Monday, April 20, 2009

Why we work for Sony + Kevin Smith


Keith K said...

I think I will pick up that book. I love hearing and reading Kevin Smith's muses. Both him and Mosier. I love the Smodcast, An Evening with Kevin Smith, all their DVD commentary. It's great shit. Even better than their great flicks.

-rallyRAYS- said...

I'm happy to see people are slowly warming up to the PS3.

I purchased mine at launch and paid 600bucks... and it was worth every penny. You can tell SONY put alot of care into the product, and continues to improve it with updates.

twist3drick said...

I read at ign that the ps3 is starting to outsell the wii in Japan. Sony has an amazing machine like you said and all the luck to them and to you.

Anonymous said...

Come on Dave.... No mention of the holiday today?

David Jaffe said...

There is a holiday today?!?! What is it?

Anonymous said...

I think easter was yesterday for some people. but thats yesterday not today o.0. what holiday is happening today o.0.

Anonymous said...

My hero returns with another video!

Harlequiine said...

Thanks for the advice on the book, I think I'll pick it up. I really enjoy biographies, I've only read two. Anthony Kiedis (Chilli Peppers) and Richard Kuklinski, a serial killer. So thanks for the tip.

Anonymous said...

"Benny And The Pothead said...

Come on Dave.... No mention of the holiday today?"

4/20 ... 420...


now's when he's figured it out or googled it.

David Jaffe said...

Ah, I get it. Ok, I see. Well while I've dabbled in the pot from time to time- and enjoyed and gotten something out of every experience- I'm nowhere close to a heavy user. So yeah, the 420 thing escaped me...thanks Google! :)


Anonymous said...

great video blog david, keep them coming.

adaMAntium said...

Great video post David. I just wish most people could express their opinion about consoles and why certain developers stick to certain ones as you just did. It would eliminate a lot of the bullshit that feeds trolling fanboy's. It's refreshing, so thanks.

Ever since I made the crucial decision in my life about choosing a Playstation over a 64 (haha, this sounds way to prophetic and philosophical but w/e), I knew I made the right decision when I popped in some of my favourite games to date. Since then, I just always kinda trusted Sony and the decisions they made, including their software line up and integrity they put into their systems.

Your reasons should satisfy anyone curious about your position, or for most developers positions I suppose, when it comes to consoles.

yog-sothot said...

- interesting part on the first party stuff
- Kevin Smith FTW, I love his movies. Dogma is in my personal top 5... I should try this book
- btw THE NUMBER 23 is - imo - a much better film than this crappy KNOWING

PezQ said...

I've always been the type who want's the latest games and consoles RIGHT NOW RIGHT THERE. But with PS3 i decided to wait. First it was because money issues..then it became more like " well, the 3rd party games seem to run better on Xbox" and whatnot, which they did, at first.

Then i decided to buy it when MGS 4 came out, but didn't...i was thinking to myself "god, just go out and buy the machine..." but i never did.

I have no idead what's keeping me from bying it. I LOVE watching Blu-rays, i love the PSN store, i want to play games like Uncharted, Little Big planet, Resistance 1& 2, Ratchet and Clank, Heavenly Sword, Motor Storm 1&2, Calling all Cars, Wipeout HD, MGS4, Killzone 2, Warhawk etc.

Maybe this Christmas i'll get i can play both uncharted's back to back..

Anyways, i'll ask you this once again..How HOT is Tina Fey from scale 1 to 10 ?

Hellhound30 said...

When it comes to consoles I really don't care. I'm a Gamer If a games comes out on a system that I want to play I go buy that system. As far as playing on line with the Playstation 3 I'm all thumbs... And yeah the Playstation 3 is an elegant system. KEVIN SMITH ROCKS!! I have to go get that book!!

David Jaffe said...

Tina Fey used to be an 8. Now she's a 5. Something about her success has made her come off as kind of arrogant TO ME. Not saying she is, but she comes off that way.

TrevDogg said...

jaffe hitting the nail on the head again. word for word is exactly how i feel about the ps3. the exclusives are mch better and the interface is much more user friendly. XBL has too many ads that are everywhere. the ads are just as annoying as those gamestop stickers.

PezQ said...

She was on Jimmy Fallon couple of months ago and i didn't pick up any arrogans from her. Maybe my judgment is clouded by the fact that im a huge fan on 30 Rock and her character Liz Lemon.

