Well that was fun ya'll. Man, I got real sloppy towards the end...rope a dope I guess! :)
So the winners are:
Some really great games in there! Thank ya'll so much!
I will contact the three winners on PSN mail tomorrow and get the info we need to send out the prizes!
Happy Holidays ya'll! And thanks again for playing tonite!
ps. sorry for those who wanted to get in but did not...I wish there was a better way to gurantee that everyone got to play a round...next time!
EDIT #2:
name: eatsleepplay
pw: beckinsale
my mic is not charged :( So no voice for me!
Hope to see ya'll online!
EDIT: Yeah, that is late...let's change it: It'll be 8:45 San Diego time...8:40 for the room and password post info
...actually, not crap at all! It's our first ever EAT SLEEP PLAY holiday swag! Check it out!

It's a box full of...well, hell, I ain't saying...but it's good! Really good! And it's our holiday gift to many folks in the biz this year. And it's also our holiday gift to you, loyal supporters of this new endeavor we like to call EAT SLEEP PLAY!
Well, I meant to say: it's your holiday gift if you can kick my ass at Calling all Cars tonite!
Is it lame I'm so jazzed about doing this? Probably. Who cares! Here's the deal:
I will be online tonite at 10pm San Diego Time (that's Pacific, to all you 'No Child Left Behind' folks). I will create a room in the Chief lobby and password it. The name of the game and the password for it will go up at 9:50 or so on this very blog. If for some reason, blogger is down, I will post the info on neogaf.com forums.
If you are one of the first 3 people to beat me in a game of Calling All Cars, we'll ship you out one of these babies: Eat Sleep Play's VERY FIRST- in what we know will be a long line of- Hoiday Goodies!
So I hope to see you online tonite and I hope at least SOMEONE can kick my ass!
Oh, but first, a few rules:
1. This contest is not a Sony contest AT ALL! They have nothing to do with it.
2. Winners and losers and all the details of who wins is totally up to us at Eat Sleep Play. So even if you THOUGHT you won, and we say you didn't, too bad. Not that we would ever do that, but we have to say it so we're all clear.
3. All games will be async start, so you can drop in at ANY time to play...but if you want to win, I suggest coming in at the start of a game (joining with us as we all leave the lobby) so you have more time to rack up points.
4. If I come in 4th in a game of 4, then all of those folks in the game 'beat me' and they all win...unless we've already given away 1-2 boxes. In that case, the person(s) with the highest points, take the prize.
5. Finally- and this is key- IF you play a game, you must quit out of the game room when the game is over...wait about 2 minutes and then rejoin. You can play as many times as you want but you need to drop out of the game room to make sure others have a turn. If you play two games in a row and I catch you doing it, you're out of the running.
6.If for some reason, stuff gets confusing, check my blog. I will have my laptop next to me as I play and will update as needed.
7. Finally- if you are under 18 and you win, we will not send you anything unless your parent(s) call us and say it's all cool.
8. Oh, and also: if you win, shoot me a friend invite on PSN network with your shipping info (and your age!) and we'll get your prize out this week (assuming if you are under 18, your parents have contacted us)
9. If it gets too late and no one has won and my wife is like: COME TO BED! or if my kids wake up and start crying and I gotta take care of them,etc...I will post this info and what the next steps are on my blog (i.e. 15 minutes break, end of the contest,winners list,etc)....
I'm really hoping I get to play and meet you guys tonite! Hell, it may just be like 3 of us the whole night anyway given the number of folks who play online :) But still...I will try to hook up my headset (never done it at home before) so we can chat live. Looking forward to meeting some of you readers for the first time!
And many thanks go out to my partner in crime Scott Campbell and our producer/office head/not-really-sure-of-her-title-but-we'd-all-be-dead-without-her Angelic Quntana of Eat Sleep Play for getting these great gifts and helping me out with this here contest.
See you guys tonite!
I will be there for sure... but I'm in Michigan time so it'll be early morning. Time to brush up on the CAC skillz
1 in the morning EST? I might participate, but that's pretty late.
Sounds awesome man
Win or lose I would love to get in on the action
Pretty cool your gonna hook up the mic too cause its just not the same without them
CAC without cursing at the guy who just stole your points isn't CAC :)
Thanks for the time change! Very cool of you!
Very cool idea! I'm sure the servers will get jammed up and it'll be a pain in the ass, but it will still probably be a blast. I hope more developers start doing things like this; it's a great way to help developers connect with the players. Kudos!
Let me get this straight. If I beat you, I:
quit the game
send you a friend request w/ my info
and hope I was on of the first three to do so, right?
If I play as one of my PSN names, I'll just send a message, I'm on your friend list.
See ya online!
i wish i could do this. but cant get on tonight. im already on your friends list on PSN though. but u never answer me u bastard lol. just playin
Well, I'm excited. Shame I'm terrible at CAC.
Pass is beckinsale
:) I got my ass kicked, it was fun though.
Found a cool Indy pic in my a few minutes ago. I Thought it was kinda cool.
I wish more people played online. Was fun but I sucked hardcore. Was my first time online with CaC.
Hey Jaffe, this is Tideas. Good game tonight. Seemed like that one game I was in, you've met your match ;) heh. I kid.
Check out my blog when you can.
Looking forward to your future endeavors ( as well as that snazzy gift box ;))
Yeah! I won, I'm so pumped! Im so happy to see so many people online at once! If anyone wants to play me at anytime, my PSN: Ratsor.
Man, you kick ass at that game.
I suppose it's to be expected considering you helped make it and all, but damn.
That was a great idea, hope you do that again some other time.
blah, I am disappointed I couldn't get in. But I am glad everyone had a good time once they did get in. Congrats to all of the winners!
I didn't know!
DAMMIT!!!! I was playing Warhawk all night and didn't realize that this was happening.
Crap! I didnt read all the updates...Last I saw the time was 10 on the west coast which is 12 here in Texas....Guess what time I got on?? 12.... Oh well I'll have to catch the next time.
I drop here quite frequently, but I had a lot of work yesterday. So I didn't. I missed the contest with such a sweet prize. Fuck. Will there be another one? :)
Can't believe I missed this...
hmmm wish i could play too...
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