really give a crap about the story. But the story in MGS is incredibly important. It's one of the most story-based games out there. I just didn't care that much for MGS4's story. I loved the first 3, (haven't gotten to Portable Ops yet) story-wise, but MGS4..? Not so much. You haven't finished it, so I won't spoil anything. (in case you actually read this.)

I type way too damn much sometimes. I should probably just get a blog of my own. heh.

Man_Tha_F_Up said...

I have an xbox 360 and PS3. The PS3's main drawback is its inability to handle FSAA really well. I have GeOW PC and Xbox and honestly there is little difference (other than barely noticeable higher quality textures) when running the PC version at 1280x720 with everything cranked up and switching inputs (xbox and PC) on my plasma. Same thing for Bioshock. The xbox more or less runs things the same as the PC on max settings. I have a Radeon HD 3870 512MB DDR4 card if you are wondering. I do believe God of War III will be an incredible looking game because if the game is like I or II then the camera angles will be fixed. It will be more like a mix between pre-rendered scenes and 3-d game play. With the environments having a fixed path and angle, it will free up the GPU/CPU to render some F'ing incredible looking monsters and characters. I would say MGS4 is a better comparison to GEOW2. I don't own MGS4 yet, but the movies look very nice (although a little bland in color). Gears of War 2 is honestly the smoothest looking AA I have seen on a console to date. It really does look incredible in motion, and it looks better than Gears 1, if nothing else than the AA looks much better. The only game I have seen a drastic difference on (graphics wise) is COD4 running on the PC at 1920x1080 on my plasma. The textures and resolution is quite a bit better than that on the console versions. I did an A/B comparison to my Xbox and it looks quite a bit nicer...

francis said...

Mr. Jaffe,i m french and i want to said....I LIKE YOU FUCKING LANGAGE HAHAHA !!!! and i I am eager to see this fucking game !!!! and thks man for this Big saga !

Anonymous said...

"Resistance 2 looks worse than the first sad to say even all the game reviewers noticed that."

That is BULLSHIT R2 looks better than the first. Either your display sucks or you aren't looking hard enough.

Slap R1 in and then R2, you will notice a difference. The scope and scale are grander with more enemies on screen. And in my humble R1 still looks great, but R2 is still superior graphically.

Anonymous said...

Big words, man! If that's not true, I'm gonna shit on yout freakin' the got a lawn???

Anonymous said...

Hi David,

God of War III could be as beautiful as the Chapel Sixtine, it will not sell as Sony marketing campains are generaly laughable!!

IT was the same for every PS3 exclusive, almost as if PS3 was only here as a trojan horse for the Bluray to settle. It's a shame that developers put so much strenght and get so little reward.

Anonymous said...

Hey jaffe, just a quick question about the updated bit. Is being excklusive really something to be proud of? I mean, for us customers, there is absolutely no benefit to get out of it. Don't get me wrong, I think it's great, for obvious reasons, that there are several competing console manufacturers. But if all games were multiplatform, to a not completely unreasonable extent of course (hi wii), the competition would be even bigger, both on the hardware and software side, right?

I get that if one of them have exclusive games, the others need them too, and I guess you could be proud of being exclusive to Sony rather than any of the other two, and maybe that's what you meant. But surely being exclusive in itself cannot possibly be anything to be proud of.

Anonymous said...

@ Cliffy B

Ok, I'm lost.

Does "HOLY HOLY HOLY FUCKING HELL" mean holy fucking hell that's awesome, or holy fucking hell that sucks?

Anonymous said...

"But surely being exclusive in itself cannot possibly be anything to be proud of."

He's proud of the relationship he has with Sony to be such a valued EXCLUSIVE developer to Sony.

I know for a fact that the ONLY person at Epic Games that would swallow a load from Microsoft is Cliff Bleszinski.Tim Sweeney,FOUNDER and CEO of Epic Games,isn't a Microsoft cheerleader AT ALL.

So anyways:
Jaffe develops exclusively for Sony
Gow III looks like Beowulf
And lastly;MGS4>>>>>>>>>>>>Gears 2

Anonymous said...

