One of my buddies from college- hey Susan!- just uploaded this pic from 1993/94 to facebook!
Oh MAN! Look at those glasses! That hair!!! Wow! Please, when you are guys are done with the time machine please let me take it for a spin. I need to go back to that night and beat some sense into that clueless motherfucker! :)
One thing that has not changed however is my never ending love for The Olive Garden- that is where we were when that pic was taken. You can tell by the very classy mural displaying an Itallian country side that has been painted on the wall. :)
Yep, there we are, at the Olive Garden in Westwood (all the SC' kids took the tram to Westwood on weekends...what were we gonna do, hang out in South Central?!?!). So that's us, hanging on the stairs leading up to the 'main dining room' of that fine institution of Italian cuisine! Oh man, I can taste the breadsticks now!
Ok, swamped with work (documents and maps)...gotta run!
Shit, are there any movies to see this weekend?
Movies! Going to see Righteous Kill tomorrow. Robert De Niro and Al Pacino, can ya go wrong!? Looks good...
Hey are you gonna be in Austin for GDC?
lol don't worry jaffe the early 90's weren't kind to many of us, infact i was like 10 in 93 so i was probably still wearing neon colors!
i just saw traitor, it was ok, not great but ok
I was thinking the same as the 1st poster...thats the only thing looking good to me at the moment.
Burn After Reading looks good. It's gotten great reviews. It's directed by the Coen brothers (they directed No Country For Old Men).
Righteous kill and Burn after Reading!
Burn After Reading is a must-see, imo
no politics in this post? You've been on a roll... thought you would have mentioned something after the Palin - Gibson interview
Kudos on the Steely Dan reference in the post title, Dave. Great song from an great band that many have forgotten.
You look like a loner in that pic Jaffe
I've only been to olive garden once and I didn't think it was anything special.
Burn after reading is getting insane reviews so I'm probably gonna check that out soon.
ya, are you going to be in Austin for the GDC?
go see babylon a.d. starring vin diesel! haha
Don't go see Burn After Reading! I just saw it, holy shit wtf is with that movie? It wasn't even really a comedy. It was more of a mess. The best part were the gruesome murders. And I'll admit it though, the smile on his face before he dies, was priceless. Otherwise that movie was a waist of my time.
Did you see the nightline Sarah Palin interview David? I would love to hear what you think about it.
It's so embarrassing.
Sorry. i know this is way off subject but. Is the new Twisted Metal for PS3 gonna be Twisted Metal Harbor City, that was cancelled? i was just researching it and it looked awesome. it would be sweet to see it on PS3. and i know you haven't personally said that you're making a Twisted Metal game, but you've used codes, secrets, metaphores, and stuff to say it for you. :)
First off I love reading your blog because you somehow always make me laugh in your posts. Second, you were key in making two of my favorite video game franchises, so you sir are my personal hero.
Two things i thought you might be interested though if you end up reading this.
and for the finale
Babylon A.D. was like a bad clone of Children of Men. I admit, I went to see it because it had Vin Diesel in it. But then I got some futurist stuff and it was pretty cool...
Also Tropic Thunder, but not really a kid-friendly movie.
"you were key in making two of my favorite video game franchises"
yah, you really deserve more props for that jaffe..
not many designers can create two totally different types of games, and make them both like leagues above anything else that can even slightly compare.
but ya, you did look like a nerd back then. LOL! its all good though.
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