Anyhow, looking foward of hearing your opinions about "Let the right one in ".

Anonymous said...

Great video Jaffe, and I couldn't agree more.

I think this whole 'console war' is getting way out of hand, and the so called 'gaming-media' fuels it each day with flamebait articles just to score a couple of hits. I've never seen people so concerned about sales numbers and the what-not when nothing even applies to them. Since when does a game need to sell 5 million copies on launch day for you to enjoy it? They're all caught up playing market anaylst instead of playing the games themselves.

Anonymous said...

definatly picking up that book

Fersis said...

<3 Tina Fey <3
Just saying ..... :)

Unknown said...

I will always remember the time I saw Clerks. My mom was in the mood to spend time with me (don't miss the childhood feeling I guess) and she sat in when I was watching Clerks. I will never forget how awkward it felt. I wanted to laugh at everything but I had to bottle my laughter because my mom was appalled by what she'd seen. Its not easy being a teenager. Ok, it is but its not glamorous.

Wost part was a tie between when to two guys were talking to each other about blowing themselves and the end part involving the "death" (spoiler free).

Anonymous said...

OMG, i love you ten times more now, i have said things like that all the time, but no one listens because i'm a nobody

Robert said...

I don't get what's wrong with being pro-anything. I'm pro-movies over books. Is that so wrong? Is it really so wrong to have an opinion? Is it so wrong to prefer something over something else?

Anonymous said...

nice to see someone talking about this.. i think what sony is doing with the ps3 will affect the industry in a huge way,, i mean they really let the creative minds be creative, and thats really cool... ive had so much fun playing LBP, and flower and other ps3 exclusives... i love that system truly.. its just like with all industries, some companies value creativity and some are just in it for the dolla$,. i just hope more people get it, or maybe they all do, they just dont have the money,.....

Portugal friend said...

Hello Jaffe,

I've been at your blog and saw your comments/videos/quotes elsewhere countless times and never took the time to actually say something to you.

And I think that you gave so many things over the years and in some way we've grown together so I think you 'deserve' a few thank you's from me!

What finally made me talk was your words on KS, an author almost unknown here in Portugal and that I admire quite a lot.

Congrats to you and I hope you (and me too!) can continue to keep things focused in this daily struggle.

stinchan said...

thanks for choosing sony, else I'd never have gotten the chance to play GOW and GOW 2. Wish I had the cash for a PS3 for GOW 3 !

-SCoLD- said...

Hey Jaffe, haven't commented in a while but this is a really great update. You explained your bias toward PS3 without sounding biased, something I wish I could do a little better. I also own all 3 consoles this generation and I can't explain to people to get a PS3 first without coming off like a huge fanboy sometimes.

Sony has a much better software exclusive line up, and at the end of the day, cares about their consumers much more than Microsoft does. Case in point. Home. It was 2 years late. 360. It came out a year before the PS3 with 33% chance of RRoD. Someone somewhere decided at Microsoft to put out a system that will fail 1/3rd of its customers. And Microsoft's whole approach is to launch it now, and patch it later.

Gears 2 is laggier with 10 people than Resistance is with 50. Just little things that make up the whole bigger picture. So thanks for putting your thoughts out on this subject, I have to say I agree with you 100%.

I am also a huge Kevin Smith fan, and I didn't know that book existed, so I'm now going to have to ask for that book for MY birthday present next week.

Good luck this week Jaffe, hope the Sony announcement on the 27th is the day we've all been waiting for.

Anonymous said...

You might want to take a look at this regarding your Xbox 360 resolution issues :

Ganaesh D. said...

"...I can't imagine a company like Activision greenlighting a game like Shadow of the Colossus or Ico or even LittleBigPlanet..."

That is EXACTLY how I feel about Sony. They might not be the one that everyone's talking about, but the stuff they come up with... it just blows your mind. The PS2 was the very first console I had, and it made me fall in love with gaming so much that I'm now taking a games design in my university.

It's the reason why I'm here. And I owe Sony my utmost gratitude.

Kilrahi said...

Wow, good stuff . . . and good points. Stay true to the creative process. That's why so much of what you've done turns to gold (and by gold I'm not referring specifically to high sales).

Anonymous said...

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