You lucky bastard. Hopefully Sony gains some confidence and releases a teaser trailer featuring some gameplay soon of GOW3 to satisfy the salivators.

Having said that, a media black-out and starving people of excess media until close to launch would be an interesting strategy also. GOW3 is by default a heavily anticipated game and with it being developed by Sony, I'm confident it will leverage a good chunk of the PS3's potential. Fans are expecting nothing short of an awesome experience and I'd imagine a substantial amount of PS3 owners have the game already in their wallet's crosshairs.

There must be a great deal of pressure on the developers however. GOW3 is one game they can't ill-afford to fuck up. All eyes will be on them - just like with GOW2 - when this monster ships so here's hoping they pull it off.

On the subject on Sony produced/developed games - I wonder how the Team Ico lads are progressing? We haven't head anything from them for a while now.

Anonymous said...

For god of war3 I trust the gow team,I hope a super gameplay.

Anonymous said...

ohhhhhh my god, Kratos, i wanna see you again!!!!!!!!!!
Holy fuck cant wait for this game!!!

R.Bunk said...


Gears 2 can't really hang in the online arena to Resistance 2.

You may have R2 on graphics, but you can't match the online offerings.

8 Player Co-op vs 5 Player Hoarde (no objectives, just kill kill kill)

8 Player Co-op wins.

Gears 2 has no where near 60 player online for competitive.

60 Player Competitive wins.

As far as the campaign at least Gears 2 is a little longer then Gears 1. If it got any shorter you could have beaten it in an hour.

Xbox is for big dummies.

Kratos said...

Great that you're playing Jeanne D'Arc, it's one of the best PSP games in my opinion, awesome story and voice acting. But even greater is the Shining Force 2 mention!!! :D
This series marked my childhood, and I want to shout a great FUCK YOU to the GamesFAQs guy that created a best 10 or whatever tactic rpgs list and insulted the Shining Force name. He may insult post-SFIII games all he wants, but none before it!! Care to join my shouting? :P

Anonymous said...

so basically jaffe just said ps3 sucks.

what a fn moron, now we ps3 fans get to listen to xbots saying jaffe said ps3 sucks.

are you retarded???

thanks a lot:(

Unknown said...

David. Please wait until you have finished MGS4 to conclude that Gears 2 is bettter. MGS gets sicker and sicker with each act.

Also.... way to get me all distracted with GOW3 again. Can't fucking wait.

Also to murderdolls. You are obviously fucking retarded. You spent 400+ dollars on a PS3 and haven't bought a game yet? Way to make a purchase just so you can talk shit about the system. You've got the money to blow on the system... but you can't find a game worth buying. Stupid fucking people.

Anonymous said...

Hey Fred suck my dick. I bought my PS3 for Twisted Metal and the other exclusives/blu-ray are my way to justify my purchase.

Uncharted was fun for a day
Resistance was fun for a day

I don't plan on putting my limited funds on a console that has no community (or a very shitty one compared to it's competition).

Twisted Metal however is something I grew up on it was one of the first titles I played on PS1.

Also you call me "retarded" for what? Have you never heard of a video store? I'm there quite often You must live in some crazy far off planet.

Fuck off faggot

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

David, I just hope that in reading these comments that you don't become jaded about the amount of intelligence in the gaming community.

There are intelligent, reasonable people, playing games. They're just too busy getting on with their lives to argue about stuff like this on blog comments.

Ian said...

Dang David, I was so excited to see you at the VGXPO, that was pretty much the only reason I waited 2 hours after all of my friends had left. I was thinking about all the things I would ask you while I was watching the Soul Calibur 4 tournaments. Although staying was a good idea because I went to an IGDA mixer afterwards and met some great people. Maybe not David Jaffe great, but still great nonetheless.

Anonymous said...

You rock Jaffe, but 90% of your blog commenters deserve to be kicked in the dick.

Anonymous said...

Wow! look at all the fanboys-in-denial douchebags talking crap and bringing their console wars over here. lol

Dave, I think you nailed it about Gears 2 about being the best looking game on the market. Damn it felt good playing that game! Only wish the cheesy corny scene involving Dom in the beginning of the game, didnt exist.

However, I have to say MGS4 is my game of the year. Although Gears 2 kicks ass, MGS4 gave me the feeling I got when I played the 1st MGS on PS1, with its new gameplay mechanics, setting and characters. Not to mention the epic ending! I highly recommend you finish the game, Dave!

And oh yeah... cant WAIT to see the gameplay of GOW3!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Jaffe , how far did you get with MGS4 so far ? Just wondering.

Oh , it's nice to hear God of War III is looking great.

Unknown said...

1080p or 720p?????????

Anonymous said...

Dear Atari Jaffe :)

when i read your comment on the exclusivity and old Atari VCS games, i had had to remember my very first VCS game called Phoenix.

I sat for hours and played it on and on, like GOW on my ps2.

u gave us reason to keep the ps2 at least 1 year more and wait for the 2nd GOW.

now, please : do this with GOW3 rock this Generation, and get your immortality among those genius programmers will we always remember.

without being gay. i love you :)

With my biggest respect


Anonymous said...


Gears Of War is original and a great game. Fucking PS3 fanboys can lick my ass.

BTW, i am neither a PS3 nor an XBOX360 fanboy.

God Of War 3 looks a bit weak with all the developers and Creator himself not Involved. LOL, hope it doesn't go flop......

Anonymous said...

Fucking ps3 fanboy i hate you!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Jaffe is RIGHT!! Prince Of Persia 4 and God Of War 3 are gonna kick Gears Of War 2's ASS!! Mark my words.

MvmntInGrn said...

@ Justin

I was under the impression that Gears 2, like Gears 1, didn't technically use AA at all. Of course it is doing something else to greatly reduce edges but I though it wasn't typical AA. (though I read somewhere there was AA on static objects possibly) And yea MGS4 is pretty smooth looking. It uses something else though for AA. Something about blending the frame you are on and the frame right before it. Seriously makes the game look edge free. I think gears may win with the textures though, making it the best looking this year likely.

@ Jaffe

May want to put any comparisons (or maybe even capital text :D ) in spoiler tags so the world doesn't explode again.

GOW3 is going to look crazy by the sound of it. Likely a 2010 game I'd guess, 09 looks packed already.

Anonymous said...

HELLO to all fatties and no-lifes, I mean, FANBOYS. Because, face it, that's what you are! Fat, poor, meaningless idiots who argue about consoles over the internet. Don't you have anything better to do? You're all so pathetic that you can't see your own miserable existance. "Oh my god, teh Xbox have moar powah than PS3, heheeheheheheh" "PS3 iz powahfull, it smash teh shitX360 in to teh piezes!!!!!111" It's useless, GET A LIFE! A NORMAL one! Stop saying crap about other console, go and find work/wife/friends/whatever, because right now you're FUNNY AND RIDICULOUS!

Anonymous said...

Irony ^^

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say that I enjoy reading your blog and hearing your opinion on politics and games. Its the honesty, sincerity that comes through I suppose. Generally, I agree with you, but I'm going to have to give MGS4 the win over Gears 2. Of course, everyone has their own taste and preference, and who am I to trash anyone who doesn't share the same tastes as me (who are any of us to do that), but I think its possible you might feel differently once you finish MGS4. I'm not sure MGS is a game you can really put down for an extended time and come back to. The complex story and the overall "rhythm" of the game requires consistent hands-on time. Perhaps that's one appeal of Gears. But I think MGS4 executes on emotional attachment to characters, rivals if not leads on gameplay scenarios, and completely owns on presentation. It does what most games are just unable to do. Its the gem of the industry.

Enough MGS4 propaganda though. Thanks for bringing us GoW...another gem :-) I can't wait for part 3.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for God of War 3!!!!!

But c'mon man, I know everyone has their opinions and all, but you really need to FINISH MGS4 to really appreciate why this is THE game of the year. I mean by now you should already see MGS4's graphics are better than Gears'.

Don't get me wrong; Gears of War 2 is definitely a kick ass game; I still played Gears 1 online until Gears 2 game out. But to me, MGS4 captured me in a way that no other game has done this year; When I finished it, I truly saw how great a game it is.

Once you finish it, I hope you see it too. Plus the pretty fun online doesn't hurt either.

Trust me man; if you think MGS4 is great now, but not as good as Gears, wait until you finish the story.

(Hopefully you're not one of those "wtf derr boring story I juss wanna kill stuff!" kinda guys)

Anonymous said...

thanks for the sweet update on GOW III!!

Anonymous said...

LOL I knew it when i seen it. I like this blog, can you check mine out and tell me what you think? I'm new at this whole thing, my blog is kidna shotty but there is good information there.

Free Xbox Elite & HDTV Blog!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Jaffe,

you need to finish MGS4! This story and cut scene's are amazing!

Lets stop talking about Gears, Uncharted stills looks better.

I have two HDtv's and a 360 and ps3
I compared Uncharted to MGS4 and Gears 2.

And Uncharted won, My friends agreed :)

Looking farward to your next game mate.

Anonymous said...

You guys are fucking pathetic. David Jaffe has his OWN fucking OPINION so fuck off and leave him alone?

PS3 fanboys with the "Fuck YOU! YOU BETRAY SONY!"

360 Fanboys with the "HA! MGS4 SUX compared to GEARS 2! EVEN SONY'S DAVID JAFFE SAID IT!"

Just shut the fuck up already, giving me a goddamn headache with all your bitchin.

PS fanboys are calling Jaffe a hypocrite? YOU guys are the hypocrites for saying "Fuck you Jaffe!" to the guy who gave you the best action game ever made and one of the best combat racing games ever (I personally think its THE best; what can compete w/ Twisted Metal? Full Auto or something?), EXCLUSIVE to playstation.

Jaffe, you're one of the coolest guys ever. really looking Forward to your next game.

One question though; You said you "dropped by Santa Monica studios" to see God of War III. I know you're now with Eat Sleep Play and not with Santa Monica anymore, but does that mean you won't have ANYTHING to do with God of War 3's development? At all? Nothing?!?!??!?!? Not even the story or anything???????

...well, at least its still YOU working on Twisted Metal. That's a relief!

But still; you're not working on God of War III at ALL? I mean I saw your name and Cory Barlog (spelling?) in the PSP God of War game credits so I guess you MIGHT have something to do w/ GOW3 too...right?

AlphaOmega2012 said...

Delusional if you think Gears2 is the best. So many games are better than that crap. Resistance2, MGS4, Uncharted, etc.. the list goes on and on.

Anonymous said...

i honestly did go to see you. i was upset, not pissed off. thats stupid they did not give u a heads up. i only live about 45 minutes away from philadelphia so it was not a waste.

i went to pat's and got a cheesesteak wit whiz and it was delicious.

Anonymous said...

Wow, David, congratulations on prompting such intelligent discussion in your comments! A debate about which game from which console is better! Each side accusing the other side of being fanboys!

Next we can debate about why there is war.

Anonymous said...

lol no reason to go multiplatform? how about the fact that i have to manage to get a ps3 by the time "the new game" comes out :@:@:@:@!!!!!!! HUH JAFFE?! lol. i will find a way though. I WILL

Anonymous said...


David just said SHIT and WAIT regarding GOd of War seems i have been doing that on the PS3 ever since it launched... shit and wait

(BTW i am a Sony Fanboy...... GT5 might blow me away....but i don't have hope in anything else sony regarding graphics.)

There is no way the textures, the filters, the depth, the gameplay and the whole environment will come together to prove what you state.....

PS3 can't handle it.Period.

Fanboy.....and latter...this is just hype building.....this game will not be surpassed by anything sony CELL does. I am not talking about special effects. I am talking about TEXTURES and draw distance...

End of Story.

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Anonymous said...

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花蓮民宿 said...


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Anonymous said...



eda said...
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